werewolfxreyes · 5 years
Myka was doing groceries, cart half full at the moment – and where a child would normally sit, her smallest dog, Gizmo, lay comfortably. She had him registered as an emotionally support animal, mostly because Gizmo had anxiety if Myka left the house without him. Which she understood, considering what he had been through. She had turned down the next aisle, idly just going through each one, as she was in no rush, when she saw the other woman. She recognized her from the restaurant she went two frequently enough, though something was different today; the woman smelled differently. She watched as the woman dropped whatever was being held, and as soon as Myka watched the other slam hands to her ears, Myka knew what was happening; she experienced the very thing, though probably more intensely.
Calmly, Myka pushed her cart towards the woman, taking her bag from it, and kneeling in front of the other. She put her hands over the others’ own, and looked her in the eyes. “It’s okay.” She spoke softly, pulling one of Mel’s hands away from her ears. Myka then began drawing a figure eight continuously into the palm of Mel’s hand; over and over again. “Listen.. concentrate on the sound this makes only.” The only way she had been able to sleep when it happened to her, was drawing figure eights on her pillow until exhaustion took her. “You do it.”
Going into her bag, Myka pulled out a spare set of the same headphones she wore, turning them on, and choosing the settings. They didn’t pay music, but for four hundred dollars a pair, they blocked everything out but ambient noises; car horns, fire alarms, etc. Even then, it wasn’t anything overwhelming. It certainly blocked out the annoying hum of electricity. If the woman was saying something, she couldn’t hear it, considering she wasn’t paying attention. Instead, she just made sure the connecting cord was behind Mel’s neck, and she put the headphones into her ears gently. Now, they would of blocked about every sound out, which was Myka’s preference, but probably not the other woman’s. Still, it was probably better at the moment, than the overwhelming sounds.
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
Cat had just finished her run and was stretching when a dog approached her. She smiled and glanced down at it and stretched out her arm for him to sniff her. She looked up and saw the dogs owner coming up to claim her dog. Cat smiled at her. “It’s alright, I love dogs.” She looked down and pet her dog again. “What’s his name?” She asked her with a small smile. 
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“Romeo.” Myka answered the other, watching as the woman gave Romeo the attention he had wanted from the other. “This one’s Gizmo, but you have to start petting him where he can see.” She spoke about the dog in her arms, who was deaf. Still deaf, unlike herself, unfortunately. But that wasn’t Gizmo’s fault. “The others over there are Bella and Dodger.” She gave a small nod to the other large dogs playing together near a tree.
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
The park was a breath of fresh air for Kara after having spent so much time cooped up in the station or with her head in case notes and files. She finally had a minute to catch her breath and truly process everything. There were people she’d never get to see again, there was hurt that she felt for them, but couldn’t quite let show. It was hard, losing people one cared about. But Kara was here and they weren’t anymore, and she needed to be strong for Colton, for Nate, for the pack - for everyone. 
As the dog ran up to her she smiled, scratching him under the chin and taking the ball that he so clearly wanted to fetch. “Oh, it’s totally fine. I’m happy to be his friend.” With that Kara tossed the ball for the lab to take off after, laughing at how pleased he seemed to be with tracking it down and bringing it back. “He’s lucky he’s cute, though. Might be creepy otherwise.” 
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“He thinks he’s charming, just because his name’s Romeo.” Myka replied with a silent chuckle under her breath, watching as Romeo excitedly took off for the ball. The small dog in her arms watched before yawning and closing his eyes again. “But I don’t think he’s entirely wrong.” Myka didn’t mind sharing a short conversation with someone who seemed fond of animals; especially if they did what the other did, and actually threw the ball for the black lab. “You should see him with the kittens I foster – he adores them. Just let’s them crawl all over him when they’re old enough.” It was always a sight to see, when the big dog gently played with all the little kittens, or just lay there as they all played over him. The other dogs weren’t so patient with the kittens. Especially Bella, who would just get up and move or shake them off.
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
Ash stepped back as the dog approached him, resisting the urge to snap at it as it neared. He would never understand why animals were drawn to him when he specifically did not like them. It seemed that the more obvious he was in his distaste towards them the more they were attracted to him, like moths to a bitchy little flame. 
“Aren’t there leash laws?” He griped to the woman while glaring down the larger dog, silently daring it to come any closer to him. “I’m allergic.”
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“Of course there are.” Myka stated, annoyed with the man’s attitude. “The law simply states they must be on a leash or chain. Now, the other two are.” They were attached to a spike in the ground, which – though a little unorthodox – followed the law with a technicality. “They’re all rescues. Romeo just has trauma with playing while chained. It took weeks just to get him to walk on a leash. Now, he hasn’t jumped up or touched you, so your allergies are just fine. Your attitude has little to be desired, though.” There was just something about people who didn’t like animals that rubbed Myka the wrong way. Actually, there was a lot about people in general that did so, but that was a top pet peeve.
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
In the sunshine, everything felt okay. Why hadn’t she done this more often before? It was nice out here, the sun was shining, the air was brisk, the air felt fresh. Town square was big enough that she didn’t really feel any emotions but her own because most people were far enough away, the space acted as a buffer. Even with her eyes closed, though, Ria could hear footsteps. The grass was moving with the rapid footfalls of a dog, and as the creature got closure, she could hear it’s panting. Ria sat up, her hand over her eyes to cover the sun, and blinked up at a Black Labrador stared at her with a ball in his mouth. As his owner came closer, Ria shook her head at the woman. “That’s okay, I’d love to be his friend, if you don’t mind. Hi hi hi hi who’s a good boy?” Ria asked the dog, reaching out to pet him before turning back to his owner. “I’m Ria, by the way.” 
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Myka was glad to not be met with hostility from the other woman, because that was always the chance with Romeo. Not that her other dogs weren’t friendly, but they never went out of their way to greet someone else. Then, of course, the other had presumably given her name – the worst part of meeting someone new, because she could never really read names on lips. “Can you write that down? Your name?” Myka asked, reaching for her phone and holding it up with the notes open. “I’m deaf; names are hard to read.” She use to feel guilty for keeping her deaf identity, after getting her hearing back when she triggered – however, she no longer did. She was deaf most of her life, and she didn’t exactly choose to trigger her curse, and she certainly didn’t choose to be able to hear again.
“I’m Myka. The friendly one is Romeo, this tiny guy is Gizmo – he’s deaf, too. The dalmatian is Bella, and the other is Dodger.”
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
Elena was lost in thought, dealing with the loss of her brother–it was overwhelming—it killed her slowly. She was crying constantly, lost in thought and memories of her older brother. The woman slowly walked through the park eyes downcast, and brain in a fog. 
She wasn’t paying much attention to anything around her, she was totally and utterly lost in thought when Romeo ran up to her with his ball. She slowly stirred from her thoughts and smiled down at the pup. “Hi little guy.” she said taking the ball as he dropped it at her feet. She glanced up when she heard someone speak. “Well, I doubt he’s wrong. Who wouldn’t want to be his friend?”
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“You’d be surprised.” Myka answered, scratching behind the ears of the small dog in her arms. “But those are the wrong kind of people.” Myka understood if someone had allergies, but allergies weren’t a reason to not like animals, just a reason to not own one or pet one. And Romeo never jumped up on anyone unless told ‘up,’ so that wasn’t an issue.
“You look like crap.” Myka dead panned, probably being too honest. Though, most people looked like crap in the aftermath of the blood moon, that still haunted this town. “In my experience, there’s very little that can’t be fixed by hand feeding and socializing kittens. Interested?” She may not of been much of a people person, but she was a big fan of what animals could do to help someone in a rough spot. Plus, the help would always be more than welcomed.
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
“Um, sorry!” Hugo muttered in embarrassment when he noticed the other watching him. “That kid said my fangs are huge and make me look scary. You don’t think so, do you?” he asked, clearly upset by the idea of unintentionally scaring children away. 
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“Better to eat them with?” Myka joked at first, setting a large material cat carrier on the floor by the chair beside Hugo, and handed him a bottle. She brought all four of her dogs into work all the time, though Gizmo (because he was deaf with abandonment issues) preferred to stick to herself or the people working there. He loved laps, too. However, because Myka was always fostering kittens, many litters didn’t have a mother to feed them, which required two hour feedings. Which meant bringing the kittens to work. And right now, the two week old kittens were meowing insistently for their bottle. She opened the carrier a little, and handed Hugo one of the kittens, and grabbed one, herself.
“Next time, tell them your fangs have to be extra big so you can hunt the monsters under beds and in closets.” She explained, smiling as her kitten’s ears began to wiggle with a perfect latch. “Your fangs are fine, Hugo.” She finally relented. “But you’re just making another point why animals are better than people. Especially irresponsible brat children, and the parents who give them pets without teaching them how to be gentle.”
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
A peculiar sight it must have been for any onlooker to witness, that being a tall redhead crouching down to look under bushes and cars every few steps she took. Her bright blue eyes darting from one place to the next, never daring to fixate on any one thing for too long. “Oh come on,” she murmured to herself with a furrowed brow and evident frown distorting her features for a moment. “I should have brought carrots.” Another self-spoken phrase as the witch got down on her hands and knees, palms pressed against the road of a residential street as she leaned down to look under a car low to the ground, but like all the others there was no black and white bunny. If this pet was supposed to teach her responsibility then she was failing miserably. 
The idea of giving up had crossed Farren’s mind far too often within the last several minutes. By now she would have proceeded with the appropriate actions to get up and leave had she not caught someone crossing her path. “Hey,” the redhead called out as she stood up, brushing the dirt from her hands and jeans. “You didn’t see anything hopping around here, did you?”
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The sight of a young woman looking around didn’t go unnoticed, and the werewolf slowed her speed as she walked. She had four dogs with her – three larger, one small – and wore a black backpack with mesh on her back. She wasn’t sure whether or not to keep walking and ignore the woman, who had probably just dropped a phone. But none of that mattered when the red head seemed to approach her instead, taking the choice out of Myka’s own hands. Which was just as well, because she was leaning towards the keep walking part of her brain. “Hopping?” Myka asked, wanting to be sure she more or less read the words on the woman’s lips properly.
“Black and white? Long ears? Big feet?” She joked a little, carefully manoeuvring the bag she wore from her back, while still holding onto her leashes. She unzipped the top part of the partly mesh bag (meant for carrying a small dog hiking), revealing the rabbit she had found. Rather, that her dog had found. “This little one belong to you?” Things happened, and Myka wasn’t going to jump to the conclusion that the other was irresponsible for allowing her pet to escape – at least not without knowing what happened first. Then she’d make her judgements.
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
“Is it weird that I kind of like carrot cake oreos more than actual carrot cake?” Finch was sitting cross-legged on a park bench, soaking in the sunlight. With Easter having just passed the house was still stocked with everything bunny flavored, themed, or shaped. She offered one to the person next to her, smiling. “I mean just try it. It’s like heaven.”
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Myka was sitting on the park bench, petting her jack russell terrier, while the other three dogs chased each other around – a black lab, dalmatian, and a German shorthaired pointer. She hadn’t given much attention to the other woman on the bench, merely because she wasn’t big on people. She had been here less than two years, and had yet to make a friend. But explaining that she had been deaf most of her life, and though could technically hear now that she triggered, but wore special noise cancelling ear buds by choice.. it wasn’t something she imagined being understood. And her past experience taught her no differently.
The werewolf missed the first bit of what was said, and even the second, but it was hard not to guess that she was being offered something. The dog on her lap began cautiously sniffing towards the treat, and Myka’s eyebrows furrowed. “What is it?”
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
Myka hadn’t been deaf since she triggered – however, she didn’t exactly cope properly with suddenly being able to hear thing. The sensory overload had her in constant pain (but whether that was actual physical pain of more psychosis pain, wasn’t quite determined), so she spent a couple thousand dollars on a few pairs of wireless, inner ear noise cancellation headphones. They looked almost like hearing aids, in her opinion. She kept them turned up to the highest setting, even when she slept, resulting in the same complete overload whenever she didn’t have them on.
She was at the park with her four dogs, the three bigger ones playing around, while the smaller one took to her lap after tiring himself out from trying to keep up. That’s when – almost predictably – Romeo (the black lab) trotted over to the nearest stranger with a ball in his mouth, tail happily wagging. Myka sighed and got up, holding the smaller dog in her arms as she made her way to the person Romeo insisted on trying to befriend. “Sorry.” She called out, only half apologetically. “He thinks everyone wants to be his friend.”
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
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One Bisexual A Day Keeps Biphobia Away (5/22): Monica Raymund   
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werewolfxreyes · 5 years
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☆ Gabriela Dawson  in 01x01 Pilot
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werewolfxreyes · 7 years
“Some people need to learn when there opinions aren’t warranted,” she explained, her voice taking it’s Dominant edge, watching as the Switch in front slowly turned to look at her sheepishly, apologising for upsetting her. Lennox refused to move until the girl said please and then she was happy to carefully stand to let the girl move past and push herself into the next seat. She thought that that would be it but apparently not when the girl was asking for more. It was… strangely adorable in a way and Lennox didn’t have the heart to say no to her in that moment. She carefully pushed herself across another seat, and patter her lap lightly so that Eretria could drop her head down into it.
“Ready sweetheart?” She asked, a small smile on her face. When she got the affirmative she started to read. “Lounds’s head was elevated in the bed. His hair and ears were gone and compresses over his sightless eyes replaced the burned-off lids. His gums were puffed with blisters. The nurse beside him moved an IV stand so Graham could come close. Lounds smelled like a stable fire….”
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"Opinions aren't.." Her brain worked as she trailed off, finally understanding. "Oh! Okay, Miss." It was he only response, but she enjoyed the tone of voice the Domme had come into, and even went as far as to stick her tongue out at the Switch that turned around. She had gotten many groans and shut ups in her life to be able to make the connection that she was being defended. Eretria really didn't care about being made fun of - mostly - but it was a nice feeling that someone else did that for her.
Before her head from the Dominant's lap, Eretria moved her bag to the floor near he foor in case she wanted to rest it there. And settling in, curling up, as well, her head found the perfect spot in the woman's lap, and she eagerly listened to what was being read. Though she wanted to interrupt, she didn't, because she was told it was rude to ask to be read to by someone, then interrupt and ask what was happeneing - they were already taking alone time to read to her and they shouldn't have to explain something. If she wanted to know that badly, she should read the book, herself. Or not listen. Of course, it was only another minute in, before he hand found on of her teammate's own, and brought it to he head. "Play with my hair while you read?" She was starting to feel antsy again, and for some reason, when her hair was played with, she always felt calm and relaxed.
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werewolfxreyes · 7 years
Ellie sat herself down on a bench in the middle of the maze. It was one of her favourite places to study so she had basically memorised the layout of the maze. She’d give Gemini and extra five minutes to the time that she had asked for simply because she knew that it would be difficult to get to - however she also had a feeling she was going to be late regardless. The submissive needed to be put in her place and some lay about Dominants clearly weren’t going to get it done.
She checked her watch. Thirteen minutes. This girl really was trying to test her patience. Ellie didn’t even glance up from the textbook when she heard the girl’s voice, instead moving to point to the ground beside her. “Kneel there.” Hopefully the girl understood that if she wanted anything to happen to just follow orders. Once she had finally knelt down, Ellie checked her watch again, timing another fifteen minutes. Gemini would be waiting the amount of time that she had made Ellie wait. Then she’d bring her to the point of orgasm again and leave her. Maybe eventually she’d realise if she wanted to come then she had to be a good girl.
"Didn't think you'd still be here. SHould of waited another fifteen, I think." Still, even Gemini knew when she was pushing limits, and there wasn't much about this Domme that she knew. All she knew, was she had taken control over a situation promptly and effectively. The red head did, however, take her time walking over to where the Domme was, but she did kneel. Nothing happened, though. Nothing.
Not saying anything, because that would give away how much she truly did want the Domme's hands on her body, she merely knelt, trying - and failing - to not imagine what those incredible fingers would do to her.
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werewolfxreyes · 7 years
As soon as the red head swore she sped up her hand, smirking lightly, “You hold off or I will make your life a living hell.” Ellie already had it all planned out, just how she was going to play it out. The submissive was tugging her hand away but then moving to grope herself and that was when Ellie knew that the submissive had truly reached her edge. Without saying anything she pulled away completely, taking a step back from the girl, looking over what a mess she had made out of the submissive. “You’re a mess. Clean yourself up, you’re supposed to be representing the academy,” she scolded, smirk on her face. She pulled a hankie out of her bag and wiped at her fingers before tucking it back in her pocket. “In an hour and a half, you’re to meet me in the centre of the maze. Wear something that you don’t really care too much for because you’ll probably be leaving without them.” Once she had finished speaking she picked her bag back up and set off down the corridor, the small smirk still on her face as she walked, winking at a blushing submissive that she walked past.
That was added humiliation - the Domme standing there as she was unable to help but collapse and try to catch her breath over the near painful denial. The Domme wiping her fingers off like it wasn't worth sucking them clean or even forcing Gemini to suck them clean. And telling her she was a mess when they both knew very well why she was. "Bitch.." Gemini grumbled under her breath, while secretly she was in heaven. This Domme was certainly something else and she craved her touch once more. As the woman walked away, she stood herself back up, looking at the eyes still peering at her with the same smirk the Domme wore. They were fucking her with their eyes and it took everything in her not to touch herself for them right then and there.
Instead, she showered and changed into track pants and a baggy shirt - no bra or underwear. By the time she arrived at the center of the maze, a near fifteen minutes late, she was soaked. She had nearly made herself cum in the shower, holding off only because the idea of the public humiliation and sex was far better than any orgasm she could reach herself. "I'm not late, am I, Miss?" She knew very well that she was.
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werewolfxreyes · 7 years
Lennox wasn’t really listening to the talk of poptarts, trying much too hard to focus on her book. After that it seemed to grow quiet, allowing the Domme to enjoy the piece, her foot resting up on the arm of the chair in front. She’d managed to get through a number of pages before the voice was popping up again. Lennox was pretty sure she heard a groan from the seat in front of her, which earned the back of said seat a swift kick from her good foot. She had to filter through the questions quicker than she would have liked but nodded nonetheless. “If you have the window seat do you still want me to read to you?” She questioned after a moment, slowly lifting her aching foot down from where it was resting.
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Eretria was stunned when the other kicked the seat. "What did you do that for?" When she was asked a question, herself, she hadn't been expecting it so she took time to give an answer. "Yes." There was a few moments of silence before her nose scrunched. "Please." Sometimes she just forgot to use manners, and she smiled at the Domme, switching places with her easily enough. For a moment, she just looked out the window, smiling as she tried to determine how fast they were going, based on how fast they were passing certain things - the hard part was not knowing how far apart said things were, so she had to use how many 'buses' as measurement.
"Can you move one more seat over, Miss? So I can put my head in your lap? You can use my bag as a foot rest if you want. And I can carry your bag back to your suite for you if you'd like, too. Not because it's my fault your foot is hurt, but that's the nice thing to do. And I think I'll like listening to your voice."
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werewolfxreyes · 7 years
Nova had far too much fun burying her face in her sister’s pussy, the overwhelming need to please being something that she only ever felt with her. She whined with need when her face was pulled back, pouting up at the Domme when she said that she hadn’t earned the right to make her cum. She knew that her mouth would have made the orgasm ten times more enjoyable than just the fingers but she couldn’t actually say that without getting into trouble for it. She lapped hungrily at the fingers as they were slipped into her mouth before nodding and crawling her way inside.
Once in the middle of the room she knelt back up, hands resting on her upper thighs as she waited for Juno to say or do something. “I’m sorry for barging in, Mistress but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all day and I just- I needed you,” she explained. It wasn’t going to get her out of whatever god awful punishment Juno was going to dish out but at least she had explained herself.
"You poor thing." Juno teased with a smirk. "I know you needed me. But now you're going to have to convince me I should let you cum tonight. And if you're really lucky, I'll even let you make me cum." Locking the door behind herself, Juno walked towards Nova and ran a hand through her hair. "Be a good slut and stay here. I've got a plan for you." When the Domme returned, she was carrying a sybian and gym bag filled with the restraints she'd need. Nova would be secured to the toy and unable to do anything but feel the vibrations. "I'm thinking.. so many inserts.." She finally picked out her favourite, before applying lube to it generously. "Get on."
Juno made quick work of restraining her sister, already in desperate need of another ogasm just at the sight. "Such a pretty slut.." Kissing Nova on the lips - the only submissive who seemed to get that privilage (not including one or two Littles), she then nipped and tugged her lower lip harshly. Wasting no more time, Juno turned the power up half way. Her back turned on her sister as she positioned a chair only a few feet away and sat on it, legs spreading to reveal how wet she was, herself. "You're going to watch me cum over and ove again - watch me get off to the sight of my perfect little slut. And trust me when I say you do not want to cum without permission." Juno gave Nova a smirk that said she'd enjoy the punishment all too well, herself, but Nova would probably hate it.
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