veggies-aesthetics · 1 year
Notice I've got a few asks lol, I will get to them soon! (One of which is the fact that I need to watch the new season and I keep holding off cause I wanna watch it with @goldendaydna 😖) thank you for the requests tho!
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veggies-aesthetics · 3 years
could I have a ghost cole board :0? perhaps with themes of lanterns n being forgotten like in day of the departed
@starrygatorr I hope this was what you were hoping for?
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Images from Pintrest, edited and board put together by me.
Model: Vito Basso
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veggies-aesthetics · 3 years
So like Lloyd is white why did you make him asian?
Dude Anon, stop sending me this (I've deleted this same ask twice now, chill). Your headcanon is your headcanon, my headcanon is my headcanon. Leave me be, THEY ARE LEGOS!
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veggies-aesthetics · 4 years
I love your boards!! Would you mind doing a Kailor one?
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Straight forgot to post this one I'm so sorry lol.
~As always the images I use in the boards are from pinterest. Been a while since I made one of these lol.
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veggies-aesthetics · 4 years
Thinking about doing a part two with six more characters. I know Skylar and Pixal for sure (cause I've already did them and plan to post them with the next group.)
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veggies-aesthetics · 4 years
jay one if possible?
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Made this soft boy Jay aesthetic a while ago, so I suppose I'll share! Hope this is alright anon?
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veggies-aesthetics · 4 years
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So... Artbreeder is fun. Thought I would make the Ninja based off my personal headcanons and honestly these were just really fun to make.
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veggies-aesthetics · 4 years
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(Not Ninjago) but this is an aesthetics blog, so here have some Raz and Lili Aesthetics. (I've been replaying psychonauts recently.)
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veggies-aesthetics · 4 years
You've done a couple Jaya aesthetics before, do you think you could try to make one for Kailor and Pixane as well?
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Sure thing anon! 😘 (as always all pictures in the boards are from Pinterest.)
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veggies-aesthetics · 5 years
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Soooo I have no idea how Akita is gonna be, but I'm super excited for her!!
(As always the pictures and quotes within the board itself were all found on Pinterest, but I put it together.)
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veggies-aesthetics · 5 years
could you do a modern jaya aesthetic board?
Anon I'm gonna assume that by "modern" you mean Jaya in the present/recent season. Either way, I hope you guys like this one!
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"You make me so happy every day, when we aren't together, it feels like part of me is missing! Will you be my yang?" -Jay
(Like always pictures in the board were found on Pinterest)
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veggies-aesthetics · 5 years
So I accidentally deleted the Big Brother Kai request.
But here they are, reposted. Big brother Kai with Nya and Big brother Kai with Lloyd.
(Again all the pictures in the aesthetic boards were found on Pinterest.)
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(Haven't done an aesthetic board in a while so I'm trying to get back into the hang of things, while simultaneously finding knew face claims for the ninja.)
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veggies-aesthetics · 5 years
Ninjago Ethnicity Headcanons:
And possible explanations why?
Lloyd- half Japanese/half White (I suppose it's the blonde hair or how his mom is, but I suppose since he isn't entirely human that could explain the hair? So I suppose he could just be half Japanese, 1/4 Oni, and 1/4 Dragon and call it a day? Though don't hate me I have trouble sometimes finding a nice face claim for him lol.)
Jay- White, specifically Scottish decent (though raised in a Jewish home. Edna is for sure a Hebrew name, Ed could be short for something. Whatever that is there are Hebrew names. I'll have to say if any of the characters were white it would most likely be Jay. I just, what can I say he reads white to me.)
Nya- half Japanese/half Persian (so based off their parents names, Maya can be a Persian/Arab name. Ray if spelt Rei is Japanese. Nya can be both Japanese or Persian. Now personally I see Nya with a slightly lighter skin tone then Kai.)
Kai- half Japanese/half Persian (again going by both of their parents names, then with Kai which is definitely a Japanese name. Kai also definitely tans better than his sister.)
Cole- half Italian/half Native American (okay now I know this could probably an unpopular opinion or not. But Cole definitely reads darker skin tone to me, but if I'm honest I never really cared for lets make the black ninja (power ranger) black and this might be a bit personal since I have Native American heritage, but I totally see Cole being half Native American. His dad through, I read as Italian. Lou can definitely be an Italian name.)
Zane- French (Julien is how the French spell Julian and that's really where that branches from. Not much I can go from here besides the fact I picture Zane as really pale. Lol even though I said that about the black ninja thing, I just really like the snowy white everything for Zane. Especially as a ninjdroid and the fact that his artificial pale skin keeps him cool lol. Also the name Zane has a French origin as well.)
Skylor- half Chinese/ half possibly white? (The name Skylor is english origins, also Skylor is the "male" Spelling of Skylar, which maybe he wanted a boy? Either way, Chen is a Chinese name. Now a say possibly white cause her name and red hair, but we see in the past Master Chen himself had red hair so it's obviously from his side so who knows. Maybe it's just one of those rare cases?)
Seliel- French Brazilian (now I know she from that one book and not canon in the show, but I thought to add her cause, I just really like this Headcanon. Now the name is French, but French is spoken in Brazil. The name means sun and ironically on her suit as the phantom ninja is a moon. I personally see this as a kinda night/day symbolism. Also the village Nom, is French for name. Which again, Brazil is known for a few of its "French" Cities/Towns. Again I just like this headcanon lol)
Harumi- Japanese (she was definitely a bit harder, the name is pretty easy, though I suppose hair just sometimes really throws me off sometimes? This is a kids show, colorful hair and aesthetically put character designs just kinda work, so I suppose Ninjago is much like anime lol. So for now I'll just say Japanese, because of the name lol.)
Pixal- German or Swedish (Borg is a Nordic last name so it could really be from any of that general area. Personally I like German more, but I could definitely see Swedish.)
If there are any other characters you would like to know my opinions on, my ask box is open! I usually keep these in mind when I'm looking for face claims and such. I tend to do a lot of research on names, sometimes spending hours and digging deep to find info on them. Now these are just my personal headcanons for the characters and you don't have to agree with me, I'm not really looking to argue. I just thought I would share my personal headcanons. :)
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veggies-aesthetics · 6 years
If you are to send me a request for an aesthetic, ships.... I will only do canon romances. I apoligize for the inconvenience. Most boards I will do between characters will be platonic relationships.
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veggies-aesthetics · 7 years
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~Ninjago Personality Aesthetics
(All photos within aesthetic board found on Pintrest)
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veggies-aesthetics · 7 years
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~platonic Lloyd and Kai aesthetic coming right up (As a reminder all photos within aesthetic board found on pintrest)
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veggies-aesthetics · 7 years
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~The Lion and The Wolf~ (Hope this is good, I made like three others…so.)
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