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Perspective Matters !!! #selfshot #perspective #bythefalls #throwback #onesideofthecoin #smashingphotography #nikond5300
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officialmasongray · 10 years
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"Step any closer and I'll kill you." Mason said, studying the stranger before him, he noticed a Camelot symbol on the bag the man was carrying which made him very uneasy.
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onesideofthecoin replied to your post:*slinks back*
[aslkcnjkvswjdhwkjxbbakjhs!!! You’re back! and I’m back! *rolls around happily* Hello dear! I missed you~]
[YOU'RE BACK TOO :D :D :D :D *throws leaves around* Hello friend :D How is life?   
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ladymorganaofcamelot · 10 years
"You're the one. The one I've been looking for!"
"Looking for? Is there somethingyou need my help with?"
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thisismyhostage · 11 years
[*sneaks a ╬ into your inbox*]
Send me a ╬ if you like my roleplaying.
[ no no stop that you cutie, you're incredible and we need to interact vv soon yep
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callmethirteen · 11 years
RULES: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just ones that have touched you. Tag ten friends.
Tagged by: dontbelieveinghosts
Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling
A long way down by Nick Hornby
Choke by Chuck Palaniuk
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (just the first two books though) by Douglas Adams
The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis
The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
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weatheredleather · 11 years
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onesideofthecoin said: [Oh sweetie I’m sorry *hugs tight* things will be ok I promise…]
It really doesn't feel like it. I'm bawling. It hurts. My ex did this to me too, and now I'm wondering if it's me and why I can't find something good even just friendship. I never expected anything from her except to let me know what was going on, to let me know when she needed time and she called me jealous. I was never jealous! I even gave her my AIM, which I hardly ever do, I gave it to her to help us keep in contact so mistakes wouldn't be made, so neither one of us would feel ignored.
And then we had a small fight before I went into hospital because she was hanging out with friends-which i didn't mind at all- and then ignored me for four hours without letting me know what was going on. I know I could have contacted her too, but I had a feeling something was up, so I held off and then it went sour and now I've lost a friend because she doesn't want to "affect my health" how is this not affecting me?
Shit I can't do this anymore.
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Tagged by daniellecountessofderby
Once you’ve been tagged, list ten books that have moved you. Don’t think about it, just write what come to your head from your dear heart. Tag ten people to do the list as well
Right, then. In no particular order:
1. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
2. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick
3. The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
4. Silverhorse - Lene Kaaberbol
5. A Long Long Way - Sebastian Barry
6. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever - Stephen Donaldson
7. The His Dark Materials Trilogy - Philip Pullman
8. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
9. Warriors: Into the Wild - Erin Hunter
10. The Earthsea Quartet - Ursula Le Guin
(BONUS ROUND! I know I was only supposed to do 10, but it feels wrong to leave these ones out.
11. The Ghormenghast Trilogy - Mervyn Peake
12. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
13. War Horse - Michael Morpurgo
14. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
15. The Weirdstone of Brisingamen - Alan Garner)
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ladymorganaofcamelot · 10 years
onesideofthecoin started following you
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"Gwen? Is that you?"
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bandfullofmuses · 11 years
Protected By A Wizard//onesideofthecoin
"We'll be right back, Gaius." She called back to the physician before she hurried up outside to catch up with Merlin. Running up the hill, away from the castle.  "Hey! Wait up, Merlin!" She laughed, trying to make her way towards him as they headed further into the woods.
"Merlin!" She called out again, trying to catch his attention. She was really fast for a boy who practices magic. Despite that, at least it was a beautiful day to be outside. A great day to go on a hunt with Arthur and the knights.  
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weatheredleather · 11 years
Rolling in the deep, ain't ever been this deep (onesideofthecoin)
Now that Dean had left Sam, the older Winchester took on jobs on his own, needing to somehow make up for the things he'd done for the harm he'd inflicted not only on Sammy, but on the people that had died around him, he'd brought this upon them, upon himself. He felt as if he deserved to be punished like this—deserved to feel and be alone like he was.
"—son of a bitch," he mumbled as he peeked out from the Impala, watching as an electric blue light lit up the night, coming from the woods behind the house he was watching.
He'd heard that there were signs of storms, and he'd just assumed that it was demonic activity, demons he could handle. But this...
Dean wasn't so sure about a bright light from the damned woods, that was just plain creepy. Sighing, he rolled his eyes and forced himself to climb out of the car, heading around to the trunk and unlocking it. Pulling it wide, Dean propped it up with a sawnoff shotgun, rummaging through his weapons. He wasn't sure what he was up against, but there was no way he was going into those trees without being prepared for a fight.
He grabbed a mojo bag, tying it to his belt, below his jacket, wanting to ward off as much evil as he could. Next came a flask filled with holy water shoved into his pocket and his shotgun, along with a handful of salt rounds. A small bag of salt went into another pocket, along with the demon knife and a packet of matches.
The EMF reader went into his duffel, along with a flare gun (because, come on, Wendigo's hung out in forests) and a small bottle of dead man's blood slicked onto both a knife and a stake. Looking over the trunk with a frown, Dean tried to figure out what else he'd forgotten, soon realizing his mistake, the male grabbed up Gabriel's angel sword and threw that in as well, closing and zipping up the bag.
Pulling the straps over his shoulder, Dean closed the Impala's trunk, locking up the car before he started to walk towards the forest with the almost crackling blue light. If he was being honest with himself it looked like something between lightening and blue flame.
"Gunna regret this," he mumbled to himself as he slipped between the trees, heading deeper and deeper into the woods—normally it would have gotten darker and darker, then deeper he went in, but the deeper he went in, the bright the light got until he stepped around some rocks and paused at the big crackling circle of light in front of him.
"What the fuck?" he breathed with a frown, aiming his shotgun at it as he walked around it, trying to get a good look. He was pretty close when it happened, a sound came from behind him and Dean turned too quickly, to look, and his foot caught on a rock and he found himself tumbling backwards and right into the circle of light, shotgun going off as his trigger finger went to work.
He was still firing when he landed on a flat surface in broad daylight, right in the middle of a courtyard—in a castle? What the fuck?!
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A Helping Hand: Merlin and Reep
Some days, Reep could wander aimlessly for hours on end, unless he was on patrol. In the aftermath of the battle with the Telmarines, Caspian had refused to allow him to take on any more work, urging him to use the time to recover. 
It was... nice, in a way, he supposed. He didn't have to worry about the comings and goings of food and rations, didn't have to watch their borders for potential threats. The base of his tail still ached, even though Aslan had returned it to him a full week before. He suspected that it would always twinge.
In the last few days, he had even managed to leave his sword behind in his room, tucked safely under his nest, and wander the Castle halls as invisible as the dumb mice who squeaked and squealed at each other in the cellars. 
Today, when he awoke, he had reached for the sword and strapped it on. This was not a day to sit, or wander. This was a day to be ready. His head told him to find Caspian, to talk to him. His heart, and his feet, urged him elsewhere. 
The cave was a sheltered place, hidden mostly from view by the long fronds of a willow tree. As he pushed them aside, his feet left little wet imprints along the rocky floor. He was being drawn towards the back of the cave, deeper and deeper into its open maw. 
Then, without any warning, the rock beneath his feet seemed to give and he yelped as he slip-slid down. He raised his forepaws to protect his face in case of any protruding stones,  but instead he felt suddenly weightless as the rock chute fell away and he emerged into bright, brilliant sunlight.
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People I owe
thatfantastyworldofmine & thetenthandrosetyler
People who owe me
spacemanfromgallifrey (2x)
thatfantasyworldofmine (dark thread)
darkjohnsmith (3x and 1 ask rp if we're still doing that)
thetextbooknarcissist (for plotting)
rosetyler-defenderofearth (3x?)
And of the 213 people following me I know some of you are RPers and I always want new threads so, don't be shy, get your butts over here and plot or just start something with me. 
If I owe you and you don't see it on here, tell me. I'm only tagging people who are least likely to see this on their own because of timezone or work load. because I know some of you are online and always manage to find the things I post somehow, you cute little wonderfuls you. 
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"Your muse catches my muse being, unknowingly, seductive while eating an icecream/ice Lolly/popsicle" /immediate boner/ followed by either blushing and turning away or running and hiding in shame.
Okay so if he turned away, Darcy would pause in eating her food and ask him what was up. and if he ran well, she’d probably be a little hurt by it.
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secondsideofthecoin · 11 years
ღ ✿✄
Send ღ for a LOVE/SEXUALITY headcanon.
Arthur is secretly bisexual, though he tries to deny even to himself that he is attracted to men, he knows he would never be able to admit it, though he leans more towards men than women, mainly because of his position, not just the era.
Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon.
Arthur is extremely happy whenever someone shows that they genuinely care about him because he is him, not because of him being a prince or a king, a knight or a master, but because he is Arthur.
Send ✄ for a PET PEEVE headcanon.
One of his pet peeves is being dragged out of bed, he hates it more than anything, which is why he often punishes Merlin for doing so, or tackles him if he dares threatens it.
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callmethirteen · 11 years
Opinion on;
Character in general: Merlin is a baby omg! I love him so much, seriously — when I watched Merlin, he was always the cause of my sobs (good or bad sobs, you decide, probably both). He’s one of those few characters that really messed me up, emotionally.How they play them: Superbly. A wonderful Merlin, for me. Very good job mun, very good job.The Mun: You are a sweetheart! Always so nice to me, always wait patiently for my late replies and always spend a good word towards me.
Do I:
RP with them: Sure!Want to RP with them: Always :’)
What is my;
Overall Opinion: I think everyone got what I think of you just by reading above. Wonderful Merlin with a wonderful mun. Everyone should follow!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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