weightlessmags · 3 years
Ana gc 🥀🍃
Hey I'm a new account W̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶I̶ ̶r̶e̶j̶o̶i̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶l̶o̶l̶ does anyone wanna make a gc with me? Where we talk about our eds, share tips/thinspo, and just talk about our our interests or feelings/vent to eachother. 🍃
I've been struggling with disordered eating for along time in secret and would love if I could talk with others that are going through the same thing for once :) 🥀
✨ all genders welcome ✨
✨ all sizes/weights welcome ✨
✨ all timezones welcome ✨
✨ all eds both diagnosed and undiagnosed welcome ✨
- under 18s
- Bigotry or hate
Ok if you are interested reply/repost if there's enough people interested then I will make it 🖤
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weightlessmags · 3 years
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weightlessmags · 3 years
i am utterly disappointed in who i have become. i wanted to be someone better, someone important, someone beautiful. but instead i waste space, i waste time and i burden the people i love. this isnt the future i had in mind for myself and i know its too late. i’ll never get that future i dreamed of as a child.
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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The first pic is from some time in 2018, I just found it on my phone and it triggered the shit out of me, the thought of going back to that terrifies me. I know my body right now on the right isn’t healthy but I can’t bring myself to recover & go back to how I was before :(
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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weightlessmags · 4 years
hi i’m looking for similar active accounts to follow!
i’m 20 and female btw:)
pls follow if any one of these apply!<3
have an ed account (ana / mia / ednos / ect.)
post / reblog thinspo
mental illness friendly<:
are between the ages 17-24 and wanna be friends:)
u don’t have to have all but i need some active accounts:p
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weightlessmags · 4 years
why the fuCk i am still letting myself being this fat pig?! Put the freakin' fork down...
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weightlessmags · 4 years
Guilty pleasures
- getting bruised easily - feeling my bones popping out - looking pale - getting cold easily - feeling lightheaded when standing up too fast - when people are concerned by how much weight I lost - my stomach rumbling - missing my period
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weightlessmags · 4 years
everyone is judging so do whatever the fuck you want
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weightlessmags · 4 years
sucks that i’ve been putting myself through hell for so long and I don’t even have the body to show for it.
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weightlessmags · 4 years
dont care didnt ask plus your pessimistic outlook on life is exhausting
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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weightlessmags · 4 years
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Probably done before, but I thought about it when I saw the meme lol
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