watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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indie roadhog, canon divergent, penned by dingus
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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indie roadhog, canon divergent, penned by dingus
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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indie roadhog, canon divergent, penned by dingus
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
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“Are all you ‘Junkers’ this incredibly stubborn?”
Moira was not built for Australian weather, and was presently sweltering. It was a wonder she had not gotten sunburned yet, as pale as she was, and the arid temperature made her temper short.
“As I have already told you, my colleagues and I are here on official business. It would be in your best interests to let us pass.”
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        “ Yeah, bunch o suits comin’ to the Outback. S’Be it, then.” He pauses, before waving his hand in a dismissive motion. “I ain’t the one ya gunna have trouble with if ya get to Junkertown, anyway. We don’t take kindly to ya type. ” 
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
open starter | from YOUNG REINHARDT
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          “ Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my privates standing at attention. ”
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
“Well I didn’t expect this to happen today.” - McCree to Symmetra, @royalmuses ( if that's OK ! )
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“ Neither did I. It is hard to expect one will be confronted with Talon agents, receive the ’aid’ of a man in a cowboy hat, and then proceed to blow up two stories of hard light construction.                                 Which was your fault, by the way. ”
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
"---and here i thought you were UNTOUCHABLE." though he TEASES, there's a look of genuine CONCERN in his eyes---though it's masked partially by the prominent RELIEF at seeing the other awake in recovery. "you're gonna have to take it easy for a few days ; medics don't want you moving around too much, afraid you might aggravate the wounds." //from jack @ anyone tbh ,, ;w;
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      Reinhardt raises a brow and turns his head slightly, groaning as he does. Everything felt numb, sore, throbbing, but not pained. He was on too much medicine right now to feel pain. At most, he felt a headache hitting his helmet one too many times. “ Taking it easy? Pah, I don’t need breaks. ” He attempts to sit up but is shot with a stabbing sensation in his gut. “ Eh..Well. Maybe for a little bit." Sometimes he needs to remind himself he’s not as young as he used to be...
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watchcver-archive-blog ¡ 5 years
muses and sex
ZARYA isn’t super casual about sex, but isn’t strict on it either. She won’t fuck on the first date, but maybe the second or third. Not very kinky, at most some ropes, but not against something else. On the kinkiness scale, a 5
REINHARDT, in his youth, was a sex god. it didn’t matter who was in his bed, or whose bed he was in. But further along in Overwatch he settled down a little more, developed closer relationships with people. Now he isn’t against random one night stands but… would prefer something closer. You can bet money he’s into pegging. Kinkiness scale 8
BASTION is an innocent pure child who doesn’t know how omnic sex works. Kinkiness -5
SYMMETRA thinks sex is extremely important and a step in a relationship that one needs to take when two people are comfortable with it, on their terms. She’s reserved for months and months of dating, and even then, she’s nervous and inexperienced. Kinkiness 1
LUCIO has had some flings, but with people he knew. The kind of guy that if he was best buddies with you and you said “hey wanna try this?” he might be up for it. Won’t hold it against you if he’s not. Kinkiness 4
BAPTISTE has had some one night stands, mostly when he’s feeling sorry for himself, but he thinks that a relationship between two people is more important and doesn’t have flings very often.Kinkiness 7
PHARAH isn’t a fan of flings, but would probably bring up sex earlier in a relationship. Maybe a month or two. Once she was comfortable with the woman she’s with. And feels they are comfortable with her. Kinkiness 3.
ROADHOG isn’t interested in sex. It’s alright, it’s a good feeling, but it isn’t a necessity. You wanna fuck? Sure, why not. No strings attached. You just have to peek his interest. And that’s sometimes hard to do. Kinkiness 6
MONDATTA has personally chosen to be celibate, but doesn’t believe people should restrict themselves or have opinions on other peoples sex lives. Before he was a monk, well…. Kinkiness 2.
THE JUNKER QUEEN can have sex with whoever she wants to, whenever she wants to, however she wants to, because most everyone wants to get into her pants. Or be in her favor by doing her a favor. Kinkiness 9
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