weneedtotalkbrazil · 3 years
Brazil is suffering from the worst COVID outbreak there is, and no one is talking about it. This is not just in terms of the number of cases, but also the government’s active refusal to do anything and in fact hurting attempts to help. 1 in every 4 COVID deaths in the world is in Brazil. There isn’t enough access to vaccines. Food is unaffordable, let alone masks. People are actually starving to death. Hospitals don’t have enough beds or oxygen. And if this is not enough of a reason to talk about it, the variant that is sweeping through Brazil is twice as contagious, and has also been seen to infect people who have already been infected with other variations of the virus. The variant has crossed borders already.
These Twitter threads give all the details that i know. Please go through this and share widely. 
The second twitter thread provides details of how to donate. Here is a link. It is in Portugese, but google translate is working fine here and also, the author of the thread will translate to guide donation if contacted. 
Please share with as many people as possible. The people of Brazil need international support.
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 3 years
There are hungry people! One year after the start of the new coronavirus pandemic, almost 280 thousand lives have been lost due to the disease in Brazil and millions of unemployed, hungry and destitute people.
To face this tragedy, the Black Coalition for Rights, in partnership with Amnesty International, Oxfam Brasil, Redes da Maré, 342 Artes, ABCD - Brazilian Association for Combating Inequalities, Our - Activism Network, Ethos Institute, Organic Solidarity and Group Prerrô, launches the humanitarian support campaign to raise funds for actions to combat hunger, misery and violence.
The main objective is to distribute food and hygiene and cleaning products to 222,895 families in vulnerable situations, mapped in all regions of Brazil.
Make your donation and help thousands of people!
As the poem by Solano Trindade says that inspires this campaign: if there are hungry people, you can eat!
Contribute: www.temgentecomfome.com.br
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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Marielle, presente
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
Nádia Pontes
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Across Brazil, burning for agricultural purposes was banned from mid-July to mid-November by a decree signed by President Jair Bolsonaro. But it is as if the law did not exist or had the opposite effect of the desired one: the number of fires in all regions increased in 2020 compared to last year, according to data from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe).
In Mato Grosso, fires were already prohibited before Bolsonaro's decree, through a state decree. Although the prohibition period started earlier than usual in the state - it usually runs from July 15 to September 15 and this year it would initially go from July 1 to September 30 and has been extended until November 12 - the number of hot spots from July to September increased 57% compared to the same period last year.
Of the 39,900 fire points recorded by satellites of the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) in the state from January to September, 83% (33,100) occurred during the months of the ban, which are also the driest. Only in the Pantanal, which, proportionally, is the biome most impacted by the fires in Mato Grosso, 95% of the hot spots occurred in the prohibited period.
In addition, in 2020, fires in the region started earlier: January, February and April had already exceeded the number of hot spots last year. In September of this year, they exploded and reached double that recorded in the same month of 2019.
The outbreaks registered in the state of January until this Thursday (10/07) add up to 41.8 thousand, a number that was only surpassed in the last decade in 2010, which had 52.3 thousand outbreaks in the same period. Since Inpe's monitoring system started operating in 1998, the most critical year was 2004, when the brand reached 86,000 outbreaks in the period.
"[The ban] had no effect in reducing the scenario of heat sources and areas affected by fire", comments Vinícius Silgueiro, coordinator of the Center for Territorial Intelligence at the Centro e Vida Institute (ICV), who analyzed the data on the fires in the state.
"The feeling of impunity is very great. Seeing the main inspection body, which is Ibama, weakened as it is, is a message that whoever commits the crime will not be fined and, if so, can appeal and not pay the fine", analyzes.
Via  Nádia Pontes
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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“I don't believe in "global warming".”
Charge by RIBS
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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Biomas, 2019. 
Via Quebrando o Tabu
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
European Parliament attributes Bolsonaro symbolic rejection of EU-Mercosur agreement
The European Parliament approved this Wednesday (10.7.2020) an amendment in a report on the application of European trade policy in which it says that the European Union free trade agreement with Mercosur cannot be ratified as it is, considering the policy of President Jair Bolsonaro.
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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Pois é, quem diria que interferir no meio ambiente interfere na temperatura? 🥵
Via Bruno Ferreira
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
O ministro do GSI, general Augusto Heleno, disse que o governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, em 1 ano e 9 meses de gestão, ainda “não teve tempo” para cuidar da Amazônia e do Pantanal.
Via Poder360
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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Rescue of a Coati in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. The situation of animals in the Pantanal is very sad. The fires have already consumed more than 20% of the biome. Many surviving animals are injured, dehydrated and hungry.
If animals had religion, man would be the devil.
Photo Caio Guatelli
Source: Quebrando O Tabu
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
Meet Brigada Alto Pantanal
Since February 2020, Instituto Homem Pantaneiro has been mobilizing firefighting brigades with donated resources, but the fire is still bigger than the team and as it spreads quickly, the necessary training and hiring time can cause incalculable losses. . With this in mind, the Institute together with Lawrence Wahba and Documenta Pantanal had the initiative to create a professional brigade with trained, equipped and salaried men who will patrol the regions of Serra do Amolar, National Park and Encontro das Águas State Park. Place with the highest concentration of jaguars in the world and a fundamental area for the conservation of the environment and the economies of MT and MS.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Instituto Homem Pantaneiro (@ihp_pantanal_) on Sep 16, 2020 at 1:19pm PDT
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
The Pantanal is on fire and you can help.
Follow: https: //www.instagram.com/brigada_alt ...
Access, Donate and Share: Brigada Alto Pantanal https://brigadaaltopantanal.org.br
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
Since the end of Friday afternoon (the 25th) a fire started in Serra do Amolar and gained great proportions in RPPN Eliezer Batista. Teams from ihp_pantanal_, prevfogo and volunteer brigadiers, together with the Fire Department of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná, are already in the region to help contain and extinguish the fire that spreads in two directions: towards south, by Fazenda Santa Tereza and Porto São Pedro; heading north, to Taquaral Bay. #Brigadaaltopantanal thanks everyone for their solidarity and believes that more teams will come together in this urgent mobilization.
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Source: Brigada Alto Pantanal
Photos: André Zumak
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
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Veterinary Doctor Diego Viana and Biologist Sérgio Barreto, both from the IHP (Institute Homem Pantaneiro) team, traveled to the areas affected by the fires in Serra do Amolar, to carry out fauna rescue. During the work, a capybara was rescued, with severe burns. Even after the care and procedures, the animal did not resist.
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weneedtotalkbrazil · 4 years
The Pantanal is no longer just destroyed due to the giant hearts of people who volunteer to help save the animals and put out the fire. From residents to specialists. From NGOs, such as AMPARA ANIMAL | SILVESTRE to donations from companies concerned with this Biome. Unfortunately after burning 85% of the largest jaguar sanctuary, the federal government recognizes that the situation in the Pantanal is critical.
Biologists say that it is not yet possible to have an idea of ​​the proportion that this disaster will have in the environmental imbalance. Something very serious! The face of the Pantanal has great chances of changing. The rivers will be modified as well. When it rains, this material that is now attached to the soil, serves as a food structure for the local flora, with the rain it will move to the rivers, the consequences will be the impact on the lives of the animals in the waters, lack of oxygen for the fish, for example.
In the article you can check in more detail about the little that the federal government is doing to mitigate this very serious situation in the Pantanal that is still on fire and in need of help.
We remain steadfast, housed in the Pantanal to help the victims of this disaster. Taking care of their wounds, feeding, distributing water through the Pantanal to the animals. Stay tuned to our posts. We are always bringing updates on what has been done, especially with the donation you made for us.
Share and make the Pantanal visible, it calls for help!
Source: printed from Estadão
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