weinnersongcollection · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 (Dark Rafe x Sarah fanfic)
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Summary: This was a draft I had in my notes app on my iPhone for my first ever attempt at a fanfic from last year. I don't have any recollection of it because I wrote it when I was drunk, and it was supposed to be a dark thriller-like read because I am inspired by the author, Karin Slaughter. A trigger warning: this will not sit well with some readers because it has incestuous elements. Basically, the story takes place over a year after the events of Ward dying, and Rafe's deep obsessive hatred for Sarah gets the best of him, and it gets really disturbing. I think I attempted a chapter in a half or two of this story. I probably don't want it to be a one-shot. If someone is actually content enough to stomach reading this and wants a continuation of it, I will write more chapters. Please know that this is a concept and just a work of fiction. If you're not into this trope, feel free to disengage from this read. Side note: this is pretty much a continuation from chapter one but not really finished because, like I said, this is from last year. I wrote it when I was drunk, and when I sobered up, I felt like this was so sick. I don’t think I want to finish it and publish it and get it cancelled, but I saw other writers stories that spoke about controversial stuff, so this is going up. If anyone who can withstand this read can handle it, I’d attempt to finish this chapter and make a third. 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘: 𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚢.
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Rafe removed Sarah off the ground and propped her motionless body into his arms she wasn’t dead, but she was out cold until further notice right now it was just him and her and the pain that kept them company all these years. The pain that his father’s favoritism for her was a wedge between their relationship. Even with his father, being dead, he still affected him traumatically, even if it was from beyond the grave Sarah’s body felt light as a feather in her torpid state cradled in his arms his hold on her secured so he could keep his balance as he was approaching the master bedroom of the mansion, the room now his since his stepmother and father, we’re gone Luckily, the bedroom door was already open, so he didn’t have to worry about stumbling his way in there with her. Rafe lowered Sarah onto  the King sized bed. He didn’t know how long he had before she regain consciousness, and he didn’t know what he could do. To keep her there, seeing her felt triggering because she reminded him of everything he lacked she had John B who loved her unconditionally. While Rafe was only looked at for what he could provide, whether that being his father’s good old, reliable lapdog or nothing but a fien that brought in Barry money and gold because his cocaine addiction everything for him always came under a condition Rafe gently stroked Sarah‘s cheek and removed her messy hair away from her face you’re going to pay for the life that you stole from me Sarah if it wasn’t for you being born, Mom wouldn’t have died giving birth to you if it wasn’t for you being brought into existence, dad may actually of made me feel loved instead of putting all his focus on you he said in a very wrathful tone of voice whispering in her ear he put his index finger on the side of her neck and checked her pulse well, it looks like I didn’t really quite take your breath away because you’re still breathing, he says under his breath sarcastically then instantly Sarah’s eyes shot up and she was out of her comatose state where the hell am I she says, frightened and dumbfounded, when she took a moment to process her surroundings, and realized that she was face-to-face with Rafe she started to scream Rafe put his hand over her mouth, shushing her nice to see you respawned island, princess but I’m not trying to get hearing loss he says growing frustrated 
Now then I’m pretty sure you don’t want me to smother you I’ll take my hand away from your mouth If you promise you won’t scream nod your head. If you understand, Sarah just looks at him blankly. Do you understand he screams which startled her Sarah nodded her head in cooperation. She was scared shitless, and even surprised that she woke up from his strangulation towards her. 
I know dad would of wanted us to stick together as a family and keep his legacy alive I feel that would of been his dying wish he says looking at her intently, grabbing her arm hoping to get a sense of consolation Sarah swatted his hand away from her and sat up meeting his gaze Listen, Rafe, dad is gone now you don’t have to keep trying to base your identity around him anymore you can start a new life one that doesn’t to have to be this obsession with chasing his approval she replied anxiously plopping off the bed on her feet keeping her distance her eyes set on the doorway of the master bedroom typical fried Sarah do you even hear yourself you didn’t even keep your promise when I ask you pacifically to keep dad safe you’re the last person to see him alive and he’s dead because of you he shouts rising up instantly and shifted toward her feeling overwhelmed with anger him she flinches in fear and backs away from him from being eye to eye with her Sarah was at a lost for words she couldn’t even open up her mouth to say anything in this moment his words cutting in deep there was no denying that there was some truth to his statement she wanted to feel sympathetic toward him apart of her understanding of his resentment towards her because he always had to prove himself to be deemed worthy of his father’s love and she was put on a pedestal and was the person that always got in the way of him getting attention from their dad she turn towards him and shifted her eyes grazing into his attempting to read his facial expression it’s like he has this switch where he can go from indifferent to unstable you’re gonna do everything I tell you to do do you fucking hear me. He snaps immediately Sarah starts to bolt out the master bedroom door and rushes to the mansion staircase I’m not done with you. He screams chasing after her. Rafe you don’t have to do this, you can let me go she pleads 
he started to gain in on her if she didn’t get away from him there’s no telling what he would do her mind was racing a mile a minute she remembered when they where kids they would play hide and seek and when he found her he’d tickle her to death but this is modern day they aren’t kids anymore if she’s sought out he was gonna hurt her Sarah manage to outrun him and snuck her way into a downstairs closet She tried so hard not to hyperventilate Sarah’s phone starts to vibrate in her back denim shorts pocket shit he’s gonna hear it. She says under her breath, trying to remain quiet as possible the closet had shutter panels that were partly cracked open she wanted to be able to monitor Rafes movements Sarah grabbed her phone out her pocket it started to light up with a text notification from John B saying closed up the store. When will you be back home? There’s leftover pizza in fridge. Sarah tries to share her location with John B but her phone dies on her shit I’m fucked. I’m so fucked she thinks she whispered to herself shaken up in fear tears welling up in her eyes you can’t hide from me Sarah she felt her brothers voice getting closer and closer and saw his figure threw the closet door shutters she puts her hands over her mouth to muffle her panicked whimpers before she knows it the door knob on the closet starts to turn she jumps up terrified holding onto it with all her might her grip tightened not wanting to let go because she had no idea what was coming next if she let herself be caught by him I don’t wanna die she thinks to herself shaking crying so hard she felt her tear ducts would get swollen I know you’re in there Sarah Why don’t you come out and play? he snarled simultaneously he breaks through the closet door smashing the antique wooden panels with his bare hands Sarah started to scream so loud that she felt their would be no more air in her lungs left she couldn’t even make sense of anything anymore she just froze in fear Rafe snatched her up by her arms and picks her up throwing Sarah over his shoulder why are you doing this she said kicking and screaming attempting to be loosen from his hold dragging her away her hands beating into his shoulders and striking him in the side of his neck which caused him to groan in pain making him react angrily gnashing his teeth and halting in his 
steps pulling her hair so hard that the muscles in her neck felt strained that she was coming onto a whiplash You’re gonna calm down and be a good girl, right? he asked the pitch in his voice heightening in a domineering way watching her struggling to get out his grasp with lifeless eyes as she started to whine in defeat her refusal to give a answer right away caused him to be frustrated and pull at her hair even tighter as if he would scalp a piece of her hair out y-yes I’ll be good she says whimpering in pain hoping her words will ease his hands off her head that’s a good girl he says, letting out this smug that he had her complacent finally and flings her head back over his shoulders pulling her away from the downstairs storage closet he broke down taking his steps towards the staircase reaching upstairs in this moment Sarah wish Rafe would just die and this would all be over and she be somewhere safe she felt him climbing upstairs with her being brought back to the same place she tried so desperately escaping from 
There’s no better life waiting out there for you Sarah everything you touched dies here is a place for rebirth and we can start anew and be a family again he says talking into her neck him making out the sentence sounding strange Rafe drops Sarah onto the ground of the master bedroom causing her to fall flat on her face he slammed the door shut and locked it behind him she starts sobbing let me out of here please Rafe just let me go she cries out beating her fist into the bedroom floor sorry no can do sunshine this is only the beginning he replies squatting down looking at her pathetic state of despair he started to laugh manically I’m gonna have so much fun with you he says while his set motives could be insidious or unusual. Come here he commands grabbing her wrist pulling her forcefully toward him she tried resisting his touch but felt herself to weak from being overpowered by his strength whats the matter cat got your tongue he questioned not amused by her silence you always been daddy’s little princess got everything handed to you while I was left high and dry trying to find that love from my father that was only honored to you he lashed out at her enraged it’s not my fault  Rafe a lot of things where unforeseen occurrences yes we faced two different experiences but we are in the same predicament we both lost dad and we both are wounded from trauma she spat out shakily trying to find his humanity within him Sarah was crying to the point she had a runny nose all she wanted was to be out of this chaotic situation please just let me go she pleads 
Rafe ignores her attempts of convincing him of letting her go and rises her up and squeezes her hand pulling her to follow him into the bathroom and near the shower get yourself cleaned up he demands Sarah just stands there lost and in a daze um can I have some privacy please she requested hopefully thinking if she could just borrow some time and come up with a plan to sneak out the window and break free from all this the sooner you strip naked and just hurry this up the sooner we can get past this he says deviously you’re 
not just gonna stand there and watch me she asks him thinking he’s unserious her eyes widening in fear his patience was running thin take your clothes off he ordered grabbing the back of her neck tightly causing her to yelp does it look like I’m fucking around do it he yells Sarah felt disgusted by his sick demands it was a shrouded mystery what he had up his sleeve she knew that he didn’t want her out of his sight it was to risky but couldn’t he atleast have a form of human decency and respect her space and let shower in peace you’re not moving fast enough he hollered Sarah started to tremble slowly unbuttoning her white denim shorts just like that nice and slow he uttered out his tone sounding more sinister Sarah felt chills all over her body as she felt compelled  to continue undressing herself she pulled her shorts down over her ankles and gently pushed them off to the side with her feet  followed by her pulling her crop top over her head easing it off her tossing it to the ground leaving her exposed to her floral pattern laced bra and panties let me get a good look at you he said taking this moment in. (To be continued)
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weinnersongcollection · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 (Dark Rafe x Sarah fanfic)
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Summary: This was a draft I had in my notes app on my iPhone for my first ever attempt at a fanfic from last year. I don't have any recollection of it because I wrote it when I was drunk, and it was supposed to be a dark thriller-like read because I am inspired by the author, Karin Slaughter. A trigger warning: this will not sit well with some readers because it has incestuous elements. Basically, the story takes place over a year after the events of Ward dying, and Rafe's deep obsessive hatred for Sarah gets the best of him, and it gets really disturbing. I think I attempted a chapter in a half or two of this story. I probably don't want it to be a one-shot. If someone is actually content enough to stomach reading this and wants a continuation of it, I will write more chapters. Please know this is a concept and just a work of fiction. If you're not into this trope, feel free to disengage from this read. 
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎: 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕.
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Rafe Cameron never had the picture-perfect life that people would expect him to have as a kook. His father was a well-endowed businessman, rich, and beloved by the community, and he wanted so eagerly to fill his father’s shoes and to get his father‘s validation, but his father emotionally neglected him and favored his little sister Sarah. Because of that, he grew to resent her. She had everything; he didn’t have friends that loved her and would lay their lives down on the line for her. A father, although the relationship was dysfunctional, loved her the best way he could, although it came with a condition—when he wasn’t wanted or loved at all. A year has passed since his father died. sacrificing himself to save Sarah from being fatally shot in South America by one of Singh’s henchmen, who is a Kingpin that had an obsession with finding the lost city of El Dorado, and it’s gold—the gold that Sarah found and took on as her own—changing the whole trajectory of her life, making her self-sufficient, being able to branch out on her own, and not have to live with Rafe on TannyHill. His father, surprisingly, left the estate to him, and Sarah refused anything that his father, Ward, left to her as a beneficiary. His youngest and other sister, Wheezie, was in the full custody of his stepmother Rose, so it was just him on his own—no more fighting with his father Ward for his approval, no family at all, just himself. He had a girl; he was seeing Sofia, but she decided that she needed a break from him until he sorted his life out considering he had a lot of problems as far as his mental health goes and wasn’t easy to be around because he was struggling and would go into a drugged-induced psychosis and completely relapsed. No one understood the suffering he was going through, and he didn’t know how to fix it, but now he had to start somewhere. I just can’t believe that this is my life, Rafe said to himself. Peering outside. 
From the window of his father's old office back at the estate, looking up at the stars, he had this beautiful mansion to himself, but this house didn’t feel like a home; it was empty. Just like what he felt, he was waiting on his supplier Barry to serve him cocaine. He so desperately wanted to get clean. He knew that’s what his father would have wanted, but he felt like there was no escape because he liked feeling sedated. When that high came down, who was he really? He wanted to be numb. He wanted to take the pain away. But deep down, he knew that the drugs wouldn’t fix him, but he was so far gone that he just couldn’t stop. Shit, he's late. Rafe thought to himself, Maybe he got caught up in some traffic. Is what he was hoping for he just wanted that to be the scenario. then Barry Pulled over by Deputy Shoupe and hauled off to jail, Rafe’s phone started to ring violently in his pocket. He grabbed for it, saw a notification of an unknown number, and answered it. Who is this? He says into the phone, hearing an echo. There is no answer, just breathing. It sounded feminine, and they sounded nervous. Well, you were the one that called me, so if you want something, cut the bullshit and just spit it out, he said, agitated. I’m pretty sure I’m the last person you’d ever expect to hear from, and I don’t know why I called because, quite frankly, I never want to see you again, and I don’t, but I needed to stop by the house and go to my old bedroom and get a few things of sentimental value. Sarah exclaimed. He was in utter shock that it was Sarah, of all people. It felt somewhat of a relief to hear her voice again, but he held such disdain for her because he never got over her being the golden child and him being the outcast of the family. Well, this is my house now, and I call the shots, and like I said, Sarah, I’m a proactive type of person, and like I told you once, you were going to regret not being nicer to me. Rafe shot back at her angrily. Just so you know, I'm in figure 8, and I’m not that far off from the mansion. I just needed to get my jewelry box that Dad gave me. I was going to be brief; it'd be like I wasn’t even there. She says, in annoyance, that Rafe could feel her irate energy over the phone. Suddenly, the call ended because she hung up on him. Shit shit shit, what the fuck? He burst out loud, saying I just can’t let her think that she can just barge in here like nothing ever happened, and I don’t need her to stick her nosy ass in my drug deal. His hands Pulling at his hair, it felt like he was going to go into an aneurysm before he knew it. The doorbell rang; he didn’t know if it was Barry or if it was Sarah, but if it was Sarah, he would have hoped that she came alone and not with any of those pogues, especially John B. or Pope, because all hell would break loose. He rushed down the flight of stairs and looked at the front door peephole, and lo and behold, it’s Sarah, his little sister in flesh, with her arms crossed, pacing herself nervously with this decision to come here. Rafe opened the door. I know you’re in there. She says irritated. Rafe has his hands on the door knob shakingly, and how am I supposed to know that you’re not trying to set me up? You’ve always been against me, he yells through the door. I mustered up the courage to face you, despite knowing that you tried to kill me on more than one occasion and that you hate the air that I breathe, just to be cordial to get my things, and you think I'm on some type of scheme with you fully aware I’m here. 
“I’m not here to try anything, Rafe, plus I need to get back to close up the surf shop. John B. is expecting me. I drove over alone. You’re in the clear.  “She says it calmly. For some reason, her words reassured him, and it just felt trusting this time, so he opens up the door, and she brushes straight past him, jogging up the steps towards her bedroom. He closes the front door behind him, locks it, and puts the hatch on the door, following suit behind her. Sarah really grew into her looks; her hair was longer, passed her back and was nearly waist length; her physical features were more womanly; so much can happen in a year; she wasn’t so little anymore; she was transitioning into a beautiful young lady. This wasn’t a family reunion. I was hoping for Rafe to stared at Sarah, rummaging through her things and throwing a lot of stuff on the bed, sorting through stuff on what she was going to take, and sticking his body at the corner of her bedroom door that she left cracked. Um, do you mind if I'm trying to stay focused? I was looking for something, she declared, cutting her eyes at him, his gaze locking in with hers. Well, I’m coming in. He retorts, walking inside her bedroom, closing the door behind him. Sarah starts putting a lot of her stuff in a tote bag she always kept in her closet and found it. She mutters, picking up her jewelry box. Let me guess you found the gold. Rafe said it sarcastically, hoping to form small talk and break the ice. She had no reaction to him trying to form a conversation with her. What was on her mind was getting back to John B, closing up the surf shop for the night, and discussing renovating the château. Rafe sits on the edge of Sarah’s bed, looking at her. She gathers herself and grabs her things as she aims to head to the bedroom door. Wait, don’t leave. He says it peculiarly, not knowing what came over him, stopping her in her tracks. What is it, Rafe? She asked in confusion. So, that’s it. You think that you can just walk out of this door and act like we don’t have unresolved business? I know this may sound crazy, but I can’t let you leave so you can go have a happily ever after and run off into the sunset with John B. The guy that you chose over your own father and that you chose over me, Rafe, says his blood was boiling, rushing to the door, guarding it, and blocking Sarah from being able to escape. I knew that I was going to regret coming here.
I thought if I told you I was coming, I would be able to avoid such a catastrophe. She shouts, lunging at him. Why does it always have to be you who gets everything? You finally get to have the life you always dreamed of. You finally get to live in normalcy. He snarled, blocking her attempts to claw and hit him, and used his brute force to squeeze her face and force her to meet his eyes. Just admit it, Sarah. Just admit it. You hate me. You want me dead, just like you wanted our dad. he screams It felt like Sarah’s nervous system was going to crash. Her whole body went into fight-or-flight mode in a situation like this. If she didn’t think fast, she knew that she was going to die. Sarah kneed Rafe in his groin, and he fell down, thudding on the floor squirming in agony. I really wish you didn’t do that, he said out loud, fuming just as she was going to make a break for the door and walk out, prying it open. Rafe trips Sarah over, causing her to collide with him. He starts to hover over her, puts his hands around her throat, and starts to strangle her. This is what you get, Sarah. This is what you get. You brought this on yourself, he says in a fit of rage. Rafe, stop. You’re hurting me. Sarah says, gasping for air, tears spilling out of her eyes, her breath shaky, making gurgling sounds. I did everything for our father, and he chose you. It’s always been you. I loved him. I killed for him, and it’s only you that he loved back, never me. He cried out loud, and something within him snapped. It’s like he went completely cold. He was out of it in a sense; he felt like a monster, and he was horrified by getting worked up like this to take it this far. Sarah, with the little fight she had left in her, was not really able to breathe, struggling to get the words out. Rafe, you’re going to kill me. You have to stop choking on her words. He realized the gravity of the situation and let her go, but within seconds everything went black for her, and she slowly closed her eyes and lay unconscious. Now we get to be a family again. Sarah, welcome home; it’s just me and you now, he says quietly.
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Tamagotchi friends! Do you remember them?
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Heartbeat - Childish Gambino
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“Being cheated on is the worst feeling ever. You forever have this constant worrying in your mind that you’re being cheated on. They may promise you that they will never cheat on you but you can’t believe them because you were cheated on. That person ruins your trust with everyone.”
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What happens when you cheat....
When you cheat on someone you ruin their outlook on more than just you; you ruin their outlook on themselves, relationships, and trust. After a person is cheated on, they will forever ask themselves why they weren’t good enough. What did they do wrong.? Would you have stayed faithful if they had done or said something differently.? If they had talked more or talked less.? Spent a little more time trying to look good for you.? Spent more time trying to be the person you wanted.? They will over analyze every thing they ever did or said. They will start to question every action they made, trying to figure out what they did to make you cheat. They will forever have issues trusting in relationships. When they meet someone new, they will be reluctant to let that person in, in fear of getting hurt again. They will question that persons every move and intention. They will have problems trusting a person who has done nothing to not be trusted. They bring the hurt of what you did to them into a new relationship. They’re not doing this intentionally; in their mind, they are just trying to protect their heart. They are just trying to avoid having to feel the way you made them feel. Because they don’t want to ever feel the heart wrenching, stomach turning, ache of feeling inadequate, not good enough, like something was wrong with them. You see, when you cheat on someone, you are changing their every thought process. You are making them question every aspect of their being. You take a vital piece of them. You change them forever.
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