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I’m unsure as of now with what I’ll do with Lapis now but you can contact me on skype: portraitdragon
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I just logged in and I’m very confused. Shit
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"Nope. Not going to do it. No way in hell am I going to where a shark costume, Lapis. Not even for chocolate cake. As Bolin or Brawly to do. I'm sure they'd do it."
“Are you sure? Come on, it’s for my summer sale! I need someone who isn’t going to goof off and make a run for the ocean to wear the suit. I can double up the deal with whatever food you want.”
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warm up
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“Lapis Lazuli … You fled to the bottom of the sea…” 🎼 S T E V E N S A V E H E R
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A5- Lapis Laz~
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an admirable effort was made?
i think lapis has been fused with jass at the bottom of the ocean for too long…it’s getting to her
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Haruka didn’t really approach the stranger, preferring to mind his own business. Still, he couldn’t help but notice her position. It wasn’t unlike that of someone who had some sort of bad experience. He felt sympathy wash over him, knowing well how depressed someone could get from the simplest of things.
He might as well attempt to comfort her, if she needs it.
He didn’t physically move, however. No, he just continued to lay on his towel, speaking up when he felt the most comfortable. “Something wrong?” He knew it wasn’t any of his business, but it wouldn’t kill to ask. Then again, Haruka wasn’t exactly a shoulder to cry on, with his monotone, rough way of speaking.
So he just laid there, not prying for an answer, and not attempting to try and nose his way into her business. If she wanted to talk, she could talk. He wasn’t going to force any response out of her. At least the sun was warm on his skin, and he let out an involuntary sigh. Well, if she wasn’t going to respond, then Haruka was going to have a nap.
She stared out at the blue waters in the distance before looking down at the clear water rushing against her skin. It was nice to have that feeling, like chilly air hitting her as she took off on her bike when she went places. It was good to feel something nice instead of the empty feeling that was just sitting around in the backroom of her store or laying down on her bed.
She needed to stay out of bed anyway. It was being alone in that bed that just made her heart sink at night. She slept on the couch, it wasn’t uncomfortable, just a little cold and inconvenient since she’d have to come up to her room in the morning to get dressed rather than just getting up and walking over.
There wasn’t anything much to feel that way, just the static position she had until she got tired and drifted off. It would all be the same until she decided to make any sort of movement. She never did.
She didn’t really know what to respond with when she asked a question out of the blue. Like there wasn’t enough blue in her life. No shock there.
“Just trying to deal with life and...stuff, you?”
Endless Ocean
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"Come on, dance with me."
“Hey, hold on!”
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“I’m no good at dancing. Really.”
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“I don’t know what I want.”
“You’re holding a menu, just pick something. I’m getting kind of hungry.”
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“Are we going in circles?”
“I would say ovals or something but that’s kind of counterproductive.”
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“I think we’re lost.”
“I can tell you why.”
“You’re holding the map upside-down.”
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“Please explain it to me again.”
“I just need you to wear this shark suit to advertise my shop. Come on, it’s just going to be for an hour and all you have to do is stand outside.”
“You will be paid in cake and or cookies.”
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☂:our muses get caught in the rain outside without an umbrella
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“So maybe running after my cat when it was clearly going to rain was a bad idea. Just maybe.” Maybe. They were stuck in the rain under a tree.
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Send memes(/tagged/meme) to distract me from studying for my biotech test on monday(its currently sunday)
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“What?!” “What are you talking about?” “Where are we going?” “I’m confused.” “I’m lost.” “Wait, what?” “Which one?” “Do what?” “Huh?” “Say that again slowly.” “I don’t think I’m getting it.” “I don’t get it.” “That doesn’t make sense.” “You’re not making any sense.” “Wait a minute.” “Hold on, I’m thinking.” “Just let me think.” “I don’t know.” “Where to?” “How are we getting there again?” “So, what’s the plan?” “What’s our plan again?” “I think I got turned around.” “I think I went the wrong way.” “Are we going in circles?” “I think we’re lost.” “You’ve got me confused.” “I don’t understand.” “Please explain it to me again.” “I’m not sure.” “This is confusing.” “Are you confused?” “We’re definitely not on the same page.” “I’m not following.” “Are you following me?” “Do you get it now?” “Are you still confused?” “You are the most confusing person I know.” “You don’t know what you want.” “I don’t know what I want.” “What should we do?” “Where do we stand?”
Confused Sentence Meme Starters.
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She tilts her head to the side, an almost too innocent look on her face, maybe of even dumbfound and a dash of playful nature on the side.
“Getting home?” “You weren’t planning to try to leave Ahri alone already were you?”
A cheeky grin paints her lips, her eyes moving in a similar confident manner.
“No, no ~ ” “You’re going to have to give me a good reminder of last night.”
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Ahri brings up the girl’s interlaced hand to rest it against her cheek, keeping their eyes clearly meeting. She finally drops her gaze, deciding to trail small kisses up Lapis’s wrist. She may or may not be reveling in the girl’s reactions.
“That’d be a shame, maybe even torture.” 
Breakfast over? Last time she checked, her dessert sat in front of her. That was a part of breakfast, no?
“Well no, I wasn’t leaving just yet--” She tried to say, but Ahri’s smile made her cut herself off.
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“A reminder..? I think I just did?” What Ahri meant didn’t seem to really sink in for Lapis.
“Unless you mean like..” She trailed off, looking away when she could feel Ahri’s lips on her hand. She just hoped that Ahri couldn’t see her blush rising. She couldn’t see it herself but she could just feel the heat rising the her face.
A reminder. A part of Lapis felt that Ahri would just lean over and tease her a little more or just whisk her away somewhere.
She looked back at Ahri, still unsure of herself. That gaze just bore into her and she was nervous as all hell but she stood up, hand still in the other woman’s grip.
Though shaky and unsteady, she leaned over and grabbed the front of Ahri’s shirt, just clumsily crushing her lips against hers. Good job, Lapis.
good morning @ ahri & lapis
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