Mix the old and the new
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The Goldstein Sisters and The Scamander Brothers
I like how the characters of the FBAWTFT franchise can act as parallels and foils to each other. I think it’s interesting (or maybe that’s just me) how each one falls in love with someone with similar qualities to their sibling.
Like Newt for example. He hates aurors, I think his brother being one partly has something to do with it (the pressure of it all). But, he falls in love with an auror. From what little we see of Theseus in the movie, he loves his job, is quick to take action, rigidly follows the rules, but down the line, chooses to do what’s right, all qualities we’ve seen Tina display as well. So what Newt dislikes about Theseus, he admires in Tina? Or perhaps he has admired those qualities all along. 
Tina meanwhile falls in love with someone who often has his head in the clouds, and will do everything and break the rules for what’s most important to him (his creatures in Newt’s case, and love in Queenie’s). You could consider the latter two flightly, but both Newt and Queenie are really perceptive and empathic (which causes Queenie to turn later in COG because of all people she could empathize with Grindelwald’s cause). They also like to hide their pain under false amiable smiles. 
Theseus falls in love with someone wild, misunderstood, and an outcast. Newt and Leta got along so well precisely because of how similar they were (and I actually would love to write a fic how Newt and Leta were what each other desperately wanted, but not what they necessarily needed, which both did eventually find in the persons of Tina and Theseus). 
Finally, Queenie falls in love with someone as insecure and self-depreciating as Tina. Not only are Queenie and Newt similar in coloring, the former being bright, so are Tina and Jacob, the latter two being dark, in coloring as well as the colors they wear. Though Jacob is more cheerier than Tina, both have strongly exemplified the quality of putting the people they love before themselves, and in this case coincidentally, the same person, Queenie. 
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Porpentina Scamander.
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Y’all just gonna ignore the fact that Tina disarmed Grindewald in the first movie and she is the owner of the Elder Wand???
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2018 // 2016
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These two get married and have babies. Daily newtina canon reminder.
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Why Newts compliments to Tina are so romantic - (The beauty of Newt & Tinas relationship)
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Fantastic Beats 2
Just saw CoG (yes I know, i’m late) and realised this thing:
Grindelwald uses the Symbol of the deathly hallows (which is more a kind of religious symbol?) as his own and people recognize it as his. To most people (like Victor Krum it’s original meaning is lost). Hilter uses a religious symbol as his own and people only recognize it as his. The original use (as lucky charm in Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism is lost).
It’s one of many parallels between those two (both defeated in 1945...) but one of the less obvious ones.
In my opinion the Wizarding World and the Muggle World are in Balance- what happens in one also happens in the other (In some way).  So while the Muggles have Hitler the Wizarding World has Grindelwald. Yaaay. (Kind of ironic as Grindelwald uses war as an argument for his ideals.)
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My Maledictus theory:
So a Maledictus is a woman who’s cursed to permantly turn into an animal. Nagini, as seen in the new FB trailer, used to be a woman. This begs the question, are there any other characters we know that could suffer from the same curse?
Tell me that doesn’t make sense! Filch got together with a young witch who carried the curse from her mother, and ended up permanently turning into a cat, but Filch couldn’t bring himself to part with her. He even dances with her at the Yule Ball! And the heartbreak made him a grumpy, miserable bastard! IT ALL ADDS UP!
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Smile for the living
The first time it happens it’s so early in the pregnancy Keith doesn’t even know he is pregnant. There is a bit blood in his pants- but it’s been a rough day with too many fights. He shrugs it off. Probably a cut or something else he just can’t see.
The next time isn’t as easy as that. He feels off and is uncomfortable in his own skin for weeks. He may be able to fool the team but he’s not able to fool Shiro. There is a lot of arguing between the two of them until Keith gets himself into a heeling pod- secretly at night. It takes some time to process not only the fact Keith can become pregnant but also the fact that he undeniably is carrying.
There are many hours spend surfing their information tablets about Galran pregnancies. They learn female Galra are close to not existing at all- among pure blood Galra at least. So it’s pretty normal for Male Galra to get pregnant- some are able to carry some not. Keith just happens to be on the lucky side. They don’t know what to do. Of all things they were prepared to face in this war pregnancy is none of them. They fight a lot- again. About telling the rest of the Team, about keeping the baby or leaving it somewhere safe. In the end they settle on giving themselves time to think. Galra pregnancies take at least 11-12 earth months and they still have plenty of time to figure things out.
When it happens, Keith is farther in this pregnancy than the last time but only by a few weeks. He wakes at the middle in the night a wet and cold sensation pooling between his tights. By the time he figures out what is going on Shiro is already wide awake and insists on a trip to the healing pods. The pods as it turns out can do many miracles but saving a dead child is none of them. In the end they spend the night in the bathroom under a hot shower watching the only proof of their child rinsing down the sink holes. They make no light and neither of them says a word. Shiro’s sleeping cloths get soaked and so does Keiths shirt but neither of them cares. They sit next to each other leaning agains the white tiles and say no word. The warm water helps with the cramps Keith get’s from time to time but that’s all. The next morning it’s over and they go back to their room- as if nothing had happened.
At some point that night Keith realized it’s not the first miscarriage he has had. Things between Shiro and him are awkward to say at least. In a quiet minute between fighting the Galra and saving the whole universe Keith tells Shiro. They bounce back and forth but things stay strange between them. They sleep alone now- in their own rooms. Even Coran realizes something is off but the team isn’t successful in getting any answers.
Working together gets easier with time but it’s nothing like before. Keith spends ridiculously much time on the training deck and brooding somewhere alone- even for him. He reads everything about galran children and pregnancies he can get his hands on. At first he was relieved they lost the child. They’re in the middle of a war and he’s the last person ready to be a parent. But time changes his feelings. He knows now how to tell his heat is coming and when he’s most likely fertile. And he’s ready to try it again.
It takes Shiro more than half a year and a draining mission that nearly claims Keith’s life to touch him again. When he does it’s like they’ve never been apart. They start sharing a room again and finally FINALLY things become normal again. Almost.
Keith doesn’t tell Shiro about his new feelings. Once again they can talk to each other just like before. Almost. They avoid the whole topic like the Emperor Zarkon himself.
They’re back on Earth by the time Keith’s pregnant again. He doesn’t tell Shiro. He’s so afraid of loosing this kid and failing or even worse disappoint Shiro AGAIN, he just can’t find the words.
This time Keith breaks. He’s further into the pregnancy than the times before and he still hasn’t told Shiro. There is no way he can loose Shiro too and stay even merely sane.
They’re on the Atlas after a nerve wracking fight and Keith is exhausted. The black lion takes most of it’s paladin and always has. The team is leaving their lions and cheering on their victory. Keith is dragging himself along until Lance suddenly stops. ‘Keith! You’re bleeding!’ And it’s true. There is blood leaking through his armor and running down his tights. Keith knows. He’s just trying to ignore it. Lance is not. Lance expects Keith to start shouting and half expects him to beat him. What he certainly doesn’t expect at all is Keith starting to cry. It’s too much. The Black Paladin is exhausted and tired and he’s loosing a child AGAIN. He can’t hold it anymore. The whole Team falls silent. They know what to do with angry Keith but they’ve never seen him cry before. Suddenly Shiro’s there, pulling Keith into a hug and soothing him. Keith can’t stop to apologize that he should have told him and Shiro tells him he knew it. Of course he knew it right from the start. At some point they’re both crying by then Shiro’s realized they’re still in the hangar with the rest of the team and decided to move them to a more private place.
Miscarriage is a common problem among Galra they learn. Only the strongest children survive. It’s one of the reasons why children are so treasured. Hybrids are known to have less problems but Keith is still very very young (for a Galra). Keith himself was a one shot wonder his mother tells him the day she apologizes she wasn’t there to teach him about THIS side of his Galra heritage.
His forth pregnancy doesn’t result in a miscarriage. It results in a wonderful and very small baby girl with Keiths Eyes and more volume than anyone of them can handle.
This was just meant to be a short reminder of some ideas i had and suddelny it was over 1000 words long. well i don’t have time to write this properly so i’ll just leave this here, feel free to use it.
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@tragedy-machine gave me the ok to color this so heres my fave soft delinquent 
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older keith and daughter :y
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My life has turned into a game of “who’s gonna leave next”
xbloody-thighs-hollow-eyes (via xbloody-thighs-hollow-eyesx)
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