wealthyblackgirll · 2 years
So i’m so happy & unhappy in life right now.
I’m so happy because i’m so zen and chill & meeting amazing people that are not my norm at all, but I resonate because they are just cool & NICE!
I’ve grown to love & value the adjective nice so much, because in this busy harsh society, to just smile and be your natural bubbly self, now that you have this awesome exuberant jumble confidence… it causes people to pause and say wow, you’re so nice! You have great energy!! From just a few minute ordeal? And to get to be around the kind of people who also receive those types of compliments because they are just joyful people who want the best for others.. is dope. It’s new!! I’ve always had amazing friends. But to get around people that consciously make an effort is so cool because you can work on yourself and being nicer & being more like Jesus as we strive to be. BUT they’re still cool & fun!!
*off my soap box
I have found my home church man, I feel so good there, I feel so welcomed. The pastor reassured us every single weekend we go to that church. Something we worked on or struggled that week is discussed. It’s amazing. I’ve never felt such before.
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wealthyblackgirll · 2 years
111 5G+
duhbaddest & @duhbaddestb • 18m
So I've decided to work smarter & not harder.
I've been killing my self tryna work 3 jobs &
run my own business, while working in
it!!!???! But it's only by God's Grace because
i'm already at my august profit goal this early
into July. 2 of my jobs are about to have me
duhbaddest G @duhbaddestb • 15m
Like God is just pouring into me so much this
season it's unbelievable. I'm so grateful. (
so i'm always tryna be Jack of all trades & do
everything & it's making me go crazy & not
even able to talk to friends & family. ): even
when I'm chillin i'm on Facebook IG etc
duhbaddest G @duhbaddestb • 13m
My mom called me freaking out yesterday all
concerned & that I have to quit a job. & I was
like no lol. But I did I realize this is r
sustainable. So I used this weekend to
outsource. I felt so guilty to use a maid cus..
Imao wtf. My dad would kill me. But
realistically the time
duhbaddest G @duhbaddestb • 12m
I use cleaning, I could literally have made
$200-$250 per hour when i'm doing all of my
jobs. So why would I jeopardize those cus i'm
scared to pay Maria $20 an hour cus i'm
stuck in my Nigerian ASS ways
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duhbaddest & @duhbaddestb • 9m
Lmao yea so anyways. In those. I will also be
getting my nails, lashes, facials, & massages
done at home € cus gas expensice, driving
time is money, & it's barely even more
expensive if you know who to go to Imao. I've
started eating so bad, gaining back tummy,
missing meetings
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duhbaddest G @duhbaddestb • 7m
Life has just been a mfn mess. So I am doing
these different things to get myself back
aligned. Work smarter not harder, maximize
my time, live life, & experience. I'll also be
booking tickets more easily & randomly, flight
& event! But most importantly I will be
O 1
duhbaddest & @duhbaddestb • 6m
Eg. buying good groceries in bulk so their
cheaper yet still last. Forcing us to make food
with what we have that's fresh so we done
end up throwing away half of the groceries. &
grocery shopping IN PERSON so we don't
get expired ASS shit & etc, like gas habits,
using discounts. I love the seated app!!
Anyway, let me get off my soap box. I’m wishing the best in life to all my girlies in the world❣️
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wealthyblackgirll · 2 years
So I love to cook for my man, but don’t get it twisteddd. I’m not just a Molly the maid ass bitch. I’m on my way to being a millionaire, like literally lol. At 26 i’m making 340k a year, i’m a quarter millionaire. & that’s not including the thousands I have in outside investments. **(I know this sounds cocky Af lmao but trust me I do NOT talk like this in public, no one actually knows I make how much I do lolol. So forgive me, this is my little outlet to feel myself for all the hard work I put in😩)
ANYWAYS, back to the story lol. So I love to cook, I love to host, I love to take on the traditional “woman” roles, almost to the T. BUT, I do not mind outside help, having a house girl / maid is definitely necessary sometimes and for some people and I deffff plan to have some soon lolol. But till then I like to take on the roles with help from my bf whenever he pitches in.
AND IN TURN, I don’t wanna touch no trash, lift nothing heavy, touch a screw OR no other manly ass shot….
** got side tracked, I proms I’ll come back lmao.
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wealthyblackgirll · 2 years
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NEW FAV SCENT 🧉Coconut Verviers. Rich & sweet, yet subtle.
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wealthyblackgirll · 2 years
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6am yoga, picked up an ice shaken from Starbucks, took a shower & snuck to the mall for a few goodies before my first meeting of the day! Lol (we love our late start days)
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