weresantiago-blog · 6 years
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( headcanon. )
Sofia prefers to travel by foot when she can, but for trips across town (or a good joy ride), she takes to her bike ---a matte black Yamaha YZF R1 with burgundy detailing, and a  forward inclined Parallel 4-cylinder, 20 valves, DOHC, liquid-cooled engine. It can produce 128.2 horsepower (95.6 Kw) at 10,000 rpm, using a constant mesh 6 speed transmission system. She likes to go fast on the open road, when she can, and this thing can take her up to almost 200m/h. 
Her parents’ pack in Portland preferred to travel by motorcycle, which is where she found her love for them. They’re easier to get into hard to reach places, and if need be, can often outrace a car. Quite often, the Portland pack would take to their bikes to get out of th city and retreat to a more secluded forest area on the full moon, particularly to avoid the chance of encountering and harming any wandering campers or hikers. While she was gifted a simpler, slower model as a graduation gift, she bought this one all by herself shortly before she left for West Hollow. 
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( abbyabbctt. )
abby sneered at the name, even went as far as hissing into the woman’s ear because the situation was far from one which gave room to such an unnecessarily playful demeanor. her hold tightened and she pressed her body even more against the werewolf’s back, though careful not to put a dent on the building’s surface. being too much was far from what she intended, but she needed to be sure — to keep herself safe somehow — because it would be too fucked up to end up dead in some dirty alley after finally finding her sister. an even bigger insult would be to die in a werewolf’s hands, but she figured it would be something she deserved after her past transgressions. 
“why?” she asked, willing herself to tackle the situation as calmly as possible, even when every fiber of her being screamed for her to leave the premises. “i have done nothing to you — i don’t even know you.” which, considerably, was quite a funny thing to say, because her senses seemed to have already been acquainted with the woman before this very moment. other than the familiar scent of her species, there was just something familiar tickling her nose about this stranger. “who are you?”
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Her past transgressions were, in fact, the exact reason Sofia had gone after her. If fate or karma or the universe were on her side, she would have landed that punch ---but she supposed it was partly her fault, for following so closely. Not to mention, this vamp had to have decades of experience on her, if not more. She looked exactly the same as she had when they’d first met, though Sofia had aged almost twenty years. Now, they were both women, and Sofia had the wisdom that came with age to know that this vampire was (at least in part) responsible for the death of half of her pack; her family. Albeit, family she had never met, but the loyalty to that and their cause remained. She rarely held a grudge, but when she did, she held it well and close to her heart. It only made matters worse that she had been tricked, her naiveté taken advantage of by a woman old enough to know better. 
She relaxed into the wall against the hold of the vampire, and flicked her hair over her shoulder, likely slapping the other woman in the face with the weight of it. 
      “I look a lot different than I did back then, don’t I? All grown up ---but you look like the same fanged puta that took advantage of a six year old girl’s willingness to help a stranger.” 
Sofia’s voice was filled with venom, the playfulness almost entirely absent now. She felt a deep-seated resentment for her actions all those years ago, and for the fact that she had been made a fool by giving her the benefit of the doubt. 
      “I’d never forget that face of yours. Why don’t you turn me around so I can take another look?”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( freyawhitmore. )
THERE WAS SOMETHING TO ADMIRE ABOUT A LOUD WOMAN. she would exude confidence and a carefree nature. freya liked that very much. she hoped she wasn’t wrong when she smiled and picked up the apple. the demoness began to walk over to her with the fruit before offering it back to her. 
❛ my apologizes, ❜ she said in a honey-sweet voice, lips drawn in a charming smile that she used to win anyone over. delicate fingers brushed back golden hair from her shoulder in an idle way. every gesture and presentation of her body was meant to exude innocence. ❛ i was so confused for a moment… i thought perhaps it started raining fruit ! ❜ she let out a light laugh. ❛ i wasn’t paying attention. ❜
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She smelled like something Sofia couldn’t place, something she had smelled before in West Hollow ---maybe it was just an obscure perfume. She would let herself believe that, for now, if only to offer the benefit of the doubt after being shown some kindness. 
She rolled her eyes a little, but took the apple back with a smile. She readjusted her bags so she could see the other woman better, and glanced up at the sky before she spoke. 
      “To be fair, raining fruit wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen in this town.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( all-harte. )
“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” Lexx told her, referring both to her helping her out and her trying to avoid looking at him. “I left it on the part of the track closest to the woods,” he just hoped nobody reported it or stole it. “Hopefully it’s still there.” He had taken to carrying a small outfit on him at all times since he had been going through clothes (and his savings) at an alarming rate.
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Without saying anything, Sofia took off at a jog in the direction of the park. For once, she was wearing sneakers, which came in handy in the dirt and grass. As she got a little farther away, she took it up to a sprint. She found his clothes easily, following the scent she’d pikced up from him in the breeze, and took off back to him. When she arrived, her breathing was a little heavier, and she tossed the clothes to him. 
      “You’re lucky nobody stole those, vato.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( jaceofmystery. )
Jace’s face turned a bit red and he blinked, beginning to stammer. “Oh, did you-?” Of course she heard that. He laughed nervously. “Yeah, umm… sorry about him. Really. I actually haven’t told him I, um, have a girlfriend now. And yeah, he’d been pestering me about girls since I started working with him. So, again… sorry about that. We didn’t mean to be, you know… really disrespectful.” He turned his head, looking a bit awkward. Ngghh.
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Sofia’s grin widened, amused (in the most harmless of ways) by his bashfulness. It never ceased to amaze her how apologetic, how timid, how kind some people could be to strangers. She had mostly grown up around people just as bold as her; people who often went so far as to be unkind. She had made a vow to herself to never be that person, to stand up for the people that others might walk over, and she intended to uphold it. 
      “You should probably tell him that. Especially if you’re serious about this girl.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( mxnday-blues. )
Of course, she saw it coming, Monday had taken her sweet time reeling back. It was obvious, in retrospect, and a beginner move. Embarrassment continued to hike up in count within her, and she felt her chest get locked with emotion. She didn’t see Sofia’s jab coming, though perhaps with more sleep, she might’ve. More sleep and fewer drugs. She swayed as she stood and grit her teeth, grounding herself to keep herself from sliding too far back. 
Relying on her favouritemove, she aimed for Sofia’s side ribs with one hand, while the other went straight for her diaphragm. But this was only successful with speed, and Monday was moving at a snail’s pace. 
Sofia was impressed by the strategy of the double-move, but far from it by Monday’s execution. She blocked the first punch with her forearm, and as her sparring mate’s other hand shot towards her chest, she lunged at Monday’s hand and spun around. As she did so, she pulled her arm with her, and held it there behind her back. This ought to feel like a victory, but it had been far from challenging and truly only made her feel... sad. She remained there for a moment, and then let go of Monday with a gentle push. 
      “What is up with you? You’re totally off your game.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( leah-hawthorne. )
And this is why she had not been a popular girl in high school. Leah was always awkward out of the gate, nervous around new faces she always reverted to some sort of clinical medical commentary that had brows furrowing and people looking at her like she was an alien with five heads.
She felt her cheeks flush as she handed over the apple, wishing she had the capability to make better first impressions. “Did you want some help? With the bags, I mean. Don’t want you to lose anything else.”
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Sofia, in fact, would hardly consider this a bad first impression ---she wouldn’t consider it much at all, to be fair, but it was far from bad. Sure, the other was a little awkward, and the advice was unwanted, but again, not necessarily bad. She’d likely end up chucking the apple into the trash can the moment she got home anyway, but she had too much pride to do it in the middle of the street, right after buying it. She let out a breathy laugh through her nose, and readjusted the bags. Her expression morphed from something sassy to one of warmth, and she raised a brow. 
      “Do you mind? I wore the worst shoes possible for a walk with heavy bags. Even just a block or two would be killer.” 
She nodded down to her feet, strapped into a pair of five-inch heeled booties. She could run in them if she had to, but gravity would not be her friend in this particular case. 
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( what-the-heck-is-a-luan. )
Watching this woman strut off to check out the books, Luan began to feel a little nervous -as though he would have to choose a different career if she didn’t like his work. Maybe he would make cheese. He hadn’t seen a cheese shop in town -then again…he had no idea how to make cheese. Maybe he could find a book on it. Furrowing his brows, he shook the thought from his head and watched as she flipped carelessly flipped through the pages with clear disinterest. He would name it Let it Brie.
Before long, the book hit the table again with a soft thwack, pulling his attention back to the here and now. She gracefully turned her expression one of contemplation and her arms crossed. It felt like an eternity passed in silence before she finally smiled and spoke allowing his own to return full force.
“Awesome. I’ll take it.”
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Sofia didn’t mean to make him worry so much, but it didn’t last long, and soon she was smiling along with him. She really was impressed ---to be fair, there were plenty of scratcher shit holes in Portland, and she could tell just by the sign out front that his shop would pummel them in a race of quality. It was clean, he did good work from what she could see, and he was pleasant. She’d seen places that failed in all three of those qualities, and wondered how they managed to stay afloat. 
She only had to think for a moment before deciding what she wanted ---a cover-up. Her old pack tattoo, a simple symbol she recieved when she turned eighteen, and one that no longer belonged on her body. It sat at the top of her back, between her shoulder blades. It was private, something she did not show to strangers, but if he was going to do this for her, he would need to see it. Unceremoniously, Sofia pulled her jacket off and, without blinking, pulled her shirt off, too. She turned around to show her back, and moved her hair out of the way. As she spoke, she looked at him over her shoulder.
      “Think you can cover this up?”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( pestilentially. )
As someone who’d turned a reasonable amount (if there was such a thing) of vampires, Mikolaj was no stranger to younger men and women with attitude problems. He suspected she didn’t have a problem however, but a territorial instinct that flared when he realized what he was. Establishing herself as his superior, demanding that he behaved. Was that really a wolf thing, or was it just human nature?
“Oh, no, patience can’t be learned — how goes the saying about old dogs and new tricks? Or was it something about dots?” His tone was playful and questions, rhetorical. “I like to think I’m not an old dog, but I still can’t figure out one of those iPhones — or any of the other i’s for that matter — which these days will make you ancient.”
Her words still taunted him, but they were more playful now, as was her expression. She made it work. “Yes, but of course,” he answered and unceremoniously reached for one of them. Mikolaj had never had a particularly good relationship with a wolf. In fact, he’d had a few unhappy past encounters and learned that full moons were best spent inside the hard way. Still, as a newcomer he could be civil, if only to learn how things worked in West Hollow. And she didn’t seem all that bad — a bit of a temper, but then again it just might work for her. The vampire motioned toward the crosswalk and said with a smile, “Lead the way.”
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If you askef Sofia, she wouldn’t say she had an attitude problem ---attitude, sure, but it wasn’t a problem. Not for her, at least. While her boldness did serve to get her in trouble here and there, it was almost always because she wanted it. The danger she put herself in didn’t always serve her well, but it pumped her heart up with adrenaline, made her feel alive. She wasn’t sure if she hoped this vampire would turn out to be a pleasant (at least to look at) acquaintance, or if she hoped he would give her a little hell. 
She rolled her eyes, both at the joke and the comment about iPhones, but handed him a bag and began walking. It dawned on her, then, that she would be guiding the man straight to her home... but perhaps that was all a part of the thrill. 
      “F.Y.I., you can teach an old dog new tricks, if the dog is willing to learn.” 
Sofia smirked at him, and the look she had combined with her tone made it clear she wasn’t talking about wolves, but giving a nod to her own kind. Sure, if anybody else called her a dog she’d give them a bite they’d never forget, but it was fair game coming from herself.
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( abbyabbctt. )
starter for @weresantiago
abby was trained to know if someone was following her. it was where her heightened senses came to play, and at this very moment, amidst the lingering scents of other creatures around her, abby easily pinpointed one she was trained to taste in the air with little to no effort. a werewolf was following her, making the vampire tremble as she continued walking down the quiet alleys of her block. why had she decided to take the shortcuts again? shrugging off the question, and against her better judgment, abby stopped in her tracks and turned abruptly, barely managing to avoid the fist rocketing straight towards her face. she was able to grab a hold of her assailant’s wrist, making use of her inhumane speed to trap both hands on the small of this werewolf’s back before shoving them straight up against the wall. “idiot,” she hissed, body pressed tightly against the werewolf’s back — a woman, now that she was met with a head full of black hair. “to whom do you answer for, wolf?”
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Sofia smelled the vampire before she saw her, and took a moment before she could place her face. A memory, clouded and distant, pushed its way into her mind. She was only a child, but this woman looked exactly the same ---she was a vampire, of course, and while she had shown Sofia kindness in their meeting so long ago, she had heard stories of the hunters who had posed such a threat to her parents’ pack. She followed the vampire down an alley, far enough behind to anticipate an attack, but close enough for the other to pick up her scent ---she wanted her to know she was being followed. When she began to worry the other would take off before she had the chance to make her move, she dashed up behind her and threw a fist at her face, which was quickly braced before her body was pushed against the wall. Sofia snarled as it happened, but once her body was pressed against the wall, she only wriggled a little, showing displeasure but no real efforts to free herself. Her mouth was curved up into a smile, revelling in the fact that she knew who the other was, while apparently remaining a stranger to the other. She wanted to see where this would go. 
      “If you’re asking if someone sent me... Nobody, mami. I picked you out all by myself.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( jaceofmystery. )
Jace swallowed hard on his food and mustered an awkward smile in return before looking back at his co-worker friend. He, however, was glancing down at his phone in distaste and then looked up at Jace. ‘Dude, I gotta call my brother. I’ll see ya soon.’ The man glanced over at the woman and then grinned back at Jace. His voice lowered. ‘Hit that, man.’ He encouraged before getting up and taking off before Jace could protest and certainly before he could explain he was actually in a relationship. Sometimes keeping his private life private did not have it’s perks.
Jace hesitated but, nonetheless, he felt like he had to turn and at least wave over to the stranger. It was probably obvious his friend had gestured to her before so it would be awkward if he didn’t. He raised a hand and smiled sheepishly over at her.
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Of course, even though his friend had lowered his voice, Sofia heard every word. She had to resist laughing as the encourager passed by ---hit that. What an immature, not to mention presumptuous, suggestion. Sofia wasn’t known for being especially picky when it came to who she slept with, but that wasn’t to say she’d go for just anyone. The man who remained at the table wasn’t beyond her standards, but this was not her intention.
In fact, Sofia didn’t know what she intended as she strutted over to him and took a seat at his table, without bothering to ask if she was welcome. She flicked her hair over her shoulder, and watched as the other man rounded a corner, now out of sight. She turned back to face the other, and quirked a single brow. 
      “---He really needs to work on his inside voice.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( wtfjcsie. )
The best part of vampirism had to be the enhanced senses. It meant it was much easier to gauge your partners feelings and how they peaked at every little touch. Of course, Sofia had the same senses, but that was simply an added bonus on Josie’s eyes– they were perfectly in sync. The goosebumps perking on Sofia’s skin made Josie hunger, eyes slinking down her body and examining her features once more. Famous for giving multiple orgasms and being able to endure for hours, she could always go for round two.
However, talking, at least for a little was nice too.
Josie chuckled, moving closer. “He’d be jealous – which he should be. I’m being especially naughty doing this.” she added with a shrug. The hand that had been at Sofia’s neck moved slowly to her shoulder, running over her frame as she continued to speak. “You could always meet him, get a feel for what he’s like. For all the fights we’ve had, he’s a very nice man.” Tugging her ever so gently once she got to her waist, hand snugging tight there, Josie’s face came closer. “Of course, keeping this between us.”
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Josie’s vampirism was never something Sofia lost sight of, not even when they were fucking. The knowledge that, in such a vulnerable state, she could easily be torn limb from limb if the other wanted rarely slipped her mind. In fact, it made it all the more exciting. When her hands ran over Sofia’s body, the thought remained burned into her brain, and she liked it. As much as she disliked vampires ---call it prejudice; she’d tell you it was good judgement--- she loved the thrill of playing with them. Whether that was between sheets or pushing her luck in a bar, it gave her the same rush. Well, maybe not the same. Josie had... a special touch. 
      “Oh, please.” 
Sofia rolled her eyes and scoffed at the thought of being in the same room as Hugo. If circumstances were different, they might have gotten along. But if he didn’t know? She could have some fun with that. 
      “---Now that you mention it, that could be an eye-opening experience. I’d love to see what you see in him.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( mxnday-blues. )
Monday crumpled, almost immediately, under the weight of Sofia’s punch. It shocked her, and the surprise was evident on her face, but she nonetheless pushed forward, clawing herself quite literally from the ground up. She felt embarrassment bubble within her, but it was quickly replaced by a budding anger. A feeling of injustice and all of it, all of it directed towards Sofia. 
There would’ve been no winning: if Sofia had decided to go easy on her, Monday would’ve felt the exact same way. Glaring at her, she wheeled back her right arm and aimed straight at her face. 
Sofia was surprised by how quickly she went down ---she was used to her being more prepared, at least. It would always be hard for a human to keep up with a werewolf hand-to-hand, but this was... something else. She saw the anger rise up in Monday’s eyes, proud that she nonetheless pulled herself to feet with little downtime. She watched as she pulled her arm back, giving herself away. Sofia ducked, and sent a jab, just as quick as before but softer this time, at the girl’s gut. 
      “I saw that coming from a mile away, come on. You can do better.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( all-harte. )
Lexx face was burning with embarrassment. “My, uh, my bag’s in the park but I’m not sure where we are right now,” he admitted as he curled in on himself and looked around at the unfamiliar woods. “You don’t happen to know if we’re close do you?” He was never going to live this down, meeting other wolves whilst naked and lost. The whole pack was going to think he’s- well, he guessed they would understand he still was learning to control it but still.
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She couldn’t help but turn back to him, brows raised in surprise at his words. She hoped he hadn’t turned in the park, but held back on scolding him. There was too much potential for prying eyes there; the middle of the woods was always better, safer ---not just for him, but for the secrecy of the entire pack. Of werewolves as a whole. As she answered him, she realized her gaze was probably making him uncomfortable again, and cast her eyes to her feet as she began putting on her shoes.
      “We’re not far, luckily. If you tell me where they are, I can be back in five minutes.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( leah-hawthorne. )
Leah was lost in a daydream, no specific form to it, just a pulse of color and feeling in time with the music that was pushing through her headphones. She fought the urge to hum along with the song, and the not pushing her breath out made her sink further into her head. So far that she didn’t even feel the apple hit her shoe.
The shouting though, that made her jump.
“I’m sorry?” Her brows were furrowed with confusion for a moment, headphones pushed down, and then she noticed the apple. “Do you still want it?” she asked, even as she was actively bending down to retrieve the fruit. “I mean, this is by no means a dirty town but still … it’s the ground… and … “ She held the apple up , appraising it with a frown. “It looks a little bruised now I’m afraid. Might still work if you were gonna bake it or cut it up.”
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Sofia’s brows rose when the other jumped, still surprised by, she could guess, the human ability to be so unobservant. She had grown up around werewolves, lived with them from birth until only six months ago, when she moved to a town where the pack was significantly less secluded from human life. Even with headphones in and music on, it would nead to be ridiculously loud to block out their hearing. She had preffered the company of her own kind for so long, but perhaps it was time to broaden her horizens. 
      “Thanks for the advice.” 
Her words were mostly genuine, paired with a playful smirk. She held out a hand she managed to free from her bags, and made a gesture for the other to hand it over. 
      “I’m not really that picky.”
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( jaceofmystery. )
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“Alright, hit me again,” Jace said, still chewing on the small piece of the snack. He extended a hand to be given another. When suddenly him and his friend were interrupted by a loud noise nearby and he nearly choked from the surprise. Jace turned his head to see where it came from.
Sofia was watching from a distance, smiling at the efforts between the duo. She’d like to see how long this could go on, but simply didn’t have the patience. After taking a breath in, she released a loud cough. She didn’t expect the man to nearly choke nor did she intend it, but rather than recoil, she smiled and waved her fingers at them, entirely unashamed.
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weresantiago-blog · 6 years
( all-harte. )
Lexx began to come back to clarity as his bones shifted and morphed back into a human shape and the fur hid away. Small moans and groans of pain passed his lips as he lay there. At the words, he looked up sharply in confusion, grimacing at the sharp twinge in his neck. “Oh yeah, such fun,” he replied in a sarcastically happy tone before wincing. “Sorry, that was rude.” It was only then that he noticed a problem. He was naked. Naked in front of a girl. “Oh lord,” he whispered, covering himself with his hands.
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Sofia resisted the urge to laugh at his shyness, knowing the only thing that was likely to do was make him feel worse. Seeing others naked, especially other wolves, came with the territory. But he was new; not just to town, but unmistakeably a new wolf, too. So she only smiled, and made a point to avert her gaze. 
      “Did you at least leave some clothes somewhere nearby?”
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