wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
captainmarvcls :
With a raised eyebrow, Carol watched the woman call out for a guy named asshole, unable to hold back the chuckle that left her lips. It left her wondering to herself what choice word they used for her, whether it be in their head or written out on her own order. It was definitely an intriguing concept, to say the least. “Can’t quite say that I’m the intended recipient of it, but I will gladly take the food. You can just add it onto the order that I already have. Don’t want you guys be out a few bucks because that asshole couldn’t be bothered to stay around for his food.”
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Wanda looked the woman up and down with a quick glance. “No, you’re definitely not the intended target, but if you want to be an asshole, I'll happily give you the food. Somehow I get the feeling that being mean isn’t your strong point, though.” She said, shrugging a little. “Oh, no, I’m not charging you.” She insisted, waving a hand. She had a system for this kind of situation, where she wrote down everyone who skipped out on their order, and added it to the bill the next time they came in. And they always came back in. Sarah’s had the best damn pastries in the whole town. “I like to see my boss’s face fall when I tell him we’re short at the end of the day.” Wanda smirked. Pretending to be an asshole herself was always more fun than easing the mind of a customer.
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
wxrrenwxrth :
From his perch at the corner of the crowded shop, Warren’s eyebrow shot all the way up. Latte and a cupcake, that was definitely his order. He didn’t eat sweets often, but the shop’s pastries were his cheat sweet. When the harassment he got here was worth his while. With a sigh, Warren tucked his phone back into his suit pocket, and sidled up to the counter. “Very nice, Wanda. You sweet talk all the boys like that, or am I just special?”
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“Don’t call me that.” She protested pointlessly, not bothering to look at him as she shoved napkins into his bag. Sadly, Steve always made her box the cupcakes before she put them in the bag, or she’d have been viciously satisfied in knowing that his napkins were covered in frosting. “You’re definitely not special. You’re just--” She pointed to where Asshole was written on his order. “With fancy hair. Tell me, how many trees in the rainforest had to die for you to look this pretty every day?”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
hope-v-dyne :
Hope had stared down mob bosses and mass murders in trial before, there was no way she was going to flinch at a twenty-something being mildly rude to her.  But she could tell how the the woman…Wanda by her name tag, had managed to intimidate most of the town around her.  Hope hummed thoughtfully. “That would be giving you far too much satisfaction.  And despite the poor service, this is the best place in town.  I can’t celebrate courtroom victory with stale Starbucks bagels.”  For a moment Hope was worried that this strange battle of wills for bagels would end up making her later than she wanted to, because Wanda the Surly Bake Shop Girl wanted to be more stubborn than half of the criminals she’d put away in her career.  But she finally turned and grabbed the bag and Hope smiled, her smile a little too triumphant to be called kind.  "I’d have to agree with you there,“ Hope said, picking up the coffee and taking a sip. "From one bitch to another,” Hope added lightly, her smirk growing just a bit before she pulled out her wallet and handed over her credit card.  "Are you sure you’re destined to be a retail clerk?  Because you’d make an excellent co-counsel.“
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Wanda clicked her tongue, trying desperately to retain her careless facade, but finding herself breaking. Being cold wasn’t as easy as people thought it was. It required a lot of attention and focus. Something she couldn’t keep when she was swelling with pride for Steve’s hard work. “Yeah, well, Steve--that’s the owner--poured his heart and soul into this place. I honestly don’t know how he did it all.” For that, she shoved one of the half-off coupons they kept under the register into the woman’s takeout bag. She might have been difficult and bitchy and frustrating, but she was clearly good business. Especially if she was a lawyer--they made a lot of money that Sarah’s could benefit from. “So you’re like...a smarty-pants lawyer, then. Half the town probably hates you, right?” Wanda asked casually, trying to sound like she was merely getting in another jab. But truthfully...She’d been wondering what it would be like to do something serious, to try something out-of-the-box, and she was curious about law (if only because she was always weak to people telling her she’d be good at things). “I don’t really think that’s the life for me.” She answered honestly, though her mind was already dreaming up six different scenarios involving her wearing a tight pantsuit and putting people in jail. “I’m not really good with people, you probably hadn’t noticed.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
touchxstarved :
Annie laughed softly and hugged Wanda just a little tighter.  "Oh sugar, you are much, much prettier than Einstein.  Even if you did have the hair to match,“ she said, reaching up and sliding one hand lightly through Wanda’s hair and ruffling it.  She couldn’t help the warm chuckle that escaped her a few moments later and kissed the back of Wanda’s neck lightly before going to hop up to sit on the counter.  "Aw, I trust you, Firebug, I’m gonna love it, I’ll eat every drop,” she said, and curled her feet up under her.  Sure, sitting cross legged on the kitchen counter wasn’t the most…sanitary of things, but sometimes she got to missing being home so much after her longer and more stressful shifts that she would come home wanting to be as immediately in Wanda’s presence as she could.  "Well, I ain’t never had paprikash before, so I couldn’t tell you it’s wrong even if it was,“ Annie said, trying to be helpful but already running through her head which take out places hadn’t been called so many times they knew their order by heart.  "I think Peter owes me one, after I patched him and that beefcake friend of his up after they nearly killed themselves the last time they got tore up drunk, I’m sure I can get a pizza here in ten minutes,” she joked lightly.  "But we can try to eat this anyway,“ Annie continued and reached over to stroke a thumb over Wanda’s cheek.  "You kill me when you start looking all pouty, Miss Wanda, you got to smile.  "No one’s done anything nicer for me in just about my whole life,” she said, a little softer, jumping down and pressing her lips lightly to Wanda’s temple.  "You cared enough to try and that’s pretty amazing to me.“
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“That’s how you flatter a girl,” Wanda said with a laugh, cheeks starting to hurt from grinning so much. She only felt this way around Annie--she’d only ever felt this way around Annie--but it was good. She wanted to let loose and enjoy herself for once, instead of focusing on all of the negatives that plagued the world. Wanda leaned into the touch, fingers stroking Annie’s arms where they were wrapped around her. It was strange and wonderful to feel so connected to somebody. “Unless you keel over before you can finish it.” Wanda said with a straight face, before she cracked up. “Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just--I can’t stop picturing you face-planting right into the bowl.” She covered her mouth with a hand, the other still stirring the pot. “Oooh, trust me, you’ll know something’s wrong with this.” Wanda said, wide eyed, as the pot gave a slow bubble. It smelled slightly like burning rubber. “Oh my god, the blonde one?” Wanda said, interested piqued. As much as she was very much happy in her current relationship, and had no reason to want to leave it, she couldn’t deny how pretty the man was. “You know, his hair looks like he belongs on the cover of a L’Oreal box. Too bad he’s basically a human garbage can.” Wanda carried the pot of soup over to the sink and set it down, willing herself (or more likely, her girlfriend) to ignore it until they were done with dinner. “If you get a pizza here in ten minutes, I’ll marry you on the spot.” Wanda declared. It wasn’t the first time she’d said it, though every time it had been a joke. She didn’t want to make any premature moves, but she liked watching for Annie’s reaction to the idea. Just to file away for future reference. “You’d really do that for me, Raggedy Annie? That’s exactly why I won’t ask you to.” Wanda loved her parents and her siblings, she really did, but she’d always felt like an outsider, like they didn’t understand her. Somehow Annie was different in all the ways that mattered. “Nobody’s ever cared if I tried. They just wanted me to succeed.” She said quietly, reaching for Annie’s hands and linking their fingers. “What makes you so different, huh?” She asks softly, fond expression on her face. “How come you’re so much better than anyone I’ve ever met?”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
imperfectsoldier :
Steve froze at Wanda’s libertarian crack, then stared at her with narrowed eyes for several dragging seconds. “I’m going to choose to believe you’re saying you support Gary Johnson just to piss me off,” he decided, going back to spoiling the cat with tummy rubs. “And if you aren’t, then we’re going to have a serious conversation about affordable health care and the absolutely criminal minimum wage you’d be getting paid if there was a corporate interest controlling this bakery.”
He felt a genuine spike of worry at the remorse that flicked across Wanda’s face - it took a lot to get that girl to be embarrassed about anything - but his concern smoothed over his nerves as she continued. The beginnings of a smile twitched at the corners of his mouth, and he allowed himself to luxuriate in that image for a long moment: Brock Rumlow, covered in expired lemon pie filling, snarling at Wanda like he had any chance of actually scaring her. Sometimes, the universe just threw Steve Rogers a freebie. “I obviously cannot condone causing a public disturbance using bakery resources,” Steve demurred, his voice full of faux-reprimand he was certain Wanda could see right through. “Nine times out of ten, you should not be throwing expired pie filling at people. However, on a completely unrelated note, did you know you have always been and will always be my favorite employee?” He set the cat back down on the floor and leaned over to Wanda, dropping a quick kiss on the crown of her head before darting outside of her arm-swinging radius. “Sorry he came by while I was gone. You gotta call if he gets violent or anything, though. S’not your job to take care of that.”
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Wanda snorted. “Of course I’m kidding. I’m a millennial, Steve, you know we don’t vote.” She hadn’t cared about politics before she met Steve. Her parents had never bothered to teach her about the importance of voting, because voting hadn’t mattered in Sokovia. Working in the bakery had been quite the wake-up call. It also meant that she had to take the occasional selfie with Steve and his I voted! sticker. “Why does this all sound like stuff you’ve told me before? If you’re going to lecture me, at least make it an original lecture. You know I get bored.” She told him, mouth shifting sideways into a grin.
“Mhhm.” Wanda hummed flatly, waiting for the BUT to drop. Steve was predictable, definitely one of his better qualities. and he could never stay mad at Wanda over something. She’d made sure to charm him early on. Or maybe he was just a sucker. “Well, I’m very ashamed of myself, and I think I should be sent to the stockroom to consider my actions. And definitely not to play Candy Crush on my phone or anything.” She beamed at him (well, her approximation of beaming at someone, which was really just a smile using both sides of her mouth) before grabbing a handful of mints from the bowl on the counter and dropping them on the floor for the cat. Doctor Strange would probably yell at her for it, but if the cat was happy, so was she. “Yeah, you tell me that every week. That’s why my picture says employee of the month.” She pointed to the wall where her picture hung, placard reading exactly that. Never mind that she’d hung the picture herself in silent protest of Steve hiring part-time help. “It’s....literally my job.” She waved a hand between the two of them. “I’m the muscle, you’re the personality. That’s how this thing works. Unless I’ve been getting it wrong all these years,”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
hope-v-dyne :
Hope was already late, she could feel it from the spiked heels of her Manolos up into the very careful way she’d styled her hair this morning.  Of course she wasn’t late, she was never late, but part of being on top here was getting to the courthouse before everyone else.  Pepper Potts specifically. She pulled her sunglasses off as she entered the bakery, planning on showing Potts up again by coming with fresh baked bagels, but when she saw who was manning the front counter, Hope felt something in her die, just a little bit.  "It’s you,“ she said, lifting an eyebrow.  "Standing order for Van Dyne, please,” she said, rivaling the woman at the counter for bored and reached over and grabbed the bag she was trying to give away.  "But I’ll take it, since asshole apparently doesn’t want it.  Please tell me you’ve written ‘Bitch’ all over mine again, it was so charming the last time you did it.“
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Wanda gave the woman (for the life of her she could not remember a name) her best bland expression, fingers drumming along to the rock opera she had playing in the background. “Oh, you’re back. Kinda thought you wouldn’t show back up again.” Privately, Wanda was impressed by the bravery of the woman. Not many people would have wanted to come back to a coffee shop so clearly designed to be hostile towards her. “Right, that’s probably back here somewhere.” Wanda said, but didn’t make any effort to look for it whatsoever. At least, not until the woman continued speaking, and it became clear that this was not a battle of the wills Wanda would be winning. She’d either succeed in getting the woman to leave and never come back when she grew tired of the game (which would be terrible for business), or she’d end up breaking and looking weak in front of the other customers (which would be terrible for her reputation as a holy terror). Neither option was particularly appealing. She reached behind the counter and pulled out the marked bag--Van Dyne, woah, must have been a socialite or something--handing it over with a forced grin that showed far too many of her teeth. “Take both. Asshole clearly isn’t coming back for this, and I’d much rather give a bitch a coffee than an asshole.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
touchxstarved :
Annie had rolled in from the ER around seven, and even the exhaustion of a 12 hour shift couldn’t stop that happy little lift in her chest when she came in and saw Wanda in the kitchen, bent over a pot and looking a little like she was trying to stop a bomb from exploding.  Even when she went straight to the shower to wash off the day, she felt that familiar pang like she couldn’t believe this was really her life.  "Comin’!“ she called from the other room, wondering vaguely if she’d ever stop sounding like she came from the deep south as she slid into the kitchen.  She wrapped her arms around Wanda gently, and tucked her chin over Wanda’s shoulder.  "When I snuck in it looked a little like you were being all mad scientist about it,” she said with a grin, pressing a quick kiss to Wanda’s cheek.  "Smells edible,“ she continued to tease.  "What are you even makin’ anyway?” Annie continued, looking into the pot.  In all honesty it didn’t look like much, but then she’d been raised on gumbo so sometimes looks could be deceiving.  "It looks a little like somethin’ I pulled out of-“ Annie started to say but then stopped.  "I mean, delicious.”
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Wanda gave her girlfriend a sour look and stuck her tongue out. “I hope I have better hair than Einstein, at least, if I’m going full mad scientist.” But she couldn’t pretend to be mad at Annie for very long. The other woman was just too cute. “Edible?! I’ve been working on this for over an hour, you will love it. You will.” Wanda demanded. She loved the way they fit so seamlessly into each others lives, like they’d always been destined to be together. It was silly to believe in things like that, and Wanda certainly wouldn’t ever tell anyone she thought it, but she knew they were supposed to be in each others lives. “It’s supposed to be paprikash, like my mom used to make. But I don’t think I’m doing it right...” She trailed off, eyes widening as they found the error in her recipe. “Um, fuck. I may have--shit. Just a slight...Okay. Do you want to order a pizza? I may have put waaaaaay too many diced tomatoes in here. Like, 8 ounces too many.” She deflated a little, dropping her wooden stirring spoon onto the counter and making a face. “I wanted to do something nice for you. I guess that was a dumb idea.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
imperfectsoldier :
“Ugh,” Steve announced, pushing through the front door of Sarah’s with an armful of spices and sweeteners. “Wanda, we need to get a new nutmeg wholesaler. The one we have now has a distinctly creepy vibe and I’m eighty percent sure he voted for Gary Johnson. Gary Johnson, Wanda.” He moved around the counter and ventured into the behind-the-scenes backroom of the bakery which was, as always, in a charming state of multi-colored disarray. Dumping the paper bags in his arms onto the counter, he spared a fond glance at the cat, who had trotted over to rub his against leg in search of attention. He bent to scoop her up in his arms, smiling down at her as she immediately hooked her claws into his flannel. 
“Did it get busy at all while I was out?” he asked, dutifully scratching the cat behind her ears. “Did Brock show up again? I know he likes to lurk when I’m not there to shoo him away.”
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Nutmeg wholesalers and pastry decorations. This was Wanda’s life. She folded her arms and ignored him as he juggled the groceries. He’d set himself up for this, there was no reason why she should go help him. His arms were the size of her whole head, he could handle a few bags of sugar on his own. “Uh huh,” She agreed noncommittally, focused on flipping through a style magazine she’d stolen from the dentists office. Blue was very in this season, maybe they should repaint the walls...She wouldn’t want them to look too trendy. They already had to beat off the hipsters with a stick. “Wait....Gary Johnson the libertarian? I support him too, Steve. Hail Satan and all that.” Sometimes she wasn’t sure why she said the things she did, but being obnoxious was sort of her brand at this point.
She shrugged, tossing the magazine aside and picking up the stack of receipts she kept skewered on an iron flamingo next to the register. “No, not too busy. The usual crowd of kids wanting after-school snacks. I scared them all off, of course.” She told him, waving the flamingo at him to show him otherwise. “Um, don’t be mad.” For just a moment, a look of actual, honest-to-god guilt flashed across her face. “I threw a can of day olds at him. It wasn’t anything we could donate to the shelter, it some of that shitty pre-made lemon pie filling we bought for the Thanksgiving rush last year and hated.” She shrugged nonchalantly, like she wasn’t secretly hoping he’d give her a high five for it. “I don’t think he’ll be back for a while.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
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           kate  snickered  lightly  at  her   friend   wanda.  ‘  havin’  a  rough  morning?  ‘
“I guess you could say that.” Wanda responded, turning to wipe down the cappuccino maker. She wasn’t good at having friends (or even just knowing people who wanted to talk to her), but for some reason Kate hadn’t run away screaming yet. “You want your usual, or something different? I guess I won’t spit in yours or whatever, special discount ‘cause I don’t totally hate you.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
awwarrowno :
Clint loved going into the bakery. He either got to see Steve, which was great, or it could be the one day a week Wanda actually decided to smile at him. Today didn’t seem like it was going to be that kind of day however. He attempted to give the cat a scratch, but the cupcake wrapper was far more interesting than him. He grinned at Wanda calling someone else Asshole. It was nice to know she disliked everyone, not just him. “If no one else wants it, you know I’ll take it. Only if Steve made the cupcake though, I don’t think I should trust your baking.”
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When she heard his voice, Wanda rolled her eyes and gave him a very put-upon look before shooting him her customary weekly smile. She had, after all, promised him that much when he’d given her Cat, and it wouldn’t look good for her to start breaking promises now. “Yeah, yeah. We both know you only hang out around here because you want free food.” She said, pushing the bag his way. At the last second, right before his fingers touched it, she pulled it back. “Well now I’m tempted to just keep this, thanks. What did you say about my baking?” Ignoring the fact that she’d accidentally set the kitchen on fire on three separate occasions, she was actually a pretty decent baker. Mostly. When she managed to follow the recipe and remembered to keep an eye on the oven.
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
Wanda waved a hand at the customers lining up in front of the counter, bored expression on her face. From the corner of her eye she could see her cat attacking a cupcake wrapper, several customers clearly unsure if they should intervene or not. “Order number 71 for ‘Asshole’, is there an ‘Asshole’ in the house?” She honestly couldn’t remember which one she’d labelled Asshole, but she was pretty sure they’d hear the order number and know who she was talking to. “Come on, Asshole, I know you’re here. There’s a fancy cupcake and a latte with your name on it, come and get it. Otherwise I’m giving it away.”
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Wanda snapped her fingers at a few people at random. “Hey, do you want this guys food?”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
Wanda pursed her lips and frowned at the pot of soup she had on the stove. It was one of her moms old recipes that she half-remembered but was too stubborn to call home and double check the ingredients list for. Which probably made her sound a little crazy, but that was who she was. “Annie?” She called toward the other room, where she knew her girlfriend was waiting for her to be done. She’d promised it wouldn’t take too long, and yet here they were, already at the hour mark. This was a prime example of why Wanda couldn’t be trusted to cook. Maybe after this Annie would just concede that the convenience of ordering in won out over the health benefits of cooking for themselves. “Can you come here and tell me if this tastes funny?”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
The daughter of two immigrants from the war-torn country of Sokovia, Wanda was brought to America with the expectation that she would be someone important. For her parents, the American Dream was still very much alive and achievable, and that was what they wanted for their children. Wanda--ever the resistant rebel who just wanted to paint and write poetry in the style of Edgar Allen Poe--did everything in her power to shake her parents from that desire.
Her twin brother Pietro was the perfect one, the track star, all set to become someone with a purpose in life, but by the time Wanda was ready to start thinking about the future, she declined to take any of the offered scholarships to the nearby universities, preferring to enroll herself in the Art School of the local community college. Her parents, disappointed at her lack of ambition and choice to pursue a useless degree, refused to pay for her education.
So Wanda took a job at the local bakery. It was supposed to be something temporary, an easy job she could slack off at while still making a couple bucks, but her employer, Steve Rogers, proved to be a force to be reckoned with. He took her under his wing with surprising excitement, teaching her everything he knew (or trying to, she wasn’t very good at replicating his intricate designs), and generally acting like a concerned parent. She might hate how chipper he is, but she appreciates that he loves her cat and doesn’t make her turn off her rock opera.
By far the best part of Wanda’s life is her girlfriend, Annie. They’d met through the bakery, and Wanda’d made heart eyes at Annie for ages before Annie finally asked her out. Their life together has been a whirlwind of cute dates and perfect anniversaries. Wanda’s always been impressed by now smart Annie is, and Annie’s been supportive of Wanda’s art. They’ve been happy together for ages now, everything seems completely perfect.
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
Wanda didn’t even realize Rogue was there until she heard the softly whispered apology and spun a round. From the look on Rogue’s face, she could guess the other girl had tried to touch her and then gotten scared. She must have been upset about the--Wanda’s face fell, and she tentatively gave a small wave. “Hi.” So it was awkward, then. Uncomfortably, weirdly awkward. And it was all Wanda’s fault. She pushed past the discomfort and gave Rogue a smile. “I’m sorry. I know this can’t be easy for you.” Even if she was happy to be home, not everyone was. And that broke her heart a little. “If you ever need anyone to talk to....You probably do not want to talk to me. But I know a little of what it’s like to be afraid of your own abilities.” Wanda offered, feeling nearly positive that Rogue wouldn’t take her up on it.
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Rogue had been…well to be completely honest, she’d been avoiding Wanda ever since…that day.  It was a lot of confusing feelings that Rogue wasn’t completely able to put into any semblance of an order, and now.  God, now.  She flexed her fingers in her newly stolen gloves, since she’d tossed the ones she came to the soul world with as soon as she realized she didn’t need them.  The sun was bright overhead, but the whole world felt so cold now.  Colder still, when she caught sight of a shock of fiery hair, and felt her heart leap.  Rogue approached before she could stop herself, and reached out a hand to grab her arm, that soft curve of her bicep, deceptively delicate for the strength it held.  She pulled back at the last second, a soft gasp on her breath, even though she had the gloves on.  "I’m sorry,“ she breathed and shivered a little.  "I…hey sugar,” she tried to recover.  "We…we’re back.“
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
touchxstarved :
Rogue had hoped that her feelings didn’t show so plainly on her face, but Wanda perhaps knew her better than Rogue had even begun to understand.  "Oh, sugar,“ she said softly and gave Wanda a fond smile, with only a touch of sadness lingering around the edges.  "I don’t wanna rain on anyone’s parade.  I know that going back is what we gotta do.  And I wouldn’t want to keep anyone from doing everything they could-” Rogue let silence take over her for a moment and looked up when she felt Wanda’s hand on her arm, squeezing.  "I’m just gonna try to enjoy what I can as long as I can,“ Rogue said, her voice dropping into something softer, reaching up and letting her gloveless fingers slid over Wanda’s where they laid on her arm briefly.  Just a moment, the second she got a flash of anything (and hell if it didn’t seem like it might be her own damn face with some hard to describe feeling-) Rogue pulled her fingers back.  "I’m just gonna miss it,” she said finally, and gave Wanda a brighter smile.
Wanda’s ideas about New York and pizza and aquariums sounded a lot like Rogue’s old notions of the life she wanted.  Like…well an awful lot like dates that Rogue used to dream about.  With boys, obviously, but all of a sudden Rogue could see herself there with Wanda, holding her hand (gloved, there, always, forever), watching the tropical fish swim around, seeing the wide sharp teeth of the sharks as the passed.  Maybe it was even one of those aquariums where you could pet the eels.  And then going out to pizza and putting a hand on the small of Wanda’s back, smelling something fruity and sweet on that fiery hair of hers…  And it didn’t seem so strange at all, no matter what her daddy might have said about it.  Had said about it, when he got in his cups.  
Hell if Wanda didn’t make her start feeling some kind of way, and Rogue didn’t know if she loved it or if she was scared of it.  Maybe a little of both. A lot of both.  "You coulda got your training from a cereal box, I’d still trust you more than any other person here,“ Rogue said and was trying to keep her voice light, but the truth of it was starting to show too, in the way her voice got a little softer, and broke slightly.  There was some look in Wanda’s eyes that made Rogue want to reach out and touch Wanda again, just to see what she was thinking.  What that look meant, and everything that might come after, that might…  Rogue found herself reaching out and pulled back, laughing and feeling her cheeks heat up.  "You’re just flattering me, Wanda, you know that out of the two of us, you’re the one that’s a looker.  You got somethin’ special, and you ain’t gonna fool me out of it being all demure.”
Rogue didn’t know where those words were coming from but the just bubbled out of her, bright and airy and so much lighter than they felt.  It felt like a pulse at the back of her head and when she laughed, she felt it was a dizzy kind of laugh and she nodded.  "Fine, I guess you got me there.  We both got a little tore up.“ she said and grinned, giving Wanda a bit of a wink.  "Oh now, I don’t think you really want me to stop.  Cause I’m sure I would if you asked me sweet enough.”  Because Rogue would swear to high heaven that nothing would make her feel softer than Wanda Maximoff smiling that cute smile at her.  Jesus Christ, this was starting to be a problem.  Rogue felt it start to curl around her stomach, clenching in a way that she couldn’t even tell if it was pleasant or unpleasant.  It just…was, in a way that seemed more real then anything she’d ever felt here.  And maybe anywhere.
She’d de-robed plenty of times in front of various X-Men and Rogue hadn’t bat an eye, but something about having Wanda’s eyes on her made her anxious.  But not the bad kind of anxious.  The anticipatory kind and that was the terrifying part of it all.  Rogue still thought she was handling herself okay.  At least until Wanda had to go and say that she could take off her shirt too.  The growing heat on Rogue’s cheeks just got hotter and Rogue let out a small laugh.  "Well, damn, sugar, you know how to make a girl blush.  I can’t say that I’d oppose-“ she started to say and then the words died off as Wanda continued, lifting her arms and letting Wanda start to unwind the bandage.  "Honestly, Wanda, I…I wouldn’t trust a real doc more than I trust you,” Rogue said and tried to find more words, but then Wanda felt so close to her that words died on her lips before she could find them.
Rogue let out a hiss as the last of the bandages got pulled away and bit into her lower lip to hide as much of the pain as she could. She felt Wanda’s fingers next and with them, bright pain and also the shiver of Wanda’s concern for her sliding up her spine, making Rogue gasp, even as the pain made her nerve endings light up, but she was almost glad for the pain to make her senses sharper.  "Sug, you could try anything and I’d let you,“ Rogue managed to say, something breathless in her tone.  She saw that flash of red light from between Wanda’s fingers and just seeing it made her feel better.  But then the energy hit her and it seemed to spark through her, making her nerve endings flare bright and hot, harsher pain than before, and then slid away into something blissfully numb.  "Oh, hell,” Rogue said and the word were a pleased whisper,  as the relief started to take over.  "That’s better than just better, Wanda, it’s like a slice of heaven,“ Rogue said, cracking an eye open to smile at Wanda.  But then another pleasant spark of energy lit up her spine and Rogue stumbled, reaching out to grab Wanda tightly to keep from falling over.  And for one blissful moment there weren’t even images in her head, just her hands warm and tight around the small of Wanda’s back, heads brought so close together that their forehead’s nearly touched.  "I guess you just swept me right off of my feet,” Rogue said and licked her lips, a small, hesitant smile spreading, forgetting herself completely for one stunning moment.
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Wanda returned her sad smile, forehead wrinkling as she tried to think of something--anything--that could help her new friend feel like going back was worth it. To Wanda, the escape would be everything. But it almost didn’t feel like it mattered if Rogue wasn’t excited to return as well. When had the southern girl gotten so far under her skin? “I want you to be happy. And if you’re not happy, then I want to find something to make you happy.” She felt like a little kid again, trying everything in her power to fix the things making her parents upset, but it was always money and politics and power, and she’d been too small and weak to be able to fix any of those things. “Okay.” She agreed. “Let’s enjoy this for now. I’m not sure we can do anything else just yet.” But she would find something, she would.
Wanda blushed, ducking her head and trying not to say anything too stupid in front of Rogue. “I guess now is as good a time as any to admit that I went to the medical school of fruity pebbles and did my residency under doctor chocula.” She grinned, still a little strained from worry, but still bright. She would be strong for Rogue, no matter what. “I trust you, too. Nobody has ever had my back like you did.” She admitted, eyes wide and earnest, probably leaning too close as she spoke. For some reason, she wanted to be closer to Rogue, even when she knew that soon she wouldn’t be able to.
But she couldn’t let Rogue go on thinking she wasn’t pretty. There was no point to that, especially when Wanda could see it, clear as day. “Stop it, you’re being crazy. Have you seen your cheekbones? You are so beautiful.” The words came out sounding more reverential than complimentary, and Wanda quickly cleared her throat and returned her focus to Rogue’s injuries. That was what mattered. Not some stupid, silly emotions that Wanda couldn’t seem to keep control of.
Watching Rogue remove her clothes was a new experience. Wanda’d been pretty sheltered most of her life, so seeing another woman close to undressed wasn’t something she was used to. For some reason, it made her feel a little heady, a little dizzy, and a little like she should be looking away. But she couldn’t fix anything with her eyes to the ground. “This still might hurt. Trust or not. I can’t really fix that,” Wanda breathed apologetically.
Touching Rogue was a new experience as well. She could feel the gentle tug of Rogue’s near-dormant powers at her as she worked, fingers moving around the injured area in careful circles. She wasn’t sure how helpful her actions were, but it didn’t seem to be causing any new pains. As her fings came in contact with Rogue’s side yet again, a small tingle went up her own arm, a little illicit shock at being able to simple put her hands where she wanted them. The fact that Rogue trusted her to allow her that freedom was incredible. “I think you’re great,” She blurted right as Rogue literally fell into her arms. Her cheeks heated up again, and she found herself suddenly worried that her palms were sweaty. “I--” She stopped herself, getting caught up in the moment. She shouldn’t even be thinking of this, but they were so close, and if she didn’t do it now, she might never do it. She sucked in a breath, eyes wide with fear and excitement, and leaned forward slowly, giving Rogue enough time to back away.
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Her lips touched Rogue’s, and everything seemed to melt away for a few seconds. She couldn’t focus on anything but the way Rogue’s hair was tickling her cheek. The kiss felt like a promise, like she was pouring something important into it. Some message she didn’t want Rogue to miss.
It was over too soon. Wanda took a step (more like a stumble) back, and blinked at Rogue, hyper-aware of how warm her lips felt. “I--I’m so sorry. I should not have done this. Please don’t be mad.” Hands wringing, still shocked and concerned that Rogue would hate her for that, she took another step back. “I should....I should go.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
The first thing she saw after the flash of brilliant light faded from her eyes was a shocked group of people she knew around her. It wasn’t appropriate for the situation, and it wasn’t helping any of the other people who had been trapped in the stone, but Wanda took one look around at the world she hadn’t been sure she’d see again, and nearly burst into tears. Clint was there at the outskirts of the room, clearly not involved in the engineering of the rescue, but supporting nonetheless. She gave him a wavering smile, chest feeling tight with emotion. “Thanks for not screwing this up for us, Barton.”
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wcnda-mcximoff-blog · 6 years
xlorna :
Daughters of Magneto
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