What Is Web Data Mining?
Web data mining is also known as screen scraping, website downloading and data extraction. It is a process whereby, one uses software and tools to extract structured data from unstructured sources. Most of the data is obtained from web pages mainly in the html format that is easy to read or to edit. Data extraction is a great process that as been in use for many years and many companies have been providing these services. However, looking for a competent and highly reputed online company to provide you the best web data mining services is not an easy process, it can be daunting and challenging but, you should always go for the best company.
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Web Scraping Services
Not all websites provide content that is of good depth. Some provide only small summaries that may not be very useful to the reader. A good number of them do not even provide an RSS feed while others do not provide any content at all. Some believe that the only thing you can do for such a website is ask the owner to add more information online or perhaps add an RSS feed but this is not the only solution. A website downloader is a more viable solution and we offer that. Our website scraping services provide solutions for data scraping from yellowpages, superpages, whitepages, linkedin, yell, yelp, freeindex, truelocal, residential whitepages, ebay, coupon websites etc.
Copy-pasting bits of information from websites manually, is a long and tedious process that takes up lots of company time and manpower. Our website scraping services are a sure way to free up workers and time and use it for other more important purposes. Again collecting data manually by copy pasting is not really effective since one leaves out lots of important data that could prove useful to businesses.
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With website scraping, you can easily gather data from different websites fast. It does not matter the format in which the data is. It could be images, text or even graphics. It could be in HTML, Ajax, JavaScript and so on. We handle them all. Our web scraping is done with help of top-notch downloading tools that enables us produce highly accurate data. This means that the kind of results that we produce is highly reliable and is of the highest quality available in the market. The good thing with our website scraping is that it is affordable, since it is all automatic work. Compare web scraping with the cost of manual data input, and you will quickly see why web scraping is such a great solution.
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