wearewilynumbers · 8 months
your  name:
your age: 
your perfect date: 
make out in private or in public?: 
do you like to cuddle?: 
tell me something about you:
why do you want to be my valentine?:
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wearewilynumbers · 8 months
For some absurd reason Shadow had expected the worst way this encounter could have gone was with an another argument. Despite the grim topic of the fight that had cast them both their separate ways for a year never had he expected Blues to be so still. He had a year to come with terms with Blues' decision and yet it still didn't cross his mind that he could just be-
The harsh chill in the air felt like nothing compared to the sharp frigid pain that rattled his core. There Blues was, hidden away behind the crates and other assorted junk. Just sitting there so very still with ice collecting on his features.
A terror gripped him. One that he hadn't felt in so very long. Not since the white nightmare. Not since the day he realized the mortality of his brothers and oh so nearly lost Master Wily.
He emerged from the shadows, body trembling. There was a part of him that didn't want to know. A part of him that wanted to flee back into the shadows once more and bury this fear away. Despite the ache in his core all he needed to know.
Yet he stood there, frozen terrified with his fingers digging into the box of parts he should have brought months ago. He could feel the cardboard giving way under his grip until his fingertips tore holes into its side.
A full year he had dwelled on that fight. He focused so much on that day and how Blues had just given up himself. All of that felt so insignificant now. Once more he felt like a fool. A fool who knew how finite time was and yet here he had taken it for granted.
The days slipped by both aimlessly and in a blur, before Blues knew it. Despite Kalinka's excellent repairs on the most pressing issues with his body, by the fourth month he was starting to slow down again. It was only minor things -- replacements for simple things, tuneups for his joints, a wire or two in his buster that needed replacement.
But even minor things add up.
It was a dangerous cycle. He could not patch himself up without parts, but to get the riskier parts he needed he had to be in as good a condition as he could in case things went... less than favorable.
So the winter slipped away, the spring, summer, autumn came and went, and winter came again. And as the cold returned, he thought of the previous snowfall. He thought of that little frog dragging along a crumpled poinsettia. He thought of the E-tanks left for him in the next year, and the silence that followed that point up until now.
He thought of Shadow.
It'd been his fault the silence stretched for so long. He hadn't replied back then. Would it have made a difference? Did Shadow take his lack of answer as a final declaration?
This January turned out to be remarkably cold, colder than he could recall from recent years. So cold, in fact, that some days he stirred from drowsiness with frost on his face and in his hair. The frigid temperatures only made it harder to move, despite his limitless core. So some days, he simply didn't, hunkered down and slipping between slumber (in the barest sense -- more dozing than anything else), nightmares, and wakefulness (again, in the barest sense).
It'd be in such a state that Shadow would find Blues, hidden away behind old crates and rusty barrels. Tango was nowhere to be found, but the Eldest was tucked into a corner with his face half buried in his scarf and his hands deep in his pockets. He was motionless, deathly still -- as always -- and the shades on his face obscured the faintest sliver of green illuminating his lashes, leaving it impossible to tell whether he was even awake.
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wearewilynumbers · 8 months
Wily stalked off to his quarters trailed by a myriad of his own creations urging, no badgering, him to take a rest. He had gone for months with little to no rest which while not an uncommon occurrence he wasn't getting any younger and that was a point many of them bluntly stated.
While not as vocal Shadow was also part of the crowd urging their creator to rest his mind and body. It was practically a miracle when the stubborn old man had relinquished.
It ended up being a double edged sword for the ninja. He was glad that Wily was finally taking care of himself but now that the doctor wouldn't need his services for a bit it left Shadow with is thoughts.
Had it really almost been a year since their fight?
He had not heard anything directly from Blues since that day. The most he had gotten was a confirmation that the eldest was still alive from Gemini but even now it had been a long time since even his brother had heard from him.
Desperately, he tried to push those thoughts away. Blues had made his feelings clear that day. Still, he felt a ping of worry that nagged and clawed at the back of his thoughts. None of the usual parts that went 'missing' from the store houses had been conveniently lost since their fight. He had been checking daily for any signs of number tampering or missing items and nothing. Perhaps that close call with Metal was too much for Blues in all his disrepair.
A sigh slipped past his lips. His mind was made up and later that night those key parts would once again no longer exist according to the ledgers.
Hours would pass as he carried the delicate packaged tucked in his arms. Each of Blues' hideaways was just as empty as the last. The search itself had started to become an ordeal in frustration. Daylight would break in a few hours which would delay his search further.
If Blues or Tango weren't found soon then he would have to relinquish and give the package to the young Cossack. There was enough time for him to investigate one more of Blues' main hiding spots.
This one was promising. Disturbed dirt around the door was enough to conclude someone had entered the abandoned building fairly recently. Slipping through the shadows to enter was child's play as per usual for someone with his skills. If it was anyone else he was searching for they wouldn't know he was coming.
Blues though, he was frustratingly different.
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wearewilynumbers · 8 months
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I am late with my contribution to the Flashman fan club.
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wearewilynumbers · 8 months
"Honestly, nothing worse than a kid acting like he knows everything."
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"Spectacular I know."
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"Hey. Random thought. You think, when we're Gemini Spark like this, we could pass as robot masters?"
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"Don't all their names end in 'Man' or somethin'?"
"Well... we could just be 'Gemini Man' then."
He doesn't know.
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wearewilynumbers · 8 months
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"Don't even think about it!"
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"Hey. Random thought. You think, when we're Gemini Spark like this, we could pass as robot masters?"
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"Don't all their names end in 'Man' or somethin'?"
"Well... we could just be 'Gemini Man' then."
He doesn't know.
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
((Little update on my return and why I am so slow. I am still trying to come back and have been wanting to for awhile now but ended up with an emergency vet bill (Bird son is fine ends up he was flinging puke because he was horny and it scared the shit out of us), so many over time hours at work, my aunts cancer battle, our home owners insurance was canceled because another company ate the one we were with, mother in law visit, and this week I was a victim of a home invasion while I was in the shower from a crazy neighbor so Ive been back and fourth with authorities on that.)) ((So yeah despite me desperately wanting to write lately I have been drained. I am still planning on coming back soon I just need a bit more time.))
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
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more ko-fi info sheets~
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
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Hello, friends! I've decided to open up some cheaper sketch comms exclusive for the month of June. These are different from my usual prices since I'll be overseas.
These comms will extend throughout the month of June with unlimited slots. If you have any questions or are interested, please feel free to DM me!
Reblogs appreciated, thank you!!
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
This is a bit of a stretch, but do any MM fans out here (preferably of Native American descent 🙏) have more appropriate and respectful designs of Tomahawk Man? This goes for Flame Man too! Hello my friends of Indian ethnicities!
I'm open to hearing ideas or concepts you'd like to see in a redesign too, if you don't have one on hand or are not an artist 🙏
I've never been happy with the caricatures of these two Robot Masters in particular, and I am not confident in my ability to do research on the many, many Native American communities or India's complex history entirely on my own, so I would really love and appreciate feedback from you all so I can be pointed in the right direction. I want to do right by you all.
Willing to take answers in the tags, replies, or my inbox. Thank you!!!
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
((Coming off hiatus. Things have been a bit more sorted out here. I will still be slow.))
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
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He watched while she took control of the units. He was monitoring them while she settled comfortably into control. So far so good, not a one sent back an error message or any warnings that she was pushing her luck with his units. He'd be impressed if he hadn't already figured a robot master with a purpose like could handle a simple task like this.
"See, I knew you were the right person for the job."
There was a chuckle in his tone and she would feel the light weight of his hand on her shoulder.
"Well now comes the fun part. There are other units out there in the grass who are going to advance in about 30 seconds. All you have to do use your units to tag them before they tag yours. Think of it like hide and seek and chess. Just far more aggressive."
"If you say so," Moon still sounded unconvinced, but there was no hesitation as the signals opened up to her, nor much indication of surprise at the number of units aside from a slight twitch of her hands in her lap.
Already, her demeanor changed, her expression becoming one of sharp focus as she enveloped the signals of the units into her own.
It was... easy. Flash said it would be, of course, but there were less units than Moon was somehow expecting. It was almost similar to the contacts she had to make across various satellites while on the ISS, though the lengths of these connections were... far smaller. Far more restricted, too. Limited. It didn't take her long to get used to directing them, not at all, slight hand gestures accompanying their motion as if she were conducting their every movement.
She didn't comment on the simplicity of the first task as she relaxed a smidge, gaze flickering back up to Flash.
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"I think I've gotten the hang of it. What now?"
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
((Sorry to everyone who has been waiting on me. I have been stressed and had to pull away for a bit. This little mini hiatus I have been on will probably continue for a little longer while I sort things out.))
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
((Sorry for being radio silent here as of late. Life has been a drain. I have been clocking in a lot of over time, family stress has been really bad and just all around exhaustion. This is all compounded with the fact that I feel like I cant get my home in order.))
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
Watch out, Metal. Without warning, the Mecha Dragon snakes her head in through one of Wily City's many open windows and starts nudging him insistently and aggressively. Pets, please.
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A low rumble rises from deep within his chest.
The high pitch screech of metal on metal echoed through the halls like nails on a chalkboard as he dug his heels fruitlessly into the metal flooring. With her strength and size she was merely sliding him around waiting for the pets she demanded.
He wasn't expecting the sudden intrusion into his personal space, but it didn't surprise him. Quick must have been out on patrol.
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Eventually, he relented and patted her head.
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wearewilynumbers · 1 year
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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