It’s the last day of high school and people around me are crying because after today it’s going to be a plane flight and holidays before they are in the same state as the people they grew up with. They will see each other maybe once a year and at a high school reunion years later and by then their life will be so changed they don’t know each other.
But that’s how life works. I had a soulmate in elementary school and we were sure we would stay with each other forever. I had a girlfriend in middle school and we planned to get married. I still see them sometimes in the grocery store and around town. We say hi and awkwardly hug and catch up over a hurried cup of coffee or in the checkout line. I was sure I would spend my life with these people and I don’t know them anymore.
I have friends in high school that are my entire life. And I don’t want to but I will loose that part of my heart when we leave for college. We will text and see each other during the holidays. And I will miss so much of their life that I won’t know them anymore.
But that’s how life works. I will share my life with new people in college and be positive that we will get a house and raise kids together. I will find a new lover after college that I will loose just as much as I lost everyone else.
But that’s how life works. Those people will be no more than fond memories and unsent texts. And we will cry about it in the arms of the next one. And it’s heartbreaking but there are so many people that are the one.
I will cry and hold on as tight as I can even as they slip away from me. And they will find a new person and I don’t resent them for that. I want them to be happy because I still love them. As much as the first day I met them and as much as our first sleepover and as much as our fist kiss as much as our last day of high school. I will love them forever and never talk to them again. But we will find new people to love and heal the scabbed over wound of a heart broken by circumstance and by life.
Life will go on through tears and weddings and reunions. We will go on with a new partner and new friends. They will go one with someone replacing me. I will go on with someone replacing them.
I won’t cry because I will loose them but I will cry because I love them. I won’t see them again and I will love them with my whole life. I love everyone I meet and have to cope with loosing them all. It’s horrifying but that’s how life works. And we have to take a deep breath and realize that we can’t change how the world spins or how time never stops.
All we can do is make each second last forever in elementary school and believe that we can fight the world and win. All we can do is make a promise to marry even though we’re in middle school. All we can do is cherish our friends when we have them and save money for a house we will never buy and get a ring for a lover you will never see again.
All we can do is live and loose and love again
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what is your eye color. what is your favorite color. what is the color that appears most frequently in your wardrobe. what color is your favorite blanket. what color is your water bottle.
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you know how old scifi is. [quote that will haunt me for years and years] [quote that will haunt me for years and years] [quote t
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@frenchtoastlesbian / @peachpdf / portrait of a lady on fire / new york times tiny love stories / @fairycosmos / @peter1rose
if you want your post removed pls dm me
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hey wait actually
and put in the tags where you learned
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ONE of the most important rules of the Galactic Federation concerns humanity. If a human ever says “Hold my beer”, either stop them, or run.
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[grabs your shirt] listen. listen to me. the practical is holy. the everyday is sacred. the simple act of surviving is divine. do you get it? sanctity begins at home, in the hands that build and the lives we live and the deaths we die and the worms that eat our bodies. if making something by hand is not worthy of veneration then nothing is.
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so fucking true. everyone hit reblog
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How crescent moons are made 🌙
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I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has trouble remembering developmental milestones. I put these together, but can’t take credit for any of the photography. Hope someone finds them helpful!
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You CAN do pushups, my friend! (2022 Update) Better variations and visuals. Have a beautiful day!
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I was driving on the highway on a dark night and I came to the top of a hill. As I saw the traffic driving both ways in a sea of red and white l thought “you could write poetry about this.”
About how for a moment the world is as bright as day in front of a moving car in the middle of the night. You don’t know where they’re going or what they’re driving from and you don’t need to. All you see are headlights driving past you at breakneck speeds.
We always travel so fast. Running from one place and rushing to the next. And we don’t think about everyone else in the world when we’re cursing over spilled coffee on the way to work. But maybe, just maybe, people look at you and think “you could write poetry about that.”
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Good afternoon! I’m doing a bit better this week and want to give anyone who reads this a gentle reminder to take care of themselves. Eat a small snack and maybe drink some water. Do a fun habit for yourself (trace the picture or make boxed cake it’s for you and no one else.) If you feel up to it clean your room or do some (home)work. But don’t push yourself. You deserve to be happy and respect your limits.
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Hey beautiful.
I promise you’re going to be okay.
Breathe and focus on the here and now.
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