(if you're on this page, like this post and then go send in an app to the real page, aye? ;) )
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(really didn't expect all y'all to come on here whoops)
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(warning: if you don't contact us by the time we post bios, your character will be getting reopened for a more active player)
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I'm sooo confused by whats going on haha. I haven't been on in about a week because of school but like, has everyone changed or?
It's okay love! And basically, we're revamping because things sorta died out and we wanted to make things work again!
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Just randomly logging on to tell you all that the revamp is coming along swimmingly! You should see the new Welcome to Hollywood by the end of this month, so just keep checking in!
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can you not make ashton gay this time?
(Even though Ashton wasn't completely gay this time), he will not be gay in the revamp! I also believe Stefan will be taking him again, I'll ask him when Stefan wakes up!
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Hey there.
Just a quick update; It's been decided that Welcome to Hollywood will, in fact, be revamping again. We're starting on it already actually! I'm not sure if we'll do the revamp on this page, but if not, we'll be sure to link the new URL somewhere on this page! We've already started the revamp, with our theme being done and we've decided on graphics, so be prepared for the new Welcome to Hollywood to be open soon!
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Is Selena gomez open, darling?
Our FC of Selena Gomez is taken by our lovely admin Alina!
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mmmkay I have a question. Since you're revamping, does that mean you won't be accepting apps till then or...? Cause I'm in love with your plot and I want to apply and I don't want to have to wait till you revamp ahhhh. haha. xx
We will be accepting, I believe!
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Okay, you guys!
Alina and I have decided to begin the revamp of Welcome to Hollywood today, and we've started by re-opening inactive roles, whether the roleplayers were our friends or not! Please unfollow all of the people listed and I'm going to change their bios from taken to open!
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I also don't have a lot of Louis Tomlinson GIFs on this computer so just for now I'll be using Taylor again!
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Please unfollow;
Faith Samirez
Melanie DaSilva
Stella Stewart
Julia Connor
Aubrie Weaver
Tessa Monroe
Scott Miller
It makes us really sad to have lost so many people to inactivity but if any of you want your role back, please drop us a message. We'd love to have you back here again.
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I'm going to be inactive for about another week. School has been crazy. I will be back though!
Just to let everyone know!
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Hi everyone!
It's Admin Sarah here, I'm forced to stay home today because I kinda look like a goblin after I banged my head on the side of a cabinet door yesterday and now have a giant bump on it. But I would just like to take a few minutes to address a few things.
Thank you to a select few of you for staying active, it totally means the world to us and I love you all with all of my heart. And believe me, you won't go unrewarded for it, which brings me to the next point.
I believe Welcome to Hollywood is going to revamp. Obviously, not a lot of you are extremely active anymore, and some of you completely dropped activity as a whole, but some of you, on the other hand, are still active. And because I'm so obsessed with this roleplay, I'm not ready to give it up, I never have been. I'm going to talk to Ines and Alina whenever they get around here, and we'll discuss it!
If we do revamp, if you are still active, you will be keeping your role. Unfortunately, if you are no longer active, whether you're a friend of ours or not, you will be losing your role, because we can't keep holding roles for people, that's not the way a roleplay works out. You have to be active and we have to kick people out if they're inactive. So
So yeah, that's where everything stands right now. Continue roleplaying if you are roleplaying everything right now. I don't believe anything will be changing if we revamp, like I believe everything stays as is with Jay and Rena and Dax and Sam and stuff!
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Here's Faith~
Follow Faith Samirez!
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Congratulations Kendall! You've been accepted as Faith Samirez! You have twenty four hours to make the account!
Your name: Kendall 
Your Age: 15
Timezone: EST 
Desired Character: Faith Samirez 
Second Choice: Zoe Summers 
Activity (1-10): 8/10 
Anything you would like to change about your character?: Nope!
Secret (If not already given): Already given~
Password (Hint: read the rules!): [removed.]
Writing Sample (Can be from another roleplay!): [from another rp] [removed.]
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While you're here, you guys should also check out Liam Faulkner, our Louis Tomlinson FC. A few days ago, someone said that they were gonna audition for him, and we never got anything, and quite frankly that makes me upset because he's beautiful and I really want him around here and he'd really stir up a lot of drama without even meaning to. You can find his bio here.
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