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Special Session is Done. What Now?
I apologize if this message is less coherent than normal, it was a long night.   The Special Session finally ended at 3:00am today with 8 bills passed and heading to the Governor. There were 6 budget bills, 1 labor bill, and a bill to fix all the mistakes made by rushing through all the other bills (yes, really). Governor Dayton has either 3 or 14 days (depending on who you talk to, there’s a lot of confusion on this point) from when he receives the bills to either sign or veto. He also hadn’t yet received the budget bills passed during the regular session so those are also still in play (though much less controversial).   Which means there is still time to influence Dayton. Call him at 651-201-3400.   Here’s a full run down:   The best thing I can say about these bills is that they are less bad then the original Republican proposals. The GOP had to compromise considerably because the lost their majority in the Senate the last day of session (2 Senators had other obligations) and required DFL votes to pass anything. That does not mean these bills are good and some people are calling for Dayton to veto everything and start over.   From a budget standpoint, the best description I heard was that this was the type of credit card year you would normally see when we have deficits. Most things are funded for the two years, but they are funded through a mix of one time payments and money transfers that drop off a cliff after that. It’s likely this budget will take us back to structural deficits.   I’m going to say the worst bill of the bunch is the Health and Human Services bill and I encourage everyone to urge Dayton to veto this bill. The bill leaves no buffer to accommodate cuts in funding from the federal government which seem not just possible, but very likely. It completely empties the Health Care Access Fund with no way to rebuild the account and it cuts funding for MNChoices by 50%, leaving the counties with an unfunded health mandate that could lead to a 4% increase in property taxes to make up the difference. This is a program for assessing the needs and preferences of people with disabilities to recommend services and resources. This bill under-funds everything, uses a ton of one-time cash, and will cause major issues for our healthcare system. It was also being changed and negotiated right up until the last second (and well after midnight). It’s a poorly thought out, rushed, mess and it should be vetoed.   Dayton has said that he will veto the labor standards bill because of the preemption provision that would remove local control to set work policies, like minimum wage and paid leave. This was a direct attack on the progress made my workers in the Metro. The, frankly, sick part of this bill was that the GOP bundled this with continuing paid family leave for government employees. They tried to pit labor against labor but everyone is sticking together, with the unions supporting a veto at the sacrifice of their own family leave. Women who are pregnant now and were planning on taking leave will no longer be able to do so and people currently out on leave may have to come back to work early if they cannot afford to be unpaid. I cannot express how grateful I am for the government workers who stood by the side of minimum wage workers to defeat preemption. Please thank Dayton for this veto and thank the government workers who stood up to this dirty GOP tactic.   Rumor is that Dayton might veto the Government funding bill because it moves the Office of Economic Status of Women into a different department and removes its only staff member. This office has been an important part of helping legislators understand the barriers to economic success that women face throughout the state so they can make better policy decisions. The GOP also under-funded the government services forcing Dayton to choose between maintaining service levels or getting money for cyber security. He chose to maintain service levels which means there is no funding for cyber security.   People are also calling for a veto of the Education omnibus for two primary reasons: The Tier 1 licensing for teachers still does not include any requirements that the person has had any training in teaching. These licenses are not just for tech or career classes, you could have someone with no teaching skills trying to teach basic science and math fundamentals. Just because you are good at doing something yourself does not mean you can teach someone else to do it. Additionally, there appear to be attacks on collective bargaining rights for teachers (I’m not sure of the specifics). Education funding did get the 2%/2% formula increases they wanted.   The transportation bill will require the Met to raise rates to fill a funding gap. The GOP expects rate increases to make up $15 million in funding. Legislators were reporting this will still leave a $100 million funding hole and, after two year, funding drops off a cliff like in all these budgets. It also requires that any money for the Southwest Light Rail project come only from Hennepin county. The state will not pay any cost sharing for that project like they do for other light rail projects. This bill isn’t great but it is world’s better than what they started with and it’s not the worst budget by a long shot.   The last bill to pass was bonding with near unanimous support (who doesn’t like money for local projects). What I will say about this is that the DFL started up some dirty late night politics over a bike path in Bloomington (I’m not even making this up). The bonding bill includes money for paving the MN Valley Trail, part of which goes through Bloomington and would pave a currently unpaved trail used by many of the residents of that area. Paving this piece of trail appears to be very controversial in Bloomington. House Speaker Daudt changed the bonding bill to remove the paving for the piece of trail in Bloomington and some Senate DFL members went nuts. They claimed Daudt was trying to scuttle the entire $1 billion bonding bill over the bike trail to please a wealthy donor. Some blatantly accused him of “pay-to-play”. Given the well documented and reported controversy over this trail (it was not hard to find articles about it), that narrative doesn’t hold water.  Ultimately Daudt undid his change and the bill passed, but that whole episode left a bad taste in my mouth. Finally, one regular session bill is also raising quite a lot of controversy. The Public Safety omnibus includes language that would prevent the commissioner from changing any rules around driver’s licenses. This is to prevent any change that would allow for a license for undocumented immigrants to be done with a law passed by the commissioner (btw, our current state of not having licenses for undocumented immigrants is because of a rule change, not a law that went through the legislature). Throughout the special session there was sit-in at the governor’s office and some representatives went on hunger strikes in solidarity. They are calling on Dayton to veto the bill because of that poison pill.   If you made it this far you can probably understand why some people are calling for everything to be vetoed and to start over. Dayton has 14 days to decide and has said he will read the bills thoughtfully. Please let him know your thoughts, thank him for the things he has already said he would veto, and encourage him to protect the people of Minnesota from an extreme agenda that will push us back into structural deficits.   Thank you for sticking with me and for all your hard work and fighting this legislative session. We’re almost at the end, for better or for worse. When word comes out of how Dayton decides on these bills I will let you know. In the meantime, I’m going to take a couple of days off 😊   WatchYourRepsMN     ----------------- Learn more about my plans to expand WatchYourRepsMN and become a supporting member at https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn      
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What an All-Night Mess in Minnesota
The "Special Session" was a disaster. At this point 2 bills (taxes and education) passed the House. Nothing passed the Senate. And 3 of the 7 bills for the special session haven't even been release yet. Needless to say, everyone is tired and pissed. Here's what went down last night. The leaders agreed to take up 7 bills in the special session, 6 budget bills and a labor standards bill. The labor standards bill was understood to be the preemption bill that would take away the min wage and paid leave wins in the twin cities, it would be separated from budget requirements, and Dayton would veto it. Well the GOP bundled it with other policies, like continuing paid family leave for government employees in an attempt to force Dayton to sign it and everything went downhill from there. The DFL, rightfully pissed about the preemption crap (forgive my language it was a late night), started making amendments to the tax bill (something that, in theory, they weren't supposed to do) and slow-rolled everything. When I went to sleep at 5am they were still debating the tax bill. By the 7am deadline they had passed taxes and education from the House and the special session expired. What now? Now we make calls and we rally. For those that can make it, a rally is being held at the Capitol at 1pm today for various issues from the anti-immigrant language (around licenses for undocumented immigrants) in the public safety bill to changes in labor contract negotiations, the preemption language, and attacks on mass transit. Try to go. For those that cannot be there, please call House Speaker Daudt 651-296-5364, Senate Majority Leader Gazelka 651-296-4875 and Governor Dayton 651-201-3400 and tell them this process is unfair to the people of Minnesota. The GOP needs to stop playing games, produce bills that fund services, don't try to log roll controversial policies that cannot pass on their own, give legislators time to read those bills, and take votes during the day. All-nighters are for college students, not how you run a government. Tell Dayton that you support his use of the veto to protect the people of Minnesota from extreme GOP legislation being forced through in the dark. Things are fluid and twitter is really the best place to keep up on the minute to minute (the MinnPost is also doing a good job of posting frequent updates to their web site). If you're out there you can find me at @WatchYourRepsMN Hold the line! We need a fair and transparent process for these budgets. -- WatchYourRepsMN
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MN Action Alert for Week of May 15th
If this was forwarded to you and you would like to receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.
This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote.
Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose.
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder.
What to do: For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.
Omnibus Update:
Last Tuesday the GOP walked away from negotiations with the Governor and decided to pass their bills “as-is”. They passed 5 of the omnibus bills through both chambers on Tuesday. The Governor vetoed those bills, as he said he would. After Tuesday, the Senate lost its 1 seat majority due to a family emergency for one of their members so everything related to omnibus ground to a halt. It’s expected that on Monday the Senate will pass the remaining omnibus bills and send them to the Governor who will veto them. Hopefully after this little melodrama plays out they can get back to negotiations.
Call your legislators and the Governor and tell them to “just say no” to omnibus bills that under-fund state services and contain controversial policy provisions. Tell the Governor that you support him vetoing these bills even if it means a special session or a government shutdown.
You can learn more about the omnibus bills here.
Action Alerts:
Call the Governor
SF580 / HF 600 – Preemption bill that takes control to set minimum wage and other worker requirements away from cities and puts that power only at the state level. Different areas have different costs of living and different needs and should be able to set their local ordinances accordingly. There are slight differences between the House and Senate version that will go to conference committee, but both bills take away local control. Governor Dayton has indicated he will veto this bill but that he might have to sign it if it’s put into an omnibus. Please urge him to veto this preemption attempt no matter where it shows up.  
Votes in the House
While it’s not scheduled yet, Protect Minnesota reports that a Stand Your Ground gun law (HF238) will be voted on in the House this week, likely on Wednesday. Call your representatives to oppose this bill. Protect Minnesota is hosting a rally to oppose this bill at the Capitol on Wednesday. You can find more information about that event here https://www.facebook.com/events/1861568620833346/
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.
  HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803
HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803
HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation)
 HF729 - Elections Omnibus Bill. Limits the dates when a city, town or school district can hold a special election. All allowable dates are on Tuesdays eliminating any possibility for an area to decide to do a weekend election when turnout would be higher.
Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.
SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.
  SF514 - Elections Omnibus Bill. This bill contains two bad clauses. One will create a provisional ballot system in Minnesota. Since we have same day voter registration we are exempt from having a provisional ballot system. Instead of resolving voter issues on election day, voters will instead have to cast provisional ballots that may or may not be counted. This is unnecessary. The second clause would make election judge party affiliation public information. This role is non-partisan and this appears to be a change that would allow judicial decisions to be called into question for political gain.
Monday May 15th
SF1153 –  This is a health insurance reform bill that bundles some truly terrible provisions with the implementation of the state reinsurance program to force them to be accepted (in my humble opinion). This is having an informational hearing. If you want to testify contact Adam Axvig at 651.296.4175 or email at [email protected]
Allows health insurance plans to restrict coverage for preexisting conditions as long as the restriction happens when the policy is issued and the person purchasing insurance is told about it. The preexisting condition constraints can last for up to 12 months for any condition treated in the 6 months prior to applying for the insurance plan if the applicant has not maintained continuous coverage.
While the bill removes premium variability by geographic area, it adds the ability to vary premiums based on health status and lifestyle factors by up to 10% more or 50% less than the standard rate.
Adds a provision that allows insurers to cancel a policy 30 days after a missed payment. Any claims made during those 30 days do not have to be paid. Basically, if you miss a single payment they can cancel your insurance.
If you make claims against your health insurance that can be used to determine your rate when you renew. So, using your insurance could make your insurance more expensive.
Hearing Time: 10:00 am
Committee: Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy http://www.senate.mn/committees/committee_bio.php?ls=90&cmte_id=1024
Chair: Gary Dahms
Karen Housley, Dan Sparks, Roger Chamberlain, Bobby Champion, Jeff Hayden, Mark Koran, Rob Latz, Warren Limmer, Eric Pratt, Paul Utke
  Tuesday – Friday
Hearings are not yet scheduled
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I Need You to Make Some Calls About the Omnibus Bills
In the middle of the night, while most people were sleeping, the MN GOP decided to close budget negotiations and finalize omnibus conference committee bills that have largely been shaped behind closed doors. Negotiations with the Governor have been going on for less than a week and these bills still drastically under-fund essential services and are full of bad policy. These bills could get votes in the House and Senate TODAY. I need you to make some noise about this. 1. Call House Speaker Daudt (651-296-5364) and Senate Majority Leader Gazelak (651-296-4875) and tell them this is unacceptable. That you expect the legislature to negotiate with the Governor in good faith, openly and transparently, and to come up with a budget everyone can agree to without controversial policy provisions. 2. Call your Representative and Senator (Find them here) and tell them to vote NO on any budget bills that leave essential services like education, healthcare, the justice system, and transit under-funded to pay for tax cuts and that try to force through controversial policy provisions. 3. Call Governor Dayton (651-201-3400) and tell him to VETO any budget bills that leave essential services like education, healthcare, the justice system, and transit under-funded to pay for tax cuts and that try to force through controversial policy provisions. Let him know you support his veto even if it means a government shut down. Since these bills have been shaped in the dark, it's hard to know exactly what will be in them, but you can get a run down of the bad policy provisions they contained before "negotiations" started here. There's no reason to believe these have been removed. Thank you, WatchYourRepsMN -------------------- Do you find WatchYourRepsMN useful? Consider becoming a patron https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn
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MN Action Alert for Week of May 8th
If this was forwarded to you and you would like to receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.
This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote.
Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose.
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder.
What to do: For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.  
Call the Governor
SF580 / HF 600 – Preemption bill that takes control to set minimum wage and other worker requirements away from cities and puts that power only at the state level. Different areas have different costs of living and different needs and should be able to set their local ordinances accordingly. There are slight differences between the House and Senate version that will go to conference committee, but both bills take away local control. Governor Dayton is hedging on whether he will veto this bill. He says it’s complex and he needs to see it first. Please urge him to veto this bill.
 SF702/HF809 & SF704/HF812 – A couple of anti-abortion bills. The governor has indicated he will veto these bills, please call and let him know you support the veto.
  Votes in the House
  The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.  
  HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation)
 HF729 - Elections Omnibus Bill. Limits the dates when a city, town or school district can hold a special election. All allowable dates are on Tuesdays eliminating any possibility for an area to decide to do a weekend election when turnout would be higher.
   Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.  
SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams. SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.   SF1693 - Undermines enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF1395 – Similar to SF1693. Undermines enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
SF514 - Elections Omnibus Bill. This bill contains two bad clauses. One will create a provisional ballot system in Minnesota. Since we have same day voter registration we are exempt from having a provisional ballot system. Instead of resolving voter issues on election day, voters will instead have to cast provisional ballots that may or may not be counted. This is unnecessary. The second clause would make election judge party affiliation public information. This role is non-partisan and this appears to be a change that would allow judicial decisions to be called into question for political gain.
  SF445 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training required for all police officers    
Monday May 8th
HF1866 – Reorganizes the Metropolitan Council including changing its board makeup and micromanaging its expenses. Additionally, there is an anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it. This is attempt by the MN GOP to preempt the authority of the Met and control its decision making via legislation. The Senate version of this has already passed committee and is waiting for a vote. They are also putting this language in the Transportation omnibus, so they are pushing to pass this from multiple angles.
Hearing Time: Not specified. It will be whenever the chair calls the meeting after the 10am floor session
Committee: Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90027
Chair: Jim Knoblach
Bob Vogel, Lyndon Carlson, Sarah Anderson, Dave Baker, Tony Cornish, Greg Davids, Matt Dean, Bob Dettmer, Steve Drazkowski, Dan Fabian, Pat Garofalo, Bob Gunther, Rod Hamilton, Alice Hausman, Debra Hilstrom, Frank Hornstein, Tina Liebling, Jenifer Loon, Paul Marquart, Erin Murphy, Bud Nornes, Gene Pelowski, Jeanne Poppe, Paul Torkelson, Dean Urdahl, Jean Wagenius
  HF2621 (SUPPORT) – Increases penalties for female genital mutilation and allows parents and guardians to be held criminally liable.
Hearing Time: Not specified. It will be 30 minutes after the 10am floor session
Committee: Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance
Chair: Tony Cornish
Brian Johnson, Debra Hilstrom, Jamie Becker-Finn, John Considine, Raymond Dehn, Keith Franke, Matt Grossell, Jeff Howe, Kathy Lohmer, Eric Lucero, Jim Newberger, Marion O’Neill, Dave Pinto, JoAnn Ward, Zick Zerwas
  Tuesday – Friday
Nothing I’m monitoring has a hearing scheduled yet for these dates
  Omnibus Bills
 Negotiations between the GOP and the governor on the omnibus bills are happening, but for the most part meetings are not being scheduled. You can find the list of omnibus bills with bad provisions here. It can be a lot of dig through, so if you are looking for a single message than please call the governor (651-201-3400) and let him know you support a budget that fully funds programs and services and that you will not accept cuts to services to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
 Additionally, please pick an issue or two from what we know about the omnibus bills listed to talk to the governor about. If a bill isn’t listed, it’s because I have no information about the current conference committee version. You can also continue to call the members of the conference committee
Learn more about my plans to expand WatchYourRepsMN and become a supporting member at https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn
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MN Action Alert - Omnibus Bills
Last Updated 05/12/2017
The omnibus budget bills are coming out of conference committee and the GOP has requested the governor respond by Thursday. Information on exactly what is in these bills is still being compiled (some information below) but the governor could use some calls to let him know the people of MN have his back.
Please call the governor (651-201-3400) and let him know you support a budget that fully funds programs and services and that you will not accept cuts to services to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
Additionally, please pick an issue or two from what we know about the omnibus bills listed below to talk to the governor about. You can also call the members of the conference committee. This is particularly impactful if they represent you. If not, then please call the chairs.
If a bill isn’t listed, it’s because I have no information about the current conference committee version. I’ll update this list as I learn more.
HF861 – Transportation Omnibus.
I have reviewed the policy provisions in this bill. Originally this bill had a 40% cut to transit funding. The GOP have come up from that number considerably but the new funding stills leave a 2018-2019 deficit of $17.5 million. Besides the budget, this bill has two main issues:
This bill reorganizes and micromanages the Metropolitan Council. They have backed off of a lot, but are still making major changes to the Met in a budget bill.
It removes any obligation by the state to support fare subsidies for new light rail (which are the lowest of any form of public transit) unless an appropriation is passed by law for a specific project. This includes so much as adding a new stop.
I do want you to know this bill isn’t all doom and gloom. It has some good provisions to support bikeways and non-motorized transportation along with improving the safety of rail crossings where hazardous material is transported.
Chairs: Senator Scott Newman and Representative Paul Torkelson
House: Torkelson, Petersburg, Howe, Runbeck, Koznick
Senate: Newman, Jasinski, Kiffmeyer, Osmek, Sparks
  HF890 – Education Omnibus.
So far, I know this bill under-funds education (1.5% increase when the minimum needed to avoid service cuts is 2%) and eliminates voluntary pre-K.
Chairs: Senator Carla Nelson and Representative Jenifer Loon
House: Loon, Erickson, Bennett, Kresha, Murphy
Senate: Nelson, Pratt, Weber, Eichorn, Wiger
   SF1937 – Jobs Omnibus.
The provision to prevent Internet Service Providers from monitoring and selling your browsing history was removed. This provision was passed in both the House and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support (it even passed 66-1 in the Senate). It should be re-added to the bill. Additionally, this bill bans any regulation on VOIP services or IP-enabled services.
The Jobs bill also has a number of provisions that add up to a big boost for fossil fuel companies.
Requires all gas pumps to display a sign with the state and federal gas tax amounts. This is just a way to try and turn people off of gas taxes. It does nothing for jobs.
End the Made in Minnesota solar program
Changes the renewable energy development fund into a clean energy advancement fund. While there are some good specifications for what the money can be spent on, all requirements that it be spent to promote renewable energy have been removed.
Includes the language around electricity co-ops that Dayton vetoed earlier this year
Requires that Public Utilities Commission to assess economic and job factors when making decisions and, if there is any ambiguity between the best choices for them to make between jobs and environmental and other factors, requires them to choose jobs over the environment or other factors
Exempts oil and gas pipelines from certificate of need requirements
Restricts alternative pipeline routing options that can be made as part of an environmental assessment
Removes restrictions on importing or purchasing power from out of state that would increase statewide carbon dioxide emissions
Suspends all financing for energy improvements to residences until the legislature passes consumer protection legislation. I can’t tell from the bill if this is intended to help with a real problem or just to suspend these types of home improvements. I’ll keep an eye out and see if I can find more information.  
Additionally, it preempts local authority to regulate the types of bags used by retailers (basically prevents cities from banning plastic bags).
The bill reorganizes a number of committees and boards. I cannot access if these are good or bad, but I feel large changes like this should be vetted in their own bills. The organizations affected are: Workforce Development Board, Iron Range Resources Board, and the Legislative Energy Commission. Additionally the bill freezes the staff levels and administrative costs of the Housing Finance Agency at 2017 levels.
Chairs: Senator Miller, Representative Garofalo
House: Garofalo, Newberger, Hoppe, O’Neill, Mahoney
Senate: Miller, Osmek, Dahms, Anderson P, Champion
  SF605 – State Government Finance Omnibus.
Eliminates the Office of Economic Status of Women. This office creates non-partisan assessments of how legislation will impact the economic status of women. Also ends the public financing of political campaigns. Publicly financed elections are an excellent way to foster small “d” democracy. We need to counteract the influence of big money. We also need to encourage candidates to spend more time talking to constituents and less time raising money. This bill also under-funds executive offices, puts a cap on the number of employees and freezes their salaries. This is the GOP trying to micromanage the executive branch. As if that wasn’t enough, it also cuts funding to the State Demographer’s office for the 2020 census (which determines not just voting districts and seats in congress, but also access to numerous funds and services). Also, skimps on cyber-security funding.
Chairs: Representative S Anderson, Senator Kiffmeyer
House: Anderson S, O’Driscoll, Dettmer, Fenton, Nash
Senate: Kiffmeyer, Anderson B, Koran, Hall, Laine
  SF800 – Health and Human Services.
Eliminates MNSure in 2019. Cuts $482 million in funding. The bill allows non-profit HMOs to convert to for-profit businesses with little oversight or regulation while walking away with billions in assets meant for the public interest. 20% cut to family planning special project. Also includes special reporting requirements for abortions done via telemedicine. These are low risk, medically induced, early stage, abortions where the medicine is prescribed in a different location than where it is taken. This could have a chilling effect on doctors will to subscribe those medications or places will to allow patients to take them. Relaxes regulations on insurance companies. One example is allowing them to cancel your policy if you are a single day late (no more grace period).
Chairs: Senator Michelle Benson and Representative Matt Dean
House: Dean, Albright, Schomacker, Kiel, Schultz
Senate: Benson, Abeler, Housley, Utke, Lourey
   SF2214 – Higher Education Omnibus.
The version of this bill proposed by the conference committee has a harmful combination of under-funding and tuition freezes. It’s also skews funding heavily towards Minnesota State University over the University of Minnesota. The budget is only 39% of what Governor Dayton would like to see. This level of funding will make it very difficult for our university system to serve the students, but when you mix under-funding with a tuition freeze it will mean program and service cuts, larger class sizes, and staff and teacher layoffs. Additionally, Governor Dayton recommended a 60/40 split of whatever budget is negotiated between Minnesota State University and the University of Minnesota, instead this bill is an 80/20 split in favor of Minnesota State. The budget target also got even smaller in conference committee.
Chairs: Representative Nornes, Senator Fischbach
House: Nornes, Christensen, Daniels, Whelan, Omar
Senate: Fischbach, Draheim, Anderson P, Jensen, Clausen
  SF803 – Public Safety Omnibus.
Still contains provisions to use private prisons. Also, still contains the anti-protestors provisions. Allows off-duty police officers to carry weapons into private establishments (does not require them to prove they are police officers). Does not properly fund the court system.
Chairs: Senator Warren Limmer and Representative Tony Cornish
House: Cornish, Johnson, Zerwas, Scott, Hilstrom
Senate: Limmer, Anderson B, Johnson, Latz, Relph
  HF4 – Taxes Omnibus.
Uses up most of the surplus through $1.15 billion on tax cuts.  Tax cuts for the lowest tax bracket were removed from the bill. Gives tax credits for private charter school tuition.  Exempts the new soccer stadium in Saint Paul from ever paying property taxes.
There’s some good forms of relief in here too, like a student loan tax credit and expansion of the child and dependent care credit. But under-funding nearly every other part of government to pay for all these tax deductions isn’t acceptable.
Chairs: Representative Davids, Senator Chamberlain
House: Davids, Drazkowski, McDonald, Hertaus, Marquart
Senate: Chamberlain, Dahms, Miller, Senjem, Rest
  HF888 – Environmental Omnibus.
Not much info on this one yet, but the DNR commissioner said the current funding levels would lead to 100 full-time employees being laid off.
Chairs: Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen and Representative Dan Fabian
House: Fabian, Heintzeman, Swedzinski, Uglem, Ecklunc
Senate: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Westrom, Mathews, Tomassoni
0 notes
MN Action Alert for Week of May 1st
If this was forwarded to you and you would like to receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.
This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote. Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose. You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder. What to do: For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.  
Call the Governor
SF580 / HF 600 – Preemption bill that takes control to set minimum wage and other worker requirements away from cities and puts that power only at the state level. Different areas have different costs of living and different needs and should be able to set their local ordinances accordingly. There are slight differences between the House and Senate version that will go to conference committee, but both bills take away local control. Governor Dayton is hedging on whether he will veto this bill. He says it’s complex and he needs to see it first. Please urge him to veto this bill.
  Votes in the House
  The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.  
  HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation) HF1245 - Children and Family Services Omnibus. Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements.    
Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.  
SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.   SF702 – Anti-abortion bill. This one would stop state-sponsored health programs from covering an abortion even if it is medically necessary (there’s no exceptions for health of the mother, health of the fetus, rape, or incest).   SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams. SF1291 - Children and Family Services Omnibus (Senate Version). Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements. SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
 SF514 - Elections Omnibus Bill. This bill contains two bad clauses. One will create a provisional ballot system in Minnesota. Since we have same day voter registration we are exempt from having a provisional ballot system. Instead of resolving voter issues on election day, voters will instead have to cast provisional ballots that may or may not be counted. This is unnecessary. The second clause would make election judge party affiliation public information. This role is non-partisan and this appears to be a change that would allow judicial decisions to be called into question for political gain.
 SF704 - Anti-abortion bill. Create a new, and unnecessary, licensing law specifically for facilities that provide abortions. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional. The House version already passed so if this passes the Senate it will go to the Governor. Support
  SF445 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training required for all police officers    
Monday May 1st
HF888 – Environmental and Natural Resources Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting in the conference committee. A version of this bill guts the Environmental Quality Board and allows companies to draft their own environmental impact assessments. It adds loopholes to compliance with riparian buffer requirements (which protect the water supply from farm run off) and prohibits lead shot bans (I’m not a fan of bans, but I also don’t believe in taking tools of the table. Lead poisoning of raptors and scavengers is a big issue).
Hearing Time:  Unspecified
Chairs: Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen and Representative Dan Fabian
House: Fabian, Heintzeman, Swedzinski, Uglem, Ecklunc
Senate: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Westrom, Mathews, Tomassoni
  HF890 - Education Finance Omnibus. The House public information service has published a good overview of this bill http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/sessiondaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12728. House version eliminates the voluntary pre-K education program and underfunds public schools (not enough funding to keep up with projected growth).
Hearing Time: 3:00 pm (or the call of the chair)
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Carla Nelson and Representative Jenifer Loon
House: Loon, Erickson, Bennett, Kresha, Murphy
Senate: Nelson, Pratt, Weber, Eichorn, Wiger
  SF800 - Health and Human Services Omnibus bill. This bill is very large and this update will change as we learn more. Current bill delays payments to Medical Assistance providers until next fiscal year. This makes it look like they are saving money this year but they are just moving the debt to next year. This delay will negatively impact Medical Assistance providers who will have to take out loans to pay their obligations while waiting for payment from the state. Also contains cuts to hospital funding which is expected to have a negative impact particularly in rural MN. Some of the cuts also have federal matching dollars so there are ""hidden"" cuts in the budget as those funds will be lost as well. House version elminates MNSure and increases premiums in MinnesotaCare. Contains a provision to require additional reporting for abortions performed via telemedicine (early abortions where a medication is perscribed and taken at a location different than the perscribing doctor).  NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota, called the additional reporting requirements “unnecessary,” as non-surgical abortions are very safe, whether provided through telemedicine or not. They would also “(lay) the groundwork to create additional barriers”.  Includes 20% cut to Familiy Planning Special Projects fund. House public information services has an overview of their version of the bill http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/sessiondaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12743
Hearing Time: 3:00 pm (or the call of the chair)
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Michelle Benson and Representative Matt Dean
House: Dean, Albright, Schomacker, Kiel, Schultz
Senate: Benson, Abeler, Housley, Utke, Lourey
  SF803 – Public Safety Omnibus. Controversial provisions would allow the state to use for profit, private, prisons. Prisons should be focused on rehabilitation not keeping beds full to maximize profits. Also contains two anti-protestor provisions, one that increases charges for obstruction of a highway or near an airport and one for blocking transit. New penalty would be a gross misdemeanor which is up to 1 year in prison. The United States has a long history of protests based in civil disobedience, from the Boston Tea Party to Selma. A year in prison is excessive. Additionally, according to the House information service, this bill adds cannbinoids to the Schedule I drug list (which means they are addictive and have no approved medical uses). I'm not sure what impact this would have on Minnesota's medical marijuana laws, but this scheduling is simply inaccurate and not based in fact.
Hearing Time: 3:00 pm (or the call of the chair)
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Warren Limmer and Representative Tony Cornish
House: Cornish, Johnson, Zerwas, Scott, Hilstrom
Senate: Limmer, Anderson B, Johnson, Latz, Relph
  HF861 – Transportation Finance Omnibus. This cuts public transportation funds in the Twin Cities by 40%, eliminates the southwest light rail project and cuts all state funding for light-rail projects. Basically, it’s extremely hostile to public transportation. We need a good and well-funded transit system in the city to accommodate growth and mobility for people who cannot afford cars. Additionally, light rail has a lower per person subsidy than buses so it does not make financial sense to cut rail.
Hearing Time: 3:00 pm (or the call of the chair)
Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90025
Chairs: Senator Scott Newman and Representative Paul Torkelson
House: Torkelson, Petersburg, Howe, Runbeck, Koznick
Senate: Newman, Jasinski, Kiffmeyer, Osmek, Sparks
  SF1937 - Jobs and Economic Growth Omnibus Bill. The House public information services has an overview of the bill available http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/SessionDaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12724. This is a very large bill with some controversial provisions. It would change the renewable development energy fund into a general energy fund and end the Made in Minnesota solar incentives program. It also includes a preemption provision which would stop cities from banning plastic bags.
Hearing Time: 4:00 pm (or the call of the chair)
Committee: Conference Committee:
Chairs: Senator Miller, Representative Garofalo
House: Garofalo, Newberger, Hoppe, O’Neill, Mahoney
Senate: Miller, Osmek, Dahms, Anderson P, Champion
  Tuesday May 2nd
  HF707 – Legacy Funding Finance omnibus bill. Cuts 12% ($16.5 million) from the Clean Water Fund. The Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy has a detailed breakdown of these cuts and their impact http://www.mncenter.org/blog/legacy-bill-slashes-drinking-water-protection?utm_content=buffer6036f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Hearing Time: 1:00 pm
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Carrie Ruud and Representative Bob Gunther
House: Gunther, Fabian, Torkelson, Green, Lillie
Senate: Ruud, Ingebrigtsen, Senjem, Lang, Cohen
  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Meetings have not yet been scheduled
Learn more about my plans to expand WatchYourRepsMN and become a supporting member at https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn
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MN Action Alert for Week of April 24th
If you would like to receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.
This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote.
Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose.
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder.
What to do:
For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.
Call the Governor
SF580 / HF 600 – Preemption bill that takes control to set minimum wage and other worker requirements away from cities and puts that power only at the state level. Different areas have different costs of living and different needs and should be able to set their local ordinances accordingly. There are slight differences between the House and Senate version that will go to conference committee, but both bills take away local control. Governor Dayton is hedging on whether he will veto this bill. He says it’s complex and he needs to see it first. Please urge him to veto this bill.
  Votes in the House
Monday April 23rd
HF809 – Anti-abortion bill. Limits funds for even medically necessary abortions (the only type funded through the state) for anyone on a state-sponsored health plan. No exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother or viability of the fetus. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional.
HF812 – Anti-abortion bill. Create a new, and unnecessary, licensing law specifically for facilities that provide abortions. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional.
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.
 HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803
HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803
HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation)
HF1245 - Children and Family Services Omnibus. Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements.
Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.
SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.
SF702 – Anti-abortion bill. This one would stop state-sponsored health programs from covering an abortion even if it is medically necessary (there’s no exceptions for health of the mother, health of the fetus, rape, or incest).
SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF1291 - Children and Family Services Omnibus (Senate Version). Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements.
SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
SF445 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training required for all police officers
Monday April 24th
HF4 – Taxes Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting with the conference committee. Overall the tax bill almost completely wipes out the surplus with tax cuts. It also contains a controversial provision that would route tax dollars to charter schools via a tax credit for donations to foundations that provide scholarships to charter schools.
Hearing Time: 9:00 am
Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90023
Chairs: Senator Roger Chamberlain and Representative Greg Davids
House: Davids, Drazkowski, McDonald, Hertaus, Marquart
Senate: Chamberlain, Senjem, Miller, Dahms, Rest
  HF1323 - Establishes a debt limit. This could hamper the ability of the state to borrow money in a future recession or to fund large projects. Additionally, at the federal level, raising the debt limit is used as a bargaining chip by republicans to get what they want under threat of shutting down the government and defaulting on the debt. Our legislature should pass good budgets, not artificially cap borrowing capacity.
Hearing Time: 10:15 am
Committee: Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90027
Chair: Jim Knoblach
Members: Vogel, Carlson Sr, S Anderson, Baker, Cornish, Davids, Dean, Dettmer, Drazkowski, Fabian, Garofalo, Gunther, Hamilton, Hausman, Hilstrom, Hornstein, Liebling, Loon, Marquart, Murphy, Nornes, Pelowski, Poppe, Torkelson, Urdahl, Wagenius
  SF1937 - Jobs and Economic Growth Omnibus Bill. The House public information services has an overview of the bill available http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/SessionDaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12724. This is a very large bill with some controversial provisions. It would change the renewable development energy fund into a general energy fund and end the Made in Minnesota solar incentives program. It also includes a preemption provision which would stop cities from banning plastic bags.
Hearing Time: 12:30 pm
Committee: Conference Committee:
Chairs: Senator Miller, Representative Garofalo
House: Garofalo, Newberger, Hoppe, O’Neill, Mahoney
Senate: Miller, Osmek, Dahms, Anderson P, Champion
  HF3 – REAL ID. This is in conference committee. The House version contains the anti-immigrant “lawful status” provision that would make it so the state cannot issues driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants. The Senate version does not contain this language. REAL ID needs to pass in order for MN driver’s license to be compliant with federal regulations. If it doesn’t, you won’t be able to use it to fly starting in Jan 2018. The issue of driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants should not be part of this bill. Push for a clean REAL ID bill (the Senate version).
Hearing Time: 1300 pm
Committee: Conference https://www.leg.state.mn.us/leg/cc/#HF0003-SF0166
Chairs: Senator Eric Pratt and Representative Dennis Smith
Senate: Pratt, Newman, Rest
House: Smith, Torkelson, Pelowski
  Tuesday April 25th
SF803 – Public Safety Omnibus. Controversial provisions would allow the state to use for profit, private, prisons. Prisons should be focused on rehabilitation not keeping beds full to maximize profits. Also contains two anti-protestor provisions, one that increases charges for obstruction of a highway or near an airport and one for blocking transit. New penalty would be a gross misdemeanor which is up to 1 year in prison. The United States has a long history of protests based in civil disobedience, from the Boston Tea Party to Selma. A year in prison is excessive. Additionally, according to the House information service, this bill adds cannbinoids to the Schedule I drug list (which means they are addictive and have no approved medical uses). I'm not sure what impact this would have on Minnesota's medical marijuana laws, but this scheduling is simply inaccurate and not based in fact.
Hearing Time: 10:00 am
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Warren Limmer and Representative Tony Cornish
House: Cornish, Johnson, Zerwas, Scott, Hilstrom
Senate: Limmer, Anderson B, Johnson, Latz, Relph
  HF888 – Environmental and Natural Resources Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting in the conference committee. A version of this bill guts the Environmental Quality Board and allows companies to draft their own environmental impact assessments. It adds loopholes to compliance with riparian buffer requirements (which protect the water supply from farm run off) and prohibits lead shot bans (I’m not a fan of bans, but I also don’t believe in taking tools of the table. Lead poisoning of raptors and scavengers is a big issue).
Hearing Time: 1:00 pm
Chairs: Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen and Representative Dan Fabian
House: Fabian, Heintzeman, Swedzinski, Uglem, Ecklunc
Senate: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Westrom, Mathews, Tomassoni
  HF861 – Transportation Finance Omnibus. This cuts public transportation funds in the Twin Cities by 40%, eliminates the southwest light rail project and cuts all state funding for light-rail projects. Basically, it’s extremely hostile to public transportation. We need a good and well-funded transit system in the city to accommodate growth and mobility for people who cannot afford cars. Additionally, light rail has a lower per person subsidy than buses so it does not make financial sense to cut rail.
Hearing Time: 3:00 pm
Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90025
Chairs: Senator Scott Newman and Representative Paul Torkelson
House: Torkelson, Petersburg, Howe, Runbeck, Koznick
Senate: Newman, Jasinski, Kiffmeyer, Osmek, Sparks
  Wednesday April 26th
SF704 – Anti-abortion bill. Creates new, unnecessary, licensing requirements for facilities that provide abortion services.
SF514 - Elections Omnibus Bill. This bill contains two bad clauses. One will create a provisional ballot system in Minnesota. Since we have same day voter registration we are exempt from having a provisional ballot system. Instead of resolving voter issues on election day, voters will instead have to cast provisional ballots that may or may not be counted. This is unnecessary. The second clause would make election judge party affiliation public information. This role is non-partisan and this appears to be a change that would allow judicial decisions to be called into question for political gain.
Hearing Time: 8:30 am
Committee: Finance
Chair: Rosen
Members: Fischbach, Cohen, Benson, Champion, Eaton, Ingebrigtsen, Limmer, Lourey, Marty, Nelson, Newman, Westrom
HF4 – Taxes Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting with the conference committee. Overall the tax bill almost completely wipes out the surplus with tax cuts. It also contains a controversial provision that would route tax dollars to charter schools via a tax credit for donations to foundations that provide scholarships to charter schools.
Hearing Time: 9:30 am
Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90023
Chairs: Senator Roger Chamberlain and Representative Greg Davids
House: Davids, Drazkowski, McDonald, Hertaus, Marquart
Senate: Chamberlain, Senjem, Miller, Dahms, Rest
SF803 – Public Safety Omnibus. Controversial provisions would allow the state to use for profit, private, prisons. Prisons should be focused on rehabilitation not keeping beds full to maximize profits. Also contains two anti-protestor provisions, one that increases charges for obstruction of a highway or near an airport and one for blocking transit. New penalty would be a gross misdemeanor which is up to 1 year in prison. The United States has a long history of protests based in civil disobedience, from the Boston Tea Party to Selma. A year in prison is excessive. Additionally, according to the House information service, this bill adds cannbinoids to the Schedule I drug list (which means they are addictive and have no approved medical uses). I'm not sure what impact this would have on Minnesota's medical marijuana laws, but this scheduling is simply inaccurate and not based in fact.
Hearing Time: 10:00 am
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Warren Limmer and Representative Tony Cornish
House: Cornish, Johnson, Zerwas, Scott, Hilstrom
Senate: Limmer, Anderson B, Johnson, Latz, Relph
SF1937 - Jobs and Economic Growth Omnibus Bill. The House public information services has an overview of the bill available http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/SessionDaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12724. This is a very large bill with some controversial provisions. It would change the renewable development energy fund into a general energy fund and end the Made in Minnesota solar incentives program. It also includes a preemption provision which would stop cities from banning plastic bags.
Hearing Time: 4:00 pm
Committee: Conference Committee:
Chairs: Senator Miller, Representative Garofalo
House: Garofalo, Newberger, Hoppe, O’Neill, Mahoney
Senate: Miller, Osmek, Dahms, Anderson P, Champion
Thursday April 27th
  HF888 – Environmental and Natural Resources Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting in the conference committee. A version of this bill guts the Environmental Quality Board and allows companies to draft their own environmental impact assessments. It adds loopholes to compliance with riparian buffer requirements (which protect the water supply from farm run off) and prohibits lead shot bans (I’m not a fan of bans, but I also don’t believe in taking tools of the table. Lead poisoning of raptors and scavengers is a big issue).
Hearing Time: 8:30 am
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen and Representative Dan Fabian
House: Fabian, Heintzeman, Swedzinski, Uglem, Ecklunc
Senate: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Westrom, Mathews, Tomassoni
  HF890 - Education Finance Omnibus. The House public information service has published a good overview of this bill http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/sessiondaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12728. House version eliminates the voluntary pre-K education program and underfunds public schools (not enough funding to keep up with projected growth).
Hearing Time: 8:30 am
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Carla Nelson and Representative Jenifer Loon
House: Loon, Erickson, Bennett, Kresha, Murphy
Senate: Nelson, Pratt, Weber, Eichorn, Wiger
  HF707 – Legacy Funding Finance omnibus bill. Cuts 12% ($16.5 million) from the Clean Water Fund. The Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy has a detailed breakdown of these cuts and their impact http://www.mncenter.org/blog/legacy-bill-slashes-drinking-water-protection?utm_content=buffer6036f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Hearing Time: 1:00 pm
Committee: Conference Committee
Chairs: Senator Carrie Ruud and Representative Bob Gunther
House: Gunther, Fabian, Torkelson, Green, Lillie
Senate: Ruud, Ingebrigtsen, Senjem, Lang, Cohen
HF861 – Transportation Finance Omnibus. This cuts public transportation funds in the Twin Cities by 40%, eliminates the southwest light rail project and cuts all state funding for light-rail projects. Basically, it’s extremely hostile to public transportation. We need a good and well-funded transit system in the city to accommodate growth and mobility for people who cannot afford cars. Additionally, light rail has a lower per person subsidy than buses so it does not make financial sense to cut rail.
Hearing Time: 3:00 pm
Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90025
Chairs: Senator Scott Newman and Representative Paul Torkelson
House: Torkelson, Petersburg, Howe, Runbeck, Koznick
Senate: Newman, Jasinski, Kiffmeyer, Osmek, Sparks
Meetings have not yet been scheduled for Friday
Learn more about my plans to expand WatchYourRepsMN and become a supporting member at https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn
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Support WatchYourRepsMN
I started WatchYourRepsMN to help others stay up to date on what was happening in Minnesota politics from a progressive standpoint. It started as a twitter feed, evolved into weekly (and sometimes tri-weekly!) action alerts, and expanded to help support activist groups throughout Minnesota. But there's so much more I want to do! Through your support I can focus on making the Minnesota State Legislator accessible to people full-time.
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At even $1 a month you’ll have access to patron only content and the Watchers Forum where you can ask me questions and connect with other watchers. 
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Thank you for your support!
Jaime @WatchYourRepsMN
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MN Action Alert for April 17th
If you would like to receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.   Updates: HF812 – Anti-abortion bill added to Wednesday SF800 – Health and Human Services Omnibus added to Wednesday HF890 – Education Finance Omnibus added to Wednesday HF888 – Environmental Omnibus added to Wednesday HF004 – Taxes Omnibus added to Wednesday HF861 – Transportation Finance Omnibus added to Wednesday SF803 – Public Safety Omnibus added to Thursday SF605 – State Government Finance Omnibus added to Friday   This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote. Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose. You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder. With the holiday not many meetings have been schedule yet. When the legislators get back Tuesday I expect schedules to start filling up quickly. There’s only about a month left to the legislative session and a lot of work to do. What to do: For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.  
Votes in the House
  The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.   Oppose   HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation) HF809 – Anti-abortion bill. Limits funds for even medically necessary abortions (the only type funded through the state) for anyone on a state-sponsored health plan. No exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother or viability of the fetus. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional. HF1245 - Children and Family Services Omnibus. Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements.  
Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.   Oppose   SF580 – Anti-worker law that would prevent cities and localities from setting their own min wage, family leave policies, etc. This will undo the recent min wage increase approved in Minneapolis.   SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.   SF702 – Anti-abortion bill. This one would stop state-sponsored health programs from covering an abortion even if it is medically necessary (there’s no exceptions for health of the mother, health of the fetus, rape, or incest).   SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams. SF1291 - Children and Family Services Omnibus (Senate Version). Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements. SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it. Support   SF445 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training required for all police officers    
Wednesday April 19th
HF707 – Legacy Funding Finance omnibus bill. The House bill passed and was sent to the Senate where they will take it up in committee. This version of the bill cuts 12% ($16.5 million) from the Clean Water Fund. Push to retain that funding Hearing Time: 8:30am Committee: Finance http://www.senate.mn/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1007&ls= Chair: Julie Rosen Members: Michelle Fischbach, Richard Cohen, Michelle Benson, Bill Ingebrigtsen, John Marty, Torrey Westrom, Bobby Champion, Warren Limmer, Carla Nelson, Chris Eaton, Tony Lourey, Scott Newman   SF800 – Health and Human Service Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting for the conference committee. We want to ensure the following things do not end up in the bill: 1. Delayed payments to Medical Assistance providers to make it look like money was saved this year. The delay will cause a hardship for providers who may have to borrow money to cover costs while waiting to be paid. 2. Cuts to hospital funding expected to have a particularly negative impact in rural MN 3. Elimination of MNSure 4. Increased premiums for MinnesotaCare Hearing time: 10:00am Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90012 Chairs: Senator Michelle Benson and Representative Matt Dean Members: House: Dean, Schomacker, Kiel, Albright, Schultz Senate: Benson, Abeler, Housley, Utke, Lourey   HF890 – Education Finance Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting in the conference committee. One version of the bill eliminates the pre-K program and underfunds public education. We want a fully funded pre-k program and education funding to keep up with projected growth. Hearing Time: 11:30 am Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90006 Chairs: Representative Jenifer Loon and Senator Carla Nelson Members: House: Loon, Erickson, Kresha, Bennett, Murphy M Senate: Nelson, Pratt, Weber, Eichorn, Wiger   HF888 – Environmental and Natural Resources Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting in the conference committee. A version of this bill guts the Environmental Quality Board and allows companies to draft their own environmental impact assessments. It adds loopholes to compliance with riparian buffer requirements (which protect the water supply from farm run off) and prohibits lead shot bans (I’m not a fan of bans, but I also don’t believe in taking tools of the table. Lead poisoning of raptors and scavengers is a big issue). Hearing Time: 1:00 pm Chairs: Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen and Representative Dan Fabian Members: House: Fabian, Heintzeman, Swedzinski, Uglem, Ecklunc Senate: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Westrom, Mathews, Tomassoni   HF812 – Anti-abortion bill. Attempts to shut down abortion facilities by requiring them to be licensed similar to an outpatient surgery center, including random, no notice, inspections. Also includes a fee of $3,712 annually. Hearing Time: 2:00 pm Committee: Ways and Means (generally the last stop before a floor vote) http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90027 Chair: Jim Knoblach Members: Bob Vogel, Lyndon Carlson, Sarah Anderson, Dave Baker, Tony Cornish, Greg Davids, Matt Dean, Bob Dettmer, Steve Drazkowski, Dan Fabian, Pat Garofalo, Bob Gunther, Rod Hamilton, Alice Hausman, Debra Hilstrom, Frank Hornstein, Tina Liebling, Jenifer Loon, Paul Marquart, Erin Murphy, Bud Nornes, Gene Pelowski, Jeanne Poppe, Paul Torkelson, Dean Urdahl, Jean Wagenius   HF004 – Taxes Omnibus. This is a walk-through meeting with the conference committee. Overall the tax bill almost completely wipes out the surplus with tax cuts. It also contains a controversial provision that would route tax dollars to charter schools via a tax credit for donations to foundations that provide scholarships to charter schools. Hearing Time: 3:00 pm Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90023 Chairs: Senator Roger Chamberlain and Representative Greg Davids Members: House: Davids, Drazkowski, McDonald, Hertaus, Marquart Senate: Chamberlain, Senjem, Miller, Dahms, Rest   HF861 – Transportation Finance Omnibus. This cuts public transportation funds in the Twin Cities by 40%, eliminates the southwest light rail project and cuts all state funding for light-rail projects. Basically, it’s extremely hostile to public transportation. We need a good and well-funded transit system in the city to accommodate growth and mobility for people who cannot afford cars. Additionally, light rail has a lower per person subsidy than buses so it does not make financial sense to cut rail. Hearing Time: 3:30 pm Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90025 Chairs: Senator Scott Newman and Representative Paul Torkelson Members: House: Torkelson, Petersburg, Howe, Runbeck, Koznick Senate: Newman, Jasinski, Kiffmeyer, Osmek, Sparks  
Thursday April 20th
HF890 – Education Finance Omnibus. One version of the bill eliminates the pre-K program and under funds public education. We want a fully funded pre-k program and education funding to keep up with projected growth. Hearing Time: 1:00 pm Committee: Conference Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90006 Chairs: Representative Jenifer Loon and Senator Carla Nelson Members: House: Loon, Erickson, Kresha, Bennett, Murphy M Senate: Nelson, Pratt, Weber, Eichorn, Wiger   SF803 – Public Safety Omnibus. Controversial provisions would allow the state to use for profit, private, prisons. Prisons should be focused on rehabilitation not keeping beds full to maximize profits. Also contains two anti-protestor provisions, one that increases charges for obstruction of a highway or near an airport and one for blocking transit. New penalty would be a gross misdemeanor which is up to 1 year in prison. The United States has a long history of protests based in civil disobedience, from the Boston Tea Party to Selma. A year in prison is excessive. Additionally, according to the House information service, this bill adds cannabinoids to the Schedule I drug list (which means they are addictive and have no approved medical uses). I'm not sure what impact this would have on Minnesota's medical marijuana laws, but this scheduling is simply inaccurate and not based in fact. Hearing Time: 2:00 pm Committee: Conference Committee Chairs: Senator Warren Limmer and Representative Tony Cornish Members: House: Cornish, Johnson, Zerwas, Scott, Hilstrom Senate: Limmer, Anderson B, Johnson, Latz, Relph
Friday April 21st
SF605 – State Government Finance Omnibus. Contains several bad clauses. First, when the legislature is not in session, currently if they do not make a ruling on a collective bargaining agreement within 30 days that agreement will automatically be approved. Now they have to wait until the committee actually approves the agreement which could delay this for months. Second, limits the number of full-time equivalent employees in all executive branch agencies to 31,691. The number of employees should be flexible with the amount of work that need to be done, not some arbitrary cap that may shorthand agencies and make it harder for them to perform their jobs and serve the community. This is a list of state agencies that fall under the executive branch http://mn.gov/portal/government/state/agencies-boards-commissions/. Third, eliminates the campaign subsidy program that been financing elections for 25 years. Without subsidies candidates will have to rely on money from special interest groups. Finally, allows legislators to block regulatory rules for vague reasons like "unduly burdensome" or because a rule is more strict than the federal one. Hearing Time: 10:00am Committee: Conference committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90021 Chairs: Senator Mary Kiffmeyer and Representative Sarah Anderson Members: House: Anderson S, Dettmer, Fenton, Nash, O’Driscoll Senate: Kiffmeyer, Anderson B, Hall, Koran, Laine  
0 notes
MN Action Alert for April 3
To receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.
This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote.
Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose.
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder.
A word on omnibus bills:
When an omnibus bill is listed below I am only highlighting areas of concern. There are a lot of good changes in the various omnibus bills, but due to their large size and complexity listing everything good about them would get too lengthy. These bills are also changing frequently and are quite large, so it is very likely I have missed things. Additionally, unless a member of congress has raised concerns about the budget aspects of a bill, these action alerts are limited to policy changes in the bill. This is because I do not have the expertise on the MN state budget to make an independent judgement on budget issues. I appreciate your understanding on these large bills.
So, without further ado, this is what you should be talking to your legislators about this week.
What to do:
For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.
Passed Both Chambers of Congress
HF5/SF720 - has passed both the house and the senate. This bill creates a state reinsurance program (this is where you basically insure the insurance companies to create a larger risk pool). The concept is novel for trying to stabilize an insurance market, so there is limited data on effectiveness and the current bill takes the money for this from MinnesotaCare to the tune of about $600 million
Governor Dayton has announced that he will decide on this bill on Monday. Some groups are calling for a veto of this bill as it does not guarantee lower rates nor that insurance companies will stay in the individual market and the cost is $542 million for two years. I, personally, am not calling for a veto of this bill. While I am very concerned that $400 million of that price tag is coming from the Health Access Fund (which pays for Minnesota Care), the individual insurance market in Minnesota is struggling and the concept of reinsurance is solid. There are better and cheaper options, but I don’t think they can pass a Republican controlled congress. This, very expensive, band-aid might be the what we can do for now. Let’s vote them out in 2018.
Votes in the House
Monday April 3rd
SF803 (they will be voting on the senate bill number) - Contains two anti-protestor provisions, one that increases charges for obstruction of a highway or near an airport and one for blocking transit. New penalty would be a gross misdemeanor which is up to 1 year in prison. The United States has a long history of protests based in civil disobedience, from the Boston Tea Party to Selma. A year in prison is excessive. Also contains a provision that would allow the state to use for profit, private, prisons. Prisons should be focused on rehabilitation not keeping beds full to maximize profits
Tuesday April 4th
HF707 - Legacy Funding Finance omnibus bill. Cuts 12% ($16.5 million) from the Clean Water Fund. The Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy has a detailed breakdown of these cuts and their impact
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.
HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803
HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803
HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation)
HF809 – Anti-abortion bill. Limits funds for even medically necessary abortions (the only type funded through the state) for anyone on a state-sponsored health plan. No exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother or viability of the fetus. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional.
HF1245 - Children and Family Services Omnibus. Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements.
Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.
SF580 – Anti-worker law that would prevent cities and localities from setting their own min wage, family leave policies, etc. This will undo the recent min wage increase approved in Minneapolis.
SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.
SF702 – Anti-abortion bill. This one would stop state-sponsored health programs from covering an abortion even if it is medically necessary (there’s no exceptions for health of the mother, health of the fetus, rape, or incest).
SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF1291 - Children and Family Services Omnibus (Senate Version). Contains many changes to SNAP benefits and the work training program requirements. Makes work training voluntary but limits those who do not do work training to 3 months of benefits in every 3 years. This wouldn't be too bad but it also removes several exemptions to work training including those 55+, students, people in treatment, and the working poor (people already employed 30+ hours a week). Under the new bill only the disabled, under 18, and those with dependents are exempt from work training requirements. These other groups should still be exempt from work training requirements.
SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
SF800 - Health and Human Services Omnibus bill. This bill is very large and this update will change as we learn more. Current bill delays payments to Medical Assistance providers until next fiscal year. This makes it look like they are saving money this year but they are just moving the debt to next year. This delay will negatively impact Medical Assistance providers who will have to take out loans to pay their obligations while waiting for payment from the state. Also contains cuts to hospital funding which is expected to have a negative impact particularly in rural MN. Some of the cuts also have federal matching dollars so there are "hidden" cuts in the budget as those funds will be lost as well. House version eliminates MNSure and increases premiums in MinnesotaCare. House public information services has an overview of their version of the bill http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/sessiondaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12743
HF4 (senate will be voting on the house bill number) - Tax Omnibus Bill. The House public information service has a good write up on the tax bill http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/SessionDaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12721. Overall the tax bill almost completely wipes out the surplus with tax cuts. It also contains a controversial provision that would route tax dollars to charter schools via a tax credit for donations to foundations that provide scholarships to charter schools.
SF445 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training required for all police officers
Hearings on Monday, April 3rd
HF2209 – Jobs and Economic Growth Omnibus Bill.The House public information services has an overview of the bill available http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/SessionDaily/SDView.aspx?StoryID=12724. This is a very large bill with some controversial provisions. It would change the renewable development energy fund into a general energy fund and end the Made in Minnesota solar incentives program. It also includes a preemption provision which would stop cities from banning plastic bags.
HF691 - State government finance policy and elections omnibus finance bill. Contains several bad clauses. First, when the legislature is not in session, currently if they do not make a ruling on a collective bargaining agreement within 30 days that agreement will automatically be approved. Now they have to wait until the committee actually approves the agreement which could delay this for months. Second, limits the number of full-time equivalent employees in all executive branch agencies to 31,691. The number of employees should be flexible with the amount of work that need to be done, not some arbitrary cap that may shorthand agencies and make it harder for them to perform their jobs and serve the community. This is a list of state agencies that fall under the executive branch http://mn.gov/portal/government/state/agencies-boards-commissions/. Third, eliminates the campaign subsidy program that been financing elections for 25 years. Without subsidies candidates will have to rely on money from special interest groups. Finally, allows legislators to block regulatory rules for vague reasons like "unduly burdensome" or because a rule is stricter than the federal one.
Hearing Time: At the call of the chair Committee: Ways and Means Chair: Jim Knoblach Members: Bob Vogel, Lyndon Carlson Sr, Sarah Anderson, Dave Baker, Tony Cornish, Greg Davids, Matt Dean, Bob Dettmer, Steve Drazkowski, Dan Fabian, Pat Garofalo, Bob Gunther, Rob Hamilton, Alice Hausman, Debra Hilstrom, Frank Hornstein, Tina Liebling, Jenifer Loon, Paul Marquart, Erin Murphy, Bud Nornes, Gene Pelowski, Jeanne Poppe, Paul Torkelson, Dean Urdahl, Jean Wagenius
Hearings on Tuesday - Friday
No priority bills have been schedule yet for Tuesday - Friday, but agendas are changing frequently right now so I’ll keep an eye out and send an update as needed.
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An Omnibus Recap
I know this has been a busy, and confusing, couple of weeks for omnibus bills. The process these follow is a bit convoluted so I wanted to send a recap of what has happened, the current state of things, and what might happen next. The bills can bounce back and forth between the Senate and House a bit and if they cannot agree on a version it will go to a conference committee. Due to the size of these bills (and there only being one of me) I do not yet know which terrible provisions are still in which bills.
Taxes Omnibus The House passed their version, HF4, which was transmitted to the Senate. The Senate deleted all of the language of that bill and replaced it with the language from their version, SF2255. The senate has not yet voted on SF2255, if it passes it will go back to the house for a final vote.
Higher Education Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF2214, and it was sent to the House Ways and Means committee where the language replaced the House version, HF2477. The House added some amendments to SF2214 and it has a floor vote in the House scheduled for Tuesday April 4th.
Jobs Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF1937, and it was sent to the House Ways and Means committee where the language replaced the House version, HF2209. It is still in that committee. It might be amended to include some language from the House version.
Public Safety Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF803, and it was sent to the House Ways and Means committee where the language replaced the House version, HF896. The House added some amendments to SF803 and it has a floor vote in the House scheduled for Monday April 3rd.
Agriculture Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF780, and it was sent to the House. The House replaced the text of their bill, HF0895, with the language from the Senate and this bill is waiting for a vote.
Education Omnibus The House passed their version, HF890, today. The Senate has not yet passed their version, SF718. It’s likely the House version will be sent to the Senate where it will be deleted and replaced with the Senate language and may be amended to include some provisions from the House version.  
Environmental Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF723, then immediately tabled it. The House passed their version, HF888. Based on the tabling of SF723, I believe the Senate will adopt the language from the House version.
Transportation Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF1060, then immediately tabled it. The House passed their version, HF861. Based on the tabling of SF1060, I believe the Senate will adopt the language from the House version.
Legacy Funding Omnibus The House version is HF707 has a vote scheduled for Tuesday April 4th. The Senate versions, SF566, is still in committee.
Government Operations Omnibus The Senate passed their version, SF605, and sent it to the House Ways and Means committee. The Senate language will replace the current House language, HF691. The bill might be amended to add some of the language from the House bill. Additionally, the Veterans omnibus in the Senate (SF1316) was added to SF605 before it passed.
Health and Human Services The House version, HF945, is still in committee. The Senate version, SF800, is waiting for a vote.
Elections Omnibus The House version, HF729, is waiting for a vote. The Senate version, SF514, is in committee.  
I also wanted to send an update on the reinsurance bill. It left the conference committee, was passed by both chambers of congress, and Governor Dayton has announced that he will decide on this bill on Monday. Some groups are calling for a veto of this bill as it does not guarantee lower rates nor that insurance companies will stay in the individual market and the cost is $542 million for two years. I, personally, am not calling for a veto of this bill. While I am very concerned that $400 million of that price tag is coming from the Health Access Fund (which pays for Minnesota Care), the individual insurance market in Minnesota is struggling and the concept of reinsurance is solid. There are better and cheaper options, but I don’t think they can pass a Republican controlled congress. This, very expensive, band-aid might be the what we can do for now. Let’s vote them out in 2018.  
Hopefully this helps make a little sense of this last week! -- WatchYourRepsMN
1 note · View note
Bills to Support
Last Updated: 5/14/2017
This is a full list of bills that have been introduced that hit my radar as ones you should support as a MN progressive.
For each alert check the linked member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad).
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number.
In addition to calling your reps if they are on these committees / authors, you can also encourage your representatives to sign onto bills as authors. 
HF59 – De-escalation training for police officers
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Johnson S, Lien, Loeffler, Lee, Thissen, Slocum, Bly, Lien (1/9), Loeffler (1/9), Lee (1/9), Thissen (1/11), Slocum (1/11), Bly (2/2)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF464
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Hawj, Dziedzic, Champion, Marty (3/16)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF92 – Allow people to buy-in to the MinnesotaCare health plan
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors:   Johnson, C., Liebling, Murphy, E., Schultz, Considine, Moran, Loeffler, Hausman, Hornstein, Freiberg, Lien, Olson, Ecklund, Dehn, R., Poppe, Koegel, Fischer, Slocum, Johnson, S., Bernardy, Mahoney, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Wagenius, Nelson, Murphy, M., Masin, Flanagan, Hansen, Lillie, Clark, Omar, Bly, Lee, Mariani (1/30)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF58
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Lourey, Hayden, Rest, Wiklund, Klein (1/11)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF96 – Makes it harder to opt-out of vaccinations
Minnesota currently has pockets of low immunization rates in schools--these low rates could spark disease outbreaks and threaten the most vulnerable children in our schools. HF96 replaces the easy-to-obtain notary signature with a doctor's signature. This "informed refusal" bill requires parents have a conversation with a doctor about the risks of refusing vaccines before opting out of school entry vaccine requirements.
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Freiberg, Uglem, Carlson, L., Kunesh-Podein, Halverson, Loeffler, Davnie, Slocum, Metsa, Schultz, Bernardy, Murphy, E., Ward, Fischer, Liebling, Youakim, Carlson, A.,  Youakim (1/17), Carlson A (1/17), Dehn R (3/14), Flanagan (5/10)
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill Senate Bill SF143
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Eaton, Marty, Hawj, Wiklund
Committee: Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF116 – Affirmative consent standards in campus sexual assault policies required, sexual violence grant program established, consent curriculum and sexual violence protection funding provided, and money appropriated.
As we saw with the recent Gopher’s Football team, sexual assault on campus is still a problem in need of focus
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Reps. Murphy E, Omar, Flanagan, Becker-Finn, Hortman, Freiberg, Masin, Kunesh-Podein, Pinto, Ecklund (1/11), Lee (1/11), Clark (1/17), Olson (1/30), Bly (2/2), Schultz (2/9), Dehn (3/14)
Committee: Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90016
Companion Senate Bill: SF145
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Schoen, Pappas, Latz
Committee: Higher Education Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3097&ls=90
 HF119 – Decreasing property taxes for disabled veterans
We should help our veterans any way we can
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Dettmer, Howe (1/11), Poston (1/23) Davids (1/23), Lueck (1/26), Barr R (2/9), Pugh (2/27), Heintzeman (3/27), Pierson (3/28)
Status: Passed hearing and referred to Taxes Committee. Referred by Chair of Taxes to the Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Companion Senate Bill: SF84
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Lang, Anderson B, Nelson, Jasinski, Housley
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bill HF4
 HF142 – Legislatures can request legislation has a disparity impact analysis to asses increases and decreases in economic, employment, health, education, or public safety outcomes between the population as a whole and groups defined by race, gender and geography
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Thissen, Davnie (1/12), Dehn R (1/12), Lee (1/12), Mahoney (1/12), Slocum (1/12), Johnson S (2/1), Schultz (2/2), Pinto (2/2), Bly (2/2), Maye Quade (2/9)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF295
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Hayden, Marty, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF155 – Allow tax deductions for individual insurance and out of pocket medical expenses
Doesn’t help people who are too poor to pay taxes, but solid concept for middle class.
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Gruenhagen, Davids, Howe (1/12)
Status: Passed committee and referred to Taxes http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
 HF189 – Constitutional Amendment for Gender Equality
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Authors: Omar, Clark (1/17), Dehn R (1/17), Bly (2/2), Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Considine (3/13), Hansen (3/13), Murphy E (3/13)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011    
Companion Senate Bill: SF224
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Cohen, Dziedzic, Pappas, Klein, Franzen (1/26)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90        
 HF239 – Wage theft protection, paid family medical leave and earned sick time
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Author: Thissen, Moran (1/17), Omar (1/17), Slocum (1/19), Lee (1/23), Clark (1/23), Schultz (2/2), Bernardy (2/2), Johnson S (2/2), Bly (2/2), Hausman (2/2), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Committee: Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90017
 HF245 - Automatic voter registration
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Shultz, Hansen, Ecklund, Freiberg, Johnson C, Nelson, Mahoney, Sundin, Lesch, Omar, Bly, Olson, Koegel, Flanagan, Lien (1/19), Lee (1/19), Maye Quade (1/19), Dehn (1/19), Youakim (1/19), Allen (1/19), Liebling (2/16), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Committee: Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF323
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Laine, Marty, Carlson, Hayden, Klein
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee where it was laid over for consideration for an omnibus bill  http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF261 - will add training in de-escalation techniques for community safety officers
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: O'Driscoll, Dettmer, Rosenthal, Bliss, Howe, Freiberg, Lee, Franke, Lohmer added (1/19), Poston, Davids added (1/23), Becker-Finn, Johnson B, Lueck added (1/26), Ward (2/22), Nornes (2/23/), Pugh (2/27), Christensen (3/6)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF322
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Fischbach, Ingebrigtsen, Anderson B, Schoen (2/2) , Rudd (2/9)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF270 – Tax credits for hiring veterans
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Franke, Dettmer, Bliss, Lesch, Lee, Jurgens, Ward,Maye Quade (1/19), Howe (1/19), Lohmer (1/19), Erickson (2/9), Pugh (2/27), Christensen (3/6)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF484
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Goggin, Housley, Anderson B, Lang, Hall
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF275 - Creates a health and climate change resiliency plan for Minnesota.
Regardless of whether someone thinks current climate change in man-made (it is, btw) it is happening and it is only common sense to plan for the impacts.
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Bly
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF1269
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF277 - Constitutional amendment to declare access to certain health services a human right
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Bly
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90012
 HF303 - Undo a preemption law that prevents the regulation of pesticides.
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Author: Davnie
Committee: Agriculture Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90002
Companion Senate Bill SF431
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Dibble, Hawj
Committee: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3089&ls=90
 HF312 – Prohibits employment discrimination based on current employee status
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Moran (1/19)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill SF185
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Dibble, Mary, Dziedzic
Committee: Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF313 - Constitutional amendment for gender equality
Be sure to tell your reps this must include gender identity, not just biological gender assigned at birth
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Schultz (2/9), Considine (3/13), Hansen (3/13)
Committee: Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF101
Introduced 1/12/2017
Authors: Dibble, Kent, Wiklund, Torres Ray, Cwodzinski
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_members.php?ls=&cmte_id=3099
 HF341 – Protection for minority students
Pursuing strategies to prevent over-enrolling minority students and English learners in special education, dismissing more minority students than other students with disabilities, or placing more minority students than other students in settings other than general education classrooms; emphasizing cultural competency
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Thissen, Lee (1/23), Mariani (1/23), Maye Quade (2/15)
Committee: Education Innovation Policy
 HF346 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training for police
Requiring peace officers to receive training in crisis response, conflict management, and cultural diversity
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Cornish, Hilstrom (1/23), Lohmer (1/23), Theis (1/23), O'Neill (1/23), Bennett (1/23), Becker-Finn (1/23), Franke (1/23), Rosenthal (1/23), Ecklund (1/23), Fischer (1/23), Clark (1/23), Dehn, R (1/23), Carlson, L (1/23), Lee (1/23), Omar (1/23), Maye Quade (1/23), Nelson (1/23), Erickson (1/23), and Poston (1/23), Heintzeman (1/26), Olson (2/1), Slocum (2/1), Pinto (2/13), Lillie (2/16), Moran (2/20), Franson (2/20), Daniels (2/20), Nornes (2/20), Jessup (2/20), Whelan (2/22), Newberger (2/22), Anderson P (2/22), Howe (2/22), Youakim (2/22)
Committee: Passed first committee and referred to Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90027
Companion Senate Bill SF445
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Limmer, Ingebrigtsen, Schoen, Latz, Carlson (2/2)
Status: Had second reading in the senate and is waiting for a vote
 HF355 – Lower blood lead level that is considered an “elevated level”
I can’t say this enough: there is no safe level of lead. Encourage a strong statement on this, but overall this is heading in the right direction
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Wagenius; Murphy, E.; Maye Quade; Lee and Liebling, Dehn R (1/23), Moran (1/23), Clark (1/23), Fischer (2/2), Schultz (2/9)
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill SF447
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Hayden, Champion, Lourey (2/2)
Committee: Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF356 – Urge US Congress to remove the deadline for the US Equal Rights Amendment to be ratified by the states (that’s right, equal rights are not guaranteed by the constitution at this point).
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Moran, Dehn R (1/23), Thissen (1/23), Schultz (2/9), Liebling (3/20), Johnson C (3/27)
Committee: Civil Law and Data Practice Policy
Companion Senate Bill SF229
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Pappas, Latz (3/9), Cwodzinski (3/14)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF358 – Guaranteeing healthcare is available and affordable for every Minnesotan
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Bly; Koegel; Clark; Dehn, R.; Ward; Allen; Lee; Sundin; Ecklund; Nelson; Hausman; Carlson, L.; Bernardy; Omar; Moran; Wagenius; Schultz; Mahoney; Flanagan; Hansen; Freiberg; Olson; Considine; Lien; Slocum; Liebling; Lesch; Pinto; Fischer; Masin; Lillie; Johnson, C.; Mariani; Davnie and Hornstein
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform
Companion Senate Bill: SF219
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Marty, Eken, Bakk, Torres Ray, Lourey
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF361 - Requiring the payout of earned paid time off at separation from employment
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Nelson, Slocum (2/1)
Committee: Commerce and Regulatory Reform
Companion Senate Bill SF198
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Newton
Committee: Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls= 
 HF384 – Allowing for early voting and appropriating money for it
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Bernardy
Committee: Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90011
 HF411 - Authorizing health care providers to provide patients with health information and services that are medically accurate, evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient; repealing informed consent requirements before abortions may be performed
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Halverson; Murphy, E.; Liebling; Moran; Fischer; Lillie; Slocum; Loeffler; Bernardy; Maye Quade; Flanagan; Allen; Mariani; Omar; Ward; Koegel; Rosenthal; Carlson, A.; Kunesh-Podein; Bly, Olson, Clark (1/26), Mahoney (1/26), Youakim (1/26), Masin (3/29)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Service Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF281
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Klein, Pappas, Marty, Lourey, and Schoen
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF459 – Amends MN constitution to include electronic communications and data in our right to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Lucero, Scott, Lesch, Thissen, Davnie, Drazkowski, Whelan, Zerwas, Newberger, McDonald, Smith, Metsa, Dehn R (1/26), Knoblach (1/26)
Status: Referred to Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
 HF463 – (Tentative Support). Removes “7 days” provisions from absentee ballot access requirements and does not specify a new timeline.
Issue: “(a) The county auditor may make available a ballot counter and ballot box for use by the voters during the seven days before the election.”
The League of Women Voters supports this change. Arguably it should allow for more days for early voting. I’m a little concerned it might be abused to restrict early voting to fewer days so I’ll keep an eye on this one.
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Fenton, Lillie, O'Driscoll, Nelson, Peterson, Applebaum (1/26), Berdardy (1/26), Halverson (1/26), Youakim (1/30)
Status: Bill tabled in Government Operations and Elections Policy committee.
Companion Senate Bill: SF500
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Housley, Schoen, Chamberlain, Wiger, Kent
Status: Referred to Committee on State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF488 – Guarantee healthcare if available and affordable to every Minnesotan
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Bly, Murphy E, Applebaum, Lesch, Johnson S, Kunesh-Podein, Thissen, Metsa, Murphy M, Sandstede (1/30), Hausman (1/30), Clark (1/30), Hornstein (1/30), Wagenius (3/23)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill SF220
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Carlson, Dziedzic, Hawj, Dibble, Wiger
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF496 – Allow individuals to buy into the state employee group insurance plan
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Schultz, Bly, Sandstede, Rosenthal (1/30), Metsa (1/30), Liebling (2/16)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF365
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Klein, Marty, Dziedzic (1/30)
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF516 – Modified working family credit, end result is a slight increase
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Loeffler; Carlson, L.; Schultz; Marquart; Slocum; Metsa; Maye Quade; Lee; Halverson; Bernardy; Hortman; Youakim; Dehn, R.; Clark; Allen; Sandstede and Omar, Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Hilstrom (3/13), Koegel (3/13), Fischer (3/20), Murphy E (3/31)
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill S28
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Rest, Bakk, Dziedzic, Franzen (1/12), Senjem (2/13)
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF541 – Allow state to accept foreign identification for getting a state ID or driver’s license.
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Clark, Mariani, Hamilton, Baker, Hornstein, Allen, Loeffler, Omar, Ward, Moran, Mahoney, Johnson, S., Lee, Dehn, R., Maye Quade, Youakim, Fischer, Carlson, L., Bernardy, Lillie, Masin, Kunesh-Podein, Hausman, Hansen, Metsa, Freiberg, Olson, Rosenthal, Carlson, A., Pinto, Murphy, E., Bly, Davnie, Thissen (1/30)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF542 – Decrease abuse of using terrorism charges in non-terror cases
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Lesch, Omar (1/30)
Status: Referred to Committee on Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill SF433
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Klein
Committee: Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF577 – Create a pilot grant program to encourage underrepresented and disadvantages girls to pursue STEM
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Moran, Lee (1/30), Maye Quade (1/30), Clark (1/30), Thissen (1/30), Omar (3/7)
Status: Referred to Committee on Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
Companion Senate Bill: SF2264
Introduced: 3/28/2017
Authors: Hoffman, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to E-12 Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3091&ls=90
  HF634 – Requires most recent tax return from presidential candidates that want to get onto the MN ballot
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Schultz, Metsa, Hansen
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF759
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Laine
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
  HF645 – Prohibits legislatures from becoming lobbyists within a year of leaving office
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Liebling, Drazkowski, Sauke, Bly, Koegel
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1083
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Marty, Laine, Carlson
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF703 – Automatic voter registration when you get a driver’s license or ID
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Nelson, Dehn (2/2), Clark (2/2)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF796
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Eaton, Cwodzinski, Kent, Carlson, Isaacson
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee   http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF704 - Requires candidates release 5 years of tax returns to be put on the MN presidential ballot
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Garofalo
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF358
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Schoen, Rest, Dziedzic, Dibble, Frentz
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF742 – addresses abuses in the use of isolation on the MN criminal justice system
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Zerwas, O’Neill, Howe, Considine, Omar (3/7), Lee (3/15)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF608
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Hall, Latz (2/9), Cohen (2/9)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF762 - Enhanced penalties for hate crimes
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Lee, Freiberg, Omar, Dehn R, Hilstrom, Flanagan, Slocum (2/9), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF377
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Latz, Hayden, Dibble, Hawj, Torres Ray
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF795 - Requires health plans and public health care to cover a 12-month supply of prescription contraceptives
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Murphy E, Flanagan, Sundin, Mahoney, Ecklund, Freiberg, Halverson, Dehn R, Koegel, Fischer, Bernardy, Kunesh-Podein, Moran, Omar, Pinto, Maye Quade, Slocum (2/9), Schultz (2/9), Bly (2/9), Youakim (2/13), Masin (3/29)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF409
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Pappas, Marty (3/8)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF824 – Outside agency investigations for police officer involved incidents results in great bodily harm or death
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Moran, Lee (2/9), Clark (2/9), Mahoney (2/9), Slocum (2/13)
Status: referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
  HF845 – National Popular Vote bill
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Freiberg, Carlson L (2/9), Flanagan (2/9), Slocum (2/13), Fischer (3/20)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF16
Authors: Rest, Dibble, Wiger, Marty (1/12), Schoen (2/2)
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF926 – Legalizes recreational marijuana
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Metsa, Applebaum, Schultz, Ecklund, Sundin, Dehn, R., Kunesh-Podein, Considine, Flanagan, Omar (2/13), Mariani (2/13), Moran (2/13), Hausman (2/20), Lee (3/28)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF927 – Legalizes recreational marijuana
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Applebaum, Metsa, Sundin, Ecklund, Dehn, R., Slocum (2/13), Moran (2/15), Hausman (2/20), Lee (3/28), Hornstein (4/24)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1320
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Hayden
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF931 – Requires taxes from another who wants to be on the Presidential or Vice Presidential ballots in MN
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Omar, Dehn R (2/13), Moran (3/13)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF2203
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Torres Ray, Carlson, Pappas, Eaton, Hawj
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF951 – Restores voting rights after a person’s sentence is complete
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Dehn, R., Hertaus, Zerwas, McDonald, Moran, Omar, Maye Quade, Mariani, Cornish, Lee, Allen, Flanagan, Freiberg, Hamilton (2/13), Kiel (2/13), Rosenthal (2/13), Carlson, A. (2/13), Pinto (2/13), Bernardy (2/13), Bly (2/13), Hansen (2/13), Murphy, E., (2/13) Howe (2/13), Garofalo (2/13), Baker (2/13), Schultz (2/13), Metsa (2/13), Youakim (2/13), Mahoney (2/13), Fischer (2/13), Davnie (2/13), Becker-Finn (2/13), Ward (2/13)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF1065 – Requires legislative branch to adhere to open meeting laws and data practices
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Thissen, Lesch (2/15), Howe (3/9), Halverson (5/11)
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practice Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
Companion Senate Bill: SF1393
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Laine
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1075 – Calls on the US Congress to adopt an American Recovery program
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Bly, Ecklund, Hornstein, Dehn R
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF934
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Laine
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF1088 – Allows the costs to modify a home to be accessible for a disabled person to be tax deductible
Introduced; 2/13/2017
Authors: Hamilton, Daniels, Schomacker, Loon, Metsa, Koegel (2/15), Peterson (2/22), Fischer (2/22), McDonald (2/22), Dettmer (3/15)
Status: Referred to Taxes committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF869
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Fischbach, Limmer, Hoffman, Eken, Anderson P
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF1095 – Establishes a Human Right to Water Act
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Fischer
Status: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF1968
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Wiger, Dibble
Status: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF1100 – Create a critical incident review process for police officer involved shootings
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Fischer, Lee
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF1140 – Allow pharmacists to prescribe hormonal birth control
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Peterson, Baker, Albright, Franson, Murphy E, Schultz, Hamilton, Allen (2/23)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1049
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Lourey, Rosen, Hoffman, Abeler
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF1148 – Allows police officers to serve restraining orders. This will allow more people to do this, getting them to the person being served more quickly and making their targets safer.
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: O'Neill, Becker-Finn, Pinto, O'Driscoll, Pugh, Howe, Newberger, Lohmer, Allen (2/15)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1229
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Limmer
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1175 – Seeks a federal waiver to allow people to buy coverage with MinnesotaCare even if their income is above the eligibility level
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Johnson, C., Metsa, Pinto, Carlson, L., Davnie, Ward, Rosenthal, Sundin, Sandstede, Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Maye Quade (3/6)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF1200 – Prevent law enforcement from using drones to collect evidence without a warrant
Introduced: 2/15/2017
Authors: Johnson B
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1529
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Mathews
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1335 – Prohibits discrimination based on national origin in state contracts
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Flanagan, Youakim, Omar, Rosenthal, Liebling, Bly, Lee, Johnson, S., Kunesh-Podein, Clark, Allen, Pinto, Olson, Moran, Kresha, Fischer (2/22)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1081
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Pappas, Dibble
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF1391 – Prohibits wage theft
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Mahoney, Thissen, Pinto, Becker-Finn, Maye Quade, Metsa, Hilstrom, Davnie, Dehn, R., Nelson, Carlson, L., Wagenius, Hausman, Mariani, Clark, Moran, Youakim, Lillie, Bernardy, Koegel, Slocum, Allen, Loeffler, Johnson, S., Fischer, Carlson, A., Applebaum, Lee (2/20), Olson (3/2), Baker (3/2)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1329
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Champion, Schoen, Hayden, Dziedzic, Isaacson (5/1)
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF1446 - requiring medical assistance to cover medically necessary gender dysphoria and certain prescribed drugs for treatment of gender dysphoria
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Allen, Murphy, E., Maye Quade, Fischer, Clark, Schultz, Olson, Flanagan, Omar, Ward (2/22), Hornstein (2/22)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1178
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Dribble, Simonson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF1497 – Rebate program for renewable energy technologies
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Davids, Hamilton, Mahoney
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1174
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Miller, Weber, Eken, Senjem
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3092&ls=90
 HF1576 – Makes Minnesota a sanctuary state for immigration enforcement purposes
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Omar, Moran, Hornstein, Lee, Flanagan, Murphy, E., Dehn, R., Hamilton, Fischer, Applebaum, Bernardy, Davnie, Clark, Olson (3/1), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1110
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Torres Ray, Hawj, Carlson, Pappas, Eaton
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1605 – Allows police and family to petition a court to deny possession of a firearm to someone deemed significantly dangerous to themselves or others
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Pinto, Considine, Becker-Finn, Sauke, Bly, Pryor, Fischer, Maye Quade, Youakim, Masin, Freiberg, Rosenthal, Carlson, A., Hausman, Johnson, S., Lee, Kunesh-Podein, Halverson, Davnie, Ward, Hansen, Murphy, E., Schultz, Olson, Allen, Flanagan, Wagenius, Slocum, Sundin, Applebaum, Dehn, R., Bernardy, Omar, Clark (2/27), Moran (3/13)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Service Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1262
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Latz, Schoen, Hayden, Dziedzic, Cwodzinski
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1642 – Prohibits people from interfering with access to reproductive health facilities
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Becker-Finn, Maye Quade, Murphy, E., Halverson, Youakim, Olson, Schultz, Koegel, Omar, Slocum (3/2)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1671
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Latz, Marty, Pappas, Dziedzic, Schoen
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1669 – Requiring criminal background checks for firearm transfers
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Pinto, Bly, Sauke, Considine, Becker-Finn, Lee, Ward, Omar, Youakim, Moran, Flanagan, Bernardy, Olson, Maye Quade, Loeffler, Kunesh-Podein, Freiberg, Wagenius, Schultz, Fischer, Johnson, S., Slocum, Halverson, Mariani, Carlson, A., Pryor, Liebling, Murphy E (3/2)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1261
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Latz, Schoen, Hayden, Cohen, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1678 – Taylor Hayden Fun Violence Prevention Act. A grant program for gun violence prevention programs
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Lee, Pinto, Maye Quade, Dehn, R., Carlson, A., Moran, Fischer, Wagenius, Omar, Ward, Hausman, Becker-Finn (2/27), Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Murphy E (3/2), Rosenthal (3/6), Liebling (3/6)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1263
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Hayden, Champion, Schoen, Latz, Bakk
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3096&ls=90
 HF1692 – Require state and local jails and prisons to be publicly owned and operated
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Hillstrom, Flanagan, Hortman, Dehn R, Becker-Finn, Ward, Murphy E, Moran (2/27), Lee (2/27)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1675
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Latz, Pappas, Isaacson, Bakk (3/6), Dziedzic (3/6)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1726 – Establishes a statewide policy for use of deadly force by state and local law enforcement
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Dehn R, Lee (3/7)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF1813 – Requires a disparities impact report for new and existing programs
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Thissen, Maye Quade, Moran (3/1), Lee (3/7)
Status: Referred to Legacy Funding and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90018
Companion Senate Bill: SF1923
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Hayden
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF1814 - Directing the Legislative Commission on Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy to study and recommend options for expanding public access to legislative records and meetings.
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Thissen, Howe (3/9)
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
Companion Senate Bill: SF1553
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Nelson
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1885 – Death with dignity law
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Freiberg, Liebling, Lesch, Schultz, Sundin, Considine, Slocum, Allen, Hornstein, Dehn, R., Kunesh-Podein, Thissen, Clark, Nelson, Hansen, Lee, Loeffler, Ward, Bly, Moran
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1572
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Eaton, Klein, Marty, Dibble, Latz
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF1965 - $15 min wage phased in by 2022 and other worker benefits
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Flanagan, Thissen (3/6), Hausman (3/6), Lee (3/7), Bly (3/13), Moran (3/20)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1318
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Marty, Torres Ray, Eaton, Hawj, Carlson (3/27)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF1967 – Earned sick and safe time
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Lesch, Murphy, E., Moran, Omar, Olson, Mahoney, Wagenius, Clark, Ecklund, Schultz, Lee, Metsa, Koegel, Johnson, S., Hausman, Carlson, A., Lien (3/6), Dehn, R. (3/6), Bernardy (3/6), Johnson, C (3/6), Youakim (3/23)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1794
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Pappas, Bakk, Champion, Simonson
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF1965 – Min wage increase and other worker protections
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Flanagan, Thissen (3/6), Hausman (3/6), Lee (3/7), Bly (3/13), Moran (3/20)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1318
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Marty, Torres Ray, Eaton, Hawj, Carlson (3/27)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2116 - Prohibits employers from accessing employee social media accounts, forcing employees to "friend" employers so they can view social media accounts or making employees login to their social media accounts in the presence of the employer to look at their postings.
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Lesch
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy
Companion Senate Bill: SF2038
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2139 - Requests that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Dehn R, Thissen (3/7), Lee (3/7), Mariani (4/24)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1082
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Marty, Clausen, Carlson
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2228 - Prohibits pipelines near wild-rice waters
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Becker0Finn, Clark, Flanagan, Kunesh-Podein, Hornstein, Lee (3/9), Hausman (3/9), Bly (3/13)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF2246 - Prohibiting conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults; prohibiting medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Maye Quade, Fischer, Clark
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1854
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Mart, Dibble, Lourey, Torres Ray, Dziedzic (3/13)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2253 - Phases in a $15 min wage by 2020
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Dehn R (3/13)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF2012
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2281 - Prohibiting conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults; prohibiting medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Maye Quade, Fischer (3/13), Ward (3/13), Mahoney (3/13), Freiberg (5/1), Loeffler (5/1)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1974
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Dibble, Dziedzic (3/13), Eaton (4/24)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2313 - Tuition subsidies for Minnesota State Colleges
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Christensen, Maye Quade (5/4)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
Companion Senate Bill: SF1519
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Abeler, Klein
Status: Referred to Higher Education Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3097&ls=90
 HF2322 - Allow jurisdictions to implement ranked choice voting
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Albright, Halverson, Maye Quade (5/4)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF2071
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Rest
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2330 – Creates a green roof advisory task force
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Loeffler
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF316
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Hawj, Dibble, Hoffman, Abeler
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy
 HF2331 – Increase Teachers of Color Act. Doubles teachers of color and native American teachers by 2020 and increases their representation in the hiring pipeline
Introduced: 3/13/1027
Authors: Maye Quade, Lee, Becker-Finn, Kunesh-Podein, Omar, Flanagan, Moran (3/14), Bly (3/15)
Status: Referred to Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
Companion Senate Bill: SF2182
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Hawj, Champion, Franzen, Hayden, Wiger (3/23)
Status: Referred to E-12 Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3091&ls=90
  HF2338 – Establishes an office of economic equity and opportunity
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Maye Quade, Omar, Lee, Moran, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Mariani, Flanagan, Bly (3/15), Loeffler (5/1)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1296
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Housley, Dziedzic (2/23)
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2348 – Urges US congress to reauthorize the Perkins Loan (student loan) program
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Pryor, Bernardy, Lee, Youakim, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Maye-Quade (3/23)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
Companion Senate Bill: SF2001
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Eken
Status: Referred to Higher Education Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3097&ls=90
 HF2469 – Allow minors to get the HPV vaccines (prevents most types of cervical cancer) without the consent of an adult
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Freiberg
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1129
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Franzen, Klein, Dziedzic (2/22)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2472 - Mandating a report on the impact of climate change on the fossil fuel investments currently held by the State Board of Investment
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Thissen, Hornstein (3/23)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF2085
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Pappas, Dziedzic, Dibble, Marty
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2491 - Extends a rule that limits the use of prior criminal history to discriminate against hiring, and currently covers just public employees, to all employees that do the majority of their work in MN
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Olson, Mahoney, Dehn R, Ward, Fischer, Schultz, Cornish, Lee (3/27)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2049
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Simonson, Champion, Schoen, Dibble
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2503 - Requires conference committees and budget negotiations to be open to the public. Puts increased restrictions on lobbying
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Lee, Freiberg, Kunesh-Podein, Considine, Lien, Rosenthal, Maye Quade (3/27), Dehn (3/27), Ward (3/27), Bly (3/27)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1976
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Marty, Carlson, Laine
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2518 - Requires police training in crisis response, conflict management, and cultural diversity
Introduced: 3/27/2017
Authors: Lee, Moran, Kunesh-Podein, Maye Quade, Becker-Finn, Olson, Davnie, Rosenthal, Bernardy, Bly, Nelson, Youakim, Liebling, Dehn (3/28)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF2276
Introduced: 3/30/2017
Authors: Torres Ray, Hawj, Franzen, Champion, Marty (4/18)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF2570 - Creates a state retirement plan for private company employees whose employers do not offer retirement plans. Would allow people to have contributions deducted directly from their paychecks to improve savings rates.
Introduced: 3/31/2017
Authors: Becker-Finn, Thissen, Bernardy, Metsa, Freiberg, Maye Quade, Lien (4/3), Lee (4/27), Schultz (5/4)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Senate Companion Bill: SF2303
Introduced: 3/31/2017
Authors: Pappas, Abeler, Eaton, Rosen, Dziedzic (4/18)
Status:  Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2579 - Prevent ISPs from selling your browsing information without your express written approval
Introduced: 4/4/2017
Authors: Thissen, Pinto, Freiberg, Kunesh-Podein, Rosenthal, Carlson A, Hortman, Maye Quade (4/5), Liebling (4/5), Schultz (4/18), Loeffler (5/1)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Senate Companion Bill: SF2309
Introduced: 4/6/2017
Authors: Latz, Limmer, Miller, Abeler, Kent
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3092&ls=90
 HF2580 - Requires racial impact screening for certain types of legislation
Introduced: 4/4/2017
Authors: Thissen, Dehn R, Maye Quade, Moran, Lee (4/5), Liebling (4/5), Bly (4/18)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Senate Companion Bill: SF138
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Dibble, Dziedzic (1/23)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF2594 - Appropriates money to freeze tuition at Minnesota State Collges and Universities and the University of Minnesota and increases grant amounts. Works to make college more affordable
Introduced: 4/7/2017
Authors: Pelowski, Hortmand, Johnson C, Schultz, Pryor, Pinto, Maye Quade, Omar, Freiberg, Ward, Poppe, Lien, Halverson, Youakim, Rosenthal, Carlson A, Johnson S, Considine, Murphy M, Mariani, Hilstrom, Masin, Hausman, Carlson L, Loeffler, Lillie (4/7), Bly (4/18), Bernardy (4/18), Clark (4/18)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
 HF2596 - Money for a passenger rail demonstration project and studying a Northstar commuter rail extension
Introduced: 4/18/2017
Authors: Bly, Hornstein, Masin (4/20), Hausman (4/20)
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: SF2345
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Simonson, Dibble
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
  HF2600 - Asks the EPA to act on its findings that the pesticide chlorphyrifos is harmful at levels less than current regulations and to establish short-term deadlines for steps to end the use of this pesticide.
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Mariani, Omar, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Davnie, Maye Quade, Thissen, Bly, Flanagan
Status: Referred to Agriculture Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90002
Companion Senate Bill: SF2342
Introduced: 4/24/2017
Authors: Hawj, Torres Ray, Dziedzic, Hayden, Eaton
Status: Referred to Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3089&ls=90
 HF2605 - Reduces fares on all forms of public transit to 25 cents to increase ridership
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Hausman, Lee (4/24)
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: SF2316
Introduced: 4/18/2017
Authors: Marty, Torres Ray, Carlson
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF2606 - Prevents telecommunications companies and ISPs from collecting personal information without consent
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Hertaus, Lucero
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2323
Introduced: 4/18/2017
Authors: Osmek, Miller, Limmer, Benson, Abeler
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3092&ls=90
 HF2612 - A program to provide community violence prevention programs for African-American children
Introduced: 4/24/2017
Authors: Dehn R, Lee, Clark
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF2249
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Abeler, Marty
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2617 - Creates a task force to work out a process for notifying business owners of their building's compliance with ADA requirements whenever they submit plans for any renovation, remodel, or structural change
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Fischer, Smith, Becker-Finn (5/1), Olson (5/1)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2348
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Relph
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2621 - Increases penalties for female genital mutilation to include holding the parents/guardians of the child responsible for a felony and removing custody
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Franson
Status: Passed  
Companion Senate Bill: SF2355
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Housley, Anderson B (5/4), Mathews (5/8), Benson (5/9), Hall (5/16)
Status: Second reading in the Senate
 HF2630 - Establishes a grant program to fund vaccination activities in high risk communities and geographies or ones experiencing a current outbreak
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Omar, Freiberg, Liebling, Bernardy, Ward, Youakim, Murphy E (5/4), Hausman (5/4), Halverson (5/4), Hornstein (5/4), Fischer (5/4), Dehn R (5/4), Lee (5/4), Maye Quade (5/4), Schultz (5/4), Thissen (5/4)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF2374
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Hayden, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2633 - Directs the Commissioner of Human Services to come up with a plan to increase the min wage for direct service staff to $15/hr. Direct services staff provide one-on-one and small group services to recipients of medical assistance waiver services.
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Loeffler              
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF2634 – (same as 2633) Directs the Commissioner of Human Services to come up with a plan to increase the min wage for direct service staff to $15/hr. Direct services staff provide one-on-one and small group services to recipients of medical assistance waiver services.
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Loeffler
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF2635 - Requires that any landscaping related to state-funded capital projects be pollinator friendly
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Loeffler
Status: Referred to Capital Investment http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90003
 HF2637 - Requires pipelines owners to remove and clean up after pipelines once they cease using them or they are abandoned.
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Hansen, Bly (5/8), Becker-Finn (5/8), Wagenius (5/8), Hornstein (5/8), Flanagan (5/8), Dehn R (5/8), Fischer (5/10)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF2376
Introduced: 5/8/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF2642 - Requires ISPs to reimburse customers for data of value to the ISP that they collect and distribute to other entities
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Thissen, Metsa
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
 HF2651 - Prevents an entity from remotely enabling a microphone in a user device and listening to, recording, or storing information collected without express written consent from the use
Introduced: 5/8/2017
Authors: Thissen
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
 Senate Bill SF134 - Moves the prosecution of police shootings out of grand juries and into a special prosecutor’s office.
Creates a board of 5 community members (requiring one victim or relation to a victim of police force, a peace officer, at least one person of color, and an attorney). This board picks and monitors a special prosecutor’s office. The special prosecutor’s job will be to investigate and prosecute cases that involve an officer involved [great bodily harm or death] incidents. Seems like a positive bill to hold peace-officer accountable for incident of violence, as well as creating an outside of the police organization to removed biased investigations
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors:  Dibble
Committee: Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 SF1454 – Prohibits state and local officials from acting as immigration enforcement
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  SF2052 - Creates a redistricting commission staffed by judges (not legislators).
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Cohen
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 SF2357 - Prohibits unrelated policy provisions in state government, tax, and capital investment omnibus bills
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Osmek
Status: Referred to Rules and Administration http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1017&ls=90
 SF2385 - Urge the President and Congress to take action to halt the persecution of gay men in Chechnya
Introduced: 5/10/2017
Authors: Dibble, Kent, Simonson, Eaton, Hayden
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
2 notes · View notes
Bills to Oppose
Last Updated: 5/14/2017
This is a full list of bills that have been introduced that hit my radar as ones you should oppose as a MN progressive.
For each alert check the linked member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad).
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number.
HF5 - Creates a state reinsurance program. Uses money from MinnesotaCare to do so. If they want to try this experiment, it should not impact MinnesotaCare Funding
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Davids, Hoppe, Gruenhagen, Halverson (2/16), Haley (2/27), Pugh (2/27), Jurgens (3/7), Schomacker (3/7)
Status: Passed. Became Law
Companion Senate Bill: SF720
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Dhams, Benson, Abeler, Kiffmeyer (2/9)
Status: Passed. Became Law
 HF71 – Assistance bill that contains fetal personhood language
This bill increases assistance to pregnant women by counting their fetus as a child, but there’s a poison pill in it. Section 1 Paragraph 3 Last sentence. Extraneous and too broad: “an unborn child shall be considered to be a human being for purposes of developing, administering, and interpreting state law and policy”. This sentence is trying to establish Fetal Personhood.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Rep Quam
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform. http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90013
HF10 – Transfer MNSure to federal marketplace
There’s a good chance the federal marketplace will go away soon, so this would kill MNSure without having to be on record as killing MNSure
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Dean M, Gruenhagen, Miller, Scott (1/9), Lohmer (1/9), Baker (1/9), McDonald (1/9), Drazkowski (1/9), Zerwas (1/9), Pugh (1/9), Urdahl (1/9), Bahr C (1/9), Whelan (1/9), Davids (2/22), Christensen (3/6)
Status: Passed two committees and referred to Health and Human Services Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90012
Companion Senate Bill: SF1148
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Jensen, Benson, Rosen, Dahm, Anderson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF26 – Force police departments to act as immigration enforcement (anti-sanctuary city bill)
This bill would force the police to act as immigration enforcement. This would make it impossible for undocumented immigrants to turn to the police if they are victims of crime or need help. The police need to be able to protect all the people in MN regardless of status.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Reps. Quam, Drazkowski, Rep Lucero (1/9), Gruenhagen (1/19)
Committee: Public Safety and Security Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90019
 HF28 – Drug testing of welfare recipients.
These programs have been implemented in some other states and cost more money than they save. Additionally, they stigmatize the poor. I’d rather see my money go to drug testing members of congress.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Reps. Quam, Drazkowski, Rep. Lucero (1/9)
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform. http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90013
 HF34 - Anti-protestor bill
Issue: Increases penalty of “obstructing emergency personnel” to a mandatory felony. According to the ACLU obstruction is one of the most common charges levied against protestors who block streets. Also remember that ones someone has been convicted of a felony they lose their right to vote. So this can be used to disenfranchise protestors.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Garofalo, Newberger (1/9), Lohmer (1/9), Uglem (1/9)
Committee: Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF184
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Osmek, Ingebrigtsen
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF41 – Anti-transgender bathroom bill
This is a anti-transgender bathroom bill that would force students to use the restroom of their biological sex assigned at birth or to use a special designated bathroom. Transgender boys and girls look like boys and girls and forcing them into a bathroom where they clearly stand out increases violence and bullying against them. Outing them as transgender by having them use a separate restroom increases violence and bullying against them. Additionally, enforcement of this type of law will lead to harassment of transgender students by staff and harassment of any non-stereotypical boys and girls that get caught up in it because someone thinks they “look” transgender. You can’t tell a transgender person by looking at them so let them use whichever facility they feel comfortable in.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Quam, Drazkowski, Reps. Lucero (1/9), Gruenhagen (1/12)
Committee: Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90007
 HF43 – Legal right to discriminate based on “sincerely held religious beliefs”
These bills are used to allow business to discrimination against and refuse service to the LGBTQ+ community. In the past, religious beliefs have been used to refuse service to interracial couples and to subjugate people of color and women.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Quam, Lucero (1/9), Gruenhagen (1/12)
Committee: Civil Law and Data Practices Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90004
 HF55 - Anti-protestor bill
Issue: This bill increases the penalty for obstructing a highway from a misdemeanor to a gross misdemeanor. This is targeting protests like Black Lives Matter who use highway closures to bring attention to their causes and will have a chilling effect on protest rights. While closing highways is an inconvenience, civil disobedience without intent to cause harm shouldn’t be a major crime.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Lohmer, Fenton, Zerwas, Rarick, Miller, Runbeck, Albright, Green, Daudt, Lueck (1/9), Uglem (1/9), Dettmer (1/12), Daniels (1/19), Whelan (1/23), Loonan (1/26)
Committee: Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF148
Introduced 1/17/2017
Author: Housely, Ingebrigtsen , Fischbach (1/30)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy https://www.senate.mn/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=
 HF60 – Create a provisional ballot system in Minnesota.
This is a way to remove votes from counting during the election. We need to make voting more accessible, not decrease it.
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Reps. Quam, Drazkowski
Committee: Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90011
 HF85 – Estate tax repeal
Benefits 2% of Minnesotans and decreases the treasury for everyone else. Estate tax brought in about 177 million in 2014
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Reps. McDonald, Davids, Howe (1/11), Christensen (1/12), Albright (1/12), Dettmer (1/12), Lohmer (1/23), Bahr C (3/1), Applebaum (3/2)
Committee: Taxes http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF83
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Anderson B, Hall, Chamerlain, Goggin, Ingebrigtsen
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90  
 HF120 – Attack on medical marijuana
Puts the authority to decide what is a valid use for medical marijuana into the hands of legislators. They aren’t doctors.
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Rep Dean, Lohmer (1/19)
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1928
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Benson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF130 – Forces MN to use the federal exchange instead of MNSure
Given that they know the ACA is heading towards repeal this sounds like a cowardly way to kill MNSure without having to be on the record as repealing it.
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Rep. Miller, Backer (1/19)
Committee: Commerce and Regulator Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90005
 HF147 – Anti-mass transportation.
It prevents so much as even studying a rail line between Rochester and Minneapolis.
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Garofalo
Committee: Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90026
Senate Companion Bill: SF485
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Goggin, Anderson B
Committee: Transportation Finance and Policy
 HF167 – Eliminates riparian buffers
Riparian buffers are spaces of land between farms / industry and waterways meant to filter the run off before it hits the waterway, improving water quality. This buffer was recently increased to 50 feet. The buffers are important to water quality, but the legislation did not compensate farmers for lost land / expenses of moving fences and the like. The buffers need to stay. They should focus on compensating the farmers for the land and expenses instead.
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Green, Nornes, Miller, Backer, Rarick, Lohmer, Erickson, Scott, Drazkowski, Heintzeman, Grossell, Howe (1/12), Poston (1/23)
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90008
 HF180 – Declares MN must have a single state-wide min wage
Bill that preemptively stops cities from being able to set their own minimum wage by declaring as law that Minnesota must have a single minimum wage. This makes no sense. The cost of living is significant higher in urban areas so they need higher min wages.
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Authors: Hertaus, Drazkowski, Davids, Lucero (1/17), Pugh (1/26), Lillie (3/9)
Status: Recalled and re-referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF188 – Allow the ownership and carrying (even concealed) of a gun without any kind of permitting or licensing. They call this “constitutional carry”.
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Authors: Nash, Drazkowski, Rarick, Lucero, Heintzeman, Albright, O’Neill, Newberger, Swedzinski, Cornish, Lohmer, Fabian, Davids, Metsa, Hertaus, Scott (1/17), Pugh (1/17), Ecklund (1/17), Gruenhagen (1/17), Nornes (1/17), Erickson (1/17), Daniels (1/17), Bahr (1/19), Miller (1/19), Franson (1/19), Christensen (1/19), Loonan (1/19), Green (1/26), Becker (2/6), Kiel (2/13), Pugh (3/8), Dettmer (3/13)
Status: Laid over for inclusion in a Public Safety Policy omnibus bill  
Senate Companion Bill: SF650
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Utke, Eichorn, Mathews, Koran, Lang (2/13)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF235: Terminates incentives for solar energy and changes the renewable development fund into a general energy fund
This bill benefits the fossil fuel industry at the expense of the renewable energy industry.  It’s heading backwards and bad for the environment.
Authors: O’Neill, Metsa, Garofalo, Ecklund, Newberger, Lucero (1/26)
Status: Passed House Vote and sent to Senate
Companion Senate Bill SF214
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1007&ls=90
 HF238 – Stand your ground gun law
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Authors: Nash, Drazkowski, Rarick, Lucero, Heintzeman, Albright, O’Neill, Newberger, Swedzinski, Cornish, Bennett, Lohmer, Zerwas, Fabian, Davids, Green, McDonald, Hertaus, Scott (1/17), Pugh (1/17), Gruenhagen (1/17), Erickson (1/17), Bahr (1/19), Miller (1/19), Franson (1/19), Dettmer (1/19), Daniels (1/19), Loonan (1/19), Grossell (1/23), Backer (4/24)
Status: Laid over for inclusion in a Public Safety Policy omnibus bill  
Companion Senate Bill: SF292
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Ruud, Ingebrigtsen, Lang, Sparks, Mathews (1/30)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF256 - Preemption law that prevents any kind of regulation of lead shot.
Lead shot used for hunting has been shown to poison raptors and scavengers that ingest the shot when eating carcasses or offal left behind by hunters. There’s also been concern about the lead in the ground at shooting ranges leaching into water tables. We shouldn’t be taking tools off the books.
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Swedzinski, Ecklund, Johnson B, Bliss, Green, Loonan, Rarick, Howe, Sundin, Pelowski, Nash, Drazkowski, Luero (1/19), Backer (1/19), Heintzeman (1/26)
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF263
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Eichorn, Ingebrigtsen, Johnson, Lang, Bakk
Status: Referred to Environmental and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF309 – Allows for the right to carry a firearm without a permit
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Bahr, C., Drazkowski, Hertaus, McDonald, Lohmer, Newberger, Howe (1/19), Poston (1/23), Erickson (1/30), Gruenhagen (2/1), Garofalo (2/1), Franson (2/2), Backer (2/6), Miller (2/9), Pugh (2/9)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF649
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Utke, Koran, Eichorn, Mathews, Lang (2/13)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF314 – Prevents the use of an outside commission for redistricting
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Anderson S, Peterson, Pugh
Status: Passed first committee and referred to State Government Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90021
Companion Senate Bill: SF86
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF316 – Creates a new crime of “chemical endangerment of unborn children”
Pregnant women with chemical dependency issues need treatment, not jail time
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Anderson S, Kresha, Kiel
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF322 – Anti-protestor bill. Would allow the police to send protestors a bill for their time if they block highways.
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Zerwas ; Cornish ; Bahr, C. ; Fabian ; Daudt ; Baker ; Nash ; Drazkowski ; McDonald ; Pugh ; O'Neill ; Johnson, B. ; Uglem ; Runbeck ; Lohmer ; Howe ; Miller ; Theis ; Franson ; Rarick ; Dettmer ; Dean, M. ; Lucero (1/23), Nornes (1/23), Loonan (1/23), Whelan (1/23), Franke (1/26), Grossell (1/26), Newberger (2/15), Heintzeman (3/27)
Status: Passed in the first committee.  Zerwas has been on a full court media press pushing this. Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee. http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Senate Companion Bill: SF679
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Limmer, Johnson
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF330 - will require any new interim ordinances (moratoriums) to be approved by a 2/3rds majority vote instead of a simple majority. This will make it harder to pass needed ordinances. It also adds a public hearing requirement for housing ordinances (which is fine).
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Nash, Nelson, Lesch, Quam. Pugh (2/1), Dettmer (3/2)
Status: Passed the House waiting on Governor decision
Senate Companion Bill: SF201
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Hall, Anderson B, Osmek, Little, Jensen
Status: Passed the Senate waiting on Governor decision
 HF372 – Bans incentives for encouraging recycling and specific methods of waste management
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Nash, Slocum
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance
Companion Senate Bill: SF208
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Osmek
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF386 – using public funds for charter schools
Per Jim Davnie this would have tax dollars being spent on schools that do not have to support children with disabilities, LGBT students and other classes of students protected in the public-school system
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Rosenthal, Lesch, Kresha; Daudt; Peppin; Loon; Erickson; Fenton; O'Driscoll; Zerwas; Torkelson; Cornish; Anderson, S.; Dean, M.; Christensen; Peterson; Schomacker; Nash; Knoblach; Heintzeman; Koznick; Jurgens; Theis; Howe; Dettmer; Rarick; McDonald; Grossell; Smith; Barr, R.; Swedzinski, Anderson, P , Loonan (1/26), Gruenhagen (1/26), Scott (1/26), Uglem (1/26), and Lohmer (1/26)
Status: Passed two committees and referred to Taxes committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF256
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Chamberlain, Nelson, Pratt, Senjem, Sparks, Gazelka (2/23)
Status: Passed second committee and Referred to Taxes http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF390 – Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Zerwas; Cornish; Franson; McDonald; Johnson, B.; Fabian; Miller; Daudt; Nash and Dean, M., O’Neill (1/26), Howe (1/26), Uglem (1/26), Grossell (1/26), and Heintzeman (1/26), Backer (1/30), Newberger (2/22), Lucero (3/7), Lohmer (3/7)
Status: Passed committee and got a second reading in the House. Can go for a vote at any time. Also added to omnibus bill SF803
Companion Senate Bill: SF676
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Limmer, Johnson, Housley (5/8)
Status: Passed committee and got a second reading in the Senate. Could go for a vote at any time
 HF394 – Removing the requirement for MN to plan a transition to an all-renewable energy future
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Newberger
Status: Referred to Committee on Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF406 – Selects presidential electors based on district voting results, not state voting results. We have more red districts than blue although most of our population lives in blue districts so blue district votes for president could be worth less than red district votes.
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Gruenhagen, Drazkowski, Daudt, Johnson B (1/26), Newberger (2/15)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011 HF386:
 HF465 – Anti-mass transportation. Prevents even studying a rail line between Rochester and the Twin Cities
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Drazkowski ; Haley ; Pugh ; O'Neill ; Bahr, C. ; Miller ; Nash ; Gruenhagen ; McDonald ; Zerwas ; Koznick ; Bennett ; Runbeck ; Petersburg ; Backer ; Vogel ; Daniels ; Peterson ; Hertaus ; Kiel ; Erickson, Davids (2/1)
Status: Passed 1 committee and referred to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Companion Senate Bill: SF254
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Goggin, Draheim, Anderson B, Jasinski
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF469 – Loosening gun laws by making permits for life. Once you get one you never need to recertify.
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Cornish, Howe, Johnson B (1/26)
Status: Submitted to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF418 – Anti-mass transportation. Prohibits the Metropolitan Council from undertaking any transit projects
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Runbeck; Petersburg; Newberger; Drazkowski; Hertaus; Anderson, S.; Gruenhagen; Dean, M.; Nash; McDonald, Koznick, Lohmer (1/30), Barr R (2/9)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF150
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Osmek, Newman, Pratt, Chamberlain, Hall
Status: Passed second committee and referred to Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1007&ls=90
 HF498 – Impose a tax on alternative fuel vehicles
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Quam
Status: Referred to Committee on Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF499 – Require permits, classes and fees to ride a bike in an urban bike lane
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Quam, Heintzeman (2/1)
Status: Referred to Committee on Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF551 – Remove rulemaking authority from Pollution Control Agency and Department of Natural Resources and review all existing rules for removal or enactment
Basically this is gutting the office’s ability to do its job
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Green, Poston, Whelan, Erickson, Pugh (2/6)
Status: Referred to Environmental and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
 HF552 – Remove rule-making authority from all departments not explicitly granted it by law and reduces the number of people needed to hold a public hearing on a rule (makes it harder to expedite)
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Green; Newberger; Whelan; Grossell; Johnson, B.; Daniels; Schomacker; Backer; Nash; Swedzinski; Bliss; Anderson, P.; Lucero; O'Neill; Heintzeman; Erickson; Poston and Miller, Lohmer (1/30), Pugh (2/6)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
 HF601 – Anti-abortion bill. Puts women on medical assistance who require abortions to pay all facility, administrative and overhead costs related to the procedure.
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Lohmer, Theis, Green, Heintzeman, Newberger, Bahr C, Lucero, Loonan, Gruenhagen, Koznick, Franson, Drazkowski, Miller, Bennett, Christensen, Knoblach, Bliss, Swedzinski, Dettmer, Whelan, Dean M, Pugh, Anderson S, McDonald, Grossell, Daniels (2/1), Peppin, Daudt, Nash, Howe
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF679 – Prevents parks and trails fund from using eminent domain to obtain land
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Pierson, Quam
Status: Referred to Legacy Funding Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90018
Companion Senate Bill: SF573
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Senjem
Status: Withdrawn from first committee and referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF691 - State government finance policy and elections omnibus finance bill. Contains several bad clauses. First, when the legislature is not in session, currently if they do not make a ruling on a collective bargaining agreement within 30 days that agreement will automatically be approved. Now they have to wait until the committee actually approves the agreement which could delay this for months. Second, limits the number of full-time equivalent employees in all executive branch agencies to 31,691. The number of employees should be flexible with the amount of work that need to be done, not some arbitrary cap that may shorthand agencies and make it harder for them to perform their jobs and serve the community. This is a list of state agencies that fall under the executive branch http://mn.gov/portal/government/state/agencies-boards-commissions/. Finally, allows legislators to block regulatory rules for vague reasons like "unduly burdensome" or because a rule is more strict than the federal one.
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Anderson, S
Status: Vetoed by the Governor, back in negotiations
Companion Senate Bill: SF605
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer
Status: Vetoed by the Governor, back in negotiations
 HF702 - Undermines the ability of the Pollution Control Agency to make rules regulating water. Sets a "causal relationship" requirement for the science behind rules. Causal relationships are very hard to show in experiments conducted outside of strict laboratory setups.
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: O'Driscoll, Urdahl, Pelowski, Poston, Marquart, Gruenhagen, Swedzinski, Fabian, Heintzeman, Nash, Lueck, Metsa, Kiel, Backer, Schomacker, Newberger, Uglem, Gunther
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF695
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Newman, Eken, Kiffmeyer, Tomassoni, Ingebrigtsen
Status: Passed 2 committees and referred to Environment and Natural Resources Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3093&ls=90 Also added to omnibus bill SF723
 HF726 – Phases out the general levy tax over six years removing this source of revenue from the tax base entirely
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Drazkowski, Lucero (2/2), Lueck (2/13), Erickson (2/16), Neu (3/6)
Status: Referred to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Senate Companion Bill: SF867
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Nelson, Chamberlain
Status: Referred to Taxes committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF729 – Elections omnibus bill. Senate version includes creation of a provisional ballot system. This is a big change and should be in its own bill where it can be properly vetted. Also, requires that party affiliation of elections judges be public record. This role is non-partisan and this seems like an attempt to discredit judges based on party affiliation if the make rulings a party doesn't like.  House version does not contain these objectionable clauses.
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Fenton, O’Driscoll, Nelson
Status: Passed committee, second reading in the house. Waiting on third reading and a vote.
Companion Senate Bill: SF514 (this is where the truly objectionable stuff is)
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer
Status: Passed out of committee and is waiting for a vote
 HF739 - Allows for-profit companies to ignore local ordinances and comprehensive plans when installing small cell wireless equipment in a right of way. The right of way includes the lawn strip along streets, alleys, sidewalks, transportation corridors, and other public access areas. Basically a company can put cellular equipment in your tree-lawn regardless of neighborhood regulations to the contrary.
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Hoppe, Garofalo, Kresha, Thissen, West, Smith, Koznick, Bahr (2/27), Poston (3/8), Albright (3/16), Slocum
Status: Passed two committees and referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF561
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Osmek, Senjem, Hoffman, Sparks, Hall
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Local Government http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3100&ls=90
 HF754 - Cuts aid for sanctuary cities and, strangely, to any city that contributes to a world's fair
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Drazkowski
Status:  Referred to Property Taxes and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
 HF800 ­– Cuts funding for light rail in the twin cities by removing state funding.
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Nash , Torkelson , Zerwas , Hertaus , Albright , West , Runbeck , Backer , Loon , Koznick , Scott , McDonald , Smith , Fenton , Loonan , Lucero , Christensen , Vogel , Newberger , Pugh , Bahr, C. (2/9) , Lohmer (2/9)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: 1769
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Osmek
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bill SF1060
  HF801 – Sends tax dollars to charter schools, which do not have to support students with disabilities and are not regulated like public schools
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Quam
Status: Referred to Education Innovation Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
Companion Senate Bill: SF402
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Senjem
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bill HF4
 HF809 – Anti-abortion bill. Limits funds for even medically necessary abortions (the only type funded through the state) for anyone on a state-sponsored health plan. No exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother or viability of the fetus. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional.
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Franson , Daudt , Peppin , Theis , Pelowski , Zerwas , Dettmer , Smith , Christensen , O'Driscoll , Drazkowski , Hamilton , Dean, M. , Miller , Davids , Nash , Hertaus , Petersburg , Johnson, B. , Murphy, M. , Schomacker , Bennett , Marquart , Gruenhagen , Cornish , Urdahl , Quam , Anderson, P. , Lueck , Knoblach , Fabian , Gunther , Grossell , Kresha , Torkelson
Status: Vetoed
Senate Companion Bill: SF702
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer, Eken, Abeler, Ruud, Gazelka
Status:  Vetoed
 HF810 – Anti-abortion bill. Identical to HF809
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Pugh , Scott , Kiel , McDonald , Daniels , Baker , Green , Whelan , Howe , Vogel , Lucero , Rarick , Swedzinski , Nornes , Heintzeman , Garofalo , Albright , Loonan , Backer , Lohmer , Haley , Erickson , Poston (2/15), Wills (2/27), Bahr C (3/20), O’Neill (3/23), Layman (4/4)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF703
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Goggin, Mathews, Westrom, Eichorn, Utke
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF811 – Anti-abortion bill. Puts unnecessary requirements on the facilities that perform abortions in an attempt to shut them down. Also, includes language to make it harder for the judiciary to overrule the entire bill if any one part is found unconstitutional.
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Kiel , Theis , Zerwas , Franson , Christensen , O'Driscoll , Drazkowski , Johnson, B. , Miller , Davids , Nash , Hertaus , Petersburg , Bennett , Gruenhagen , Anderson, P. , Lueck , Knoblach , Fabian , Gunther , Grossell , Kresha , Torkelson , Hamilton , Daniels (2/9) , Poston (2/15), Wills (2/27), O’Neill (3/23)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Senate Companion Bill: SF705
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Hall, Mathews, Eichorn, Draheim, Utke
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF812- Anti-abortion bill. Looks the same as HF811
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Kiel , Daudt , Peppin , Murphy, M. , Scott , Baker , Pugh , Dettmer , Smith , Whelan , Green , Howe , Vogel , Lucero , Rarick , Swedzinski , Nornes , Heintzeman , Garofalo , Albright , Dean, M. , Loonan , Backer , Lohmer , Haley , Anderson, S. , Schomacker , Marquart , McDonald , Daniels , Erickson , Pelowski , Cornish , Urdahl , Quam
Status: Vetoed
Senate Companion Bill: SF704
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Fischbach, Benson, Ruud, Eken, Johnson
Status: Vetoed
 HF1038 – This bill hides behind a friendly name, but it would change the renewable energy development fund into a general energy fund with no requirements to use the money on renewable energy development
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Mahoney, O’Neill, Metsa, Garofalo
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1111
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Mathews, Osmek, Hoffman
Status: Passed first committee and referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF1062 - Prohibits spending money on anything that improves the aesthetics of infrastructure projects
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Drazkowski, Pugh (2/13)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF1066 – Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Lohmer , Fenton , Dettmer , Zerwas , Cornish , Dean, M. , Gruenhagen , Green , Grossell , Uglem , Pugh , Loonan , Hertaus , Runbeck , Daudt , Daniels , O'Neill , Newberger , Miller , Whelan , Albright (2/13) , Rarick (2/15) , Howe (2/15), Lucero (3/7), Heintzeman (3/27)
Status: Passed committee and got a second reading in the house. Could go for a vote at any time.
Companion Senate Bill: SF918
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Housley
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1112 – Governor must approve any law that proposes a constitutional amendment before it goes to the voters. I’m listed this as opposed because I don’t want a republican governor to be able to keep constitutional amendments off the ballot in the future.
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Johnson C
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF989
Introduced: 2/15/2017
Authors: Hoffman
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF1128 – Reinsurance bill that also classifies IUD and emergency contraception as abortifacients and prevents insurance companies from covering them.
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Gruenhagen, Loonan, Hoppe, Albright, Pugh, Dean, M., Hertaus, Haley, Davids (2/15), Miller (2/22)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF1153
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Abeler
Status: Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1024&ls=90
 HF1133 – Allow electric vehicles to use the high capacity (HOV) lanes but increases fees on electric vehicles. Kind of a mixed bag
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Garofalo
Status: Passed second committee and referred to Taxes http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF2029
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Little
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF1151 – Eliminates the “certificate of need” requirements to build oil and gas pipelines. Just a way they are trying to streamline building fossil fuel infrastructure
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Bahr C
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF1183 – Health plans do not have to cover any health services related to gender reassignment
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Gruenhagen, Lohmer, Lucero, Nornes, Heintzeman, Green, Grossell, Pugh
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee
 HF1238 – Freezes the general levy at 2018 levels, slowly eroding the tax base due to inflation over time
Introduced: 2/15/2017
Authors: Davids
Status: Referred to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Companion Senate Bill: SF868
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Nelson, Chamberlain
Status: Referred to Taxes committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF1245 – Removed from opposed list. Exceptions to work requirements program changed to conform with federal standards which addressed my concerns about this bill.
 HF1285 - Prevents regulatory agencies from creating rules by forcing all rules to be approved by a law in congress before they can be implemented. Basically, guts the agencies’ ability to do their jobs.
Introduced: 2/15/2017
Authors: Pugh
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF769
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer, Newman (3/7)
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practice Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
  HF1291 - Requires most energy infrastructure permits to be issued in either 90 or 150 days (a very short period of time), and lets the polluter write the first draft. The bill would even allow companies to pay for a shorter review process. It would also completely eliminate the Environmental Quality Board, the only inter-agency organization that takes on issues such as climate change, frac sand mining, pollinators, pipelines, and provides technical assistance to tribes.  
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Fabian, Lueck, Green, Heintzman
Status: Passed third committee and referred to Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90027
Companion Senate Bill: SF1087
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Gazelka (2/22), Tomassoni (2/23)
Status: Passed fourth committee and referred to Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1007&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bill SF723
 HF1313 – Currently the minimum wage increase automatically to account for inflation, this bill would stop that freezing the min wage at current levels. This will erode the buying power of the wage and decrease the real income of min wage employees over time
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Gruenhagen, Bahr C, Drazkowski, Hertaus
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF1323 - Establishes a debt limit. This could hamper the ability of the state to borrow money in a future recession or to fund large projects. Additionally, at the federal level, raising the debt limit is used as a bargaining chip by republicans to get what they want under threat of shutting down the government and defaulting on the debt. Our legislature should pass good budgets, not artificially cap borrowing capacity.
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Vogel, Halverson, Peppin, Scott, Albright, Theis, Peterson, Green, Bahr C, Runbeck, Gruenhagen, Knoblach, Daniels (2/20)
Status: Passed first committee and sent to Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90027
Companion Senate Bill: SF1112
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Pratt, Eichorn (3/13)
Status: Referred to Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1007&ls=90
 HF1356 – Bans lead ammunition during the regular firearm season. Yes, this is an opposed bear with me and I’ll explain. If you want to turn the rural areas completely against the DFL this bill will do it. There is a great case study around the reintroduction of the California Condor which details a better way by cooperating with sport hunters (who are often conservation minded) to do demonstration and education around non-lead round performance and the dangers of lead ammunition to wildlife mixed with samples and discounts on non-lead options. They greatly reduced the amount of lead shot used without pissing everyone off.
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Becker-Finn, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Fischer, Clark (2/20)
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
 HF1433 – allows legislatures to object to regulatory agency rules for vague things like it being “unduly burdensome” or because the rules is stricter than a relevant federal rule.
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Kresha, Fabian, Ecklund, Heintzeman, Newberger, Torkelson
Status: Passed two committees and referred to Rule and Legislative Administration http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90020
 HF1466 - Undermines enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Torkelson
Status: Passed two committees and referred to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Companion Senate Bill: SF1395
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Westrom, Johnson, Dahms, Eken, Miller
Status: Passed committee and waiting on a floor vote, also added to omnibus bill SF723
 HF1475 – Removed from the Opposed List. They fixed the language of the bill to include “intent” to help someone commit a terrorist act removing the likelihood this would prosecute mere acquaintances of a terrorist.
 HF1479 – Asks US congress to de-fund the Southwest Light Rail project
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Runbeck, Koznick, Smith, Scott, Pugh, Nash, Uglem, Hertaus, Lohmer, Dettmer
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF1504 – A bill of preemption. This one prevents cities / localities from banning or taxing plastic and paper bags
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Nash, Gunther, O’Driscoll, Heintzeman, Fabian
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF1195
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Tomassoni, Sparks, Eichorn
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Environment and Natural Resources Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3093&ls=90
Also added to omnibus SF723
 HF1510 - Allows MN to contract with for profit prisons. Profit motivations are perverse in the prison system where they goal should be reforming prisons and emptying our prisons by decreasing crime, not making sure beds are filled to capacity to make a profit.
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Miller, Cornish, Daudt, Backer, Baker, Lucero (3/23)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1322
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Lang, Limmer, Dahms, Westrom, Johnson
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1586 – Various election changes including creating a provisional ballot system. Minnesota is exempt from having a provisional ballot system because we have same day registration. We also have some of the highest voting rates in the nation. We do not need this.
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Quam, Poston (3/1), Pugh (3/7), Gruenhagen (3/13), Newberger (3/13), Hertaus (3/13), Drazkowski (3/13), Lohmer (3/13), Runbeck (3/13), and Dettmer (3/13), Wills (3/20), Heintzeman (3/27)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1225
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer
Status: Added to elections omnibus bill SF514 (article 4)
 HF1600 – Yet another reduction / freeze of the general levy which will decrease that tax base leaving individuals to either pick up the slack with higher taxes or service cuts
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Peterson, Koznick, Christensen, Fenton
Status: First sent to Taxes, then chair referred to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
 HF1630 - Anti-light rail. Prevents studying light rail projects, no less actually building one
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Runbeck
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF1633 – Prevents UMinn researchers from using donated fetal tissue if the donation was the result of an abortion
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Whelan, Knoblach, Grossell, McDonald, Heintzeman, Daniels, Drazkowski, Backer, Dean, M., Zerwas, Lohmer, Miller, Scott, Pugh, Newberger, Green, Quam, Gunther, Gruenhagen, Franson, Bahr, C., Bennett (2/27), Lucero (2/27)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
 HF1664 – Cuts funding to sanctuary cities
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Drazkowski, Hertaus, Quam, Lucero (2/27)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy
 HF1666 – Stops regulatory agencies from regulating particulate matter from silica sand projects
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Swedzinski, Metsa, Fabian, Vogel, Loonan, Johnson B
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF1310
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Ruud, Ingebrigtsen, Tomassoni, Koran, Senjem
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bills SF865 and SF723
 HF1667 - Requires that districts contract out pre-kindergarten programs. They cannot run them themselves unless there isn't anyone to contract to in the area. Contracting out is not always more cost effective then running the program themselves and the decision on whether or not to do so should be left to the school
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Peterson, Poston
Status: Referred to Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
Companion Senate Bill: SF2305
Introduced: 4/3/2017
Authors: Nelson, Chamberlain, Torres Ray, Pappas
Status: Referred to E-12 Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3091&ls=90
 HF1701 – Decreases the statute of limitations to bring a civil action on domestic assault from 6 years to 4
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Omar, Scott, Lucero (3/7), Moran (3/7)
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
Companion Senate Bill: SF2026
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Dziedzic
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1788 – Declares pornography a public health hazard. The creation and consumption of porn has been found to be protected by the first amendment and really isn’t anyone’s business if it’s all consenting adults.
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors:   Miller, Pinto, Lohmer, Backer, Dean, M., Bennett, Poston, Heintzeman, Pugh, Dettmer, Nash, Gruenhagen, Erickson, Whelan, Slocum, Murphy, M., Omar, Scott, Peterson (3/23)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1605
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Benson, Hoffman
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1862 – Removes the Legacy Fund Amendment to the constitution and replaces it with one that splits the money between several things including roads and bridges. Roads and bridges should be funded, but not with money dedicated to keep our water clean and preserving natural resources.
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Koznick
Status: Referred to Legacy Funding Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90018
 HF1866 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Albright, Drazkowski (3/23)
Status: In Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90027
Companion Senate Bill: SF1490
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Osmek
Status: Passed and send to the House
 HF1891 - When the legislature is not in session, currently if they do not make a ruling on a collective bargaining agreement within 30 days that agreement will automatically be approved. Now they must wait until the committee approves the agreement which could delay this for months.
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Howe, Loonan, Nash
Status: Passed first committee and referred to State Government Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90021
Companion Senate Bill: SF1833
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Koran, Kiffmeyer, Draheim
Status: Referred to State Government and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF1922 – Increases the registration tax on electric vehicles (only) by $125
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Koznick
Status: Passed second committee and referred to Taxes http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF2215
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Jensen, Newman, Frentz
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF1928 – Repeals the Livable Communities Act. The 1995 Livable Communities Act (LCA) funds community investment that revitalizes economies, creates affordable housing, and links different land uses and transportation. Reallocation of funds excludes light rail and commuter rail
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Koznick
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF1962 – Anti-abortion bill. Removes funding from organizations that provide abortion services or are even affiliated with an abortion provider if they do abortions for any reason other than saving the life of the mother.
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Lohmer, Daudt, Whelan, Peppin, Dean, M., Rarick, McDonald, Scott, Miller, Lucero, Bennett, Franson, Backer, Grossell, Johnson, B., Quam, Gruenhagen, Theis, Knoblach (3/6), Dettmer (3/6)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF1976 - Adds more requirements which erode a local government's ability to manage solid waste collection
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Garofalo, West (3/7)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1755
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Anderson B, Koran
Status: Referred to Local Government http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3100&ls=90
 HF1994 - Undermines enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Torkelson, Fabian, Anderson P, Hamilton, Pierson, Gruenhagen, Bennett, Bahr C
Status: Passed second committee and referred to Environmental and Natural Resources Policy and Finance
Companion Senate Bill: SF1693
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Weber, Dahms
Status: Passed committee and waiting on a senate vote also added to omnibus bill SF723
 HF2005 - Appears to be designed to scare parents about vaccines more than anything else. Any drug administered by a physician can have adverse effects up to and including death (read the disclosures sometime), the doctor isn’t required to enumerate those in excruciating detail or make you sign a consent form.
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Pugh, Whelan (5/8)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF2026 – Allowing health insurance plans to offer less than the mandated federal benefits
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Drazkowski
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2164
Introduced: 3/16/2017
Authors: Jensen
Status: Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1024&ls=90
 HF2058 – Makes it harder to build light-rail systems
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Nash, Pugh (3/13), Petersburg (3/13), Scott (3/13), Lucero (3/14), Whelan (3/15)
Status: Passed 3 committees, second reading in the house, referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cmte/Home/?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: SF1841
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Relph
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Transportation Finance and Policy   http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bill SF1060
 HF2070 – Puts legislators in charge of deciding valid uses of medical cannabis
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Dean M, Lohmer (3/7), Loonan (3/7)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1268
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Benson, Abeler
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2107 - Cuts off aid to cities that make their own labor regulations
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Drazkowski
Status: Referred to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Companion Senate Bill: SF2157
Introduced: 3/16/2017
Authors: Chamberlain
Status: Referred to Taxes http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF2268 - Can use the general fund to pay a bond for charter schools
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Fenton
Status: Referred to Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
 HF2291 - Removes specific goals for green house gas emissions and reference to climate change. replaces with goal to reduce emissions in an affordable way
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Bahr C, Drazkowski, Baker, Newberger
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF2323 – Ends MinnesotaCare
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Dean M
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90012
Companion Senate Bill: SF2062
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Benson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2412 - Removes the authority of cities to create special service districts (which are paid for by the businesses in those districts). Special services authorized in some city ordinances have included street and sidewalk cleaning, snow and ice removal, lighting, signage, parking, parking enforcement, marketing and promotion, landscaping, and security.  They may also include capital improvements authorized in the special assessment statute.
Introduced: 3/14/2017
Authors: Drazkowski
Status: Referred by chair of Taxes to Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
 HF2573 - Creates new reporting requirements for abortions performed via telemedicine.  NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota, called the additional reporting requirements “unnecessary,” as non-surgical abortions are very safe, whether provided through telemedicine or not. They would also “(lay) the groundwork to create additional barriers". Added to Health and Human Services Omnibus.
Introduced: 4/3/2017
Authors: Whelan, Lohmer, Knoblach, Dean M, Scott, Grossell, Miller, Pugh, Backer, Lucero (4/4)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF2366
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Mathews, Lang
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2585 - Increases the premiums of MinnesotaCare and asks for a waiver from the federal government to use funds for things over than healthcare
Introduced: 4/6/2017
Authors: Dean M
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90012
Companion Senate Bill: SF2360
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Jensen
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2602 - Requires that the Metropolitan Council stop developing light rail or commuter rail
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Runbeck, Petersburg, West, Koznick, Scott, Pugh (4/27)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF2330
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Osmek
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF2628 - Micromanages the Metropolitan Council, changes voting powers, dictates amounts of money that has to go to each county, removes an advisory board, restricts the use of taxes for administrative purposes. A lot of this is in the transportation omnibus
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Koznick, Hertaus, Runbeck, Lohmer, Dean M, Garofalo, Barr R, Dettmer, O’Neill, Loonan, Pugh, McDonald, Nash, Zerwas, Vogel, Wills, Peterson, Uglem, Scott, Jurgens, Fenton, West, Whelan
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: SF2372
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Chamberlain, Osmek
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF2658 - Would make wearing anything that covers the face or masks identity at a protest of public demonstration a crime. They make exceptions for religious reasons and below zero temperatures (frankly I need a face wrap well above 0). This would have the side effect of making the wearing masks as a form of expression (like a trump mask) illegal.
Introduced: 5/10/2017
Authors: Dean M, Zerwas, Drazkowski, Pugh, Lohmer, Lucero, Poston, Bahr C, Miller, McDonald, Gruenhagen, Newberger (5/15),
Status: Referred to Public Safety Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 Senate Bill SF462 – Repeals the estate tax
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Limmer
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 Senate Bill SF665 – Phases out the state general levy tax removing this source of revenue from the tax base
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Nelson
Status: Referred to Taxes committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
  Senate Bill SF881 – Prevents cities from implementing what are called “sanctuary” ordinances. These mean that city institutions like the police, courts, and schools do not double as immigration enforcement. It’s important that all people, regardless of status, be able to go to the police if they are the victims of, or witness to, a crime.
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Johnson, Utke
Status: Referred to Taxes committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
  Senate Bill SF1283 – Makes it harder for regulatory agencies to regulate water quality
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Newman, Ingebrigtsen, Utke, Eken, Tomassoni
Status: Referred to Environmetn and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
  Senate Bill SF1332 – Sends tax money to charter schools
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Kiffmeyer
Status: Referred to E-12 Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3090&ls=90
 Senate Bill SF2248 - New REAL ID bill that still contains the lawful status language that mixes up questions around federal compliance and undocumented immigrants. We need a clean REAL ID bill.
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Rest, Dibble, Dziedzic, Carlson, Clausen (4/18)
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
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