i’m an angry person and i want to let it out and be an asshole but i’m also a nice person and i don’t want to actually hurt anyone’s feelings do u feel me
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I just want a day where I can be happy, relax. Have no worries and be able to talk to my friends. 
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My life summed up
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The worst part of it all is avoiding you…. Because I can’t look at you without my heartbreaking into millions of pieces
It’s nice to know that I’m just a friend to you now….
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I know I'm a very bad friend
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I’m that friend
I’ll be there for you
Put your problems before mine,
And you will always have me
Weather it’s late at night or early in the morning
I know that I’m not the greatest, I’m not the most talented
Have the most things, but I’ll always be there, until you find someone who could do more than what I can ever imagine.
Because that’s just who I am, the friend who will always be there for you until something better comes along.
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Maybe it’s time to give up on the idea of the two of you being together. Maybe it’s time to accept that some people are just not meant to be together.
Things I tell myself (via uncovered-shipper)
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I'm done
Giving a shit I’m done giving my opinions on things It really does nothing but cause me to loose friends
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It kinda sucks. You know depression will make you loose friends but
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i dont think a group of people dont like me anymore and i dont think thats okay. wel i mean im not okay like dk what i did wrong and i want them all back
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I’m slowly pushing away all my friends and I don’t know how I feel about it
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Don’t you just love how you can go from being something..to nothing?
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I hate the feeling of slipping away from someone
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Feeling sick when you see your friends having a better relationship with someone else..
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