Finally found the version of Save that I thought was just Wikipedia folklore 
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Okay so
1. Blurry tweet about watching diversions. Tyler wasn't onstage when this was tweeted and deleted afaik which means it probably wasn't scheduled and he manually posted it (and also leaves the door open for a switcheroo)
2. The Judge restricted content at presumably the exact same time the tweet was posted
3. Tyler's final shirt that says Clancy had black lettering instead of red. The days are swimming together atp in the tour but I believe his first shirt had the keons psychokinesis symbol on it. Might’ve been LA night 1 but I think it was last night
4. I've only watched the first show of tour and part of last night's so maybe it's always this way but the "east is up" and blurry backing vocals for natn were SUPER fucking loud
5. Dema was not on fire during Navigating
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Fic Update!!
Added a new and long chapter to my Torchbearer fic! Following along the canon with his perspective and torchler of course. Would appreciate anyone who reads it :-)
pardon my delay; making my way towards you
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so i started some clique art (rebel red of course) and i just neeeeed to talk abøut it beføre i get it døne and post it and everything like just the buildup tø what it is and such yøu knøw høw i am
tyler knew for a while that clancy would eventually pull something like this, running headfirst into dema alone and confronting nico. it was something tyler himself had thought about, and sømething he was sure he had done before each time the cycle was about to restart itself. and even if this specific cycle was vastly different from any of the rest, it still followed the same general path.
so when clancy began possessing tyler more and more, he knew they would start planning their march towards the city any møment, whether or not the banditos would be on board with it. he’s sure some would be. and rather than stopping it, ør telling someone about it who could stop clancy, he decided to let it happen, but prepare himself to confront nico.
tyler knew one other thing, which was that clancy was not ready to go back to dema, regardless of how they outwardly portrayed themself as being ready and wanting this to happen. yes, they wanted this to happen, wanted the confrontation and victory, but they weren’t ready. they were in over their head, and tyler was not going to let clancy take his body straight to the bishops without having a plan to get out, with or without clancy.
while he felt for them and understood why they were doing what they were doing, he alsø understood that you have to face the consequences of your actions eventually. and if that meant clancy’s soul burning døwn with dema, then so be it.
tyler knew that clancy wøuld act all brave until the møment nico’s hands were arøund their throat. and that’s when he wøuld have tø cøme in and somehow save them bøth while confronting nico. it wouldn’t be easy, but in the time he did have left until the møment came, there’s a few things he can dø. he can’t talk tø josh abøut it, ør any øf the banditos, really. nøt without anyone trying tø stop clancy. they need tø believe it’s tyler, even if clancy døes a really bad job at pretending tø be him. he can tell blurry a little bit, though, knowing he’d be too scared to say anything to anyone (which tyler is not happy about clancy saying what they said and scaring blurry sø badly). he just needs to reassure him that he has a plan and it’ll all be fine.
truth be told, though, tyler isn’t sure what’ll even happen if the cycle is broken. will things reset again to a world without a cycle, or will this world keep moving forwards? he’s more than a bit scared, honestly. for møst øf the peøple here, if the cycle resets then they just stay and repeat everything øver. but this cycle changed. peøple nøt from this world are here nøw. whø knøws what will happen tø them if the cycle resets? all øf a sudden, tyler feels the pressure increase øn him. he’s nøw nøt just responsible for keeping himself safe, but he needs to ensure the cycle is broken for good.
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Lyrics icons of every track from Clancy.
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🍁There’s a quiet strength in just existing. It’s easy to overlook, especially when everything feels awful, but simply getting through each day is a huge accomplishment. You might not always see it, but just by being here, you’re adding something uniquely important to the world. It’s not about doing something extraordinary or being the best; it’s about continuing on, even when things are tough. Your presence matters, and it has a positive impact in ways you might not notice, but others do. Give yourself credit for the small victories, the moments when you keep going despite it all. Those moments show just how strong you are, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Hang on to that thought, because it’s a truth worth holding onto as you face whatever comes your way.🍁
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the shadow of your mind
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Look at the bearded vulture they eats bones
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pov you are bones perhaps a marrow
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No way! Another update dropped
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Two wips that apparently I’ll never finish
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help... i love american musical duo twenty one pilots way too much for my own good
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I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna be here!
na nanana nanana nanananana nanananana nananana naananana nana na
stand up straight now
can't break down
graduate now
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Since tour is coming up, we are reopening invites to the tumblr clique server!
If you're interested in joining, you can either dm me or the server owner @sleepyjim2 for an invite!
This server is one of my absolute favourite places on the internet just due to how kind, respectful, and welcoming the people in it are, and if that sounds like something you'd like too, please don't hesitate to ask for an invite!
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