Napoleone and fem!Ivan maybe 👀👀👀👀?
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There you are dear anon 😎👌
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Napoleone and fem!Ivan maybe 👀👀👀👀?
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There you are dear anon 😎👌
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It was supposed to be the answer to an anon ask “Can we see Asra as a parent ?” but I accidentally deleted it ^^;;;;
I drew the first (Proud Asra carrying his bb) then I got carried away a bit XD
Anyway, I hope you like it anon (=`ω´=)
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How about Fem! Ivan? 👀👀
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-Why are you looking at me so much?
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my husband uwu my lovely asra......
Asra's Reverse Ending creeped me out *Spoiler Alert*
I know I do memes and probably no one will be post this or comment but I just want to express my feelings over this ending.
I'm an Asra stan, I love him, and I'm soft for this fluffy piece of art... BUT HIS REVERSE ENDING... I was literally playing the ending with COMPLETE DARKNESS.
I don't know why or where I saw some people saying they preferred the reverse endings but this made me sad. Yeah, I was laughing and goofy for some parts but when you and Asra see the reflections of his parents and Muriel in the water and he says, "Who are they?" I swear I felt my heart broken. Then Faust seemed hesitant to leave. And I was confused so I looked up some explanations...
Let's just say I ended up creating a theory... Not very nice.
So... My theory, that might actually be wrong, is that Asra is not actually Asra. Why am I saying this? Well, for starters:
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I saw in someone's post that his eyes are not smiling, and it is true, but even more, his eyes doesn't have a light reflection and that makes him look creepy or like my art teacher says "Looks dead."
Now, I'm not saying Asra is dead, what I think is that The Devil might have pulled his old trick he used for Asra's parents on the apprentice and Asra. Meaning he divided you and he was impersonating the other and trick them. Why do I feel like this? The apprentice kind of recognized Asra's parents and Muriel and said they looked familiar but Asra says:
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Now, say this is actually Asra. The same person who said his eyes were not smiling on the CG also said he probably actually remembered what happened but was faking it to not hurt the apprentice. I don't know if it's true but it still hurts.
Also, something else I noticed is that all the "It's only you and me" reminded me of Adam and Eve. I'm not religious, but it did went through my head.
I love Asra, I love Faust, I love his parents, and I love Muriel. It hurted me going through the route and making bad choices and I'm pretty sure I don't want to see the ending again. The only thing I want to see of Asra with true happiness is his Upright Ending. I honestly don't care for Julian, Nadia, or Portia (but I do love them in their own way) as long as my fluffy angel is happy.
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Julian: Aww... Look at how cute your hair looks after waking up. I could totally kiss you right now.
Asra: Ilya that's GAY.
Julian: ... Asra we'be been dating—
Asra: We're not dating.
Julian: We just fucked—
Asra: That doesn't mean anything.
Julian: So we're just friends with benefits?
Asra: Funny of you to assume we're friends.
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When you were young it seemed like all the evil of the world were in your body. Bittering every inch of your skin, eating away at your uneven gaze. Abandoned and presented as the main course to certain death. You decided simply not to die. You wept with rage, with grief, with resentment. That innocent spirit had found, in a very antiquated way, the way to corrupt itself irreversibly.
Your eyes were always narrowed, and you didn’t know how to speak without looking stupid, not even adolescence could hide your biggest flaws, flaws that you are paying for not because it was your fault, but because of the sin of your parents.
The journey was long, the summer no longer made you feel good, so you arrived at the land of snow and liquor, ready to die there, but sure you wanted to find something.
But he found you first. You still have a blurred memory, indeed, you have none, no one accompanied you on that street, you heard only the wind, and then the noise of a snake, but when you woke up, it seemed that you had changed your body, like a snake that changes its skin, so did you.
  ed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper
Beautiful, a beautiful man was underneath all those deformities and mental problems. When you saw your unrecognisable face, you didn’t panic either. Wasn’t that what you had always wanted?
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 But you didn’t smile, you didn’t feel happy, you just stood up and when you saw your feet, you noticed, it had all been there. That evil outside, it just ate away at the depths of your soul.
When you found the right person, you explained to him what the Stands were, your soul was that. A snake out of hell itself.
It was like a mirror, reflecting who he was, and he would never forget that. You were never free, your leash just got longer, more subtle.
But you never complained again, you had climbed so far, and you had no one, you could feel nothing as you crushed the heads of your enemies with your own hands, getting rid of the Russian boss was not easy, as you were alone. And with your actions alone you turned a whole mafia upside down, to rearrange it again. There were no impediments now, there were no excuses, there was no one to stand in his way. But he knew that one day what he kept would have to be seen by someone.
Just that thought alone made you feel an unpleasant feeling, fear.
You felt it when you met Domenico Castiglier.
A man like you, with an invisible leash, but he was someone you could learn from and benefit from.
However, with whom you found liberation was not with him, but with someone much worse. He had what you loved most in a person, and what you hated most in a person, he was a perfect balance, and charming.
His leash got even longer thanks to Tadano Yamaguchi.
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Ivan & Domenico as Record of Ragnarok 👀💦 Consider them 👀💦
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Domenico Castiglier as Set
Ivan Radkevich as Ivan "The Terrible"
I really loved the anime, so I was excited about the idea of drawing these two characters as if they were in an original cover!
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□: a flower crown From Cannoli to Fragola uwu 🌸🌸
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👑 OC dressed as royalty For Ivan 👀👌 cuttie russian guy
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Looking good that zar uwu
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Meet Leonardo 🎹
 Full name: Leonardo Limoncello
 Zodiac Sign: Aries
 Birthday: March 28th, Genoa, Italy.
 Height: 5'10 (1.77cm)
 Short Summary [Canon JJBA]: Leonardo Limoncello is part of a very long line of mafia assassins, his parents just like him started on the business as very young teenagers making them very wanted people. When he was 12 a terrible set of events occurred and he had to take up on his fathers’ shoes and become responsible for his younger sister with the help of his older brother Alessandro. A complete expert on the art of disappearing traces made him a well-paid mercenary until he started working for La Nuova Costa.
 Personality: Leonardo is a very cold and distant guy at first, with a long history of anger issues. He is always in a bad mood and will often scream at everything and anything. Only being able to control himself around work because his life depends on it, he has always had a thing por perfection and takes his work very seriously. He isn’t very friendly but also not introverted, he will tell the hard cold truth with a smirk on his face. He loves being right and doing things his way.
 Favorite music: Classical music and a bit of alternative rock.
 Favorite food: Pasta Carbonara and Lemon Gelato.
 Likes: Music (complete snob), oranges and cleanliness
 Dislikes: Lazy people, peanuts and his brother Alessandro.
 Stand Name: This Charming Man
 This Charming Man functions as a tool for manipulation. It can only function with sound, that’s the way his stand can travel and move. This Charming Man stand can take the sound of people’s voices to make their thoughts appear before him. With that he can alter their emotions or actions depending on each person’s will. It has a very wide range but no offensive power.
  Art credit goes to @dad-chis thank you! 💛
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You are mixing kids without me >:c? Hmmmmm…….maybe…..a Fragola + Cannoli mix? Please uwu?  (watermelonsugar-writer) Here bb uwu: 
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hey!! The Daft Punk’s separation hit me so hard, becouse their music was important for me during my teenage. i got this idea during the night, she is my OC, her name is Cannoli Nero, and her stand’s name is Daft Punk, i imagine her dressed like Stella in InterStella and holdin’ the helmets. (I know i don‘t introduce her yet, give me time pls >:c)
its my own tribute for them, thank you for everything!
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