webewitchin · 1 year
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webewitchin · 3 years
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Norse Directions of the elements. Jörd - earth. Vatn - water, Loft - air, Eldur - fire.... Kaldur - cold, Rakur - moisture, Heitur - hot, þurr - dryness
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webewitchin · 4 years
How to Do the Major Arcana Grand Tableau
This spread uses all the major arcana to give you an overview of your whole year ahead. It is best performed on your birthday or on New Year’s Eve.
STEP 1: Lay out the major arcana in order.
Line 1: The Fool to The Lovers Line 2: The Chariot to The Hanged Man Line 3: Death to The Star Line 4: The Moon to The World
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STEP 2: Shuffle the minor arcana.
As you do this, ask the Universe or your deities to show you a glimpse of your destiny for the upcoming year.
STEP 3: Draw a minor for each major.
One by one, take 21 cards from the top of the deck and place them over the major arcana, starting with The Fool. Then take the card at the bottom of the deck, and place it over The World.
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webewitchin · 4 years
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SIMPLE PALMISTRY: • The right hand tells the future, the left hand tells the past. • A curved heart line means a very emotional and romantic person. • A short and straight heart line means a lot of sex, but very few love stories. • A long and straight heart line means a caring person, who will help others a lot. • A short head line means a quick thinker, and problem solver. • A long and curved head line means a deep thinker. • The length of the life line DOESN’T tell the length of a life. • A deep life line means an easier life than a very pale one.
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webewitchin · 4 years
a witch’s palm.
palmistry placements that may indicate certain natural traits or abilities related to witchcraft.
the mystic cross. “x” shaped cross located between the head and heart lines. indicates that spirituality, witch’s intuition, and acknowledgement of power or ability were understood at a very young age.
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the psychic cross. “x” shaped cross located beneath:
the index finger: blessings from jupiter/zeus. wisdom, and a great capacity for knowledge. often destined to teach or impart. 
the middle finger: blessings from saturn/cronus. intuition, and a great capacity for visceral power. often has natural ability working in dreams and meditations.
the ring finger: blessings from sun/apollo. attraction, and a great ability to naturally draw in your needs and desires. often powerful with enchantments. 
the little finger: blessings from mercury/hermes. instinct, and a great natural ability for practice. often adopts new methods with ease and natural talent.
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the psychic triangle. triangular shape located beneath the ring finger. indicates that in this life, or another, you have chosen to suppress your abilities. they are likely powerful, but potentially caused harm- intentionally, or not. (this does not mean they are unreachable, it more likely encourages you to work very consciously.)
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the healer’s mark. a series of parallel lines located beneath the little finger. indicates powerful healing abilities; the more lines, the greater the gift. 
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the traveller’s mark. a series of parallel lines located beneath the mount of the moon. indicates that there is an innate talent and drive in travelling both the physical and the astral planes. a natural ability for astral projection; the more lines, the greater the gift.
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webewitchin · 4 years
Palmistry Basics - Hand Shapes
Square Palms
Usually wide
The larger the square, the more energy and staminia
Enjoy being busy
People with square palms are practical, capable, down-to-earth people with a positive approach to life. They are good workers with enough stamina and energy to work for long periods of time when necessary.
Oblong Palms
Usually longer than the breadth
The longer the palm is in comparison to the breadth, the more pronounced these qualities are.
People with oblong palms are full of ideas, but sometimes find it hard to get motivated into action. They need pleanty of variety in life as they get bored easily.
Just so I don’t have to make another category: people with broad-oblong palms are practical dreamers.
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webewitchin · 4 years
Palmistry Basics - Finger Length
Short Fingers
Impatient with details
Needs to be busy
Frequently involved in several different things at once
Better at starting projects than finishing them
Interested in a wide variety of activities
People with short fingers are likely to know a little bit about many different things rather than a great deal about any singular subject.
Long FIngers
Good with details
Enjoys exploring subjects in depth
Patient and enjoy solving problems
Anything that a person with long fingers becomes involved in needs to have a great deal to it. They will lose interest if it is too simple. 
Medium-Length Fingers
Reasonably patient
Good with details when they need to be
People with medium-length fingers can be inpulsive and skim over the surface of things rather than exploring the topics in greater depth.
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webewitchin · 4 years
Sigil Crafting
Sigils were the first magic I ever learned. As an artist, symbolism and aesthetic are things that are incredibly important to me. I have used multiple ways of crafting sigils, but I have created my own personal way of creating sigils using a method writers have used in poetry- the stream of consciousness technique.
I put my pen to paper, call upon what I wish to make a sigil about, and let the pen create what I need.
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These are the sigils that I use the most frequently (you may use them if you wish).
You may notice that my sigils in the form of arrows. Arrows are a symbolic representation of aiming and shooting for something, and I love the vertically long look because I like to draw these sigils on my forearms.
I created all of these with stream of consciousness drawing.
It is almost like a form of meditation for me. Allowing myself to simply create what I think “focus” or “protection” looks like visually makes the end results beautiful and meaningful for me.
I do have a few running themes. Here are a few symbols I love to throw in.
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These are used a ton in my art.
So here is a step by step of what to do-
1. Clear your mind for meditation. (Tip- if you have crystals that symbolize your intent, surround yourself with them. And example would be having a rose quartz for love on you or near you.)
2. Put your writing utensil to your paper. (I recommend using paper before digital.) Have your energy flow from your body to the focus of the tip of the pen/pencil, repeating the intent you wish the sigil to have.
3. Make a first draft of your sigil by allowing your hand to simply move as you think of your intent.
4. Make as many reiterations you wish until you have something you feel satisfied with. (Editing is a big part of writing as well.)
5. After a few tries making different sigils, make a list of your own common symbols you see popping up in your sigils.
And there you have it. If you are not comfortable, try mixing this technique with others to find what works best for you, or simply only use other techniques and make sigil arrows. I think using the look of an abstract arrow helps with directing intentions.
You can also request a sigil from me if you so choose in my inbox, for I shall be making them for anyone who asks for free.
I hope you find yourself using this technique of stream of consciousness to create wonderful sigils.
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webewitchin · 4 years
📚Witchy Books 📚
Good day, lil’ Witches and Warlocks! With this little list I would like to share with you some PDF books I have been using. I hope it will be useful for someone. 
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The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors
A Wiccan Bible by A. J. Drew
A Witch’s Notebook by Silver Ravenwolf 
A Witch’s Bible : The complete witches’ handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar
Beginner Guide to the Basics of Witchcraft by Ashe. G.
Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft &Wicca  by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner  by Scott Cunningham
The Green Witch by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak
The Way of the Green Witch by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Way of the Hedge Witch  by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Witch’s Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Th Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Wicca Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners by Arin Chamberlains
Wicca for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain
Wicca for One: The path of Solitary Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
Witchcraft Step by Step 
Witchcraft Today  by Gerald B. Gardner
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webewitchin · 4 years
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Any tea lovers out there? What's your favorite?
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webewitchin · 4 years
What to include in a grimoire
 i believe a grimoire can come in any form; written or typed, images or words, or a mix. personally i have mine typed on my laptop, but you could put yours in an empty book, you could make a pinterest collage, include it in a bullet journal, or ive even seen someone upcycle an old book to hide it in plain site.
remember this is just a rough outline based on my grimoire and you can add to it how you like
some sections overlap so you can choose what to put where
if written, leave 2 pages
if typed, add to start of document
about me
my witchy name and the meaning behind it
natal chart
sun, moon and rising
patron planet
zodiac symbols
zodiac element
tarot birth cards
birth number
name number
favourite colour/tools/herbs/crystals
witch type
‘what is witchcraft to me’
intent, law of attraction, karma, goals etc.
visualisation, meditation, grounding
specific to my culture/geography
wheel of the year
moon phases
how to celebrate
samhain, yule, imbolc, ostara, beltain, litha, lammas, mabon
tools (not correspondents)
how to use
cardinal directions
candle snuff
how to set it up
virtual/drawn altar (optional)
lunar phases
days of the week
numbers (numerology)
(native) flowers/plants/herbs
charged waters
who i have a connection to
how to bond
culture-specific myths
crystal grids
crystal care
crystal shapes
my crystals
get-to-know, spreads, tarot deck care, meanings
black mirror, water, crystal ball, fire
how to make them
ones ive made
ways to use them
spell pouch
spell jar
smoke, air, dirt, water, crystal grids, full moon
circle casting/removing
dressing candles
witch crafts
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webewitchin · 4 years
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prosperity and good luck spell jar
ground nutmeg
grounding, luck, stability, prosperity, good fortune, happiness
ground cinnamon
abundance, prosperity, luck, happiness, protection, strength
cinnamon stick (cut/break down to size if you need to)
see above- with stronger abundance and protection properties
dried thyme
happiness, luck, prosperity, communication, compassion, softens obstacles
fresh dandelion petals (picked by you; make sure to get the fuzz)
prosperity, abundance, luck, happiness, success, confidence
a clover (picked by you)
luck, growth, prosperity, abundance, happiness, kindness
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webewitchin · 4 years
✨Curse Breaker Spell✨
You'll need:
- Apple 🍎
- Onion
- A candle 🕯️
- Knife & Cutting board 🔪
- Strings 🧵
- The will to walk to a far crossroads and i mean FAR. 🚶‍♀️🚶
Wash the apple, you can use sun water,
or if you have it add some florida water to the regular water
Focus on the apple - DO NOT REMOVE THE STEM.
Hold it tight with both hands, try to connect as much as possible.
Visualize the negativity that has been haunting you passing trough your hands, flowing in the apple.
Take your time and as soon as you're ready remove the stem.
Take the knife and the cutting board and with one move chop the onion in half and then chop the apple (horizontally). Take the top half of the apple and the bottom half of the onion tie them up with the strings, TIGHT.
Do as many loops as you need to make 'em stay still. Leave the other halves at home and light a candle.
Now wear your shoes, take your apple/onion and WALK towards a crossroads far away from your home.
DO NOT LOOK BEHIND. Leave the apple there (bury it if you have the time).
Turn around and go home. Let the candle burn all the way, then throw away both the apple and the onion you have at home.
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webewitchin · 4 years
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Starting off my baby witch journey 🥳
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webewitchin · 4 years
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Mermay 2020 (part 2) by Faith Schaffer
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webewitchin · 5 years
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webewitchin · 5 years
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Tarot spread for when dis bitch (me) is empty.
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