waynecoleslaw · 2 days
where'd you go???
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waynecoleslaw · 2 days
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i love texture brushes
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waynecoleslaw · 4 days
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waynecoleslaw · 9 days
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“They should make it easier to get corpses around here”
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waynecoleslaw · 9 days
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
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Trying out SFM again after months 🫡
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
What's up MOTHER lovers
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
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SoldierDemoZhanna... my pookies...
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
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drew this for engie's "bday" 🎂👷 (meet the engineer release date on 9/11 lol)
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
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gasp, I forgot to post my sniper/scout doodles I did in January
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waynecoleslaw · 14 days
Tf2 animation finishedyay :)
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waynecoleslaw · 15 days
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It's migration season!
Certified spycrab factoids below the cut!
Did you know?
The wild spycrab's natural habitat is the shores of Banana Bay, but they summer in the alpine regions of the United States.
Unlike most species of crustacean, spycrabs typically prefer to reside on dry land. They become dehydrated very easily because of this, so they thrive near sources of water.
Spycrabs are technically classified as a species of false crab due to the fact that they have eight limbs instead of ten. Other species that fall under this classification include hermit crabs, porcelain crabs, and squat lobsters!
Spycrabs glow under ultraviolet light.
Spycrabs earned their name by being incredibly adept at using their environment to disguise themselves - some have even been seen hiding under cardboard boxes to ambush prey!
Despite typically residing in groups of five or less, spycrabs migrate in massive swarms twice a year. This is likely due to large numbers reducing the risk of individual injury or predation as they travel through unfamiliar areas.
While they are able to walk in all directions, spycrabs prefer side-to-side.
Spycrabs are covered in microscopic hair-like structures called setae - they help them perceive the world around them!
Due to not having a way to source cigarettes, non-domesticated spycrabs smoke the fallen cigarette butts left behind by wild spies.
Spycrabs have unusually long lives for crustaceans, with an average lifespan of 82 years.
Spycrabs don't molt as often as most species of crustacean; they tend to only do it every three to four years. This can be attributed to their long lifespans and slower growth rates.
The most common varieties of spycrab are red and blue; purple, green, and yellow varieties have been spotted in the wild, however!
Unlike the hermit crab, their closely-related cousin, spycrabs have eyes that are set directly in their faces instead of on stalks. This has been theorized to be because they are apex predators in their natural habitat.
Spycrabs are one of the only species of false crab that are legally classified as a group 1 carcinogen. They are not recommended for consumption by humans.
Have you been considering keeping a domestic spycrab as a pet? They are unique and challenging to care for, but there aren't many things more rewarding than a happy spycrab.
Spycrabs grow bored very easily and aren’t recommended for first-time crab parents. Make sure to keep them occupied with enrichment provided by decks of cards, books of a third-grade reading level or lower, and car magazines.
Spycrabs are social creatures! Never keep a solitary spycrab, as they can become depressed without company.
The spycrab’s diet consists of algae, small clams, caviar, small mammals, snails, and cigarettes. While a spycrab can survive just fine on bagged crab chow alone, the enrichment provided by these foods will keep them happy and healthy.
When caring for a domesticated spycrab, consider supplementing extra chitin in their diet to keep their exoskeleton strong and healthy.
When not encouraged to exercise, spycrabs will become lazy and lethargic. Consider keeping their cigarette carton at the top of an incline that they must traverse to reach it.
Spycrabs are prone to sudden bouts of aggression, especially when they feel personally wronged. Remember that most threats made by a spycrab are empty ones, but it’s still important to get to the root of the issue and understand why they feel upset.
Spycrabs lack the ability to digest alcohol the way humans can; it is not recommended that owners give them wine, no matter how hard they ask. Consider substituting it with grape or cranberry juice, as most of them can’t tell the difference.
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waynecoleslaw · 17 days
i always see people talk about out walking the dog 2 and a few people mention bflbi, but everyone seems to not acknowledge Nearly a Decade Later by silverhawk
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how can people ignore this (almost) 2 hour gameplay footage of sackboy defeating characters like marge simpson, electroboom and FOUR FROM BFB
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waynecoleslaw · 20 days
all o fthem.....
sequel to this poll i made ages ago
(if ur bbg isn't on here, comment bellow!)
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waynecoleslaw · 20 days
I love Medic TF2's boobs!
This blog is dedicated to appreciating and reblogging the Medic from Team Fortress 2's voluptuous breasts. God breast America.
Feel free to @ me if you wanna show me some cool Medic boobs.
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waynecoleslaw · 20 days
Scout is not a trans woman that is a man
God forbid I have a harmless hc goddamn
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