weirdly-queer · 3 months
Do you like found family? Queer romance? Enemies to lovers and an epic space opera setting with fantasy elements?
well I didn't write that. You are fucked out of luck.
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weirdly-queer · 3 months
former anti-endo here:
a lot of anti-endos don't like this type of argument, since being trans and having an often debilitating disorder are very different. a lot of anti-endos believe that endos think they have DID or OSDD, when, as far as i've seen, they don't; and many actively say they are non-disordered.
personally i used to see it as an insult to what i went through, that endos claimed they had the same experiences as me. but as i've gotten out of what is genuinely the worst situation of my life and have become a less angry person, i can understand that endos often don't say they are disordered, or are even claiming most of the experience of being a disordered system. they simply are a system without a disorder.
i can see why endos use this argument. but the response from many anti-endos will be similar; it is non-comparable, because being trans is not a disorder, whereas DID and OSDD are.
however this is where i think the mix-up happens (in my opinion. i may be wrong). endos aren't saying DID and OSDD aren't disorders, they're saying having/being a system isn't a disorder. obviously DID and OSDD are disorders, they always will be, and their main symptom is systems.
but a symptom isn't always indicative of a specific disorder, or any disorder at all. sometimes, they just... exist. i'm saying this as someone with many physical disabilities. my body is fucked in several different ways, but sometimes shit just happens. my back hurts a lot. that isn't because of any specific syndrome or disease or disorder. it just does.
DID and OSDD will always be disorders. and even though endos are systems, they cannot understand what being a disordered system is like. disordered systems and non-disordered systems are different. the symptom may present differently based on the disorder (or lack thereof), but that doesn't mean it isn't real.
i hope this makes sense. if it doesn't, just lmk and i'll clear things up (as long as i have spoons, since my body is trying to evict me).
forever confused about the anti endos that use queer microlabels AND use the same type of rhetorics and insults etc against endos that were used by cishet/transmeds/etc a few years back to discredit non-binary identities, neopronouns, etc
it's.... very hypocritical imo
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weirdly-queer · 3 months
Ok new game. What's the thing you're a fan of that you're the most pretentious about. NOT the most pretentious thing you're a fan of, I mean the thing that makes *you* act like one of those "oh yeah? Name five of their albums" people. There is a difference
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weirdly-queer · 3 months
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weirdly-queer · 3 months
Me, sipping my third cup of coffee: …
Apollo: Coffee is not a meal.
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weirdly-queer · 3 months
i thought we all agreed that identity policing is wrong a long time ago, so why do so many people who consider themselves to be trans allies suddenly lose this energy for intersex people. intersex people do not owe it to you to explain their gender, condition or identity to you in any way, and they especially do not owe it to you to tell you if therye "AMAB" or "AFAB" and it is exceptionally strange to expect intersex people to neatly fall into TME and TMA categories when our bodies often do not meet societal expectations of gender and often face discrimination for not performing gender "correctly" in the exact same way trans people face
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weirdly-queer · 3 months
Syscourse is delving back into "are endogenic systems real?" when it should, in fact, not be about that
Can we please stop? There are so many better things to talk about. Even if you're anti-endo, you're not going to magically make every single endogenic disappear, so we may as well talk about how to make our coexistence better instead of arguing about the same topic over and over.
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weirdly-queer · 7 months
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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weirdly-queer · 7 months
as someone with a blood circulation disorder myself, this is personally painful.
yes, this murder was racist. yes, it was because of racist cops being racist.
but the level of ableism here is fucking sickening as well.
im not sure that i have what Elijah had, but circulation disorders are exhausting. they are painful, miserable, and there is literally nothing you can do about them. you can wear all the gloves, fuzzy socks, and whatever you want, but that cold often does not go away. you can deal with it better, but it is damn near impossible to get rid of.
Elijah McClain wanted to be warm. He wanted to not be cold and fucking miserable, because that's what circulation disorders are like.
Doing a little bit of research, he was killed in Aroura, Colorado in August.
The weather was likely warm.
That doesn't mean he wasn't cold.
I live in a place just as hot, if not hotter. It is still fucking freezing. It is so damn painful to be under 3 blankets in the middle of summer, in winter clothes, and still be fucking shivering.
This is fucking horrifying. I do not have the words to describe how messed up this is.
He wanted to be warm. Elijah McClain wanted to be warm, and cops killed him for it.
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weirdly-queer · 7 months
everyone in lifesteal is gay and trans
the only one that doesn't know this is princezam. he has come up with elaborate schemes to try and prevent people from figuring out his sexuality or gender
the others have tried to give him hints but he never seems to get the message
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weirdly-queer · 8 months
Victim of pedophilia and grooming here. OP, you are correct. I am no less than fucking enraged by antis using the word pedophilia when describing proshippers.
Fictional children cannot be harmed. Acting like they can is a disgrace to real victims. How dare you people fucking think of insinuating that a FICTIONAL CHILD, something that is NOT REAL, could ever be harmed how we have?
We are real. We have suffered. Fictional children never have and never will - they are fictional.
It's almost funny. Some of us - my old friends and I - were called pedophiles, despite us being victims of that. And the reason? Shipping underage characters. In most instances, the characters were older than us.
I debated insulting Anon, but it's really not worth my time or energy, so fuck it. Thank you, OP, for your brilliance in responding to this absolutely brainless ask.
"I don't support it in real life!"
Then why write about it? If for coping purposes, why post it online for others (especially actual predators) to see and consume? Then why portray those things in a positive light instead of condemning them?And you're seriously going to tell me that just because as an adult you want to see a fictional minor (that mind you, is usually designed to resemble an actual child) depicted in sexual situations doesn't mean you don't share that same view concerning children in real life? You find fictional minors attractive but not real ones? Why does the line between finding someone who is (and usually also looks like) a child sexually attractive get drawn at whether the child is real or not? I'm not calling anyone pedophiles, but if the shoe fits... And also no, I am not talking about 18 y/os finding 17 y/os attractive. Use your brain. Creating content of underaged characters is still questionable regardless of age, however.
I have some free time and you were polite in your ask, so I'll answer you since I believe you were genuine in your question.
I'll answer your question in parts, if that's alright with you!
"I don't support it in real life!" Then why write about it?
Well, it's not because I don't support something that I'm not allowed to write about it!
Fiction is just that... fiction. They are stories. I'm sure there are many stories in your folclore that depict hideous acts (such as murder, rape, incest, etc etc) but neither you or your people agree with them or think that the things done in those stories are okay to be done in real life—because stories are just stories and bad things done in stories are meant to stay in those stories.
And dark content is present in most media forms, whether you like it or not. I don't know which fandoms you are a part of (since you sent this ask anonymously) but I'll just list a few:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has canonical torture, murder, racism, self-harm and even genocide
The Dragon Prince has canonical racism, torture, murder, kidnapping, blackmailing and gaslighting
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power has canonical slavery, racism, murder, torture, child soldiers, child abuse and much more (its been a while since I last watched SPOP so i don't remember)
Adult shows also tackle these subjects. Doctor House, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, The Simpsons, South Park... God, even the HOLY BIBLE has stories with rape, murder, slavery and much more in them! And that's a SACRED BOOK!
If for coping purposes, why post it online for others [...]
I don't speak for everyone who sees this post, but when I post online, I post for myself. My fanfics are all completely self-indulgent. And while I appreciate my readers, I don't write with them in mind.
But on that same note, the stories are mine and I can do whatever I want with them. This is the internet and I can post whatever I want, anytime I want. If I decide I want to post a rapefic on ao3, I will. If i want the fic to be private for me and my friends, it will stay private.
Plus, other people might find my stories and relate to them or even enjoy them! I write about rape and sexual harrassment, for example, because I am a survivor, and so many survivors have found my stories and messaged me about them, thanking me for putting into words what they couldn't. It's rewarding, really. Being able to connect with people so deeply over stories.
[...] (especially actual predators) to see and consume?
I'm gonna be completely honest with you. Predators, pedophiles and the like are NOT reading ao3 fanfiction. They are out there on chatting websites trying to prey on children, or going out of their way IRL to take advantage of young family members or unknown children/teenagers.
If I crave a hamburger, I'll go out of my way to eat it. I won't open a review talking about the burger or stare at pictures of burgers. The same goes for predators. NO PREDATOR OUT THERE is reading fanfiction about Klee Genshin Impact. Me posting or not posting my fanfiction WILL NOT CHANGE THAT.
But on the off chance that a pedophile really sees an underage fanfic of a fictional character, then... that's a good thing, don't you agree? I don't know about you but I'd much rather if a pedophile read smut of Klee Genshin Impact than if they went out of their way to abuse and traumatize a real, living and breathing child that exists in real life and will suffer for the rest of their lives because of it.
Characters are just that, characters. And in fanfiction, what we write about them isn't real, it isn't canon. They aren't even canonically traumatized by what we write, but real people are.
Why portray those things in a positive light instead of condemning them?
I don't know if you've ever read my fanfics or if you're just throwing this question out there, but to me personally, I have never written about rape/sexual assault and painted it in a positive light, much by the contrary.
As a survivor, I highlight how horrible the abuse made me feel and use my characters to talk about it. Not once have I glorified or written about sexual abuse in a positive light.
But if you're not talking about me personally, then I have to say... I'm sorry? Do you learn your morals from fictional content?
Ok fine maybe you can learn a few morals from MLP like "don't lie" and "be nice", but do you really open a show like South Park with racist, homophobic jokes and go "ah yes, this is a perfect example! I should base my morals off this show"? Do you?
Are you really unable to tell what is right or wrong by yourself? Does watching a slasher movie with a charismatic killer make you go "wow! Killers are amazing! I want to be like them!" Does watching action movies make you think that it's cool to commit arson and shoot people?
If your answer is yes, then I am so sorry but there is no other way to say this other than... that's your problem.
It's not the writers' duty to tell you what's wrong or right. They are not pre-school teachers who will grab you by the hand and point and tell you what you should or should not do-The writer has one and only ONE duty: To tell a story. They can portray whatever they want to portray in WHATEVER WAY they feel like, and you're supposed to be an adult about it.
And you're seriously going to tell me that just because as an adult you want to see a fictional minor [...] You find fictional minors attractive but not real ones?
Yes, because fictional minors are... fictional? They are not real? They DO NOT EXIST?
I'm so sorry but if I ever saw a child/teenager with the same proportions that lolisho/anime gives them then i'd be calling the authorities ON THE SPOT because THAT SHIT IS AN ALIEN AND IT IS NOT HUMAN.
Children don't look like that. Put up Klee Genshin Impact next to a real child. They are so incredibly different that once you notice how uncanny it is, you'll feel weirded out because she won't even look like she's human anymore.
You wouldn't accuse all furries of fucking real life dogs just because they think their blue dog fursonas are hot, would you? (what if anthro blue wolves were real? I'd be scared out of my mind to be honest,)
It's not because you're sexually attracted to something fictional that you find it hot in real life (god bless me and my breeding kink girlies who are sex repulsed and are terribly afraid of getting pregnant)
Hey, have you heard of like, lesbians who fall in love with fictional men? (like me lmao), do you think those fictional crushes make them any less lesbian? No, because these guys are not realistic. They have blue hair, extra limbs maybe, and were literally designed to be loved and to be perfect.
There are SOOOOO many examples I could give you, but I don't want to go on and on because I got my point across
But like, you do understand that fictional characters are... fictional, right? You can't even say that they are minors because... they aren't. They don't have a birth certificate, or a family tree saved in a country's government somewhere. They do not exist, you are aware of that, right?
When a "child" or "minor" is fictional, there is no child, there is no minor. You can't touch, groom, rape or abuse something that does not exist.
Law was made to protect the children who suffered, or who are, suffering because of abuse right now.
And by that i mean, real, living breathing human children who have their likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams for the future, and families that exist.
Fictional children/minors are nothing but tools, characters, a way of expression. THEY DON'T EXIST. They don't eat, they don't cry, they don't smile. They won't do anything unless they're commanded to by the writer.
They have no lives, no mind. And they will only grow up when the creator decides that it's time for that to happen. The line is there for this exact reason.
You using your time to send this ask to "defend" PIXELS isn't doing anything to help or advocate for REAL CHILDREN who are suffering in the world right now.
Honestly, this only makes it seem like you're the one who doesn't care.
By the end of it all, i have no idea why you sent me this ask. Yeah I am anti-harassment but I don't think I've posted lolisho/underage content before? (again, I stray far from these because i find them icky and triggering) So I don't know why you focused so much on fictional children rather than the other things I do talk and post about on this blog.
And before I go, I want to shine a note here:
I'm not calling anyone pedophiles, but if the shoe fits...
I don't know how old you are, but you know damn well what you are saying and what you are doing. And I'm gonna say it again: Implying or flat out CALLING people pedophiles without proof can get you into real trouble.
Don't misuse that word. It has a meaning and a weight to it. I wasn't a victim of pedophilia myself but I know that real survivors would feel enraged at the way you're just throwing out words and accusations as if they were nothing, as if those people didn't suffer because of it.
I'm asking not for me, but for any other person who may come across this post, DON'T GO OUT THERE USING WORDS YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF. You are causing more harm than good.
Also, send your asks un-anonymously next time. Don't be a coward.
Have a nice day!
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weirdly-queer · 10 months
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weirdly-queer · 10 months
TIL that the reason lead levels in children’s blood have dropped 85% in the past thirty years is because of an unknown scientist who fought car companies to end leaded gasoline. He also removed it from paint, suggested its removal from pipes, and campaigned for the removal of lead solder from cans.
via ift.tt
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weirdly-queer · 10 months
Why Magical Girls Are Never Attacked During A Tranformation
As some of you might already have guessed, I’m a fan of Japanese girl idols. One of the many, many idol groups in existence today in Japan is NMB48, a Osaka-based spin-off group of the (in)famous AKB48. NMB has a weekly show that’s surprisingly entertaining as well as educational called NMB to Manabu-kun, in which the members of NMB and a few comedians listen to guest lectures by experts in various fields.
Back on May 15th, the theme of the episode was pataphysics/the science of sci-fi. One of the topics of the lecture held by university professor Yanagita Rikao was the age-old question of “WHY ARE MAGICAL GIRLS NEVER ATTACKED WHILE TRANSFORMING???”
This was his answer, based on the magical girl series Futari wa Pretty Cure.
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Question: The transformation scenes in Pretty Cure are very long, so why don’t the bad guys attack the girls in the meantime?
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“Even when I was little, I was thinking ‘Hey! Attack them now!’”
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“I found this odd as well, so I watched the transformation scene many times. And what I noticed is, when the Pretty Cures yell ‘Dual Aurora Wave!’ and transform, a rainbow-colored column of light shoots up from the ground, going BOOM!”
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“And then the Pretty Cures levitate, and go up into the air. Based on this, I believe the protagonists of Pretty Cure are being held up in the air by the power of light.”
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“When we think of light, we usually think it heats up things or lights up things. But in reality, light has the power to hold up things as well.”
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“When the sun is beating down on us in the summer, the human body is being pressed downwards by the sun beams with a force of 2/100,000g.”
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“But this is only about a one-hundred of the weight of a mosquito, so no matter how hot it is, we don’t feel that sunlight is heavy.”
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“So that means the light holding them up must be extremely strong. If we assume that the two Pretty Cures each weigh about 45kg and do some calculations…”
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“It means the light during the transformation must have the energy of 2,100,000,000kW per 1m2.”
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“While the entirety of power that Japan is capable of generating is only 100,000,000kW.”
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“So they’re using 21 TIMES the amount of energy the whole of Japan can generate.”
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“So what would happen if a bad guy jumped in to try to sabotage their transformation?”
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“So this means the best thing to do would be to transform close to any bad guys.”
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“Yes. They are the strongest while they transform, and are practically invincible.”
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weirdly-queer · 10 months
Sharing this little snippet of my current altar with y’all. Gods bless!
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weirdly-queer · 1 year
Me:” I feel so disconnected from my gods maybe they’ve abandoned me or they are angry” Apollo:”no girl it’s called depression go take a vitamin D and go outside”
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weirdly-queer · 1 year
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