gdi-trevor · 9 years
hi guys lol <3 im better.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
// hey, guys. i hope you all had a great event. I’m feeling better by the day, but still want a little rest. I’m estimating I’ll be back by Saturday/Sunday. Just pretend Trevor was more active during the reunion. <333 
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
I have a double ear infection and a sinus infection so i'll be taking a semi hiatus. I'm sorry, but pain lol.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
Of course she's wrong, she's a teenager. Glad to hear it, she misses him too. Maybe they're in loooveee. Kidding, I just say that to ruffle her feathers. I'd actually cry if she was actually into boys at all. Yeah? You think it'd be good for me too, huh? Going alone seems super depressing. I'll get a co-worker or two to go with. A bunch of teachers partying in the USA. It's like nothing has changed, but also everything has changed. It made me realize how many of these people I forgot about.
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You’re not old or lame, she’s wrong. But I’ll always love her too. And I’m sure Isaac would love to have her around for the journey home. He complains enough that he never sees her. Of course it isn’t a hassle. Shush. You should do it. Definitely. You can leave the kids with us too, if you need that. Oh yeah, I’m with you on that one. I’m see people who I don’t even recognize and its odd.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
You're right about that much, everything from her. It's like she had babies with herself, honestly. Whatever you say. You thought I was great, don't deny that much. Dorky and great. 
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Your kids are wise, they must get it from their mother. And you totally are dorky; dorky then, dorky now.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
I think Tabby would love to go back with you. She's always embarrassed to be around me because I'm old and lame... 15 year old blues, but she loves her Godmother, so. Are you sure it isn't a hassle? That sounds like a lot of fun. I need to do just that over the summer, clear my head a bit and explore. Eh, it's nothing.. Just seeing familiar faces and how much everyone has changed. It's more weird than anything.
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We can take one of them back with uf if you’d like? Give you a little bit of a break? Oh, we took it as a little bit of a road trip. Set off about a week ago and stopped off here and there at places. I know. I’s surreal. Why are you uncomfortable?
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
I wouldn't say no one, there's those health nuts out there who want touch french fries. It's like they don't love themselves. I feel like all parents have that special talent, well, excluding me. I don't know what my kids are planning until they start a food fight. Very cute. Honestly never pegged you as the kid type, but it's cool. Everybody brought kids, it's intense.
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Very badass, obviously. No one could stay mad at french fries, no one is that cold hearted. That’s the trick, I know exactly what my girl is thinking, all the time. I do pray, I pray a lot. I can only hope that they pay off. I have two kids — Calum is my sixteen year old and then I have Madeline, she’s ten.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
I might take you up on that offer the next time we have to come down to Dillion at the same time for whatever reason. But driving takes even longer, I don't know how you guys can do it. It feels so weird to be back here, I didn't know I could be so uncomfortable.
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You should’ve said, we could’ve brought one of them with us. We drove down,  didn’t want to be stranded without a car whilst we were back here. But I’m good. Way too long. 
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
Pretty good. My kids almost drove me insane on that four hour plane ride, but I managed like a troop. How are you? It feels like forever since we last caught up.
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But how’s my favourite guy?
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
Oh, wow. It's you. Of course I'm happy to see you in a room without textbooks to throw at me. I admit, your aim was impeccable, I think you helped reshape my head a bit.
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Even me? —— I can still see the dent in your forehead by the way. I have to pat myself on the back again I had excellent aim. 
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
You sound just like my kids. I'm totally not dorky, Cress.
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To have gotten cooler, you would have had to have been cool in the first place. You’ve gotten dorkier since graduation.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
10th grade history, which I assume sounds totally badass. I mean, obviously... I can't stay mad at french fries even if they did in some way ruin my life and make me uncool. You're welcome. Is that really the trick? Getting inside of girls' heads was never something I was good at. The key to raising a teenage boy, however, would be to just pray because there is no secret. They are actually all evil. How many kids do you have, Iz?
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So, what do you teach? I mean, damn french fries for what they did to you, but also praise them, ‘cause — they’re french fries. I need all the luck I can get, so thank you. Oh wow, that’s gotta be tough. Girls are easier than most parents like to imagine, though. You just have to try and get inside their heads.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
That's what I would like to prevent, but it's inevitable, probably. It is pretty great. As for New York, it's nice if you like the busy lifestyle. I swear nobody there relaxes, but it does have quite a bit of sights to see. Nothing wrong with wanting to go back where you came from. 
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So you’re the reason why our kids will get fucked up in the future? Tough job, man. But you saw quite some cities, must be nice. How’s the big apple? Well yeah, although I missed Texas a lot. Hence why I’m here again
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
Not in the slightest.
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This place really just hasn’t changed has it? 
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
Heat over cold any day, my friend. It's rough. Nah, it's more to do with me being indecisive. I'm just a high school teacher. I graduated from college in Massachusetts and taught there for a few years before settling in New York.
Nice, nice. That's actually pretty cool that you got to study abroad and experience another culture.
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True, couldn’t imagine living in the cold forever. Must’ve been quite annoying. Oh, you got around quite a bit then. Work? I studied in London, went to University and worked in a hospital for a few years before I came back to Dillon.
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
I guess that's just the way life goes. I mean, honestly, I love it. I was always good at talking for hours straight, so it only seemed fitting. Damn, french fries. Sixteen, nice! Good luck with that.  I can feel your pain, I'm raising a fifteen year old daughter all alone. To say I don't have a clue what I'm doing is an understatement. 
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It seems that all teachers say that, it’s funny. That sounds like it might be the problem, curse all of those french fries. Sixteen — brilliant age, right?
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gdi-trevor · 9 years
Always gotta one up me, don’t you? I was hoping at least that had changed since graduation.
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Sorry to disappoint, but if anything I've gotten more cool since graduation.
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