wecryoverduckshere · 6 days
OK so now we need to start manifesting a confirmation that Trent is coming back and that we're still getting Boatbecca
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 months
Smosh Vidcon Panel 2024 (pt 3/3) highlights
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 months
Smosh Vidcon Panel 2024 (pt 2/3) highlights
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 months
Smosh Vidcon Panel 2024 (pt 1/3) highlights
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wecryoverduckshere · 5 months
Drunk Amangela forehead kiss from UTM anyone? (Peep them in the background) 👀
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wecryoverduckshere · 2 years
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I have two separate meme folders depending on the S3 outcome
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wecryoverduckshere · 2 years
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
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Michael and Holly discussing Andy’s proposal in “Goodbye, Toby”
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
I’ve done it. This project was for a prompt in my art class. The goal was to create something that showed the balance of life and death. I of course decided that if I was going to put a snake in it, it would be Crowley (well very much based off him) I’m slightly in love with the show Good Omens and I’m basically trying to fit something that pertains to the characters in any art piece I can. Just for fun because I can. And here is the boi.
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(Yes that’s a plunger. The sinks get stopped up with paint gunk every once in a while and it needs to be unclogged somehow. We all make sure we aren’t around when that happens because it smells like wet feet)
Close up of Crowleys noggin
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No thoughts only Aziraphale
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
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I DID IT!!! It’s finally done after like half a month of work on it. This is a kinda crappy picture but I couldn’t carry this home because it was wet but it’s fine. (Yes Xornoth is bald like jack manifold and has no face I literally couldn’t do it and ya know it’s fine) he do be kinda thicc tho so there’s that.
There are bits I’d like to redo or fix but I’m tired and lazy so they may get changed and they may not. (However the fish on Jimmy’s head makes me less worried about the mistakes because it’s just darn cute)
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
I’m like halfway through my first empires painting (also known as my first fanart and finished people painting) And it’s a flower husbands + that little bitch Xornoth.
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They do be kinda thicc for some reason but I mean it’s a vibe
(Bruh I cannot do hands or faces I’m only posting this because I don’t think it’s absolutely horrible and I want to finish it so if I post a picture I might do that)
Also yes the way they are standing makes no sense and idk how the hell one makes Xornoth look like a demon but also human thing
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
Ted lasso is gonna be the death of me like I don’t think I want Sam and Rebecca to end up together in the long run but hell they are cute as hell rn. This show takes things that people guessed and still makes them somehow surprising. Also that episode was very depressing but also very good.
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Me when a new episode comes out:
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
I have just watched jungle cruise and it’s a damn good movie and it pisses me off when people say Macgregor is a stereotype. Like first of all his stereotype is prim and proper Englishman. Second saying he is a stereotype is just rude as hell towards actual feminine gay guys. Third he is good and deserves better.
Also his coming out to Frank was beautiful like coming out is always hyped up to be this huge thing but it shouldn’t have to be. Like if you want it to be, be my guest but there’s just too much pressure on it. You can tell that Macgregor both trusts frank enough to tell him but it was illegal in England to be gay at the time so he was clearly apprehensive. And you can’t tell me that’s not the cutest way to come out it’s not a huge thing and it gets the job done.
People saying they used it to make fun or whatever are dumb. The only joke made slightly gay was when Lily was pulling the sword out of Frank and it was light (and frankly hilarious) and served as a very funny innuendo. And really it wasn’t poking fun at the gays it would have been funny with anyone in Macgregors spot.
Also Franks puns. Absolutely amazing. Perfect. Showstopper jokes. Yes they were corny but corny is hilarious like y’all need to loosen up and pull that stick out of your ass. Plus they are literally from the actual ride.
Also the cgi was great like sneks and proxima (I’ve decided I’m going to name a cat that one day) I don’t see why people don’t like the cgi like the snakes are meant to look like the ones in the actual ride and they are great.
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(sorry the second one is the only picture I could find online of the snakes in the movie and I don’t have Disney+ on my phone)
Also Frank and Lily are adorable they deserve the rest of their lives together. And I see Frank as more of a big brother to Macgregor. They are best buds and I love it.
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
Um I’m really sorry I like haven’t posted anything in a while. I still love Disney ducks but I was like super hyperfixiated on it for a while and then I just fell off of it and now I’m back on Pokémon which at some point all probably come back to Ducktales and stuff but I probably either won’t be posting or it won’t be duck related (unless it is) for a while.
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A lil sumthin I did at the park the other day
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
Y’all I finally finished this. Part of me hates it because it blew up in the kiln and I had to fix it so about 50% of it is plaster. Also this was the first thing I’ve ever made with clay so of course it’s not perfect.
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(I am lazy and I don’t want to get up to get a better picture so take this one plus a few from before it was finished)
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This is what it started as (creepy I know)
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getting somewhere (still weird looking)
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No helmet
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Bk (before kiln)
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Rest in pieces
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Thank god for plaster and tape
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
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Guess who made a table.
(Me, it was me. It’s not perfect because I’ve never used epoxy resin before but it’s ok and I quite like it. It now has legs but I don’t have a picture of that so here. Also rip the art rooms tables.)
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
Dudes be crazy thinking cartoon ducks that are also children should be drawn doing it and shit. Like wtf whyyy and it gets even worse when it’s the incest like ew how is that in any way ok. I’m gonna have to take a break from the internet because of that shit.
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