wes-nix-blog · 12 years
Confession Number One.
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Can I just point out that I really, really, really fucking miss Molly? Cause I feel like that's been my life since I left her Las Vegas. I still haven't seen her since and that just bothers me more than you guys can comprehend. I mean, I'm suppose to be fixing a relationship but I feel like all that I'm doing is spending time away from her. That's not right.
But lets back up for a minute and let me explain how completely fucking cool it is that I traveled the world a little bit. I mean, I trolled around a lot more than I fucked people. I won't lie. I have pictures galore. Except on this little disposable camera things that nobody but me still uses. I have at least twenty of them backed up in my luggage. I also sexed a few people. Ummmm. Molly, Quinn, Piper and Sarah. My short list. Sluttiest guy, eh? Look at my record go!
Um, shit. There's not much else to talk about. This pretty much covers it. I'm just gonna throw in that I still fucking miss Molly and end this confession. Cause otherwise I'll just moan and groan more about that. So, yeah. Bye, guys.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
Riddle Numbero Uno. | Ranica
It took him the entire flight to Brazil to actually figure most of that shit out. He read the riddle over and over again, every several reads actually understanding one part. The only thing he ended up needing help with was the giant dude who wanted a hug. He was ninety percent sure it was Budha cause that dude wants belly rubs. Once it was googled, he finally figured everything out. And then understood why Davlin's junk was in pain. Immediately, his own hand went to cup himself and his face turned into a reflexive flinch at the thought. He was near sluggish getting off of the plane before remembering this was probably a competition of sorts and putting a small pep in his step. Rio (he can't decide on a name so his camerawoman is just gonna have to deal with being the place or country of the day) followed after, quickly finding a taxi and telling the driver to take him to a wax shop.
Thirty minutes later, he was practically limping out of the taxi-- his crotch area still not exactly happy with the pain he put himself through there. The Christ the Redeemer statue stood before him and he crossed his arms, his stance awkward as he awaited for Sarah's appearance which he hoped would be soon.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
Why are we going to Brazil when there's the ri-- oh.
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Yeah, lettuce venture to Brazil. :|
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Come to Brazil with me Chandlaaaaaaaaah
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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Wildly appropriate, I'd say. And I'd love to. 
...... As soon as you tell me what the riddle means.
molly—pop replied to your post: I don’t got it.
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No, you go away. Hmph.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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I guess that makes sense. :|
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
molly--pop replied to your post: molly—pop replied to your post: I don’t got...
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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And now my scrotum hurts :|
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
molly--pop replied to your post: I don't got it.
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No, you go away. Hmph.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
I don't got it.
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And Molly's left me to fend for myself.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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Whatever you wanna do. But either way I want you to meet me in California cause I wanna spend the flight to D.C. with you now that you've mentioned it. I miss youuuu.
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wes-nix replied to your post: I CAN BE YOUR HEROOOOOOOOO
I’m gonna cheat and go spend time with Ranica. But it’s Ranica so it’s okay. :| So I’ll be in California soon but I’ll go to D.C. and wait for you right after.
Rood :| But this is true, Ranica is acceptable. Then I might text Dav, see if he’s not busy. Or I can meet you in California when done and we can fly to D.C. together, either way works for me.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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Same tho. 
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
The nickname that she had given him caused his grin to deepen as he pulled away to look at her. "Lion Quinn," his nose scrunched together, a small chuckle falling from his lips. "Missed you," he flicked her nose with his finger before following her inside of the the structure. He examined the outside for a minute, looking up at the famous building. He hadn't been out of California much, and the only time he had been out of the States was for NK. It was pretty freaking cool to be traveling around and he had already decided to take a quick look around the places before he left them to meet up with people. Considering he just had to fuck Quinn and then wait for Molly's go to meet back up with her in their next destination that they picked- he had free reign to do whatever he wanted in Australia until she had met her status quo. 
The inside of the Opera House was nearly as impressive as the outside. It looked like it was bigger in the inside than it looked on the outside- kinda like the Doctor's TARDIS. He chuckled quietly at his thought before looking back at Quinn when she spoke, her voice echoing softly through the structure. He looked around, thinking there wasn't a set spot where they'd have to get it on. They were pretty much in the clearing to go wherever. She spoke again and he was about to agree with the idea but he felt a tug on his hand and he was going towards the stage anyway. "Sounds like a good plan to me," he smirked at her, his pace of walking getting ahead of hers, him now tugging softly on her. He walked up the steps to the stage and continued until they at the center of it. He then turned so he was facing Quinn and gave her a small grin, arms snaking around her waist. "Ready to scream?" he winked at her, lips leaning down to press against hers. 
Scream || Wes & Quinn
As soon as she spotted Wes approaching her, Quinn couldn’t help smiling with anticipation and excitement. They only got to meet once in the house but never hanged out during the hiatus which, after thinking about it, she thought it was a mistake. It wasn’t until she finally saw him there, at the entrance of the Opera, that she noticed how much she had missed him and how happy she was to meet him one more time. “Hey there, lion!” She chuckled as she turned around and gave him a quick yet tight hug when he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Sure. Let’s go.” She smiled widely as she nodded.
Once they finally came in, Quinn gasped slightly at the sight of that place. It all looked beautiful and the mere thought of picturing herself screaming loudly while having sex with Wes and he provided her a good orgasm made her inevitably blush a little, but she shook her head and thought about how fucking amazing it would be anyway. Of course those good thoughts beat the embarrassed ones inside her mind. “So, I don’t even know where we are supposed to do it, but…” She started, but decided not to finish her sentence as she kept looking around, wondering if the stage would be a good place to have sex in, as that was by far the best place she had thought about. After walking for a little bit more, Quinn decided to stop and, leaning onto one of the hundreds of seats that surrounded the room they had got into, she turned around to face Wes. “What do you think about the stage?” She inquired curiously, arching an eyebrow and smirking as she grabbed his hand and tugged him towards it walking slowly while waiting for his response.
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wes-nix-blog · 12 years
Gloved hands rubbed together to keep himself warm in the igloo. He shrugged his shoulders before sitting up, figuring that his back couldn't take the cold anymore- even with the heavy jacket and heater that fought to keep him warm. He did the cold dance a little, trying to stop the shivering and shuddering of his body. This is why he doesn't do cold things. Christmas Sweater Sex might've been cold but holy sweet jesus Alaska was not playing with wanting to freeze his freaking balls off. He needed to get back somewhere sunny. His hands stuck under his armpits, the heater starting to work now but he was still pretty freaking cold. He licked his lips a little and turned his head to look towards Alaska. "So, wanna give me that beanie?" the glare he got shot told him no and caused him to pout.
Before he could pout enough to get the camerawoman to give him her beanie, Piper was in the igloo. "Ohthankgod," he moved his arms around Piper as soon as she was near him, kissing her back when she planted one on him. "I don't know," he made a face. He wanted to do everything on the list and win this shit which meant eventually getting around to this. But he could've waited for it. 
"It doth goes well," he said with a nod, a smile on his face as he thought about how good it seemed to be going. Molly and him had basically said it was always gonna be a two and back to each other. Bare minimum so they could see the other once again. That was good in his book. He'd need another fuck and he'd be back to his unofficial baby. That just made the smile on his face grow and he moved so he was on top of Piper and pinning her to the ground. "Shall we?" he moved his lips against hers again, his teeth pressing against her lip and tugging gently before his head tilted and his tongue flicked against hers. 
Fucking in an Igloo | Wes & Piper
Piper had been to Alaska several times, but it was to either watch the whales, or to go hiking, but never to go into an igloo. The flight was extremely long, although, Piper hadn’t expected any different. Nodding off a couple of times, she was awakened by a dark man with a curly mustache, who obviously didn’t know much English by the way that he was motioning with his hands. When the two got off the plane, Piper wrapped her arms around herself, and was immediately handed a coat. She saw one of the camera men and she fell into step with them, “What happened to Adreas?” She looked over her shoulder at the new man. The camera man looked at her with question, then slid his finger across his neck. “..Okay then.” The redhead got into the cab and curled into the seat, loving the warmth. 
The drive from the airport to the place where she was meeting Wes had seemed as long as the flight, but then again, she could’ve been basing it off the fact that she wanted to see Wesley, and that she wanted to get all cozy and warm with him. Not even with him, but with somebody, and he would be there, so it would be him. Resting her head against the window, she blew against it and giggled at the impressions her breath made against the window. She loved the look of heated breath against any kind of glass. 
When they arrived, Piper stepped out of the cab and wished that she could jump right back in. After all, this had been her idea, and she needed to put up or shut up. Grumbling, she followed the men into the Igloo and smiled at Wesley, who was sitting next to a woman who looked like she was made of stone. Raising an eyebrow, she shook her head and crawled over to Wesley, planting a kiss on his lips before moving over next to him. 
“Why did I pick this again? We could’ve killed our streak, we could’ve done it somewhere warm. A volcano was on the list, right?” Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she nudged Wesley with her shoulder. “How goes it, hair gel?” She had given Wesley the nickname because it looked like he used way too much, and honestly, it was as if he couldn’t live without it. Scrunching up her nose, she looked around the igloo, which was growing warmer by the second due to all the people, equipment, and the heater. 
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