wendygoback · 3 years
Gabe: Rest assured if I was busy with my girlfriend I would NOT have responded to a text. You didn’t know he was a demon? Oh golly, I thought I mentioned he was Lilith’s cousin? Did I not? I’m sorry, that was a weird oversight on my part but does if really matter?
Wendy: That's good, I hope your girlfriend appreciates that about you. And no, I think you did mention, or at least you mentioned that he was someone Lilith knew, but I I didn't expect... I just wasn't sure. I guess I'm just wondering what about me made you want to set me up with someone like him???
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wendygoback · 3 years
Gabe: Hey Wendy! I'm not busy at all! What's up, Buttercup? Is this about your date with Donny? Was he not respectful or kind to you?
Wendy: Oh good! I was afraid you were entangled with Lilith and that I was interrupting. It IS about that, yes. But no, he was very respectful and very kind! I just didn't know
Wendy: Why didn't you tell me he was a demon???
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wendygoback · 3 years
Wendy: Hey Gabe? If you're not busy, can we please talk about something???? It's kind of serious.
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wendygoback · 3 years
what are your feelings on normies?
I think it’s up to us to prove to the normies that they have nothing to be scared of. I still think living harmoniously side-by-side with them someday is possible; we just have to take the high road and extend the olive branch first and then continually show them that we’re worth trusting. After all, they’ve been raised to fear us for generations. It’ll take a long time for them to unlearn all of that but with our help, we can close that gap some. 
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honesty hour!
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wendygoback · 3 years
Gabe: Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry to have left you hanging like that, Wendy and to have led you on the way I did. I’m actually kind of starting up something with Lilith now and it feels pretty exclusive already. I am SO sorry and hope there’s some way I can make it up to you?
Wendy: It's okay!!!!! I probably should've just taken the hint when you didn't get back to me lol but I appreciate you letting me know!!!!! That's very polite and sweet and cute of you!!!!!! And wow, you and Lilith? Lilith D'Ablo? Really? That's so cool, best of luck to you both!!!!!!!!! You have nothing to make up to me, silly!!! I hope we can still be friends!!!!
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wendygoback · 3 years
Gabe: Kidding or not, I’d be honored to do both with you. Admittedly the regular date moreso than a study one since studying really isn’t my strong suit? I’d be happy to help you anyway that I can, but it would be wrong of me if I didn’t let you know in advance that I’m not much of a “studier”.
Wendy: Really? YAY! Would it be wrong of me to not tell you that I actually don't really need any help with any school subjects but just wanted an excuse to hang out with you one on one?
[ sometime later ]
Wendy: Hi! Sorry to double text but I just wanted to ask where you'd like to go for the not-study date? I know a great vegan place that has live music and I think you'd really like it!
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wendygoback · 3 years
Jinni: Dude, how am I supposed to talk you out of that! You got an almost date with an ANGEL and you want me to talk you out of a double text? Double texts aren't THAT bad.
Wendy: They're not? Are you sure? It won't make me seem desperate? Because I AM desperate but I don't want him to know that! I hear that turns guys off!
Wendy: I trust your judgement about it more than my own though so if you say it's okay I'm just going to rip the band-aid off and DO IT.
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wendygoback · 3 years
Wendy: I’m making poor life decisions again. Tune in tomorrow to see how much I hate life.
Wendy: Or maybe you can talk me out of the poor life decisions before they happen, that would probably be better, wouldn't it?
Wendy: I'm trying my hardest not to double-message Gabe after I finally got an almost-date with him and I'm dying.
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wendygoback · 3 years
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how far i’ll go (reprise) // moana
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wendygoback · 3 years
“I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise.”
— Anaïs Nin, from The Diary Of Anais Nin, Vol. 4: 1944-1947 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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wendygoback · 3 years
what's your weirdest sexual fantasy?
I like the idea of a little bit of biting? Nothing crazy, obviously, but leaving some marks on someone or someone leaving marks on me sounds cute.
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honesty hour!
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wendygoback · 3 years
I prefer to go by she/her and I’m heterosexual!
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wendygoback · 3 years
Whats the best thing about being a wendigo?
I don’t really think there’s a “best” part about it. Sure, we’re fast and strong, but we’re also said to be the embodiment of insatiable greed and hunger and all things evil and bad and... well, I don’t care for any of that very much. If I had to pick something, it’d probably be that knowing what I’m supposed to be makes me work really, really hard to be something better than that. 
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wendygoback · 3 years
What do you consider to be a dealbreaker?
I know this is a little bit of a point of contention between some monsters, but I personally do not vibe with trying to scare normies, or looking down on them. I’d love to co-exist with them some day, all of us, and so I think a dealbreaker for me would be someone who’s adamantly opposed to that.
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wendygoback · 3 years
do you know what you're going to be for halloween this year? and if not, what are some costumes that you think you'd rock?
I think a part of me is hoping I’ll have someone to do a couple costume with this year and that’s keeping me from committing to any one idea. I really like wearing wigs though, whether it’s Hallowen or not, sooooo I think I could really rock an Ashley O. look from Black Mirror! I’ve been a Miley Cyrus stan from the beginning and she looks gorgeous in that look. I’d also be a really really cure Coraline, I think.
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wendygoback · 3 years
How do you avoid eating people?
...I’ve got to admit, it’s not easy. It’s really, really not. I crave flesh basically all the time. It’s a big part of why I meditate or try to stay spiritual, actually. If I remind myself that we’re all part of the same consciousness, it’s easer to resist hurting someone no matter how much I might want to. And sometimes I cheat and eat animals because, well, flesh is necessary. I always feel really badly about it though and hope nature forgives me.
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wendygoback · 3 years
Do you have a favorite yoga pose?
I do! It’s called the plow, or Halasana -- basically, it’s lying on your back and then kicking your legs up and over until your feet are above your head, and your body looks a bit like a triangle! It’s a little tricky but once you nail it, it’s so relaxing, and I’ve found it’s really good for the digestion which I need since, um, I’m not really meant to exist on a diet of vegetables. 
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honesty hour!
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