we-are-painter · 1 year
@ladyknighttime I accept!
⚜️ Quests of the New Year ⚜️
If like me, you find New Year's resolutions to be a tedium, in place of a New Year Resolution, you may now ask that a Quest be bestowed upon you, for you to complete ere the arrival of the next year (so, in 2023, before 2024).
You may set parameters to exclude or include certain requests ("I want my Quest to be focused on my Art and Writing"), and the Quest must be something achievable within a realistic context ("Become a billionaire" is not feasible), nor can it be something malicious or harmful ("Hurt so-and-so"). Set your parameters in your tags, so people accepting the request may grant you a proper Quest.
Other than this, there is no limit upon your Quest. It may be something small, or great. It may be a physical feat, or an artistic and academic accomplishment. It may be a personal goal, or something for other people.
You can undertake only One (1) Quest at a time, to make it more realistic and achievable. After all: the Quest is a matter of grave import to any errant knight!
The rules for accepting a Quest, and of issuing:
This is a matter of reblogging: you may reblog and assign to the person you reblogged from, their Quest. If you have multiple reblogs, you may declare which you wish to accept, but preference should be given to the first issued response, for a knight is not idle!
Have fun, everyone! ⚔️🛡️⚜️
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we-are-painter · 1 year
Then perhaps to clarify, new gear to replace old and worn items of clothing? Boots, trousers, or gloves?
⚜️ Quests of the New Year ⚜️
If like me, you find New Year's resolutions to be a tedium, in place of a New Year Resolution, you may now ask that a Quest be bestowed upon you, for you to complete ere the arrival of the next year (so, in 2023, before 2024).
You may set parameters to exclude or include certain requests ("I want my Quest to be focused on my Art and Writing"), and the Quest must be something achievable within a realistic context ("Become a billionaire" is not feasible), nor can it be something malicious or harmful ("Hurt so-and-so"). Set your parameters in your tags, so people accepting the request may grant you a proper Quest.
Other than this, there is no limit upon your Quest. It may be something small, or great. It may be a physical feat, or an artistic and academic accomplishment. It may be a personal goal, or something for other people.
You can undertake only One (1) Quest at a time, to make it more realistic and achievable. After all: the Quest is a matter of grave import to any errant knight!
The rules for accepting a Quest, and of issuing:
This is a matter of reblogging: you may reblog and assign to the person you reblogged from, their Quest. If you have multiple reblogs, you may declare which you wish to accept, but preference should be given to the first issued response, for a knight is not idle!
Have fun, everyone! ⚔️🛡️⚜️
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we-are-painter · 1 year
𝔅𝔯𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔎𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱, 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔣𝔱 𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔲𝔣:
𝔄 𝔏𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔉𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔞𝔯𝔡 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔉𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔭, 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔪𝔲𝔣𝔱 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔨, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔫𝔢𝔴 𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔣. - ᖘaᎥภteℝ
⚜️ Quests of the New Year ⚜️
If like me, you find New Year's resolutions to be a tedium, in place of a New Year Resolution, you may now ask that a Quest be bestowed upon you, for you to complete ere the arrival of the next year (so, in 2023, before 2024).
You may set parameters to exclude or include certain requests ("I want my Quest to be focused on my Art and Writing"), and the Quest must be something achievable within a realistic context ("Become a billionaire" is not feasible), nor can it be something malicious or harmful ("Hurt so-and-so"). Set your parameters in your tags, so people accepting the request may grant you a proper Quest.
Other than this, there is no limit upon your Quest. It may be something small, or great. It may be a physical feat, or an artistic and academic accomplishment. It may be a personal goal, or something for other people.
You can undertake only One (1) Quest at a time, to make it more realistic and achievable. After all: the Quest is a matter of grave import to any errant knight!
The rules for accepting a Quest, and of issuing:
This is a matter of reblogging: you may reblog and assign to the person you reblogged from, their Quest. If you have multiple reblogs, you may declare which you wish to accept, but preference should be given to the first issued response, for a knight is not idle!
Have fun, everyone! ⚔️🛡️⚜️
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we-are-painter · 1 year
⚜️ Quests of the New Year ⚜️
If like me, you find New Year's resolutions to be a tedium, in place of a New Year Resolution, you may now ask that a Quest be bestowed upon you, for you to complete ere the arrival of the next year (so, in 2023, before 2024).
You may set parameters to exclude or include certain requests ("I want my Quest to be focused on my Art and Writing"), and the Quest must be something achievable within a realistic context ("Become a billionaire" is not feasible), nor can it be something malicious or harmful ("Hurt so-and-so"). Set your parameters in your tags, so people accepting the request may grant you a proper Quest.
Other than this, there is no limit upon your Quest. It may be something small, or great. It may be a physical feat, or an artistic and academic accomplishment. It may be a personal goal, or something for other people.
You can undertake only One (1) Quest at a time, to make it more realistic and achievable. After all: the Quest is a matter of grave import to any errant knight!
The rules for accepting a Quest, and of issuing:
This is a matter of reblogging: you may reblog and assign to the person you reblogged from, their Quest. If you have multiple reblogs, you may declare which you wish to accept, but preference should be given to the first issued response, for a knight is not idle!
Have fun, everyone! ⚔️🛡️⚜️
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we-are-painter · 3 years
I’m sorry Mage dear, but that building looks like an art deco termite mound.
Mage, I don't know if you've been sent this already, but do yourself a favour and look up the University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning.
Thank you, Anon! I have already seen pics of it, but it’s a great opportunity to show it over here again:
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Not only it deserves it’s name but also the whole aesthetic is solid gold for some modern fantasy. Also, I want all the skyscrapers to look like this. I mean if you are building a tower and it looks like a big box, what’s the point when you can make it look like a beacon of magic and knowledge in the darkness?
Of course, I also support evil-looking buildings, no discrimination here. After all, vampire lords need their lairs as well.
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we-are-painter · 3 years
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we-are-painter · 3 years
RHey there y’all, it’s your friendly neighborhood Planar Champion. Some months ago (Months! I know, I know.) I made an announcement asking for member of the Collective who made art to send me commission links, in the hopes of creating a masterpost to display them all. And they did. But then, well, life… happened, as it does. For a while getting the lost out simply wasn’t something I could put on my plate, and for that I apologize. But, now here we are and things have changed. So without further ado:
1) Beguiler ( @wearebeguiler)
- Photo-manipulation
- Accessories and RPG supplements 
2) Dark Knight ( @wearedark-knight)
- Drawn art
3) Monk ( @we-are-monk)
- Drawn art
4) Pyromancer ( @we-are-pyromancer)
- Drawn art
5) Ringmaster ( @we-are-ringmaster)
- Stitchwork
6) Scribe ( @we-are-scribe)
- Calligraphy
7) Siege Engineer ( @we-are-siege-engineer)
- Drawn art
8) Warden ( @weare-warden)
- Drawn art
And that’s that! Big thanks to everyone who submitted, y’all are all great, and big apologies on the wait. Please check these people out, they’re all super talented and deserve the attention! If you’re in the Collective and not on this list, and you want to be, or if I’ve missed you, let me know and I’ll update it accordingly!
Thank you!
- PC
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we-are-painter · 3 years
I love @we-are-knight 's Roland readings, and especially @we-are-scribe 's humorous notes. Here is my contribution for today's reading.
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we-are-painter · 3 years
There’s a website where you can learn ASL (American Sign Language) on your own, free and it’s a 31 Day program! The woman on there, her name is Rochelle Barlow, she runs the site and she actually is a homeschool teacher and teaches ASL. I am passing this on to some of you guys cause most of y’all on here is open-minded and curious and it is something important to learn.
I truly believe this site is helpful for some people who can not afford to going to ASL classes, or someone like me that just enjoys learning something new. This site will help with that. Once you sign up you will put in your email address and Rochelle sends you emails on tips on how to sign, gives you practice sheets, and gives you your weekly videos. And its all online. No need to paying for anything. (Unless if you want to she has something very different to this program) 
IMO and yes, this site is really amazing and is important because you never know if someone who is deaf or HOH needs help, if you end up losing your hearing ability this is something you will at least have on the back of your head, and it is just like any other language and should be taught. 
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we-are-painter · 3 years
Real life footage of GTA Jeremy
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we-are-painter · 3 years
Collective Public Discord
The collective Public Discord has been around a while, and the old promotional post has gotten a little outdated, so here’s a brand new one with some of the exciting new things that are happening!
Open chat space! Places to talk about all sorts of interests, from getting TTRPG advice to memes and animals…
Mass RP rooms! Spaces to meet and interact with new characters in a variety of genres, from fantasy to sci-fi and almost everything in-between!
Frequent RP events! The mod team do our best to put on exciting events for all sorts of characters to get involved in, from quests to celebrations, there will definitely be something that you can take part in.
Open, welcoming community! I don’t think I’ve ever been involved with a server filled with nicer people. Use this link to join the server! https://discord.gg/5zrW8sb Any questions, please feel free to directly message me here, or join the discord and contact me through there! I’ll be more than happy to help you out. We hope to welcome some new friends soon!
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we-are-painter · 3 years
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Ruinwaker by Kim Sokol
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we-are-painter · 3 years
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we-are-painter · 3 years
I celebrated my first anniversary earlier this month as well. I am super grateful to have been following the sorcerer blog because it's really helped ground me during the shitshow that was 2020 and the content has just been real grand.
I just realized that I missed my first anniversary running this blog. I'd say time flies, but 2020 was its own decade, so no.
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we-are-painter · 3 years
So I've been in the collective a year already (cake day was NYE), and I would like to take the opportunity to formally as the painter welcome @we-are-scribe and @we-are-siege-engineer to the collective, two very dear friends, and loveable mischief-makers, who really helped me get through 2020 as well as I did.
It was not a great year, but your presence helped make it better for everyone, not just me.
Thank you for the light you have shared, and welcome to the collective,
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we-are-painter · 3 years
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we-are-painter · 4 years
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“Beautifully decorated woolly mammoth tusk tip from the last glacial at Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic (25,000-30,000 years ago)“
(Source: @Jamie_Woodward_ on Twitter)
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