wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
      yara brought a certain JOY to daenerys jovial features and her words ring truth in it. as she carefully watched the future iron islands queen approach and hand her a glass of wine, daenerys gracefully held it in her own hand and gestured a cheer. bringing the cup then to her lips, she took a sip and nodded, after her amethyst eyes traveled from the glass with the red liquid in it to the greyjoy woman. perhaps they had more common traits than the two facts they had previously shared and even if the war was indeed upon them, this was a night to celebrate the conquests they had, so far, achieved.
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      ❝ perhaps you are right, may we DRINK to all the good we had done and for the future that lies awaiting us. ❞ she raised her glass once more, taking another sip from the wine and humming softly at how delicious it tasted in her tongue. ❝ now perhaps you wish to tell me more of you. casting the formalities aside for one night… you wish to rule the iron islands –––– do your people support your claim? ❞
| ♆ |     When Daenerys took the glass from Yara, the pirate queen smiled and retreated back to her chair, sitting back with one arm on the backing as she crossed her legs comfortably and raised her glass in a toast before taking a sip. She was glad that her Queen would take a night to at least relax a little bit. Conquering a continent wouldn’t be easy, even with her dragons, and there likely wouldn’t be much time for celebrating.
When the attention was turned on Yara, she raised her brows and rested the base of her glass on the with a small shrug, the casual nature of her behavior evident. The Ironborn had never been very formal people.
“Well. Half of them do, half of them don’t. We do things differently in the Islands. Our ruler is chosen by our people at a ceremony. Anyone may put forth a claim and then those present decide if they are fit to rule. My claim is based more on having commanded fleets of ships, having raided the greenlanders’ shores more than four hundred times, and having led thousands of men into battle more than it is based on having been the previous king’s daughter. The Greyjoys have ruled the Iron Islands for hundreds of years, but that is because Greyjoys are always chosen; it isn’t necessarily a rule that it is handed down patrilineally like it is on the mainland. My Uncle arrived at the last moment and garnered support because he has a cock in his trousers,” she finished brusquely, picking up her glass for a longer drink this time, the base of the wine glass scraping against the table.
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Setting it back down, she continued, “When I return to the Iron Islands an ally of the conquering queen with my men and fleet at the ready, those who didn’t follow me will drop their weapons. They will abandon Euron, I know it. They have no love for him; he’s a near stranger to them.”
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
Euron Greyjoy making the scorpion crossbow look like tentacles is peak drama queen behavior. He did it for the aesthetic. You know he did.
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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“When will I wed the prince?" 
"Never. You will wed the king." 
"I will be queen, though?" 
"Aye. Queen you shall be… until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.”
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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“Don’t look so disappointed. I’m sure you would love more than anything to be with your brother, but its time you spent your free hours with your Uncle. Just think of all the adventures! I’ll even have my men allow you to be on the deck! We’ll drink and sing songs - and maybe I’ll even let a woman dance for you. Might as well catch up on lost times, eh niece?”
| ♆ |     Yara turned her head away from the growling voice of her dear Uncle, quietly gnashing her teeth together behind her dirty lips. Did this man ever shut up? And here she was, tied to a post and forced to listen to him. She’d rather someone just beat her. She could handle someone beating her. Having to listen to his ridiculous drivel? It pissed her off.
“Allow me on the deck? Most of these men served under my command before you ever showed up, Uncle,” she answered, reminding him that he was a late arrival. Not that it mattered to the Ironborn, apparently. Allow her on the deck... what ridiculousness. She had captained fleets; the sudden disrespect sent her reeling.
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She turned her head to him suddenly, taking a deep breath through her nose, “And as for those lost times, when you were off about the world ignorin’  your people and plottin’ the murder of yer King, that’s when these men were sailing with me. Not that it matters. These dolts clearly just follow whoever has a cock. It isn’t love for you that they sail with you; just their inability to see another option. They don’t respect or admire you. They’dve gone with any cock-toting Greyjoy. Hell, they’dve gone with Aeron if he cared to sail. You’re nothing to them.”
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
| ♆ |     I owe so many things....    *~*  
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
sweetbrierxrose replied to your post: | ♆ |     I’ve never been one of those roleplayers...
I wish they did more with Yara tbh. Everything seems rushed to me. Thank goodness for the books i have yet to read.
| ♆ |     Due to personal feelings towards certain characters, I really didn’t like some things that Yara did or maybe said in the last episode. It just didn’t feel very Yara to me, but I’m not GRRM and I’m not Bennioff or Weiss so I’m sure they know better. I just don’t think she’d continue to follow someone, almost naively, even after that someone did certain things. I don’t think her moral compass is so blind.
I can’t say it didn’t feel rushed; it certainly did. I understand it, though. How much really could have been done with six episodes? I say the blame lies with whoever said six episodes instead of ten. 
I actually just started reading the books now, since I need to get my fix! We’ll be on this journey together, haha!
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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| ♆ |     I’ve never been one of those roleplayers who’s gone more than they’re around, but I’ve definitely been gone more than I’ve been around since starting this blog and for that, I apologize.
Between some career things I’ve got going on and a sudden diagnosis of a chronic condition, I’ve had a lot on my mind! Kind of glad I missed whatever tomfoolery has been going on with the ending of the series, though!
I thought Season 8 was brilliant, absolutely wonderful. Sure, a tad rushed. What else can be said of six episodes to end a tale that’s been building for almost a decade? The story was still spectacular, and the visuals outstanding. I say bravo.
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
In the aftermath of war, there comes a period of mourning that can last years. Even after peace has come and light shines on the world again. Peace had not come yet and this was the beginning of a mourning that may last a lifetime, Sansa could scarcely count her tragedies on one hand. They seemed to pile up as time edged on. 
Now she stood at the gate of her war torn home, greeting another mired in similar grief. Yara Greyjoy had been the sister of Theon Greyjoy and Sansa’s heart swelled at the sight of her. 
“My lady…if I may call you such, your brother died bravely defending mine. I apologize profusely that I was not able to send him back to you,” she said softly. “It was too much of a risk to send anyone home as the white walkers are born from those killed by them.
“I do, however, have his remains. His ashes are yours to take. Would you please join us tonight for dinner?” 
| ♆ |     Sansa Stark was taller than Yara had imagined she might be. Yara was somewhat older the Stark children, and she had always thought of them as such --- children. Even the eldest, Robb Stark, she remembered in her mind as a little boy when she was a teenager, but they had all grown now. They had fought in wars, died at the hands of their enemies, and grown stronger from the ashes like none other than phoenixes like this auburn haired Lady before her to whom the term phoenix suited better than any other. Sansa Stark was graceful in appearance, a grown woman, actually almost tough looking, as though hardened, but in a different way from the rough exterior of the Greyjoy. Yara had never had the honor of meeting Catelyn Tully, but from the way her father had described her, Sansa seemed to have taken after her quite a bit.
She nodded in giving permission to Sansa to call her a Lady. Technically, she was a Lady, after all, even if she didn’t demand to be addressed as such. This was Sansa’s home; whatever made her more comfortable.
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“I understand why you didn’t send him back... There is no need to apologize. Though, I will gladly take his ashes back to the Iron Islands for burial at sea. These past few months... they’ve been more hellish than all the years before them put together...,” she answered somberly. Sending Theon’s body back to the Iron Islands would have been a luxury; in the aftermath of a war, it was entirely understandable why it couldn’t be done. Yara wasn’t so sentimental as to get caught up in the pomp and circumstance of it all. 
At the invitation to dinner, Yara took a deep breath through her nose and looked up at the walls of Winterfell with a keen eye and a quirk of her brow. “To be perfectly honest with you, Lady Sansa, I’d like nothing more. My men will be fine on the ships where I left them; they won’t enter your stone walls. But I... I’d really like to see where Theon grew up... to meet his real family....”
She dropped her dark gray gaze back to the Lady before her, giving a small nod, “We both know who his real family was. Who raised him, who taught him values. He may have had the Kraken’s blood, but he ran with the Wolves. I am grateful to be invited to your table, my Lady.”
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
Wanna hear something fucking wild
The actress who plays Margaery is older than the actor who plays Euron.
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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| ♆ |      “I know there must be much on your mind... and we have never met before and all things considered, there is little reason for you to trust me. However --- Theon was my brother. Please, permit me to speak with the Lady of Winterfell who burned him with honor.”
It had been a long journey from the Iron Islands. It took time for information to travel and more time for ships to sail. The last body to fall at the Battle of Winterfell hit the ground weeks and weeks ago and only now did Yara get the chance to leave the Iron Islands --- which she had successfully taken back --- to sail forth up the rivers of the frigid North to Winterfell. It was an almost foolishly sentimental choice, leaving the Islands that she had only recently taken, but it had to be done.
Her brother had died in Winterfell, so very far from the sea. She hadn’t been there to push him into the salt and waves, as she should have. Lady Sansa Stark was there instead. And Yara wished to speak with her. 
The state of the world was precarious right now. As the two heads of the remaining major Houses in the North, there were matters to attend to, at least from Yara’s perspective. And as the slate-eyed Greyjoy waited for the Stark’s response and took in her appearance, the lightly falling snow littered her gray armor and salt-dulled brown hair.
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
-when people hate on me for ramsay bolton being my favorite character-
me:    don’t hate the flayer, hate the game
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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| ♆ |     Starter call  !
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
also Jaime yes you did all those terrible things for Cersei but don’t forget that you also:
jumped into a bear pit unarmed
helped/aided those who would see the stark girls safe
fought for the living and turned your back on Cersei’s treachery
lost your hand and defended your captor’s honor
knighted someone who had accepted they couldn’t and wouldn’t be knighted
defended the 7 kingdoms and honored your title of knight for the first time in ages
and you know who you did that for?
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
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GOT Week Day 2: House Greyjoy
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wedonotscw-blog · 5 years
       the woman from the iron islands surely knew how to hold up a conversation, or how to persuade some people to her bidding, daenerys analyzed and deemed it so for herself. she would voice no such things, but perhaps it was indeed not such a horrible idea to have one single glass of wine. war was coming, it was prolonging for a very long time and she knew they would not have a single moment to rest as they could do now. amethyst eyes moving away from the sun that set far away from them then turned to meet with the greyjoy, as a smile ADORNED her lips. 
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      ❝ is that so? ❞ there was a light tone in her question as she walked away from the balcony to sit close to the other woman, watching as yara poured wine in the second glass meant for her.  ❝ is that TRADITION or superstition in the iron islands? ❞
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| ♆ |     “It’s actually neither, quite yet, but all traditions have to start somewhere, your Grace” answered Yara in a coy manner. In the far future, one day all sailors will say that it is bad luck to set sail without having drunk the night before --- and they’ll say it started when the first Ironborn Queen drank wine with the conquering Dragon Queen before she took Westeros by fire and storm.  
Standing up out of her chair, Yara took the second glass and held it out to Queen Daenerys, holding it there suspended until the silver haired beauty took it from her. 
“And besides, you’re tense. There’ll be plenty of days to be tense in the nearing future. Might as well enjoy ourselves one last night, don’t you think? There’s nothing but war ahead of us. Not that either of us are green to it, but still.”
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