weatheredleather · 11 years
katie is now bubblegum. pass it on.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
don’t be offended if i don’t follow you back, i’m selective as hell.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
don't be offended if i don't follow you back, i'm selective as hell.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
Goodbye, guys.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
Not to mention: Atychiphobia and a handful of disorders.
Reblog if you struggle with anxiety, depression, anorexia, bulimia, EDNOS, BPD, bipolar disorder, self harm, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, insomnia, or OCD.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
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onesideofthecoin said: [Oh sweetie I’m sorry *hugs tight* things will be ok I promise…]
It really doesn't feel like it. I'm bawling. It hurts. My ex did this to me too, and now I'm wondering if it's me and why I can't find something good even just friendship. I never expected anything from her except to let me know what was going on, to let me know when she needed time and she called me jealous. I was never jealous! I even gave her my AIM, which I hardly ever do, I gave it to her to help us keep in contact so mistakes wouldn't be made, so neither one of us would feel ignored.
And then we had a small fight before I went into hospital because she was hanging out with friends-which i didn't mind at all- and then ignored me for four hours without letting me know what was going on. I know I could have contacted her too, but I had a feeling something was up, so I held off and then it went sour and now I've lost a friend because she doesn't want to "affect my health" how is this not affecting me?
Shit I can't do this anymore.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
QUOTE: "Have a nice life, please."
I just got dropped as a friend with them basically saying "it's not you it's me" I just got out of hospital and now this? I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I want to quit. I want to close this account and never come back.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
LMAO, Legolas' face. Like seriously, he made that face all the time, it's like Sammy's bitchface but better.
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*snuggles and grins* I missed everyone (especially you) so darned much, our illnesses sucks, but it's so nice to have you—that understands just perfectly what we can go through and how fragile we all are underneath the smiles.
I’m home!!! *makes coffee and settles into my leather arm chair with it* Bring me your love, peasants!!
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weatheredleather · 11 years
» Supernatural Creatures: Leviathan
        The leviathan is defined as a giant sea monster, or a very large aquatic creature. They [or it] is usually depicted as a large, serpent like creature much larger than your average ship. In some works of fiction leviathan are depicted as some sort of whale species unknown to man, or a simple whale. However, they are not to be confused with the kraken, a giant squid creature.
        This creature was originally referenced in the Old Testament as a giant sea monster, but briefly. In the Ancient Middle East, it is referred to as some sort of sea serpent. In Jewish literature the leviathan has been described as a sea dragon who, with Behemoth, “will be served up to the righteous at the end of time.” During the middle ages of Christianity, the leviathan was used as a symbol of Satan, and a demon of envy.
        In modern works, or pop culture, the leviathan is quite common. For example, in the anime Full Metal Alchemist, the leviathan is the demon representation of Envy, and in the video game Dishonored, the Outsider’s true form is referred to as the “Mighty Leviathan.” Another common reference would be that of the Supernatural TV Show, where they are believed to be the first creations of God.
Sources: X | X
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weatheredleather · 11 years
I'm home!!! *makes coffee and settles into my leather arm chair with it* Bring me your love, peasants!!
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weatheredleather · 11 years
And guess what? They said I can go home. Just waiting for the papers now!! Yay. Omg I was soooo bored.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
So like a good friend of mine I'm going to do drabbles. Who here wants one based on our characters? It's all I can do right now from my phone and might take me a bit with the little buttons, but i'm game if you are. I'll be picking what happens, though.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
am i a bad person for removing the one person that didn't bother to see if i was okay? the one person who said they were my friend, but haven't been acting like one? i feel like a bitch but i'm sitting here in my hospital bed trying not to cry because i'm really actually quite hurt by it. she said she gave a damn but the past week has clearly stated otherwise. i really enjoyed our roleplay, but i feel as if i weren't enough, so i just—i shouldn't have to stay if they don't give a hoot, in saying that i really feel like a douche.
my decision is made, though.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
So I'll be out tomorrow and on the good meds.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
And there's no guarantee that this'll be easy...
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weatheredleather · 11 years
at least one person noticed. going offline so my phone doesn’t die. bye.
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weatheredleather · 11 years
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Sorry guys, replies will be on hold until I am out. And even then, I'm not sure about anything anymore. Not doing good at all, emotionally or physically.
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