What? I never said the cake was bad. It just I like different frosting to cake ratio. I'm simply saying it's typical for one to put on weight after getting married. You get comfortable. You haven't gained weight from the bacon, no...but merlin forbid you have a heart attack. Let's drop the sex talk and agree to disagree. Oh I think there was a pool for just about everything.... I heard of one even for if Kurt would get together with Blaine. It was absurd. Kurt would of ate Blaine alive. Ah young love....I do in a way....you've seen my meltdowns without Kurt..... he completes me far more then you know.
Oh I do the same. Kurt just calls me a worrying paranoid mother hen though....
Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
Really? Your evaluating my wedding cake,..Taste the wedding cake in the stupid shops, it is worse. See, the cake was worth it. Excuse me? Is it insult Quinn day, also if you say that to Marley I won’t hesitate to slap you then sit with a bag of junk food and stare at you.  I am not going to put on weight. Do you see how much bacon i eat in a regular week? If I was going to put weight on, it would have happened by now. Yeah, well, as soon as i get back . I will see it. Brief intervals, but yep. You see I was writing to you while she was in the shower, before i went in the shower.  Then when she was cuddled into me…I know i am good at multitasking, but please, she gets 100% of my attention.  Stop ewing…You and Kurt doing ewh, is ew. I am so glad i am not pregnant, and I am sure people where putting bets on in hogwarts that i would be the first one to get knocked up. Haha. I don’t know, i just I am married…To Marley. You don’t understand how happy this makes me, i feel so complete. I like seeing people who are pregnant.Surely the aches the pains, and wearing yoga pants are all going to be worth it?
Good, because she is MINE. She is so delicious. Yes, it means anyone hurt her and i will slaughter them without even blinking. Hahaha. That goes for the rebels trying to recruit her. They can all stay away…Wessie, you know me being protective and possessive? I don’t do that because she is weak, she is the total opposite. She can match me in any argument. I do it, to feel more needed in her life…Because it is one of the only things i can do. 
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Title: Over The Love (But Not Over You) Summary: The Dark Lord may have died, but those left behind are the hearts with the deepest wounds. Kurt mourns the loss of his husband. Rating: T Genre: Drama/Romance Characters: Kurt Hummel, Wesley Montgomery & Sebastian Smythe (With mentions of Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Isabelle Wright, and Cooper Anderson) Pairing: Wert and kinda implied Wesbastian Completed: Maybe? No? I don’t know.
The room is cavernous and dark, darker than usual. For the first time in what feels like an eternity the grand black doors to this room open and a solitary figure enters. The only source of light comes from the hall. Footsteps echo throughout the room and reverberate across ceilings and walls. Such a disturbance is unwelcome and unseemly. The room has been darkened out of respect for the man who once inhabited this room. Onwards, deeper and deeper into this room the man treads, his purple robes sweeping across the floor as he reaches is objective. The man approaches a chair sitting at the end of the black room in front of a large window that has been draped over with black cloth. The chair itself is covered in a shroud as black as the abyss. But this isn't an ordinary chair, nor is this an ordinary room. Nor are these ordinary circumstances. This is the throne of the Dark Lord, and this is his throne room. His office of business in a way. At least, it was. The man turns his eyes to the curtain and pulls them down, allowing the light to flood the room once more. It is a dim light, a sickly light that seeks to gain entrance into this, the Dark Lord's sanctum. The man then walks back to the throne and stares at it, eyeing it almost warily. With a single, shaking hand the man reaches out, as if fearful that the throne shall leap up and bite him. Finding his courage the man grabs the black shroud and pulls it away, revealing that which it covered. The throne of his late husband, Wesley Montgomery. But it is not his throne anymore. The Dark Lord is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead? A month has passed since the Dark Lord's demise, and still the thought of it is practically inconceivable. The end of an era, cut short far too soon. Even now, four weeks after his passing the pain is still fresh in the hearts and minds of many. The man's mind is filled with thoughts, memories and ideas. It has all gone by so fast. When word had first gotten back to the Capital that their Lord had died, no one could, or indeed would believe it. The Dark Lord dead? It was inconceivable! It wasn't possible. He had been around so long. At least it had felt that way. He seemed to be the only constant in the lives he was involved with day to day. Individual men and women came and went with the passing of time but Wesley had seemed eternal. He was the cornerstone upon which the New Order was built. He was our leader, our father, our savior. But to one person, he was his political equal, father of their children, his beloved husband, and most importantly his best friend. And now he is gone. What now? When the reality of the situation finally sank in and the truth became unavoidable, many an imperials asked themselves that question. Some even sought to join their Lord in death, no longer seeing a point to living in a world where there was no Wesley. It was something even he, himself, considered. He could never though. Weak fools the lot of them. His Wessers always detested those who went to pieces in a crisis. Even if he knew if it was a personal matter that he would turn into a puddle. If he was still here he would berate them as fools. They still had a duty to the Empire that needed to be carried out whether he was alive or not. The Empire, what will become of it now? The Empire was their life's work. But, the Empire was the Wesley's legacy. Yet, he was the beating heart of the Empire. He breathed life into it and gave it purpose and direction. But now that beating heart is still. Even if his love's heart felt like his own heart had stopped. The Rebels did this. They took him from them. And now everything that they had built together was coming apart. Without Wesley's unifying presence the world had begun to secede with impunity. The military is in chaos. No one knows who is in charge. Was is Kurt? Was it their children? Was it to fall to Sebastian? Governors and Generals have been declaring themselves the new lords of their own personal fiefdoms, carving up the Empire that they had sworn to protect. The Dark Lord died without declaring an official heir, which only made sense if one gave the subject some thought. If the Dark Lord had declared an official successor  outside of the immediate family than he would only have signed his own death warrant. Yet his children were still young and fairly naive, despite their parentage and would be all but slaughtered should either of them ascend to the thrown. It is, after all, what he would have expected. It is, after all, what he would have done had he been in such a position. Kurt was his closest confidante. They were each other's closest confidante. He could confide in each other almost anything at all, even the deepest and most arcane knowledge. After all, there was no potential harm in telling each other such dark secrets, there was that kind of trust. One could even argue that Kurt was the only person who ever fully knew him. Wesley was beholden to all but a few. In his life there seemed only one type of person or object; those who possessed potential usefulness to himself. Anything or anyone else who did not fit into this category was systematically dealt with. Kurt, in many ways, was the exception that surpassed all exceptions. Mostly because the two could of passed for a single person on a bad day. Kurt had been his husband, his angel of vengeance as it were. He swooped down behind the scenes and dealt with those who needed to be dealt with.  Much like a surgeon's scalpel, effortlessly and subtly slicing away those appendages that posed a threat to the body politic. Sebastian was his enforcer. From the days when he was merely a friend to the present as his Lieutenant, putting a bit of stick about in order to keep the troops in line with official Imperial policy. Whenever there was a problem, be it an unruly Governor or a discontented Minister it was his job to streamline the process of governing and ensure that his lord's agenda got through come hell or high water. Yet even his inner circle seemed to play the role of his guardian angel as well. They always seemed to believe it was their duty, or purpose to protect him from the outside world. Sebastian screened his calls, Quinn and Isabelle deflected all criticism away from his office, Kurt dealt with his rivals, Santana  assassinated his enemies, Cooper stamped out sedition, and some even tasted his food for poison. He valued their loyalty. Good, dependable help is so very often difficult to find. Yet Kurt was the only co-conspirator he ever recognized. In many ways the Empire that he created and maintained was the fruit of the group's labor just as much as it was his. Everyone liked to think that they were partners in a sense, unequal partners to be sure, but partners nonetheless. The mutual share of a glorious vision of the future; a vision of order and power, a vision of a world indivisible, answerable only to one supreme authority, an authority that knew how to rule and how to keep the rabble in line. Such a vision he shared with them early on in the quaintness of a shared dorm room when at school. It was an intoxicating vision, and it was then that they knew. Had any other man spoke to them of such a vision most would have laughed at them then and there. Overthrow the world's government? Kill a vast majority of the muggles and enslave the rest? Establish an Empire? Such ideas would surely be the signs of a delusional mad man! Many men had tried and failed before him. But Wesley was different. Even now, so many years after that conversation took place I can remember it clear as day.You could see in his eyes a coldness, a ruthless conviction that proclaimed to the universe that nothing could stop him. The same reflected in Kurt after the murder of his mother. If any mortal creature could accomplish such a task those present were convinced in that moment that Wesley could. Both of them could. The Slytherins of his year joined his cause and pledged their life to his service. He rewarded them well for their loyalty. In their time together he achieved power beyond his wildest imaginings. Everything was at his beck and call. Nothing was impossible. Wesley had made it possible. Even still, Wesley made a point of creating extraordinary feats to romance him every single day. They had much in common. Both had sought to court that woman they called power, with varying degrees of success. Both believed in the power of fear and the effectiveness of the truncheon. Both before us endless realms of opportunity, and decided that they would not be satisfied until they had achieved all that could be achieved. Clearly both were intelligent men, above and beyond those insignificant vermin that populated the world and polluted it with their ignorance and impurity. Both were cut from a finer cloth. We saw the universe for what it was and we recognized the path that needed to be followed in order to achieve unlimited power. In the end Kurt knew he was the closet thing to a true love he ever had. He never had much use for such foolish things, and frankly neither did Kurt. But there they were married just like Wesley had said once upon a time. Above all though Kurt appreciated his truthfulness. What endeared him most to the cause of the Dark Lord was that, frankly put, he never tried to delude himself. Many a dictator has believed that they were creating a revolution to improve the lot of the people and that they were doing that which they did on purely selfless grounds that sought only to benefit all of sentientkind. Wesley believed this only to a small extent. But this would merely be a trickle down side-effect of what he really wanted. Wesley wanted power. He yearned for control and coveted order, an order imposed by himself and his husband. He sought to impose his will upon a meaningless creation and reorganize not only the government, but society and the very laws of nature and physics so that they would revolve around him. As a minor byproduct of this he believed that the world would finally know peace. Both of them used the truth selectively by taking things out context and presenting them from a different point of view, misleading those around him into believing anything that he wanted them to. Neither never told a lie. Both simply just omitted that which needed to be with held and manipulate the facts to suit their agenda. The Dark Lord's first and primary goal was to further his own cause. He was loyal to no one other then his immediate family and held allegiance to no flag or nation. He was out for himself and he had the intellect and the tenacity to get what he wanted. Kurt admired his strength and skill. Kurt admired his glorious vision. He was the architect who built the Empire from the ground up and reshaped the galaxy in the furnaces of war, molding the stars themselves in his own image. Their own image really. How could anyone not be drawn to such great power? And now it is all coming apart. The Empire is tearing itself apart, disintegrating as the Rebels and the governors tug at the threads of Imperial strength, causing everything to unravel and disintegrate. The Empire is dying of sorrow, their oldest child whose father died long before his time and leaving a husband without help to guide it through the troubled times with no direction, no inspiration, no shining light to guide us. Everyone was powerless in the face of such despair. Without power, one dies. His internal musings are interrupted by the sharp clacking of jackboots on the floor. The Lieutenant has just entered the room, his face contorted into a contemptuous scowl. It has become unofficial dogma to leave the Emperor's throne room empty with the window covered up and the throne covered in a shroud. Out of mourning for the great man whose loss has affected all. To have entered this room and removed the shroud to the throne is tantamount to heresy. He dispenses with any pleasantries and skips directly to the point. "Hummel, the Rebels have launched a major offensive in the Southern Outer Rim. Command and control over all military forces in Oversector Outer are on the verge of collapse. If something isn't done to organize the fleet we will lose the whole of the Outer Rim Territories by the end of the year!" Kurt stare at him for a moment, and then he does the unthinkable. He lower himself into the throne and take his seat. "That is Emperor to you, Smythe." He reply icily. It is no secret that they had grown apart over the years. "Excuse me?!" he asks. His eyes bulge and flame with indignation. His lips curl into a snarl. He still hasn't dealt with the grief of the Dark Lord-his best friend's demise. To see this occur now must be like cold steel to his heart, yet truthfully inevitable. All he can do is give a melancholy and world weary sigh. It has been a long, tiring month. "Nothing lasts forever. Even the longest, most glittering reign must come to an end someday." He just stands there, his entire body quivering with rage and, perhaps, is that sorrow I detect? "Wes' death has shaken us all Sebastian," Kurt use his first name, dropping titles in order to hopefully drive through the point. "But we must move on. The Empire needs a leader to rally behind. Every moment we spend wallowing in despair over the dead is a moment given to our enemies. The Empire is dying Sebastian. We have a vow to him to make sure that his dream, his-our Empire does not die shortly after him. We must do this Seb. It is what he would want. For Wes." "For Wes." he whispers in response. Concern still was deep in his eyes. "What about you?" "I have to move on. He would never wish for me to mourn this deeply for him for so long." The precursor to a tear is wiped away. Kurt straighten his robes and lean back in the throne. "Summon the war council and the generals at once, we must prioritize the Empire's defense and prepare for a counteroffensive." At this point all the lieutenant is capable of is giving a curt nod of the head instead of the customary bow. "At once, my lord." The last word comes out as if it was caught in his throat. It clearly pained him to have said that. Without a further word he turns around and leaves. It will be difficult, but we must do that which needs to be done. The Empire is in her darkest hour, and he will not abandon it, for it is a shrine to his oldest friend and his only love's greatness that must be preserved. He would lead their Empire in his absence. He would prepare their children for their eventual transition to power. It is the least he could do for him. A new Emperor, a new age, a symbol for potential peace and hope for the future, etc. etc. But he is just a man, a man without the charisma or the know how to lead. He is a creature of shadow like his Master before him, capable of governing and pulling strings in the dark, but he is ill suited for the light. He does not know how to garner the loyalty or the support of the masses. He will not last long. The seeds of his damnation have been sown for many a year and now they are starting to grow at a moment most inopportune. He is surrounded by those who covet the power he has come to possess, and he cannot instill in them the fear that kept them at bay when the Dark Lord held the throne. A system built upon greed, mistrust and violence cannot stand, for it is but a House of Cards, waiting for a gentle breeze to send it all tumbling down. All he could hope was that their children would be stronger and wiser with the best of the both of them. It was the only chance they had at survival.
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The cake part is good. You were a bit heavy handed on the frosting, but it tastes good. More like I attacked him for the cake the moment he walked in the door. They do say people tend to put on weight who are married.... maybe that's why Kurt is starving off our wedding. Now is sorta the time you know to do that stuff. with the walls. Seriously you are writing to me and doing the dirty with your wife? Ew.  That is like majorly ew. Well lucky you, that sound positively blissful compared to my moans and groans of pain from the kicking and the cramps. And here I thought I was the overly romantic one.... right now the only thoughts of the kids are getting them out. You're really sentimental right now.  Even the yoga pants are leaving marks on me and it's annoying. I don't leave the house because no one should be forced to see the pregnant mess that I am.
Good. I don't want her and her womenly bits. I like my meat. It's alright, I get the possesiveness.... I really do.
Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
Do you like the cake? We made that together… Tell him to give you it all, it is rather healthy. A portion of it is anyway.Oh, that is depressing. If it isn’t to my liking i am going to knock a wall down, you know?  Well, how does it look? Tell me it all. Yeah…Okay…Kinda busy, at the moment. Not ew at all…More mm than anything. I listened to heart beat last night, realized this is bliss. Close to her, hearing her heart. Rings declaring that our hearts are owned. I thought about our future children…Do you ever do that? Or is it me being really sentimental. I wouldn’t wear pants either, so i am in favour of that.
No, I am not telling you about her naked. She is mine. I am possessive…Oh my…
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Well he gave me some of it.... It's more then I thought he'd give me. I peeked my head in, so I can't vouch for much. Kurt took me there so I could get the gist of the city and of the palace and all of our buildings. Well finish off you plans and get the builders on to it. Okay more then ew. To be fair I've been avoiding pants for a while when I can. The bump you know.  Please do spare us all those details
Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
Good. Oh, Kurt should have it. I did give him it. I can’t wait to see the new building for the prophet.Is my office large and amazing? It should be, i like to show off. We are making our own living arrangements, i have spent late nights designing it. It is what Marley wants.  I don’t think it is any secret, that i am lying in bed butt naked right now.
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Also, my sex life will probably get less public when this feeling goes away. WESSIE, SHE IS MINE!! 
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I swear I am, sorry. Please send me food. Do check in on your new buildings for the prophet and your house down near the capitol if you two make it towards that way. Again. Ew. More about your sex life then I want to know.
Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
You better be, Wessie…I am going back to Italy in the morning. Ahh, two weeks of sheer bliss.   Well, my wife brings that out in me. Yes she is stunning, i am going to ravish her. That dress was expensive  but it is going to be in shreds. 
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Woops sorry. Hurray. You two are far to kind. I bet she looks stunning.
Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
Yes! It is extremely bad! Well, you just ruined my evening…Thanks. Fine, but i am having a dance with him first. Then he can bring you cake and actually, I think  Marley made some heat up food for you. Because, she is wonderful and you should see how she looks. So beautiful. 
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Is it bad I pictured your mom when you said Mrs. Fabray? But ew.....send my finace home.
Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
Mrs Fabray would owl a piece of cake, but she is preoccupied. 
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Sigh.... I wish I was at the wedding with Kurt and everyone.
I miss having a life.
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Have you ever had your blater jumped on by a pair of rabid twins? No. So hush up.
Sounds like the baby hormones are getting to you
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Ugh these kids are killing me.
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I don't know maybe over time she'd get more comfortable? Well just keep the warm and fuzzy thought that he'll die eventually and his ignorance will be going with him too. I'm just saying, but I suppose it's best we drop the subject all together. Ugh, I know you'd end up buying stuff for them anyways. To be honest, we've only picked out one name and that's for our little girl. But the bioy....we are having a lot more problems.
Ah yes, I do remember reading that. Poor kid getting that as his first assignment. This is why I keep you exactly where you are. They'd probably roll over in their graves they are half way in at the things we say during meetings. It's not that there isn't a woman in the gentlemen's club.... but Santana hates showing up for meetings more then I do, so it's a bit hard there. I think there is a dummy mail drop we have for complaints and suggestions to the administration. I think Kurt uses it as punishment for his people to go down and check it.... we're going to do what we are going to do. It is rather convenient though now that we live together and share a bathroom. I figured out his combination of things.... I try to look put together, that's all. Kurt still finds the time to make me his human doll. Do you really want to be the one in charge of fixing my shit storms? I didn't think so. Tempting as it is. Have you taken a look at the Prophet's new offices in the Capitol? You have to sign off on it.
Hmm no, she hasn't mentioned any thing of the sort to me. You'd know if she took it... the fact that she'd show signs the next day would be a big giveaway. There haven't been any reported signs that are any more abnormal then a traditional birth. Eh... speak for yourself. I had a decent childhood as an only child. Meant parents encouraged friends which were like siblings but you could return them at any time.
Don't worry. I'll pass on the bacon. It makes me feel sick just smelling it. Oh I just strip the muggles of their vocal chords. It's not like they have an opinion that matters. And the bad men fall for the even more charming bad men that are bad in a differnt way.
Santana served her purpose at the time. No... it couldn't of been for that reason at all. The timeline goes like this... Kurt and I start to get into more of a romantic relationship second year. Half way through second year he dumps me at the first sign that Adam is remotely interested in him, who was at the time a sixth year. They date for a year and a half. Adam broke up with him at the end of Kurt's third year citing he didn't want to hold him back. Kurt spends the summer heartbroken with Sebastian and I. I thought that he would try to at least rebound with me. He never did, he started getting more involved with his father's political outting and started seducing his suitors. Santana and I got involved fifth year out of spite that he was ignoring my blatant pining. He start demanding more and more weekends together that end up becoming more and more and he kept denying it until I started seeing David the summer of seventh year and he didn't snap at me and tell me to make a choice like he hadn't been fucking around the entire time until we were a few months into our last year there. We get engaged after David went all pyscho-ex-boyfriend on me. So no, it wasn't like that at all. In fact you can probably justify it was the reverse. At that point I could only see myself dying young and alone, most likely at my own hands.
Girl dreams you say? You haven't seen the wedding plan books I've made over the years..... Damn it are you sure someone didn't write an autobiography about me? Hogwarts was a period of time while I wouldn't take back.... I also wouldn't go back if you paid me. Ah you anger is always the most amusing and frightening things...
I don't want to and I know Kurt doesn't want to do it either, but we are in a position that we can't exactly give up. I'm trying to finish off any flairs of rebellions and then I can just adjust my schedule to be more friendly to staying home and keeping an eye on the kids. Eventually I'm going to work my way into combining the two offices into one job that Kurt and I can both do with minimal effort. I force two day weekends on us now. That is a bit creepy with the sandwich
Do you expect her to act differently? Yes, she is very charming. Someone my father would have been proud of if she had the right blood status and was only a friend. He likes the charmers, takes him back to his youth or what not. I love her so much, i just can’t contain myself at the moment. I am marrying that wonderful Woman, Wesley!!  She has bite, she just can’t really give the circumstances defend me as much as she would like. Trust me, she has a breaking point where she protects her family, Okay, too much details…I mean tell me about your sex  life and you are getting the details about mine. A woman’s touch, Wesley…You know we have them, also just indulge me let me buy a heap of things for the little ones. You know, i have a soft spot for kids and small animals. Please, Wesley? Also, have you thought about god parents ? Names?  
Oh gosh, that had me up all night for the morning prophet. We had a new person covering it and obviously he made a mess of it. Lucky i didn’t trust him and had one of our senior members there too. It was good reading though, i like his powerful displays. Shows how strong our leaders are, i can play it to patriotism too, as long as he doesn’t swear. The old bats of society as so touchy with swearing, also they want a female in your main circle. You have no idea how many pointless letters we shuffle through a week. Some are even on clothing choices, who gives a damn. Like who are these people that have time to send a letter a week commenting on every article. They are several pages long… Yes, i think there is nothing better than the scent of someone you love and cherish. You better be teasing! Haha, thank you…You aren’t to bad yourself, Wes. Very fine looking man you have become.You know i am not going to lie, head of the PR team, does tempt me. I have to think about my family though, I doubt Marley would enjoy it. Although, i like having a place i can rule, it is rather refreshing. Please, at least you don’t have to worry about the media with me in the big chair. How i love how they cower! So glad Marley doesn’t visit often, it would be hard to explain. Eye candy, hmm? Is this more temptation? Two years, i see…Wesley, has Marley asked you for one of these? I think i am paranoid, but her actions of recent, i can’t explain it. I was thinking it was just wedding vibes that she wants to bed me whenever she can but…I am probably paranoid. Shelf life isn’t long, but i suppose whenever we are ready we can easily get one. Great outcome on the potion,  has any children been born with issues? Good, i love seeing you two happy you deserve it after all this time. Santana would like that a quiditch team of children to be captain of, but no we both were lonely as children and we are starting a fresh family tree. We are a new family. Extending routes, you know?
That is a great solution! I can’t watch you eat bacon though, that is too painful. I will bring the food over with the books? That only a true friend would do, please eat all the ice cream we have as well, it is killing me. I keep opening the freezer to look at it… I personally don’t care about muggles, they complain too much in my mind… Especially the muggle who create les miserables, seriously…The whining. Yes, it is what i love about both of them, they are good girls. Good girls that fall for bad girls that would be willing to kill for them and more. 
Santana is too distant for me, i mean she is dependent on barriers. I mean i can understand the attraction, she is hot. People react different ways, did you ever think that that was him reacting to not being able to have you. He couldn’t watch you an Santana so he lost himself in other people. Yes, Marley has shown me how much she approves, haha. I’m glad you approve, Santana still doesn’t what is upsetting, she is my best friend… It is fine, my wedding is important to me. It had to be special. I also needed to prepare it, call it a girl dream.
Yes, it would… I have a few delicious reads, i know you will enjoy it is about dominating a country. Falling in love and murder… I am god or something it is called. What happened in Hogwarts stays in Hogwarts, It was the worst feeling parting with her…I didn’t want to leave, crawl out of that bed when we parted for her to finish Hogwarts. Yes, i hate tennis, i hate people who play tennis. The people who invented it, it just makes me angry and i really want to just smash the stupid equipment.  I really don’t know why, i hate it so much.  Really? Okay, well i suppose if that is what you want. I know i could never do that, give my kids over to a stranger to look after. I love my job, but my family would come first…Marley might want to be a stay at home Mom, i mean we aren’t really having children just yet. Your jobs are different, it will need contemplation but it is the right thing to do. Maybe a couple of times a week you should have a family day though. Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant time, sipping hot chocolate by the fire a bacon sandwich just warm sitting next to me. My wife’s head in my lap as our oldest son places a blanket over her….  I really shouldn’t fantasies, it is creepy. 
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Well at least you get to go to Quinn's wedding. I'm stuck at home waiting for something to happen.
Now that I'm back-
Yes, yes. “I’m so fat because I’m pregnant” complaints.
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Some how.... Also I think I might be able to double as a fat whale...
Now that I'm back-
Is the kingdom still standing?
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Marley gets so mild mannered around me. Charming girl to have over for tea though. Besides I like my mate to have a bit of fight in them. I can throw as well as I catch. No, no. It really can go either way or whatever. That is kinda special now that you mention that. Quinn, what do you honestly think the twins might need that Kurt and I haven't possibly haven't gotten in like bulk. Every home we have has been fitted with this fancy closet charm system that I worked on while I've been knocked up. I don't need or want the baby shower. Hell I'm iffy on even having a birth announcement sent out until we know the twins are healthy and safe.
More like you've played witness to his leadership... It's adorable how wound up at Christmas Gala he gets. I drag him off as soon as everything is flowing orderly for a reason you know. Oh I do that with Kurt's shirts.... I totally understand that. Been stealing his laundry for ages. If I could bottle his scent, I'd just label it home. I'm teasing you. Most beautiful witch of our age, I'd say. Marley is a lucky woman. He does and I put my foot down. I know and agree with him, you'd be wonderful and amazing as the head of our PR team. But the Prophet is still fairly amusing with someone who's not constantly kissing my ass as the editor and chief. But honestly, you're gorgeous and he needs the appropriate eye candy. I understand. They have a shelf life of about two years, but once its in your system that stuff will basically keep you potent for a whole day and the closer you do the deed after taking it the higher likely hood of you'll have a little bun in the oven. I've had a few cases that it didn't work, but it was like three.... but out of the million that I tested on it was pretty easy to knock up. Ah, every person needs minions in their lives. I hope so.... i still get all doe eyed and swoony with him. It's crazy. What are you trying to do start your own quidditch league with children of yours?
You wanna know a solution to our problem? Give me the food and I will eat them for you. That is the kind of public service I am willing to do for you. I will save you from yourself and the terrible food and eat the evil myself. Aww and then there is me, the harsh slave driver and potionier that loves muggle testing. They are good girls.... far too trusting, but good. Not an ill bone in either of their bodies. It's more like I wanted to show Kurt during our 'break' that I was trying different things..... and trying to make him jealous and angry and possessive of me..... clearly it never worked, as we know his serial one night stand sprees. You have each others approval and support and your friends. It's all you need. Ugh but honestly, thank you for being reasonable. Any planning is better then whatever that was he did.
I suppose some more might make bedrest enjoyable. Send a few over that you think I'd like. I'm fairly certain about everything dirty happened in mine...... Our seventh year after we got back together was amazing in sex. Head boy dorm? Best perk ever. Oh really?
I'm honestly considering a nanny. It would be crazy if we didn't..... we both have insanely demanding jobs. Some days I wish I could just fast forward to the day I'm retired with Kurt. The world is peaceful and the kids are in charge.
I know she isn’t your type, i am still the only one who gets to think about her naked though. All mine. Well, because it is weird thinking he tops you. I dunno, then again… Wait, are you saying Marley isn’t my equal? She is kind of above me then, if that is what you implying by sexual areas of ones relationships effect them. Marley is hot full stop. Yeah, i am sure it doesn’t. In fact your pregnancy makes you more special. There is two little ones with you at all time, that’s why. Sweet? Yeah…Okay. You want a baby shower don’t you? Wesley, i know how you are with gifts…
Your telling me. Okay…Awkward…Well, everyone has weaknesses. That is what a relationship is, seeing every part of that person and loving them protecting them. Supporting them. Yes, i have read all about Kurt, i have been told about it too. I have written a few articles on his leadership myself. Marley loves jumpers, i love stealing a few now and again. I will have to steal one for the night before the wedding, i will miss the way she smells. Okay, Wesley, no, no, i am not thinking about you being all over me. Shh, he does not still want me on his staff list. Yes, it is, if it is any constellation i am happy you did the baby one first. May I ask how long those viles last? I know, that is why I own and am in charge of the Daily Prophet. It also allows me to control some mindless idiots of my own. Perks of the job. He will always want you, trust me, i see the way he looks at you. You are in love. We are a little aren’t we? I should have guessed that this was going to happen when we watched some movie..Cheapered by the dozen or something. 
I have doughnuts but can’t eat them, that is a real problem. I have a dress that fits and i want it to stay that way. I want one, but i think i would get bored. I can employ a house elf, it will be fine. She isn’t sensitive, she has a kind heart an open heart. She loves all. She is a lot like Brittany in those ways. 
Yeah, typical. That was terrible, Santana is evidently playing for the girls. I mean at least you acted a little more. Yes…He can…My father is a dying breed, he will have his day. I don’t have my family’s consent, Marley doesn’t really have anyone’s consent either. But, yes, we do have better plans than that of Sebastian’s. We are very much planners. We don’t do things in haste, i am sure that is something i bring to the relationship because Marley has some wild dreams. 
Would you like some more, i got about 20 odd new ones i have gotten through. I also expect Marley has a few scattered around that you could borrow. Oh please…Nothing dirty happened in my robes…I may need to find them though… Trust me, they will be who they want to be. There parents don’t effect them, although i recently found out the muggle sport tense makes me a little insane… So, they might get triggers? They will be perfect though, no matter what. Yeah, i get you, possible sleepless nights. The feeding, the washing, the changing diapers. Tiring. Unless you get a nanny. Then you have the rest of your work to do though. Well, i am glad i am not you. 
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Just a little... she's not my type anyways. Why does everyone seem so surprised? I know he can get a bit pent up and I'm more then happy to be an outlet for him and vice versa. I don't lie when I say he's my equal and that means in bed too.... even if it is really hot when he tops. What? Just because I'm pregnant doesn't make me any less special. My birthday matters too. You are too sweet. At least no one has mentioned a baby shower... those things are so not me.
Ah yes, my Kurtsie's infamous control. Merlin it's such a turn on.... But he has cracks that I can see. I just guard those. You've read how he keeps the senate in line with an iron fist. Marley does have a bit of a jumper addiction now that I think about it....Oh come on now, if things were different and we actually liked the opposite genders, I bet I'd be all over you. I still have to mention to Kurt every so often that he can not steal you to put into his staff of pretty people. I know I should, it's just not high on my list of to-dos. Needy Wesley isn't exactly the image I need to portray to the public, now is it? I know, I know. I just can't help my brain from crawling back into that pattern of thinking. Kurt is going to want what he wants and all I can hope is that he'll always want me. You guys are crazy.... we might consider one more, but honestly we're pretty happy with two.
I want a donut, Quinn. These are my life problems at the moment. Oh we have quite the staffing of them. Specialized into what I need them for... I mean it's a lot better for testing to use them since they are the less evolved versions. Ugh, I feel so bad for you that you have a sensitive wife. I mean even Blaine has come around.
Your family is so typical.... I mean mine weren't much better. They were never home once I started getting active in that department and I did use Santana as my beard for a while... Your dad can go piss off in the archaic ways. Heterosexuality was only supported because of procreation and now it doesn't matter. Okay, so that's not eloping in my mind. That's being civil minded.....unlike Sebastian flooing over and coming into our bedroom and forcing us out of bed to go be his witnesses. That's eloping. Don't say the world hopeful, you know how it makes me eager to kill hope.
Oh just had to make sure. Also I finished up the  last stack of books you lent me. You miss the uniform for those reasons don't you... Saintly little prince and nun-like princess? Honestly, I'm not naive. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. They'll be perfect. ugh, but honestly I'm not looking forward to all the after work when the twins are out. I mean I am, but the work just is horrific. There is the opening of the capitol, Kurt and I's wedding, baiting out the Rebels to slaughter, and then the fucking coronation. It's just going to be such a mess... Oh hush. Just because I fill the cliched Slytherin... and so does Kurt
Too much? You’re right, even if you are in committed relationship and like guys. I still don’t want you to think about her naked. That is all mine.  Really, you switch? That must be dull, having a router. Your birthday? Really Wesley? You are going to have the twins soon, my wedding is next Sunday and you mention your birthday? It is these moments that i realize how much i love being your friend. Yes, i have a gift planned out. Stop threatening i even have things for the twins.
Kurt can control any situation you give him. Sometimes is is a little bit worrying how much in order he is. The laundry must never be left untidy…Where i sometimes end up wearing a baggy jumper, because the only thing clean when we are at work is Marley’s abundance of jumpers. No. No. No way would i date you or Kurt…I was harvesting an infatuation with Rachel at Hogwarts. Then the love of my life transferred during the last year and you knew how i was on the manipulative bitch list before that. Also you are like a brother to me…So many reasons why that would never happen. You really should start looking into a potion to help that long time, something that will make it last a month rather than taking it every day. Needy Wesley, i would have never guessed.  Anchor, you can’t just be so depended on the children. It is something that brings you together, when you see the life you made. It is something that will keep you together just having them, there is no expiration date. I would feel confused too, i would demand my woman to stay. I would make it happen.  Well, Marley wants five, i know i want to carry two if that is the case. I think we will see, you  know how plans change, but i love her and what she wants is what i want. 
Kurt has his reasons to be protective. I always wanted a human slave, but yes, it is out of the question. I wouldn’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
Oh i see, so basically my fathers lack to join and instead see fit how he controls his house. He hates mudbloods, he hates muggles. He disowns me…Then you will know that i am the second ravenclaw of the family the rest are filled with slytherins, pureblood slytherins. They disown anyone that doesn’t please them. I don’t think it pleases him that your sexuality is what it is. So yes. Next Sunday that is me eloping, it doesn’t have to be in the middle of the night. For all reasons, i did run away from my family, i ran away to be with Marley. I am hiding our wedding  and then we are moving house. So we mixed it up but from my perspective that is still eloping. It is for safety reasons, it doesn’t mean i can’t have my friends there. Whatever, my religion gave me a reason to stay hopeful. Yes and that i can’t live without my books and that i wear glasses to read, i know the stereotype. I miss the uniforms as well,  i really enjoyed seeing Marley in my robes.  They will have beautiful souls as well!  They will be angels. Who your parents are don’t affect you. You don’t get their traits, trust me.  Or I could be a perfect example.
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Uh huh. That's a bit too much information, thanks. Kurt and I switch a lot more these days. Ugh I can  believe my birthday is next month.
I guess Kurt managed to keep things under wraps a hell of a lot better then I thought. I was a hot mess in Hogwarts. Why would you be sorry? It's not your fault. You and I have never dated. You have never come between me and him. Adam did.... the parade of flings did. You think I overcame it? No, don't fool yourself for a minuet. There is a reason I plan on getting back on my normal drugs as soon as the babies are out. I can't live like this. He's tolerating this behavior out of me and I know it. I'm the more tactile one in the relationship, I actively crave his touch, his words, his everything. The babies are the anchors that mean at least seventeen years of peace between us. It means that the marriage is being moved up because of it. It means we actually will live as a real couple and not just occasional people who share a few hot moments between meetings or in closets or a quiet weekend. I hated that the most... I always felt so confused after those encounters you know. Happy that he still felt attracted to me. Yet, oh so used. The weekends were the best. The morning after when it all seemed so normal, so domestic, so not us... not really. I don't know if we'll have more... Two seems to be the right amount for us.
It's not that they are controlling.... that's all Kurt. Kurt and his crazy overly protectiveness. I suppose mudblood slaves would be out of the question.
Borderline to the whole magical affiliation. Please, I know exactly as far back as you go. If he did anything to harm a single little hair on your head, he'd know you'd be fine because he'd answer to me. Did you two honestly really do that? Elope? Ugh.... you know I'm fine with that just thankful you never dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night for that. No, I'm fine. I have plenty of fantasy novels, should I require them.
See and this is why you were in Ravenclaw and not down with the rest of us in Slytherin. I never said they wouldn't be beautiful to us. Beautiful is a given when just looking at Kurt and knowing they get that sliver of Veele in them. To other people though......
Maybes, she is the most sexiest woman alive. But, i am a bottom…Marley is…you have no idea… Mind you, i think i band birthday parties. I can’t remember so no wonder it was so depressing that they used salad. 
Yes, but i have never been aware that they are this bad. I see, what about natural remedies? Oh, Wesley, i am so sorry. I didn’t realize… Marley and I have both have issues, but we would never react in such a way our issues are more needy. I guess. What is important is that each time you manages to get through it. He would never do that, i promise you and trust me i have a band of people trailing those guys. It is good news, when one does something stupid or good. I can tell you that Kurt is professional through and through.He loves you and only you. You are having kids together…I think that is equally as binding as marriage . We are planning on having about five, it is something Marley wants.  Another reason we don’t have servants. They are controlling, however, i might employ a house elf. A free house elf. I think Marley would be more comfortable that way, i don’t want her to have to do all of the housework.  Borderline? What are you referring too, because honestly it isn’t funny Wesley. We are old blood, as elite as the Lopezs. Why do you think he beat me?  He beat me for not following the rules of an elite Fabray. He has tried to kill me due to my sexuality, if he found out about Marley. I would be dead, he would not stop to destroy me.  I was asking if it was a blood thing because of my elopement with Marley. No, christmas has a long boring story that i had to recite every year for the family. Most purebloods are Christian/ Catholics in Britain, the new generation is less involved in customs. I can lend you my bible, if you would like? The original version, non of this muggle and mudblood crap. I love history of magic, it was my favourite… I miss lessons. They won’t be terrifying they will be beautiful and i will be there best aunt. I promise, haha. 
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Still in there. Thinking my bladder is something to jump on. How's wedding prep?
Multi-Day confrences are never kind when they steal my boys away from me.... at least Kurt's returned home to me.
How’s the little one? 
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