wearethelosersclub · 5 years
The Losers Club Chats
Link for full story
By @richiefuckfacetozier and @sam-i-am2468 
We are bringing these back! 
Trashmouth: I AM A CATCH THANK YOU VERY MUCH Bev: we all know that Rich. Eds: Please don’t encourage him. We are not lovers. Mikey Mike: I’d date Richie *thumbs up emoji* Trashmouth: Mike…THAT’S GAY Stan the Man: Richie, you are bisexual. Trashmouth: Your point? Eds: I’d date Mike, now he’s a catch. Bev: who wouldn’t date Mike?! Big Bill: i would absolutely date mike Stan the Man: Now that is some relatable content. Mikey Mike: GUYYYYYYYYYSSSS I’M GOING TO CRY!
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Hello friends...
So we have loved doing these text exchanges with the losers club and plan to keep them up on archive of our own, but won’t be doing them on tumblr. We are just too busy to put enough focus on them here. But definitely subscribe to our archive story! We have big plans there. 
Subscribe to the series
Thank you for supporting us and being amazing
Lots of love,
@richiefuckfacetozier and @sam-i-am2468
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Richie and Bev Part 10
Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Bev Darling: well we all knew you were in love with Eddie so it didn’t matter...what we were doing was like practice  
Richie Dear: Practice for you maybe. I’ve always been an expert.
Bev Darling: keep telling yourself that, just next time I see Eddie remind me to tell him ‘you’re welcome’
Richie Dear: Eds would be so upset if he found out.
Richie Dear: I would know as I told him and he got so upset.
Bev Darling: my poor innocent angel deserves better! step up your game Richie.
Richie Dear: If there is anything I have learned from dating Eddie.
Richie Dear: There is nothing innocent about him.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Richie and Bev Part 9
Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Richie Dear: I miss our drunken make-out sessions.
Bev Darling: aw i miss them too but you my challenged friend are the one who put a stop to them!
Bev Darling: last time we made out was after the fight with Eddie and we got drunk and high
Bev Darling: if i remember correctly you were the one to put a stop to it when you and Eddie started dating
Richie Dear: Have you met Eddie Short Shorts Kaspbrak?
Richie Dear: He would fucking kill me if we kept making out when we were plastered.
Bev Darling: well...Bill never cared!
Richie Dear: Bill knew I wasn’t in love with you.
Richie Dear: Also, don’t you think it’s problematic that he DIDN’T care his girlfriend was making out with me?
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Richie and Bev Part 8
Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Bev Darling: SOS!!!!
Bev Darling: SHIT
Bev Darling: FUCK
Richie Dear: You made out with someone.
Bev Darling: how the fuck did you know?!
Richie Dear: A husband always knows when he is cheated on.
Richie Dear: Actually, they never know. I just know Beverly Marsh
Bev Darling: this is why I love you my sweet husband so understanding
Bev Darling: but to my real issue...i made out with Ben!
Richie Dear: Important question
Richie Dear: Does Benny Boy have GAME?!
Bev Darling: that is the least most important question to ever ask
Bev Darling: but surprisingly Ben is smooth as fuck!
Bev Darling: would put you to shame Richie Dear!
Richie Dear: HOW DARE
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Part 7
Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Beauty: so….
Beauty: sorry that i made out with your face.
Prince Charming: Oh trust me Bev you don’t need to apologize
Prince Charming: Please don’t feel bad
Prince Charming: If it makes you feel better I hear friends makeout with each other all the time!
Beauty: hahaha
Beauty: the way we made out, we must be the best of friends.
Prince Charming: Well we are! That’s what makes this so special
Beauty: you make me feel special
Prince Charming: Well you are a special person and the least I can do is make you feel that way Bev
Beauty: stop making me want to kiss you we are supposed to be only friends
Prince Charming: I said it before and I’ll say it again...friends kiss friends so it’s fine
Beauty: Alright...if you say so.
Prince Charming: Now onto business! I want a new profile pic. What’s a favorite of yours?
Beauty: This one cause you’re smiling
Beauty: *sends photo*
Prince Charming: DONE! Also...when did you take this Bev? You creeping on me?
Beauty: Always!
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Bev and Ben Part 6
Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Prince Charming: I’m sorry
Prince Charming: I don’t want to make this difficult for you Bev
Prince Charming: Tell me how to make it better!!!
Beauty: you can’t that’s what makes this a fucking disaster
Beauty: what i want is for us to just hang out
Prince Charming: Okay shall I message the group
Beauty: Ben you gotta start understanding me better...hang out just us
Prince Charming: Oh as in you and me….alone...no one else...just us two!
Beauty: that’s usually meant by the phrase ‘us’ and just as friends
Prince Charming: Obviously Bev, but i'm honored and I’ll be over soon for our just friends play date
Prince Charming: I also promise to never refer to us hanging out as a just friends play date ever again
Beauty: haha see you soon Ben.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Bev and Ben Part 5
Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Beauty: i don’t want to remain fucking friends Ben
Beauty: i want to date
Prince Charming: Right okay…so you want to date??
Beauty: no Ben that’s not want i mean
Prince Charming: I’m sorry Bev but I’m super confused right now!
Beauty: like i want to date but we can’t date even though i want too
Prince Charming: I really want to date you too but...I understand
Prince Charming: kind of
Prince Charming: Not really but I’ll follow your lead
Prince Charming: Until you’re ready for me to sweep you off of your feet!
Beauty: Ugh
Beauty: i hate this
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Bev and Ben Part 4
Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Prince Charming: Wow Bev...I don’t….I’m so speechless
Prince Charming: Completely relatable with it being saved in notes because that’s how I was...just wondering if I should send the message or not
Prince Charming: You did pretty well with expressing yourself so you aren’t shit at all
Prince Charming: My question is...now what?
Beauty: Nothing
Prince Charming: ...Nothing?!?!?!
Beauty: here’s the thing. Bill and i just broke up 2 weeks ago. if we start something then we would be assholes.
Prince Charming: Yes, well you do have a point and honestly I’m kind of tired of being the asshole among the group. That’s Richie’s Position lol
Prince Charming: But this is what you want though, right? To do nothing?? Just the two of us remain friends :)
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Bev and Ben Part 3
Part 2, Part 1
Prince Charming: So umm...there it is
Prince Charming: I’m going to throw myself off a building now
Beauty: wow Ben. alright, i will be honest too. 
my feelings for you started to take off when you gave me the necklace. i think the combination of how thoughtful it was and the work you put in it just for me really meant so much. no one's ever done that for me.
i don’t want to compare the love i have for Bill versus the love i have for you because it is different. ya know Bill’s been there for me growing up from a child to a young adult but i’ve reached a point in my life where i want a certain kind of affection.
i realized Bill and i had been together so long because it was easiest, but not easy in a good way. i want someone who sees my flaws and still thinks i’m worth it.
and you just capture my soul with your words sometimes to the point where i can’t breathe because i’m so emotional. you lift me up in a really powerful way 
anyway...i’m shit at words and feelings but i’ve had this written in my notes for a month waiting to tell you how i feel.
so now you know..
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Bev and Ben Part 2
Part 1
Prince Charming: Ummmm…
Prince Charming: Okay Bevvie..hold on
Beauty: sigh...ok
Prince Charming: Hey Bev, So I have some things that I need to tell you and it’s hard to say because once it’s said there is no going back, there is no taking this back. I want to apologize for the situation and how things have turned out.
How divided the group has become and I’m so sorry for my part in it and hurting others but I am not sorry for my feelings coming out. I’m not sorry that you now know how I feel about you and that is how I love you, Bev. I was in love with you from the moment I met you.
Your Beauty is unmatched on the inside and out. Your spirit is admirable, your wit is refreshing and your kindness is unmeasurable and I know I will never stop loving you.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
Just Friends Play Date - Bev and Ben Part 1
Last texts
Beauty: Hey Bennie...
Prince Charming: Hey Bevvie...hey
Prince Charming: How are you doing?
Prince Charming: I mean...Sup
Beauty: i’m okay
Beauty: i’m happy things are improving in the group. It was rough there for a while
Beauty: i mean i only have myself to blame
Prince Charming: Bev, come on. It’s not your fault...there were many people in the situation who could be blamed
Prince Charming: namely me..
Prince Charming: The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt anyone but there’s no point dwelling over the situation
Prince Charming: Like you said things are improving finally so we might as well move forward
Beauty: ok but what if I don’t want to let go of somethings that happened? look Ben, Bill said some stuff to me...that you confessed to him...things about me and i want to hear them from you.
Beauty: i NEED to hear them from you Ben.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
THEY ARE LOVERS - The Losers Club Chat  Part 20 of 20
Part 19, Part 18, Part 17, Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13, Part 12, Part 11, Part 10, Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Mike: He’s like a fragile lanky giraffe.
Eds: Wow this got weird and I feel strangely threatened but you don’t have to worry Bev. I would never hurt Richie and I don’t plan on us ever breaking up!
Trashmouth: Swooning a lot.
Trashmouth: Should we start sending out the wedding invites?
Eds: Not fiancés! Let’s move on please!
Eds: For instance, now that we’re dating and everyone knows. Can I change my name to Eddie in the group chat? Can I have this one thing?
Trashmouth: NO BABE
Stan the Man: I will end you if you do.
Bill: absolutely not
Bev: if you fucking try to change it i swear to god...
Mikey Mike: No, Edward. 
Benny Boy: Eddie, please, don’t. I can’t handle you two constantly changing it.
Eds: I really hate all of you.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
THEY ARE LOVERS - The Losers Club Chat  Part 19
Part 20, Part 19, Part 18, Part 17, Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13, Part 12, Part 11, Part 10, Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Stan the Man: I am being just as exposed today as Richie and Eddie.
Bev: same you two deserve one another!
Bev: oh but Eddie..
Eds: Yeah Bev?
Bev: if you so much as do one thing to hurt or break my husbands heart so help me I am not afraid to kick your ass!!
Benny Boy: Violent Bev!
Bill: I mean she’s got a point richie is pathetic
Benny Boy: Fragile
Bill: yes fragile is a much better word thank you ben
Benny Boy: Sure thing Bill!
Trashmouth: If I was insecure in my masculinity I would be offended. But y’all are right.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
THEY ARE LOVERS - The Losers Club Chat  Part 18
Part 20, Part 19, Part 18, Part 17, Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13, Part 12, Part 11, Part 10, Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Stan the Man: I was invited over, it was their own faults.
Benny Boy: You should have knocked.
Trashmouth: That’s what I said!!!!
Mike: Don’t try to argue with Ben over this!
Mike: I just want to know if you two are happy?
Eds: I am, more than I thought possible.❤️
Trashmouth: My dreams have come true!❤️
Benny Boy: Wow that killed me! RIP Ben.
Mike: I’m really happy for you two and just know I think this is really wonderful!
Bill: me too im happy that you two are happy
Stan the Man: I feel pretty neutral about it.
Trashmouth: Bitch, you texted me about how you were happy for us when you found out.
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
THEY ARE LOVERS - The Losers Club Chat  Part 17
Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13, Part 12, Part 11, Part 10, Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Trashmouth: We got caught on our month anniversary by Bill and Bev. Then by Stanley on Valentine’s Day.
Stan the Man: My therapist says one day I’ll get over it.
Stan the Man: I think he is an idiot.
Mike: Oh Stanley
Mike: But wow you guys that’s great! This is like a really serious relationship!
Eds: I mean Ben...come on!
Benny Boy: ...okay by us I mean the rest of them and well me...just me.
Benny Boy: I can’t believe you were caught on such romantic days! I’m low-key upset with you all for ruining their moments!
Bev: they weren’t subtle Ben.
Bill: they were out in the open
Benny Boy: Poor excuse
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wearethelosersclub · 6 years
THEY ARE LOVERS - The Losers Club Chat  Part 16
Part 15, Part 14, Part 13, Part 12, Part 11, Part 10, Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 1
Bill: they kissed each other at the same time and it is the funniest shit of my life when they argue about it
Bev: it was when we locked them in the garage.
Bev: so Bill and i are the reason they are together!!!!
Trashmouth: NO YOU AREN’T!
Benny Boy: Bless you two, you guys created the most iconic couple since Disney invented True Love!
Mike: So you got together at New Years?! You’ve been together for a couple months now?! HOW DID YOU KEEP THIS FROM US?!
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