wayfaringastral · 13 days
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✧— Pokémon Headcanon Meme
@toestalucia asked:
☀️: Who is your character’s partner Pokémon? Do they prefer to stay outside of their Pokéball? What’s their dynamic with their trainer?
🌟: Has your character met any Legendary Pokémon before? If so, what were the encounters like? Do they have any Legendary Pokémon on their team? If not, do they believe in Legendary Pokémon?
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Well, just look at shiny midnight Lycanroc and try to tell me that it isn't Fenrir!
This Lycanroc has an extremely vicious temperament. It will happily sustain injuries for the sake of taking down its opponent.
This Pokémon uses its rocky mane to slash any who approach. It will even disobey its Trainer if it dislikes the orders it was given.
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The colour scheme fits her perfectly too, it's always been so crazy to me.
ALTHOUGH. I want to mention that I could easily see her being a Type: Null/Silvally though! A God-Slayer with her powers restricted and all that...
Anyway Fenrir isn't caught in a Pokeball at all she just sticks around with Loki regardless and that is beautiful. I think Loki would try to hide this fact and pretend he caught her but... no... she sticks with him because she cares about him. She is still as vicious as can be though and I think she bites him... He's fine though, because of course he is. That brings me into their dynamic! Fenrir is free to do as she pleases and she gets into fights a lot with wild Pokemon, other trainers, and Loki's own party. She kind of has a reputation for being unruly while Loki is the most awful trainer ever because he doesn't bother to keep her in check. But it's not true... The two of them are very close and Loki just believes she should do what she wants... forever... In secret I'd like to think that they defend a lot of weaker Pokemon that need help. Although it's something no one knows.
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Oh good heavens so I love assigning Legendary Pokemon to characters it is such a special thing to me.
For one, I think Akasha should be a Jirachi... Since it often is dormant and its powers require someone else to use it, I think it checks out! There's also the fact that on two occasions, its powers have been used to make Monstrous Entities that could destroy the world... + Doom Desire feels very Akasha in vibes™...
Terapagos also feels very Akasha (and Astral in general...) to me. It is another Pokemon that technically has the ability to rewrite reality but its abilities are very much shrouded in mystery. It can also learn Meteor Beam, which is exclusive to fossil + space-related Pokemon... so it has that inherit connection to the stars in my opinion! It can rewrite reality too... There's a lot I can say about Paradox Pokemon and the Terastal Phenomenon but this is getting long. I'd like to think maybe the combined powers of Jirachi + Terapagos would equal a fully powered Akasha!? Jeez Erste, how come you get TWO special Pokemon...
Magearna would be Deus Ex Machina... With its artificial soul and general theming it just works! Its ability kind of makes me think of Byleistr and Viola and what happened... Every time a Pokemon is knocked out it grows stronger, so it's a dangerous little thing. Be careful now!
I kind of think he doesn't have any Legendary Pokemon on his team directly but he can access their powers when need be. I want to say he's friends with Kyurem and although it's not a member of his team he can still call upon it at will! But if you go the route with Fenrir being a Silvally then yes, he does have one, and she's awesome! Maybe I'll just say best of both worlds and Fenrir would be a Silvally that was made with the DNA of a midnight Lycanroc...
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
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The heavens above. 1882. Cover detail.
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
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// guess who made some icons with assets from ch174. i also made a banner for asks so that's exciting!
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
{ Send me a headcanon about my character and I can only reply with ❎ for wrong or ✅ for correct }
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
Send 🌟 for a headcanon about our muses’ relationship
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
Pokémon Headcanon Meme:
☀️ : Who is your character’s partner Pokémon? Do they prefer to stay outside of their Pokéball? What’s their dynamic with their trainer?
🌗 : Does your character have a favourite Pokéball? Which ones do they use the least?
💾 : What is your character’s Pokémon team? Any Pokémon they don’t  have currently in their team (in their PC Box or elswhere)?
😀 : Describe one of your character’s relationships with their Pokémon.
👥 : Does your character travel with anyone aside from their Pokémon?
♠️ : Does your character specialize in a Pokémon type or do their types vary? Do they pay much attention to type match-ups?
🗻 : What type of journey is your character on? Are they tackling the Pokémon League, engaging in contests, on researching endeavors, a ranger scouting for danger? Or do they have a more ‘normal’ occupation? What type of life do they lead?
🌟: Has your character met any Legendary Pokémon before? If so, what were the encounters like? Do they have any Legendary Pokémon on their team? If not, do they believe in Legendary Pokémon?
🍼 : Are there any Pokémon your character has difficulty handling? Are there any they find easiest to raise?
🐤 : Does your character use Daycares? Or do they manage all the training and caretaking themselves?
🕶 : Are there ‘troublemaking’ Pokémon on your character’s team? If so, how do they tackle these troubles?
🥘 : Is your character any good at making Poffins?
🎊 : If your character takes part in contests, what category is their favourite? What are the best at? What are they worst at?
📱 : How full is your character’s Pokedex?
✨ : Has your character ever encountered a shiny Pokémon ? Do they have one in their team?
🎲 : Has your character ever been to a Game Corner or equivalent? How much time do they spend there? Have they ever gotten really lucky at the slots?
🌑 : How does your character handle villainous organisations? Have they ever encountered one? How did that go?
⛔️ : Has your character ever mistaken an owned Pokémon for a wild Pokemon and tried to catch it?
🚴: Does your character own a bicycle? Can they ride it? Are they constantly lectured by their professors for riding it where they’re not supposed to?
🎣  : Does your character fish? Do they have any luck with it? If so, what’s the biggest Pokémon they’ve caught? What’s the smallest?
🎃 : Do any Pokémon types unsettle your character? Do they have a phobia of them? Why?
📖 : Did your character go to Pokémon School? If so, was it public or private? Were they homeschooled?
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
// i think everyone who follows me knows who loki is but i wanted to share the shrine page i made for him regardless. please enjoy... smiley face
// i also made one for mister sword man (7) but that's not who i rp unless i pick up his alternate self... he is a character that makes me super bonkers though..... you know how it is with blonde men.
// i just felt like sharing some of my meta writing for funsies... hopefully i can get into actual rp soon but i have a Big Move that i'm doing this/next month so i'm busy-busy... just know i am lurking... (^o^)/
// to my humble mutuals you are always welcome to send me asks and such!! even from old prompts... i truly don't mind. 🫶
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
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Old library
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
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ICH Gele Credo Cattus of Alter Ego*LT
🐱 Cornish Rex
📸 Inna Grinn [Alter Ego*LT]
🎨 Seal Tortoiseshell Point
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
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🐱 Cornish Rex
📸 UA*Velez’s Seal
🎨 Seal Point
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
// anyway... happy gw i keep getting jumpscared in nm90.
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// i love adam's uncap art by the way. truly one of the gbf arts of all time......... erste... i love you......
// ...and here's the team of all time (perhaps) pictured below.....
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wayfaringastral · 14 days
// a friend brought it up to me again so i was reminded...
// do you ever think about how repti calls out loki for having a pantry full of spoiled food. i do.
// world's most normal boy all the time 24/7 etc etc he's so good at selfcare (not really)
// on a similar note i do think about how loki self sabotages himself a lot. liiiiiiike the whole trying to be antagonistic but never actually doing anything to harm captain and co..... if anything it's the opposite, everything he does aids them.
// not to mention being mean to fenrir but she's extremely smart so she knows that he's not being true to himself. she's loyal to him for real reasons. he isn't forcing her to be there. their pact is based on trust and understanding. in the most literal sense.
// oh oh. loki really likes taking on the role of a protector it seems... it's interesting, isn't it? watching over and observing captain's journey, defending orchis, orchid, and zwei from the violet knight (and helping out zwei a lot in general after her father figure's death), protecting fenrir from her own power, and his magic being seemingly more defensive based... it's like... he doesn't want to lose anyone ever again. he has the power to never lose anyone again after what happened with byleistr... but it's not something he all that conscious of...
// i also love to think about how astrals are stagnant and don't change physically or mentally. but he's becoming a part of the sky realm and changing as a person and that's very beautiful. the unwillingness to admit that he wants to be a part of captain's journey to then quite literally joining the crew in recent chapters.......
// these are a bunch of thoughts mixed into one little post but tl;dr - loki is very wounded and he tends to laugh it off but he's learning how to be vulnerable and how to show that he cares properly. he is healing. now cygames please update msq... i need it badly.
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wayfaringastral · 15 days
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wayfaringastral · 4 months
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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wayfaringastral · 4 months
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// anyway i just think that fenrir with a cloak and shorts is so cute and so important. can we all witness her. also short hair. so good.
// i think a lot about how her RoB and shadowverse cards foreshadowed her entire godslayer deal. it was right in front of us the entire time. isn't that crazy...
// when fenrir gets a grand this is exactly how i want her to look. cygames do u hear me. use this outfit please and thank you.
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wayfaringastral · 4 months
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❝ hey it's me, seofon, leader of the eternals! ❞
in lieu of a real promo, i present this. seofon, by percival (he/him, 30+) like / reblog for sword guy adventures!
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wayfaringastral · 6 months
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clouds and storms on Jupiter
NASA/ SwRI/ MSSS/ Gerald Eichstädt/ Seán Doran
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