werebull · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I've finally faced facts I don't think I'm coming back to this blog. I'm fine, I just don't want to be RPing on Tumblr anymore. Nothing happened, just not for me. That said, you guys were all fabulous to me and I do appreciate it! Sorry for just disappearing and then returning only to be like "actually bye" but the longer I was away the more I was like "are you actually even gonna come back?" to myself. And was like....well, no. And I thought I owed everyone a proper goodbye and last picture of Bram the bastard man!
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werebull · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I've finally faced facts I don't think I'm coming back to this blog. I'm fine, I just don't want to be RPing on Tumblr anymore. Nothing happened, just not for me. That said, you guys were all fabulous to me and I do appreciate it! Sorry for just disappearing and then returning only to be like "actually bye" but the longer I was away the more I was like "are you actually even gonna come back?" to myself. And was like....well, no. And I thought I owed everyone a proper goodbye and last picture of Bram the bastard man!
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werebull · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I've finally faced facts I don't think I'm coming back to this blog. I'm fine, I just don't want to be RPing on Tumblr anymore. Nothing happened, just not for me. That said, you guys were all fabulous to me and I do appreciate it! Sorry for just disappearing and then returning only to be like "actually bye" but the longer I was away the more I was like "are you actually even gonna come back?" to myself. And was like....well, no. And I thought I owed everyone a proper goodbye and last picture of Bram the bastard man!
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werebull · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I've finally faced facts I don't think I'm coming back to this blog. I'm fine, I just don't want to be RPing on Tumblr anymore. Nothing happened, just not for me. That said, you guys were all fabulous to me and I do appreciate it! Sorry for just disappearing and then returning only to be like "actually bye" but the longer I was away the more I was like "are you actually even gonna come back?" to myself. And was like....well, no. And I thought I owed everyone a proper goodbye and last picture of Bram the bastard man!
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werebull · 1 year
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werebull · 1 year
Hello my folks. I’m going to put on “Dogma” later tonight. Like this post and I’ll drop a line from it in your ask as Bram. Remember, I don’t make asks into threads, they’re just stand-alone interactions for me, but they’re something!
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werebull · 1 year
Hello my folks. I’m going to put on “Dogma” later tonight. Like this post and I’ll drop a line from it in your ask as Bram. Remember, I don’t make asks into threads, they’re just stand-alone interactions for me, but they’re something!
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werebull · 1 year
Kinda wanna make one of my “like this for Bram to drop something on your inbox” meme calls but also don’t wanna give the illusion of activity
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werebull · 1 year
Contemplates deleting but I really don’t want to get rid of this blog. Even if I was only here a short time I like the posts I made and I do want to put this place to use again at some point. I just really feel bad for everyone I ditched on (again)
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werebull · 1 year
Not following anyone new back since I’m not here
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werebull · 1 year
Hello I don’t know when I’ll be active that’s all.
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werebull · 1 year
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Hey here’s my best attempt at Bram as a quinotaur (a mythological fish-bull) for MerMay. And also, if you missed it, I have new duties at work which is how I’ve managed to actually be on here EVEN LESS. Feel free to still send asks or continue threads if we have them, I’m just gonna be even slower.
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werebull · 1 year
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Hey here’s my best attempt at Bram as a quinotaur (a mythological fish-bull) for MerMay. And also, if you missed it, I have new duties at work which is how I’ve managed to actually be on here EVEN LESS. Feel free to still send asks or continue threads if we have them, I’m just gonna be even slower.
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werebull · 1 year
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Hi, here’s a really shitty MerMay sketch to get your attention! So you may have noticed I’m on EVEN LESS lately. I’ve got new duties/scheduling at work and it’s kicking my ass and idk when I’ll adjust, basically. No hard feelings for any unfollows.
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werebull · 1 year
Bram did not seem fully impressed. Usually, Juliana’s persuasion skills carried her through any situation, bending the outcome to her will. However, she had known before she started her pitch that that would be difficult with Bram. He was not easily swayed by pretty words or pretty faces. It was one of the things that would have gotten him into Curia Regis, and one of the things that Juliana admired about him (which she would never admit out loud, mind you).
“Naturally,” she agreed when he told her it would be a necessity to prove her worth. “I would not have expected otherwise of an organisation of that stature. Had you not tested me, I would have withdrawn my application.” Briefly, her hazel eyes reflected a spark of humour.
Compared to Bram, she was a mouse when she rose to her feet, standing at a mere 5'1. Yet she carried herself as if she was far taller than that, chest pushed out and chin lifted up with eyes that dared anyone to approach her.
A smile graced her burgundy lips. “I accept your challenge and look forward to succeeding. I have one appointment planned for a customer to pick up an order. However, I will send them a text to cancel it.” She did just so and fingers moved quickly to reschedule the appointment via text. Her long fingernails tapped on the screen like mice feet on a ceiling.
Graciously, she slid her small hand in his. Silver rings embedded with jewelry and decorated lavishly stood out against her pale skin. “I now have. What is the plan now, Mr. King?”
His eyebrows rose just a smidgen when she said she’d have withdrawn her application had he not asked to test her. Interesting.  “We’re going a to a party,” he said,  “Follow me.” He lead her from his office, out the palatial obsidian building, and to the car that was waiting. It was a strange model, something that looked like an antique yet sleek and gleaming in an almost futuristic way, as if someone from the 1930s had been imagining what vehicles would look like in the 3030s. And of course, shiny, solid black.  There was no driver. The passenger door opened for him anyway, and he stepped in, expecting her to join him, “We can stop by your shop or home to pick you up something more suitable to wear if you feel you need it. I’ll leave that to your own judgement; this is a test in itself. This party is a mostly private affair, limited primarily to a clan of necromancers, but I am an invited guest and permitted a plus one. They are a wealthy family, old money, dating back to Ancient Rome, as can be verified from the fact they regularly speak to ancestors from those days. It is through such arts that they’ve amassed their wealth, though it’s not really clear HOW---I certainly don’t see how the spirits of long-dead Senators know anything about the stock market, for instance. But I suppose if they didn’t guard such secrets closely, they wouldn’t be any good any longer. To your task---at this gathering will be three people. They each have an object or objects I wish to obtain, but they will hold on to dearly. One is a black mask of Apollo, said to allow creatures of night to walk in day. One is a small figurine with a spirit bound to it who must serve its possessor, rather like what you might call a genie or djinn. And the objects, plural, are a couple books and papers. . .never you mind what about. Your goal will to be to figure out whom has what, and to negotiate their surrender. You may use bribery, blackmail, lies, trickery...but there must be no scandal, no attention drawn, certainly no violence. No one else in the room must know what’s going on. Up to it?”
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werebull · 1 year
The Night Market was a miracle come to life. Juliana had never sold so many of her wares so easily, without having to make secret appointments in shady alleys or dark parking garages. No, here she could stall and sell her wares safely: a weighed blanket which allowed for dreamless recovering sleep, a garment woven with spider thread to provide the utmost of protection against weaponry and magic alike, a stola crafted of the fur of a yeti, and so on.
Her stall itself was as lavishly decorated as her garments and fabrics. When one entered through the black silk, one was transported to Victorian times. Old furniture renovated to perfection, bits and baubles of high value decorating the counter and the displays, and a work area for the craftswoman herself in the back.
But that was not enough for the ambitious witch. No, she wanted more than being a simple saleswoman. Therefore she stood in front of Abraham King now, member of the infamous Curia Regis. She chose not to wear any of her magical garments, relying on her persuasion skills and knowledge alone.
“What I can bring, Mr. King, is more than you could ever imagine. I know my way around weaving fabrics, yet I also know how to weave myself into crowds. Take away my makeup, my outfit, and what remains but a poor widow who goes unnoticed by most? I can thread the smallest needle; making an escape in dire situations is of no issue to me.”
She lifted her chin proudly and continued her speech in a strong but soft voice, lightly tainted by the harsh sounds of the Dutch language. “I do not stop until I have reached my goal, no matter the means necessary. I will do as little as I can and as much as I must to achieve the target set. Though assassins you may not need, an extra eye surely would be welcome. And who better to portray that role than a woman who can weave into crowds, tie up loose ends, develop close-knitted relationships without letting a stitch slide?”
There were an awful lot of metaphors related to the wonders of textile art in her membership application. However, Juliana did so on purpose: why hide what she was good at? Why not use it in her favour?
“So you see, Mr. King, why I may be of use to you. If necessary, I will gladly take it upon me to fulfill an inquiry to prove my worth. Had I not been reliable, I would have spilled the knowledge I have of your society long ago.”
Bram was quiet as Juliana made her pitch. One thick finger rested lightly on his strong, jutting chin, the elbow on his desk, as he took in the spiel. It sounded promising. But they always did. He did know Juliana a little better than he did many such hopefuls, and he did not disapprove of her. But one had to do far, far better than that to get him to back their application into the Curia Regis. Anyone that you put forward with your sponsorship, was at your own risk. Risk that could very well include your own membership if the novitiate proved unworthy. Thus, this was something Bram, as did they all, took very seriously. But taking it seriously didn’t just mean being stringent about who was kept OUT—it was also about being sure to SNAP UP anyone who WOULD prove useful. After all, what were you doing at the table if you brought nothing to it? So if there was no reason to yet dismiss Juliana—and he had yet to see one—he was keen to root out if there was reason to keep her. “That will be necessary, yes,” he said in an even tone, neither derisive nor encouraging, just neutral, as if she were filling out an application for a doctor’s appointment, “I’m glad to hear you’re eager to prove your worth; as it happens, I have a few tasks right now you can accompany me on. It will test your power and mettle, but more importantly, your talent for subtlety, negotiations, delegation, and so on. It takes more than raw power to be one of us, but then, you clearly already know that.” He stood up, his massive frame rising slowly but not lazily, and he extended a hand as he stepped out from around his desk, as though he were asking her to dance, “What say you? Have you cleared your schedule for this evening?”
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werebull · 1 year
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fancy outfit today :3
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