we-are-soulriders · 2 years
I don’t think its bad to be happy that sso is acknowledging pride month. Sse may be a corporation but their celebration is nothing close to corporate pride. You can tell that actual queer people are leading the pride efforts behind the scenes. Those queer people deserve all the thanks :)
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
He looks so lost, I just wanna hug him
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Everyone upon seeing galloper was a curly blonde
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
We may disagree on many things but one thing unites us, so let’s all gather around and say a calm, collective “fuck you” to Jon jarl 😌
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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Yall already know what time it is
SSO says Galloper Thompson origins and I say You have my full attention
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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Oh my god oh my god oh my god I’m going to pass out and he’s holding a slice of cake that he physically cannot eat and the spider oh my god oh my god it’s happening everybody stay calm
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
SSO Lockscreen Masterlist
Lookin for some SSO Lockscreens? I got you covered.
(Currently accepting requests for locations or wild versions of the horses I have!)
Moorland: (1) (2) (3)
Silverglade: (1) (2)
Fort Pinta: (1)
Valedale: (1)
Starshine: (1)
Goldenleaf: (1) (2) (3)
Wildwood: (1)
Dundull: (1) (2)
Valley of the Hidden Dino: (1)
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
Hi! Im Kind of new to ssoblr, I’ve lurked a lot but I’ve decided i want to engage more!
If you’re a part of ssoblr please like or reblog this so i have more blogs to follow!
I might post about my ocs soon too
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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Edited this for an Instagram post and thought it looked pretty cool. Feel free to use:)
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
We are back to the Quarter quality, thank gosh
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these 5🤩
i won’t be able to choose , oh my
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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Please read. If your still having a bit of trouble understanding why we have the right to be mad at sso right now. Please understand sso didnt use to do this and we only are voicing out disappointment in hopes that sso will fix itself. I have hope that these problems can be fixed we just need to do our part. And the players have. Its time for sso to try now. Sso needs to admit they messed up and need to correct themselves. And also stop sending their attack dogs *cough* i mean ambassadors after everyone. Talking about you matilda :/
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
Star Stable as Troubled Birds Pt. 2
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
Thank you for writing this post!
I stopped spending money on the game when the main story quests stopped. The horses and stuff I buy is from the weekly sc they give me. I'm good at saving 😄
explanation of whats going on with sso fandom vs sse, for those who r confused
employee reviews at Glassdoor gave some insight to problems with sse, which means there is proof of some things that were vague/speculated before.
most players have (as we all know) been frustrated with the lack of meaningful/substantial updates for a long time and many players feel that there are too many new horses (whether or not thats relevant, it is a common sentiment!) and that the time put into creating new horses should be put into other things. while it is true that the “horse team” is separate from other employee teams, it may also be true that there aren’t enough employees working on other things than horses. this is something people are concerned with now. 
part of what was told in the reviews is that new management in 2020 scrapped plans for things that year, which could very well relate to main story updates and character updates (as we were teased things like dark rider redesigns but nothing came out of it so far). we have been getting updates with *new* things in sso that dont relate strongly back to the ongoing story / areas / characters, instead of getting updates to the things that players have been waiting for for years. this focus on “new” things vs updating and fixing “old” things is a frustration for many players since a long time.
it’s important to note that sse have been affected by corona, as most companies are, however its still a fact that the lack of meaningful and substantial updates to sso is something that was happening way before corona, and before the change in management in 2020. so while some things may be issues with the ‘new’ management, there are other things that have been long ongoing issues in sso’s game development that players have waited for years to be addressed. so while corona-related issues are important to note, it’s not valid as a full explanation as to why there are problems with sso/sse.
some players want to boycott (= not buy sc or sr until issues are addressed) and protest against these issues and are waiting to get some form of promises from sse that the issues will be addressed, including the outdated tech, the focus on new horses over substantial content, the experience of employees (issues talked about in the reviews), etc. 
you dont need to “pick sides” or anything whatsoever. there arent really any sides to something like criticising obvious problems? all everyone should do is be nice, be respectful, if you *want* then communicate to sse what your concerns are and what you want changed (social media comments, contact form, make videos, etc), if you *want* then you can avoid spending money on sso until there are promises to address problems (bc money talks). 
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
I'm in love
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*looks at smudged handwriting*  gangran thermae. gunrarn thyrmsun. gr- galloper thompson but with a head.
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
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This is what I have a problem with.
This comment had been made in response to Star Stable’s newly introduced writing prompt challenge in collaboration with Helena Dahlgren and Ellipuukangas. In my opinion, it’s a brilliant idea and a great way to get fans interested in the trilogy series, and to get younger fans interested in writing. I’m sure this comment was made by some raging younger fan who really has nothing better to do.
However, there’s a difference between constructive criticism and blatant disrespect. Comments like aren’t going to do anything to ‘persuade the company’ despite apparent popular belief. Yes, it may be stupid to come to the defense of a large corporate company - however, these comments aren’t just harmless jabs.
The employees are doing as much as they can with what they are allotted (time, materials, technology, etc.). It’s not as if they are saying ‘we hate you players so we’re not going to give you story quests or any updates you want haha’. As we’ve seen through the recent Glass Door reviews, SSE management pretty much sucks. Employees are under higher management - if a higher up tells a team to work on one thing, they have to work on that one thing. This is of course how management usually works, and most of the time this system betters the company. This is (supposedly) not the case with SSE. It seems higher-ups aren’t really listening to the actual artists/writers, and most of the things that are being pushed are solely revenue based (then again, everything is revenue based when it comes down to it but putting out new horses directly puts money in the company’s pocket through the purchase of star coins, more or less), and not as much centered around consumer enjoyment.
Management is who we should be annoyed with, not the employees themselves.
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we-are-soulriders · 3 years
God, I love this fandom 😂❤
this differences in these two replies is just hilarious @windforestsso @clara-diamondsong
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