So a week ago yesterday, we were back from Florida. I was given inspiration, from a friend, to recap what all we did (that I can remember) from our time in Florida so it can be solidified in history and I can look back on this post and reminisce! Here it goes!
August 10: All packed in the car, there was nothing else to do but go. My friend was staying with my dogs and it was so hard to say goodbye. Clayton hopped in the back seat, me in the front with my Halloween doggo blanket and my eye mask/head phone combo and Kevin driving. I specifically remember warning Clayton that he should switch sides bc at some point I’m going to want to recline my seat. I also specifically warned him that I snore really bad in the car 😬 idk what it is! Is it the angle of the chair, is it that I’m not laying flat? I truly don’t know. Anyway, that night was just driving, stopping for gas, smokin’ weed, and sleeping. Nothing to write home about.
August 11: We’ve arrived! Our condo is on the 3rd floor- all steps, no elevator 😑 it’s fine. We’re all sleep deprived, a little cranky and snippy w each other. It’s fine, we get over it once we see the view! Hermitage by The Bay!
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… We start talking about all the stuff we want to do. We did none of it, but it was still a special time! We immediately unpack and unwind for a little bit. A couple naps. Then we linked up w the husband-to-be and hit the beach! Me, Kev and Matt went for a late night bite at Rockin’ Tacos. Bomb food!! Great street corn 🌽
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August 12: We get pretty good nights rest! The beds were really comfortable- at least mine and Kevs was! We woke up leisurely and we hit this great Asian cuisine restaurant for lunch. So good. Rained for a bit, didn’t last long at all. Hit the beach again! Met a cute lil crab 🦀 his body was like the size of a silver dollar. Then we went to the strip cluuuuuuuub 💃 Nick fell in love w a beautiful, Colombian stripper. Clayton fell in love w a petite, blonde stripper. I met a stripper who was from MO! She hung out w me and the bride-to-be for the rest of the night fr, unless she was up of course. Two strippers told me my makeup looked amazing 💁‍♀️ We were given the most delicious shot from the bar tender: pineapple upside down shot. One word: DANGEROUS. Too good. Somewhere along the way “FF” was born 🙄 when I said it, it stood for “Fucking Fuck” others weren’t as kind *disappointment*
August 13: Woke up, went on a minor grocery store run then landed at Floyd’s Shrimp House. Cajun chicken pasta for me… you know the deal! We got a mountain of fried pickles. Then we did a night walk on the beach and some lounging around the condo. Had Whataburger for the first time!
August 14: Wedding Day! Dustin came over to avoid seeing his bride. We chilled. The wedding was great. I got a lot of good shots! There was definitely a storm a brewing!! We got off the beach just in time. The reception was great. Matt and his bridesmaid “hopped up” and Nick and his did a secret handshake. Cute. One person asked me if I got my makeup done w the bridal party, one person asked if I was a makeup artist and two people complimented my makeup! We danced forever. Don’t stop believing was the last song before it was over. Then we went to Vibe night club. The drama that ensued, pssssssht. Dumb. So, Matt saw these two girls, started talking to them, it was going fine. Then he starts yelling at them, the music did get louder but they kind of looked over at me w a weird look on their face. I talk to them one time and I’m a cockblock. Okay 🙄 we continue, they sat next to me so I talked to them a few times. Got them hooked up w a pineapple upside shot! They loved it. Matt tried to talk to them again but I said something while he was and he got mad again talking about me being a cockblock. I was TRYING to get them to talk to me more to trust me to enough to get them to at least dance w Nick and Matt but he didn’t give me a chance!! Matt dances w a crackhead and that was interesting. Anyway, it gets kind of boring honestly, doesn’t really start jumpin until this group of girls comes in and they’re all twerking on the dance floor, the only ones out there living they’re best lives! Then a bikini contest was happening but thankfully we all agreed to close out our tabs and leave so we were walking out the door when this happened. Bless. We get back to the condo, Kevin’s the first one to pass out. Nick and Matt are bad influences! *Shaaaaaaame* Then Matt passes out. Nick and I stay up talking for like an hour about tattoos and a bunch of other stuff. I’m pretty fucked up but not as much as him. So he inevitably ends up on the floor. I ask him if he wants help to bed, we get him on his feet and I’m like “okay, you ready to walk?” He says “yep!” Then instantly becomes dead weight. I drop this dude 🤣 I laugh at first but then make sure he’s okay and he didn’t hit his head or anything. He says he’s good so I get him a couple pillows and a blanket, he’s out. I’m the last one up!
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August 15: We don’t start out great. Everyone’s in pain, Kev and I get into a fight- you know how people get when they’re all together for too long. You butt heads, it’s fine. We get past that and hit this amazing Hawaiian restaurant. Soo good. Then we meet up w the newlyweds and go to the pier. It was awesome! We saw dolphins 🐬 and sea turtles 🐢 and this pelican flew down right next to me! It was awesome. After that we go to the Crab Trap. Again, Cajun chicken pasta! Then we head to the condo to pack. ☹️ we had a good time and ate great food. I got some saltwater taffy from the crappy Irvin’s (there were two right across the street from each other) plus my souvenirs.
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August 16: Nashville! On our way back we hit Nashville for some Jacks bbq. Made it home pretty late. The dogs went nuts! It was so good to see them 🐶🐶 Thank goodness we had the next day off!
August 17: Blaire is born!
August 18: I QUIT MY JOB!!
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ah yes peaches……… the lesbian apple
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I used to think i was introverted bc I really liked being alone but it turns out I just like being at peace & I am very extroverted when I’m around people who bring me peace
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You go through spells where you feel that maybe you’re too sensitive for this world. I certainly felt that.
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One of the worst parts of having mental health issues is that you’re seemingly required to have a breakdown in order for people to understand how hard you were trying to hold yourself together.
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Ready to be here. Starting my journey soon. I’m terrified and excited at the same time.
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Powerful message by @awakened_lotus 🙌 : The question I get asked the most is how did you get to where you are? How did you heal?.. Well I was in therapy for 5 solid years clearing out & healing pain from a life time filled with violence & abuse. My therapist turned out to be an earth Angel & when we had cleared the back log of baggage she actually became my spiritual teacher & started awakening me to truth. Then I met the man who was my twin flame & the real work began (5 years of shadow work, growth, healing, transforming & releasing). On this journey you will have to unlearn everything you know. You have to face every one of your fears & demons head on. Anything in your life you never felt, you will & your tears may flow for years. People in your life who are not good for you will have to go (no matter who they are). You will learn to speak your truth in every situation no matter how scary. Every negative pattern or belief system will have to be transformed. You will learn how to surrender (took me years), how to practice patience (took me even more years) & flow with divine timing & you’ll learn that it has nothing to do with your timing (hence patience comes in so handy). You will go to the very foundations of who you are & start rebuilding one brick, lesson & awakening at a time. There will be times you will be in so much pain you’ll want to die & they’ll be times your in so much pain you think you are going to die & just when you think its all over & you are going to slip so far into darkness & pain that you will cease to exist, a ray of light will shine so deeply into you & fill you with such hope, love & faith that it will give you the strength to keep going. The thing that will change you the most is the love & trust you will learn to give yourself & the further into your becoming you go, you will get the remembering of why you are here & the mission your soul agreed to & if you choose to accept your mission, this is the day you will truly become a warrior & you know that nothing no matter how painful or dark inside or outside of you will ever stop you. Because you have already lived through that & survived & that was your warrior training 🖤 #be #happy #positive #positivevibes #quotes #beautiful #friends #peace #peaceful #light #Love #life #Loveyourself #soul #spiritual #mind #meditation #yoga #goodvibes #motivation #vegan #zen #nature #appreciate #universe #energy #empower #chakras #healer #spiritvitalia
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depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: …
me: …
depression: time for more sleeping
me: yeah okay
anxiety: WAIT
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Straight men who think of bi women as an object for their threesome fantasies are trash. Pass it on.
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Lady Gaga - Joanne World Tour Interlude
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This makes me happy 😂😂
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Friendly reminder that
bisexual girls who have a boyfriend are still part of the LGBT+ community
bisexual girls who’ve never kissed a girl before are still part of the LGBT+ community
bisexual girls who are more attracted to boys than to girls are still part of the LGBT+ community
bisexual girls who’ve never had a boyfriend/girlfriend before are still part of the LGBT+ community
bisexuals are part of the LGBT+ community
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