manah-angel-eyes · 7 years
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Help Everyone Find A Job In Their Field
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
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Wat Rong Khun, recognizable temples in Thailand. The temple outside the town of Chiang Rai attracts a large number of visitors, both Thai and foreign, making it one of Chiang Rai’s most visited attractions.
Wat Rong Khun is a unique temple that stands out through the white color and the use of pieces of glass in the plaster, sparkling in the sun. The white color signifies the purity of the Buddha, while the glass symbolizes the Buddha’s wisdom and the Dhamma, the Buddhist teachings. (Source)
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
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the hero king runs a shop
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
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Tips on Drawing Hands Tutorial
Hope this is helpful!
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
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Because most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, NASA conducted a Clean Air Study to determine which common houseplants are the best for filtering harmful toxins like ammonia and formaldehyde from the air.  
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**Please note: Several of these plants are known to be toxic to cats, dogs and other pets. If you are a pet owner, please do check the toxicity of plants before introducing them to your home.**
Source Source 2
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
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Animal Constellation Cookies
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
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manah-angel-eyes · 8 years
hi! i love your art, it's so pretty ♥ and you draw feet really well, do you have any tips?
thank you a lot anon!! (  /)w(\) here, i made a few notes about the steps i follow while drawing feet:
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^ that’s assuming you’re not drawing from a low perspective, as if the camera was on the floor or something like that!
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SORRY MY HANDWRITING SUCKS and i’m not really good at explaining things bc i don’t really follow a guide and stuff so yeah BUT I HOPE IT WAS HELPFUL TO YOU!!
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
Let's talk about mynoise.net
Have you ever been listening to Rainymood and thought, “Yeah, this is good … but it would be nice if I could customize the sound more, or if there was a little more choice.
Let me introduce you to MyNoise.
MyNoise is a customizable sounscape looper with so many options, even within each soundscape.  So say, for instance, you really love rain sounds when you write or study or relax.  Anything.  I know I’m a big fan of rain sounds.  They have a page for that.
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But say you like really high, pattery rain, and LOTS of low thunder.  Here’s where MyNoise really stands out: you can customize that.  See those sliders with all the cute colors?  That is your equalizer. You can adjust the levels based on what you want to hear more and less of.  Here’s how it looks when you want high, pattery rain and low, rumbly thunder:
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But say rain isn’t really your jam.  Say you want something a little more ambient, a little more background noise-y.  Something with people.  Well, they have customizable coffee house chatter that even has the levels listed for things like “kitchen,” “babble,” and “table”:
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Or say you miss the ocean.
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Or say you miss your cat.
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Or say you miss your spaceship.
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Or say you miss the dungeon where you and your team of scalawag adventurers used to explore and face off against, say, dragons.  In the dungeon.
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This site is seriously so helpful, and those are just a fraction of every kind of sounscape the site has to offer.  The best part is that if you want to layer it with music (for instance, I’ll layer a playlist + rain + coffee shop if the scene I’m writing takes place in a coffee shop), you can adjust the master volume, meaning all of your layers stay at their respective volumes, just louder or quieter.
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
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How to Make Your Art Look Nice: Flow and Rhythm
PROBLEMS WITH STIFF DRAWINGS/FIGURES?? Maybe keeping the concepts of rhythm and flow in mind will help! (maybe)
Thumbnailing | Mindsets | Reference and Style | Color Harmony | Contrast
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
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Drawing Legs Row 1: Left, Right Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 (Source Unknown) Row 5 Row 6 Row 7
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
Missing Halloween
With the help of various artists for the crowd design! And the support of Patreon and 761 Patrons!
And a couple of years later, it’s finally done! Thank you everyone! It was a long, fun ride!
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
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Suggestions for changing paragraphs
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
Writing Tips for Roleplayers.
As a roleplayer (or a writer in general), it’s usually a good idea to be able to write clearly and concisely. Failure to do so is the easiest way to confuse your partner and get your threads lost. Nothing says ‘I should drop this’ like a response that barely makes sense because of convoluted comma splices, misplaced modifiers, vague pronoun references, and more fragments than a T.S. Elliot poem.
I am not here to teach you Everything Your English Teacher Didn’t Tell You About Grammar.
That being said, I think there are some basic writing tips I’ve seen all over my dash from roleplayers that need to be addressed. Some of these tips are grammar rules, and some of them are tips for better writing. Use them, and watch your writing improve.
RULE 1: Don’t use punctuation / grammar styles if you don’t know the rules for them.
Random pet peeve example of this: the hyphen (short hyphen: - , long hyphen: – ).
The short hyphen is used for interjecting a second phrase into the first one, as though the narrator is interrupting itself.
Ex: Johnny was going to be - well, he was - late.
The long hyphen is used for interruptions in conversation.
Ex: “I was at the–” “No excuses.” Eliza cut Johnny off.
Those are the only times the hyphen is acceptable: interruptions (and, tangent, using an ellipses (…) means that the character’s voice trailed off, no matter what your sentence says the other speaker did). Short hyphens are for the same speaker, and long hyphens are for dialogue. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people random bisect their paragraphs with hyphens. Stop. Don’t you even dare.
If you don’t know how hyphens work, don’t use them.
If you don’t know how commas work, only write simple sentences.
If you don’t know that two complete sentences go on either side of a semi-colon ( ; ) don’t touch that button.
Don’t you dare.
RULE TWO&THREE: Avoid flowery language and watch your eyes. Ex A: Johnny looked at Eliza. “I hate you.”
Sounds real? It does.
Ex B: Johnny’s blue eyes traversed over Eliza’s distended face. “I dislike you immensely.”
Don’t. You. Dare. Last time I checked, humans didn’t have the ability to pull their eyes out of their face and send them on quests across other people’s bodies. Eyes look at things. Eyes watch things. Eyes see things. Eyes DO NOT - I repeat, DO NOOOOOT - come out of someone’s head and communicate, go anywhere, or otherwise act in place of your character. Eyes are not people. People are people. People do things. Eyes do not.
Moving on to flowery language: don’t use words you don’t know. 'Distended’ means sticking out at an odd angle. If Eliza went to a buffet and at 10 plates of rib-eyes steak, her stomach would be distended. The word that should have been use was 'distorted.’ Easy to confuse the two. It could have been left out completely and saved you bucket loads of embarrassment.
And third, pay attention to authenticity. Let’s look back to the example. Maaaaybe, if Johnny is a Puritan minister in 1500's Massachusetts colony, he’d say 'I dislike you immensely.’ However, this Johnny is a gangster. Why the hell would he would walk around saying 'I dislike you immensely?’ If anything, he’d be more likely to say 'yo bitch, suck my dick.’
In short, flowery language is bad. Flowery language is evil. Flowery language is going to make you look like an imbecile. I will prove it further.
Ex A, “"childish” writing that’s not fancy enough for quality blogs": I woke up. I groaned. I took a shower. I did my make-up. I made tea. I drank the tea. I called Chris. “Hey. Wanna hang out?”
Ex “inflated, convoluted, overly-floral language that sounds good so wow now I’m quality and quality blogs will love me, right?”: I opened my blue orbs of self-reflective light and let out an unholy gargle. I traversed to the toilette and bathed myself with my favorite scent of gardenias, then smeared rain-forest extracts on my face until I looked like my body was habitable. I trudged into the dinette and poured boiling water into a bag of leaves from a plant harvested from the Orient and sipped it, ever pondering globalization and my carbon footprint. After thus preparing for my excursion, I decided to locate a companion. I picked up my cellular device and coded in the 9 digit numerical signal for an acquaintance of mine. “Hark unto my words! I wish to pass the hours with you today!”
If someone sent me example A, I would reply in 30 seconds.
If someone sent me example B (and I’ve received things painfully similar to this), I would drop the thread at 'blue orbs.’
RULE FOUR: Avoid verb chains.
By “verb chains,” I mean lists of verbs. They’re overwhelming. Three should be your rule of them for verbs in a sentence. It’s really easy to write that your character did 10 things between one period and another, but don’t. It looks sloppy.
Ex: Johnny woke up, brushed his teeth, and put clothes on before walking into the kitchen, making breakfast, carrying the tray up to Eliza’s room, waking her up with a kiss, and smiling down at her. “Hi, princess.”
Grammatically, this sentence is correct.
Functionally, this sentence is on par with American Congress trying to pass the budget.
But we can fix it!
Ex: Johnny woke up. He brushed his teeth and got dressed, then headed into the kitchen. He made breakfast. When it was finished, he carried it up to Eliza. “Hi, princess,” he said before leaning down and kissing her cheek.
Do you notice the rhythm created by the contrasting sentence forms between A and B?
Because everything’s jammed into one sentence in example A, it seems rushed. I imagine this poor guy wakes up and zips through everything. He’s probably afraid Eliza’s going to be pissed if he’s late with breakfast in bed.
B seems much more relaxed. It’s more likely that Johnny wants to do something special for Eliza and he’s only making her breakfast in bed because he wants to.
Keep that in mind. Don’t do verb chains.
RULE FIVE: Avoid vague pronoun references!
Ex: “Let’s hang out,” Max said to Mike. He looked into his eyes, thinking how he’d be so fun to hang out with.
Riddle me this: does Max have an ego, or is he crushing on Mike?
Read it again. Technically, it’s either one. Technically, you don’t even know who’s thinking.
Welcome to the vague pronoun references. These are pronouns that don’t belong to specific person AND THEY ARE THE WORST THINGS YOU CAN DO TO YOUR ROLEPLAY PARTNER.
Because the other person can’t read your mind! They don’t know who you’re talking about. Hopefully, if the vague pronoun is doing an action, they can assume it’s your character, but other than that, you’ve completely and utterly alienated your partner and possibly cut them off from responding.
So here’s a tip: when you read over your response to someone else and if any pronouns look like they could be talking about either character, just change it to one of the character’s names, or rewrite the sentence.
Trust me, writing ’“Let’s hang out,” Max said to Mike. Max looked into Mike’s eyes, thinking how Max would be so fun to hang out with,’ although awkward, will avoid the later situation of 'dude I thought this was a ship’ 'no, my character’s painfully self-absorbed. Sorry.’
But that awkwardness is avoidable, too.
Check this out:
“Let’s hang out,” Max said to Mike. Max looked into his eyes, thinking how Mike would love to hang out with him.
“Let’s hang out,” Max said to Mike. Max looked into his eyes, thinking how he’d be so fun for Mike to hang out with.
“Let’s hang out,” Max said to Mike. He looked into his eyes, thinking how he’d be so fun to hang out with. Max was really self-absorbed.
Any of those replies work.
So those are your first five writing rules. If I feel the need to write a Part Deux for this, I might. There are tons of rules and grammatical errors I see. These are the big ones.
On a final note, it’s OK to not know everything. I’m coming from the perspective of a senior in college with one and a half semesters left before I get a BA in English and a Certificate in Public Writing. I’ve worked as a copy-editor on a newspaper, I run a book blog, and I’m a published poet.
Believe me when I tell you, complicated sentence structures and inflated language make you look ridiculous. Keep it simple. Keep it real.
Happy writing.
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.
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manah-angel-eyes · 9 years
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So Great.. that fits stock and references perfectly.
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