weaselyrn · 5 years
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Ron had just come down for lunch and entered the kitchen when he saw his mom and hoped that she made something he could eat. As he was about to speak, his mom spoke up and he was surprised that she knew it was him. But then again, when there is 7 kids running around, she was bound to tell who was who.” Hey mom,” he greeted her before taking a seat at the table. “ What do we have to eat?”
          if there was one thing molly knew better than anything, it was the sound of her kid’s footsteps. she could tell who was walking into the room without looking. she knew it was ridiculous, but it was something you learned when you had seven of them. so when ron walked into the kitchen, without turning around, she says, “do you want anything to eat, sweetie? you’ve gotten way too thin.”
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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     she dug fingers a little stronger into her package, chin lifted just slightly.   "   of course you didn’t,   “   astoria said, a small smile tugging the corner of her lips.   ”   if I would get catch watching gryffindors’ training, your lot would think I’m there to spy — I made sure to not cause a troubles,   "   she added, looking to the shop window.   "   I’m more interested in strategic aspect of it rather than raw play,   "   she said after a moment ; a small lie but it was all she could have.   "   how about you? I recall your brothers were on team — will you try out too this year?   "
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“ you make a fair point. we are a very suspicious team and we would’ve definitely said something if you watched,” he narrowed his eyes playfully before conceding to her point. the intense rivalry between slytherin and gryffindor was very notorious and ron knew that the slytherins weren’t above cheating.” you love the strategy. me too, i could spend all day just talking about the game.” he gushed, excited that there was someone that also understood the strategic side of quidditch. hermione didn’t like quidditch and harry was more interested in playing than actually analyzing, unless it was about finding weaknesses in the opposing team.” uhh, i might. “ 
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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                                    he  simply  rolls  his  eyes  in  response.  of  all  the  people  in   the  world  to  sit  next  to  him  ,  of  course  it  would  be  weasley.  ❛    you  dislike  when  i  do  go  around  terrorizing  muggleborns  ,  yet  you  complain  when  i  don’t  ?  maybe  you  should  figure out  what  you  want  from  me  first   before  giving  me  contradicting  suggestions.    ❜  there’s  a  sigh  that  comes  next  ,  &  draco’s  gaze  shifts  towards  the  door.  no  ,  he  wasn’t  leaving  just  because  of  the  redhead.  the  slytherin  was  there  first  ,  after  all.  ❛    i’m  surprised  potter  isn’t  around  ,  considering  you’re  always  following  him  around  like  a  lost  puppy.  i  don’t  think  i’ve  ever  seen  you  alone.  did  he  &  granger  finally  get  tired  of  you  ?    ❜  
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“ i do know what i want from you but i’m pretty sure being a good person is something you’re incapable of being. unless you’re willing to step out of your father’s shadow and figure out how to survive without his money and influence,” ron said harshly. he may have said multiple times that he hated draco malfoy but in reality it was because draco never seemed to face consequences for his behavior, instead relying on his father to clean his messes. it was unfair.” i don’t have to explain myself to you, malfoy,” ron said, finally getting his drink and took a big gulp. malfoy was wrong this time about his friends but it was a big fear that one day his best friends might get tired of him. 
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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“ you do realize good cop was an option? because i think that what most students would prefer.” ron replied to professor selywn. he didn’t take ancient runes but he knew hermione did and so he was familiar with professor selywn. “ i just heard some muggleborns say it and i thought it sounded neat. the terms they come up with in the muggle world are very creative,“ he added, sounding a bit like his father.
@weaselyrn​ said:      ❛ So do you want to play good cop or bad cap? Because I don’t think emo cop is a thing. ❜
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     she looked at ron with a slightly lifted brow, tilting her head just a tiny bit.   “   i don’t think i have what’s needed to play a bad cop, but it also not a role i can leave to a student, can i?   “   eris said, a small smile ghosting on her lips.   “   i cannot say that i know what emo is, too… you are putting me in difficult position, mr. weasley,   “   half-veela added with a good-natured tease, lacing her fingers together.
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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ron had known luna as a child, and knew that she was eccentric but that didn’t mean he was  prepared for her at all. “ are you sure it was a rat?” he questioned her, partly disbelieving her but also a slight bit curious. “ i don’ t know if i would call that extraordinary but we do have different definitions of extraordinary.” he remarked as he looked around diagon alley. it was pretty busy since it was the middle of the day but it wasn’t as bad as the school rush. when everyone is trying to get their school supplies at the same time.
at the mention of his rat. ron instantly had a scowl on his face. he had a lot to say about his ‘rat’ and none of it was appropriate to say in present company.” yes. i had a rat but it wasn’t as talented as the rat you saw. “ he said curtly, not wanting to remember the betrayal of his rat and how disgusted he felt at the truth.
@weaselyrn asked me to use a line from my favorite TV show as a starter                        ( killing eve )
“I once saw a rat drink from a bottle of butterbeer there. Both hands,” said Luna, eyes dreamily fixed on a shady nook on the street, a smile curling her lips slightly, as if she enjoyed the memory. “Extraordinary.” She found Diagon Alley overwhelming most dats — it was like Hogwarts, but somehow more chaotic, with less quiet places. And so Luna preferred to focus on the details, take in the city around her bit by bit by bit. Besides, one tended to see more interesting things when observing the world like that, Luna had found — things like skilled vermin, for example.
Eyes tore away from the street and met Ron’s. “You had a rat,” she stated. It wasn’t a question, because while Luna didn’t know too much about Ron Weasley, she had once registered that fact and never let it go. ( Sometimes she thought that her mind was just a combination of remembered facts and pieces and nothing more. ) “Did he do the same?”
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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ron tried to surpress his laughter at the sight of hestia stuck but a little snicker escaped him before he controlled himself. “how did this even happen?” ron asked, amusement leaking through his tone. he grabbed his wand out of his pocket and tried to figure out the best way to help her.” would you be fine if i levitate you out of the hole? and i won’t tell a soul what just happened.”
@weaselyrn  sent    ↳     ❛ what’s  going  on  up  there? ❜
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                                           she’s  stuck  ,  fallen  through  a  hole  in  the  second  story  floor  &  her  wand  out  of  sight.  ❛    oh  ,  well  you  know  ,  i’m  just  hanging  around.    ❜  there’s  a  light  laugh  ,  though  it’s  clear  the  auror  is  uncomfortable. ❛    could  you  erm  ———  possibly  help  me  out  ?  &  also  never  mention  this  to  anyone  ever.    ❜          
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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 “ha ha.” charlie retorted before his face turned to a look of astonish.”percy? in the ministry. merlin’s beard. they are gonna need more people after they all quit because of him.” charlie let out a hearty laugh, placing his arm on ron’s shoulder. “ya excited for school? hows ol’ snape? still grouchy?”
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ron let out a huff of breath at charlie’s surprise. “ yeah, he got in a huge fight with dad before leaving and now he’s taking the ministry side abut you-know-who coming back.” ron informed charlie, not willing to brush this aside for some jokes. if it wasn’t clear enough, he was still mad about it.” excited isn’t the first thing that pops into my head when school is mentioned charlie. and snape is still snape, forever a grouch.”
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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     “   you wouldn’t be — that’s what team is for, to have your back if you slip,   “   he said, smiling at ron and shaking his head.   “   —- yeah, sorry for that. thought i’m selfish enough to say that i’m glad you all are here. it’s less… dark,   “   he added quietly, playing with his glass. more alive, sirius wanted to say, but it wasn’t something he feels like he could. it wasn’t up to ron, to any of weasleys really, not up to anybody to make this place less of what it was — a museum of the ruins that was left of his family, with ghosts peering around corners and portraits that watch every move. maybe that’s how his family was mean to end — the black name left in the dirt, drowned in blood and shadows.
     he laughed — loud sound bouncing off walls — at ron’s disgusted tone, grinning to him.   “   oh, c’mon. i swear, it would look good!   “   he let himself have it, the few moments of carefree joking. he was ready to make fun of the ‘embarrassing’ comment when it hits him what offer ron’s presented him. sirius couldn’t help but look at him a little more serious, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he nodded.   “   that would— that would be great, ron.   “   he felt the rush of fondness going through his body and merlin, he was so glad harry had ron as his friend.
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“ i don’t want to disappoint them, “ ron let out, avoiding sirius’s gaze. the team was a well oiled machine and he was afraid that he was going to be the one to ruin it all. it made him nervous and scared of not being good enough.” for what it’s worth, i’m glad i’m here, even if i’m forced to clean.” ron said, forgetting for a brief moment about his quidditch problems and instead focusing on sirius. perhaps, people were right about the mental instability of sirius after coming back from azkaban but ron wasn’t going to make sirius feel bad about his situation. none of this was sirius’s fault.
for a brief second, ron looked stunned at hearing sirius laugh and then felt a sense of pride of making him laugh. “ i disagree completely. what about it would look good? and don’t say  your legs again.” ron teased, with a small smile on his face. expecting a retort to his comment, ron was confused at sirius’s stare. he didn’t consider what he said to be mind blowing and was a bit flustered at sirius’s reaction.” yeah, of course.” he stammered out before his ears turned red.” it’s an open invitation and i don’t tthink anyone has a problem with you coming over. in fact, mum might happy that she could feed more people.”
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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ron had wanted a bit of a drink and instead of trying to steal from sirius or risk his mother being disappointed with him, he just decided to take the knight bus to the leaky cauldron and grab something from there. it also helped that it lead to diagon alley and he could pretend that he wanted to buy something if he was questioned when coming back.
ron slid into the nearest empty chair, not bothering to check for a better sit and tried to wave down the bartender. after a couple of minutes with no success, he heard the person next to him speak and turned around only to immediately scowl. “ i’m glad i asked for your unwanted opinion, malfoy. perhaps you should stick with terrorizing muggleborns instead of giving me food recommendations.” ron said with a harsh tone before turning back to the bar.
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                                     he’s  been  locked  inside  of  his  house  the  past  few  days  since  the  ball.  his  mind  is  as  confused  as  ever.  two  sides  of  his  being  constantly  pulling  ,  like  a  tug  of  war  in  his  mind.  the  masquerade  was  his  only  chance  to  really  explore  that  side  of  himself.  now  that  was  over  ,  his  cold  exterior  returned.  he  takes  a  seat inside  of  the  leaky  cauldron  ,  a  pub  he  normally  wouldn’t  ever  step  foot  in  ,  but  now  he  often  frequents.  there’s  someone  who  sits  beside  him  ,  but  draco  doesn’t  look  to  see  who  it  is.  ❛    nothing  else  is  good  here  except  for  the  ale.  only  thing  worth  ordering  on  the  menu.  ❜
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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“ how original. charlie the dragon tamer is a dragon for halloween.” ron said sarcastically as he responded to charlie. ron was pretty sure that if charlie could be one thing, it would be a dragon.” it’s going. did anyone tell you that percy left to be with the ministry?” ron said, pushing charlie’s hands away from his hair.
“Hey, Halloween’s over, take off your face. Oh wait."   | @weaselyrn​
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“jokes on ya, ronnie. i was a dragon for halloween.” ah. if only he was an actual dragon. feeling the wind through your wings, blowing fire– eating sheep. the best life. “ reaching over, he ruffled his younger brother’s red hair. “hows it goin? i haven’t seen you in a while.”
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weaselyrn · 5 years
Their first impression of your muse: cool, distant
Current impression:  guarded, impressive 
Are they attracted to your muse?:  no, he does think she’s pretty but he reminds himself that she is older than him and that usually stops him
Something they find frightening about your muse: if he knew, it would be her being a vampire 
Something they find adorable about your muse: that she still cares about people despite how hard it may seem 
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: probably, ron is willing to put his life at risk if it meant that other people would survive  
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: maybe platonic but definitely not romantic unless she was down with it and Sirius wasn’t in the picture 
One word my muse would use to describe yours: impressive 
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: no
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: hug yes, kiss no
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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Ron has probably spent more time with his face pressed in the glass window of the quidditch shop than actually being in the shop and today was sadly no exception. He spent so much time imaging how it must feel like to actually be able to pay for the more recent additions of the brooms and what he would do with them if he ever had the chance. After a few minutes of pathetically staring into the shop, Ron sighed and turned around and almost stumbled in surprise. He hadn’t seen Astoria Greengrass arrive in front of him, too busy gazing at the new brooms to pay attention to his surroundings. “Miss Greengrass.” Ron said, mimicking her for her proper way of talking.” I think the real surprise is finding you here. I didn’t know you were interested in quidditch.”
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     she didn’t need this ; unable to play quidditch or even fly, astoria didn’t need a decorated, shiny new beater’s bat —- but it didn’t mean she didn’t want it. with this little present from her to herself, she stepped out of the shop, stopping for a moment to fix the front of her dress and turned quickly, trying to walk in front of the window. trying, because she managed to make one step before realizing that someone already stands there, blocking her way.
      she lifted a brow, but it was easy to recognize the other, even if she didn’t breathe a word to him before.   “    —- mr. weasley,   “   she found herself saying and nod at him gently and short.   “   fancy seeing you here.   “
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weaselyrn · 5 years
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“ this is the ministry we are talking about and they have always been this terrible. from arresting hagrid back in our second year to now, where they think blaming harry would solve their problems.” ron said heatedly. he hated the way the ministry decided to continue to blame people he cared about for crimes that they didn’t commit. he knew harry and sirius and to think that they were being accused of breaking death eaters out of azakaban or lie about you-know-who just made ron angry. he looked over hermione and leaned over so that only she could hear. “ although, most people still think sirius is still wanted criminal and it was just a convenient excuse to get people riled up. they aren’t aware of his innocence and as much as i want to yell out to the world about how the ministry continues to screw people over, we can’t risk blowing his cover.” he pointed out. he understood hermione’s frustrations but he preferred letting loose in a more physical setting rather than using words.
at the mention of cedric, ron flinched. it was bad enough that the ministry continued to ruin harry’s reputation but not acknowledging the cause of cedric’s murder was a crime. it not only lessened the impact of his death and harry’s experience but it also didn’t give an answer to cedric’s parents. they used cedric’s death as a way to prop harry’s ‘madness’ but cedric was a real person who didn’t deserve to die. ron looked around for his drink and swallowed it whole before turning back to hermione. “ yeah, let’s hope it gets better.” he murmured.
          “ imagine —– ” a alamort  breath softly seeps past plush tiers, a steady form of rage scouring the rim of her unfocused russet hues,    “ being that incredulously daft to think that  —- ” another breath, this time shorter,  “ sirius had anything to do with the impending release of lestrange is beyond any pardonable act of cognize. ” slender digits crease the paper in her grip, slamming it down against the bar with full animosity of force. the ministry at this point was far and few between of a ship wreck and outbreak. every last turn felt like an endless maze of misconstruction and inadequate  safety measures. and if anyone were to ask her opinion, surely nothing good would come of it.  a single digit raised, offering a fearless stare towards the bar attendant.  “ and they won’t listen to harry, even ostracizing him completely after what he went through —–  after cedric.  ”
          even saying his name hurt. the surrounding muscles of her throat seized, growing taught with the difficulty of breath. even though they weren’t close, there was something stiflingly strong with camaraderie within the whole of hogwarts. whether they want to or not, cedric’s death bears more of a loss than anyone could ever really realize. and the ministry was making an absolute mockery of it by defiling his death in headlines of an accident. heavy lids shutter, taking a sip of the gin before, swallowing thick to help loosen herself.  “ the sooner everyone is back at hogwarts, the better.  ”
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weaselyrn · 5 years
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL letter.
Send “#” for a RANDOM letter.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL letter.
i cannot believe what you said about hermione and what your father did to my sister. the lengths your family would go each year to be even worse than before is astounding and every time you skate by because of your father. but you know what? your father won’t be there to save you one day , he has a cell reserved especially for him in azkaban and i can’t wait for that day. and if you step foot anywhere near my family, i’ll make sure that you share a cell with your father. maybe then, you will learn.
ron weasley ( sent after the chamber of secrets and the reveal of lucius malfoy giving ginny the diary)
who did you have to bribe to be prefect? just wondering.
ron weasley
please come back. actually no, don’t come back because anyone that makes mom cry doesn’t deserve to be a part of the family.
ron weasley ( accidentally sent to malfoy but ron just assumes that percy received it and just didn’t respond)
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weaselyrn · 5 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING letter.
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK letter.
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE letter.
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING letter.
i know it’s a little early to be writing to you but i need to know when you’re coming over. not that it’s urgent but i do want to make sure that everything is ready before you arrive. also if you could help me with some of the summer homework we have, that would be great.
 ron w.
I don’t feel tooo good. But i just wanted to let you know that sometimes i say things without thinking it through and i do know you are a girl, i’m not crazy. I have eyes and ginny said that it was rude to think that just becuase youre my best friend, it means you have to be my date to the Yule ball. But i don’t trust Krum and i thinkk you could have done better. 
With love,
Ron W.
Ps. I stole Sirius’s firewhiskey, please don’t tell him or my mother
Dear my best friend in the world Hermione,
I don’t know if you heard but it turns out our patronuses, patronsi, separate patronus are connected in some way. Now, I’m not hinting at anything but if the connections are there, then there must be some meaning behind it. Just some food for thought.
With love,
Ron W.
Hey Hermione,
So i know that you might have thought that i was being a prick on purpose at the Yule ball but i just couldn’t stand the sight of you with someone who doesn’t deserve you. You deserve more than some quidditch player who can’t even say your name right and don’t get me started on the fact that he doesn’t know you at all. Maybe, I’m overthinking this but I don’t know, that night just made me realize that you might not be in my life forever. That someday, you are going to be off doing amazing things and I won’t be by your side to witness it all. And I guess, that hurt manifested itself in a terrible way but I just need you to know that I’m truly sorry for ruining your night and that you deserve to be happy.
with all the love,
Ron W. (This letter remains unsent in his room)
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