wcifts4cc · 1 year
Hello! I'm sort of new to this, but could you help me find the top from /post/662076291676340224/yall-im-finally-playing-the-sims-4-again-after ? I've been looking for it for weeks and keep coming up blank. I definitely remember that the other swatches of the shirts had different designs besides "goth gf", but I can't remember much past that. Any help would be really appreciated! <3
Hi hello! So sorry for the late reply.
I'm having trouble finding this post? What's the username? It's been a while since I've done this so I can't quite remember how I used to do this lmao. Is it possible to send the picture in the post? That way I can at least reverse image search lol. But a username is the most helpful to know! :))
Again very sorry for late lol. I haven't been logged in to this account in a bit haha
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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Hello!! My name is Ghostie. If you’d like to learn more about me and my sim above feel free to check that out under the cut! I’m a new simblr and would appreciate a reblog or like if you’re active so that I can follow you!
Keep reading
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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hi i’m vivian and i’m a new simblr!!! i used to have one but i went on a hiatus and now i made this blog for a fresh start! i post whatever and enjoy mixing up my posts! so if you post sims content, please give this a reblog so i can follow you :-)
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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Has anybody seen any Little Libraries custom content? I'm going to try my hand at making a cc-free one by abusing MOO and object resizing, but a CC one would be way better.
I'm trying to get our real-life Little Library program rejuvenated at work, and it got me thinking that I'd really, really love to have one in Sims!
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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I made a server y’all! If you’ve ever felt a bit out of place in the gaming community, and you’re looking for another group of misfits to chat with, then join us! This server is for all video game lovers. We have channels for Sims, Animal Crossing, minecraft, stardew, and a channel to chat about all other games. It’s also a spot to share art, memes, selfies, and just general chat. 
If you want a safe lil corner of the internet to nerd out about games and life, then join us! 
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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hi everyone, i’m gigi and i’m a new simblr!! i make cc, but i also love making edits and create stories. i’m mostly maxis mix and i’m looking for friendly people to follow. so if you’re an active blog feel free to reblog this so i can follow you/check out your blog! 💖
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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  hi!! i’m elly, previously @duskn-archive :) i’m a maxis (mix &) match simblr and i post edits and photoshop resources and the occasional cc :)
  most of my friends and people on my dash weren’t active or alive anymore, so i’m restarting my nth blog™… if you’re an active sims 4 blog (mm or not!) reblog so i can come follow u and look at your posts :’) if you want me to check out specific edits or cc or your gameplay series put it in the tags and i’ll look at all of it bc i have nothing better to do rn (if u want also put your fav blogs in the tags so i can go take a look!! i just really want to fill up my dash again) so come hmu if you’re down to talk :)
  stay safe n healthy, hope your day treats u good!
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wcifts4cc · 4 years
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Hi guys!! My name is Mae & I haven’t been on Tumblr for awhile, (5 or so years :o ) but my love for The Sims made me wanna come back…so here I am!
I’d really love to make some new friends & find some more blogs to follow. So please REBLOG (or like) so I can find you all! And maybe even you find me? I so appreciate any one of you who checks out my blog aswell  😬 ♡  but that is all- I am super excited to be back on Tumblr & in this community. You are all so talented and amasim (ha ha. get it?………..I will see myself out now). Below the cut is just some random stuff abt me/my blog. But I know some people don’t care for long posts so read if you’d like! Thank in advance & I hope to get to know yall better soon!!  ♡ ♡ ♡
Keep reading
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
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beep beep beep!! NEW-ISH SIMBLR ALERT!!
Hello!! I'm ruru, some people know me from my simblr @rplusu !! I've always wanted to start fresh or make a backup, so i made this account!! I want to be able to share my creations, and be able to inspire others!! so, please reblog, like, or follow if you are an active simblr!! <3
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
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Are you trans? Do you play The Sims? Are you on Discord? Then come check out Trans Simming!
The rules are simple: Don’t be a bigot, or the banhammer will come down hard. Trans people only! (Nonbinary people included!)
You can join by clicking this link!
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
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are you trans? do you play the sims? cool, come hang out.
- this is a 16+ server! please do not join if you are 15 y/o or younger. - you must be trans! (obviously.) this includes trans/nb people of all kinds, not just binary trans people. there is no vetting process, but please don’t be rude and join if you’re not some sort of trans.
join here.
(allies plz reblog so we can get more friends!)
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
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are you trans? do you play the sims? cool, come hang out.
- this is a 16+ server! please do not join if you are 15 y/o or younger.
- you must be trans! (obviously.) this does not solely have to be binary trans despite the logo, and includes nb people of all kinds. there is no vetting process, but please don’t be rude and join if you’re not some sort of trans.
join here.
(allies plz reblog so we can get more friends!)
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
Can Anyone Help?!
I’m really desperate here. I would never ask otherwise, I actually hate myself for asking since I don’t like asking for help from anyone but as I said I’m desperate.
I found out a few weeks ago that I’m getting kicked out of my house because of my cats. My options were to get rid of both of my cats (which are pretty much the only thing that keep me living anymore) or get out. 
Obviously I refused to get rid of my cats so I’m out. I’ve been looking for pet friendly places to live since then and I’ve found the perfect place but I’m £500 short for the rent and deposit. That’s why I’m asking for help. I can’t live on the streets with my cats and I just can’t get rid of them. My entire mental health relies entirely on Button and Evie (I have Depression, Anxiety and Aspergers).
If anyone could please please please help me this is my Paypal account.
As I said I absolutely hate having to do this but this is the only option I have left.
I’ve literally deleted this post and re-wrote it about 20 times in the past few weeks. I’ve also sold and borrowed as much as I could but I just can’t get the rest of the money.
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These are my 2 precious babies.
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
I’ve been thinking about reorganizing some of the subfolders designated for hair lately, since they seem to be getting bogged down by just the sheer number of files in some of them & breaking them up into more specific subcategories would make those folders easier to navigate. I’ve been going back & forth with myself for weeks, though, on how they should be categorized & ….I’ve decided I can’t make up my mind 😅so I would like to ask all of you for your input. This is probably overkill (read: this is definitely overkill) but I made a poll & I would be very grateful if y’all would Grace me with your opinions over this very Trivial Thing lmao 😆💕
POLL - How Would You Like CC Hair Organized into Subcategories?
(Note: The poll will be open through Friday (CST), you can vote One Time, Hair will continue to be subcategorized by Age- that’s not changing- and I disabled the “track voter location” option because I’m not a Complete Monster of a Human Being)
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
Please Help Me & My Animals Get Way From Abuse
Hello my loves. I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive lately but shits been hectic, and lemme tell you why.
I’m about to be homeless, but this isn’t the first time. I’ve lived with the same family for 20 years, and gone through constant neglect and abuse for the entirety of it all. I’ve been raped, beaten, sexually assaulted, and nearly killed on many occasions within my household, and I’ve tried to leave every time, but i couldn’t do it. I chickened out because where would I go? Who would help me? Why would anyone want to? I told schools, my parents covered it up. I told police, my parents covered it up. I told friends and family, but they were just as scared as I was. I’ve had my own animals killed or dropped off because I told on my parents for not paying bills, for not taking care of me or my brother, or for just never being a real parent. I’ve even tried to commit suicide, but nothing ever fucking worked for me. I couldn’t even kill myself correctly.
Well, today is genuinely the last straw for me. I have nowhere to go that I can bring my animals with me, and im sure as shit not leaving them in this hellhole, so ive been stuck. I have a job (I work as a home health aide) but I don’t have a client. My mom refuses to take me to work when I do, and I legally can’t drive due to being both deaf in one ear and incredibly near sighted. I feel like such shit for asking anything of anyone, but if you can spare ANYTHING, even if its just a dollar, it would help me tremendously.
Thank you so much for even reading this if you did.
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
@monstermoms IS IN PAIN 
Jennifer is in an abusive relationship with her family.
WARNING: CONTENT (That might be triggering to some)
As you may, or may not know, @monstermoms is a fellow simmer in this community. 
She has gone through such horrible things, such as abuse, r*pe, and more terrible things. I won’t say much more about the situation, but you can see more on her donation page 
Please, any donation would be a step closer to getting her away from the situation. She has talked to her school, the police, everyone.  Her animals need help.
She needs help.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a safe day. 
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wcifts4cc · 5 years
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Ok so there’s a lot of new simblrs in the community and lots of people who aren’t part of the simblr community that need to know how to ask a proper wcif to avoid people getting annoyed or wcifs not getting answered.
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Lots of simblrs aren’t WCIF friendly, which means that they won’t answer any WCIF asks. THIS DOESN’T MEAN “Maybe if i ask it super nicely they will answer me uwu” No. It doesn’t work like that. That just makes simblrs more annoyed cause you just ignored they request. 
One of my favs examples of this, is the reason Ridgeport’s cc finds blog is called @/wcifsareclosed. 
“How do i check if the blog is WCIF friendly?”
They usually put it in their bio, on the sidebard, etc. If you’re not sure if they are wciff or not, ASK!
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If the blog you’d like to send a WCIF is WCIF FRIENDLY:
GOOGLE IT FIRST: Honeslty this sounds like bullshit but a lots times a wcif can be found by just googling it. 
CHECK THEIR WCIF TAG. Seriously, I’ve received the same WCIF like 10 times, is exhausting and pretty annoying. If you can’t find the tag anywhere, try searghing theblogsname.tumblr.com/tagged/wcif. This works 9.99/10 times.
CHECK THE BLOG’S CC FINDS. Most blogs have a CC finds where they reblog cc that later download and use in their game. I can list simblrs that do this, but trust me, this happens lots of times.
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Keep in mind simblrs are still people.
Be specific.
ADD THE LINK TO THE POST. This is just as easy as adding a “post/190740923728/i-mean-all-sorry” to the ask. Makes the person’s behind the blog life easier.
I can’t stress the “be polite” thing enough. There’s a lot of people with anxiety here, please avoid making people unconfortable by being an asshole.
Thats it! Hope this helps! If you want anything to be added here please let me know. 
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