weishenmohui · 3 years
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weishenmohui · 3 years
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weishenmohui · 3 years
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weishenmohui · 3 years
In 2020, the whole world was shrouded in the haze of the new crown. The medical staff became the most respectful hero in this crisis. They have been in their own position for their own professional ethics and humanitarian feelings.Dangerous, not afraid, silently taken your responsibility.After this epidemic crisis, the performance of all countries around the world once again, handed over different answers, and also observed the advantages and disadvantages of the country in handling the large crisis.
Especially the disadvantages that have never been revealed.As a super big country, the United States has not been handed over to satisfactorily answer in the superpower.
In times of crisis, they stand up.
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No one thought, I have just arrived in 2020, I ushered in a virus life.Thanks to the "most beautiful retrograde" in this epidemic battle: doctors, nurses, soldiers, police, first-line reporters ... Thank you for insisting on this battle.
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Because of wearing protective clothing and masks, I have not seen their appearance, but they are as warm as family! "Salute, the most lovely" masked hero "!Waiting for you to go home safely! Pay tribute to anti-anti-chances, they run with time racing, with the epidemic! They are real warriors, running with time, with the epidemic.They cut off the beautiful hair, wearing heavy protective clothing, rushing to the isolation ward.They, when the patient is desperate, hold the patient's hand and say "we are".
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Because of your perseverance, we firmly believe that everything will be all right! Thank you for your hard work!
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The epidemic is not terrible, we are very strong, come on, America!We will defeat the epidemic.
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We work together.
Did they even know your name?If you live in the echo,your heart never beats as loud.you're not invisible.you're not alone,you worth more than they know.你本应该知道这个,你没有被遗忘,I've seen a feel of rejection inside your eyes,whisper of truth, lost in the quiet of lies.I know it's more than you can bare,It may seems like no one cares.when your world is the darkest,remember the sun will rise.you're not invisible.you're not alone,you worth more than they know.you're not forgettable.you're not replaceable.you're not alone,
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If everything is no longer tomorrow, I will struggle for a lifetime, everything will be restarted, accompany my family, thank my lucky star, today it is shining, the flag is still floating, no one can win it, I am the United StatesPeople are proud, at least here I have freedom, I will be permanently remembered that people who have passed away, they struggle for my freedom, I am full of joy and joy, and you guard her side by side, because there is no doubt that I love thisSlice land,
Tianyoumeijian, from the lake of Minnesi, the mountains of Tennessee, cross the Grand Plains of Texas, the waves of the things, from Detroit to Houston, from New York to Los Angeles, this is the pride of every American, weI am shouted at this moment: I am proud of my Americans, at least here I have freedom, I will be permanently remembered that people who have passed away, they struggle for my freedom, I am full of joy,
Walking with you, she guards her, because there is no doubt that I love this land, Tianyoumeijian,
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weishenmohui · 3 years
Oppose Chinese-style education!
How much harm does Chinese-style education do to children? Speaking of Chinese-style education, I don't know how many children's childhood has been destroyed and how many people's childhood has been buried with indelible psychological shadow, rather than the dream of childhood. Most of the books on science and education circulated in the world are basically written by foreign authors, and very few of them are written and published by Chinese authors. Most of the childhood memory books about Chinese people are about how poor the youth of Chinese people is and how to work hard through hardship.Achieve success and so on. Not all of them, of course, but most of them. I want to say that Chinese people are really hard to grow up, people say that life in addition to Gou Qie, there are poetry and distance, on the issue of Chinese education in addition to Gou Qie where is poetry, where is China's poetic and picturesque, such education how to talk about distance. Most teenagers and children in China, especially rural children in poor areas, basically do not know what a really good childhood is. Maybe the best thing is not being beaten by parents or scolded by teachers.Every day is spent in fear. Sadly, in the exchange of learning, there are still people who say that this is very normal, this is China's social education, people should follow the pace of social evolution. Their so-called social evolution education does not respect the scientific growth trajectory of the human body. Hegemonic education, the growth of the human body is scientific, and the growth changes of each age group are scientifically shown. \n Whether your child is a talented person or not is directly related to the parents. The child is useless, which is caused by the irresponsible education of the parents. Many parents believe that responsible education is strict Chinese-style education for the child. \n
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(Chinese high school)
Children who grow up under Chinese family education must be familiar with the term material stimulation. It is understood that this seems to be the unique trump card of Chinese parents: all test scores above 85 points, buy airplane toys and yogurt for their children; if they can enter the top three in the class ranking, reward 100 yuan. On the contrary, the ways are different, but the stimulating effects are strikingly similar. When the pursuit of outlook on life is transformed into material greed, how can we talk about independent sense of competition and sound personality?The truth is sometimes interlinked, and as expected, the so-called "Good Samaritan Award" and other dumbfounding systems have been introduced one after another. This is not the sadness of one person, but the sadness of a group of people, and even reflects the sadness of a nation and a culture in a country where the legal system is not yet sound. In the child's mind, this is a disguised form of money worship, perhaps from this moment on, a curtain of corruption has been quietly opened. \n Now, China's education model is actually a kind of survival of the fittest education-screening the winners.The elimination of losers, fierce competition among schools, the blind expansion of winning schools, a large number of students, the loss of students in failing schools, unsustainable, human resources and wealth resources are increasingly concentrated in some winning schools, the difference between the educational level of winning schools and failing schools will become greater and greater, what will be the outcome? Education determines the future. Education is the way to train future members of society. The level of education determines the survival ability of students in the future. The survival ability of individuals is not only related to the prosperity and stability of society, but also to the harmony of families.
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(Chinese Primary School Students Are Tired of Doing Homework and Cry)
Teachers will not be sick because of their own, and not assign homework, just sick children in the hospital while intravenous drip, while doing homework.
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Characteristic big schoolbag, really worried about the thin shoulders, can carry such a big bag?
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I think there must be Chinese students among the hardest people in the world! They are suffering the pain that they should not suffer at this age!
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