westfallingforchaol · 4 years
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westfallingforchaol · 4 years
Everything Wrong with The Empire of Gold
Everything Wrong with The Empire of Gold
This is a strange post to be writing, and if you’d asked me at the start of the year that I’d be here, writing a post listing down everything wrong with the final book in what used to be my favorite trilogy of all-time, I would not have believed you. But here we are and here this is. I read The Empire of Gold, which is the third and final book of the Daevabad Trilogy by S. A. Chakraborty, back in…
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westfallingforchaol · 4 years
Review: Scarlet Odyssey (Scarlet Odyssey #1) by C. T. Rwizi
Review: Scarlet Odyssey (Scarlet Odyssey #1) by C. T. Rwizi
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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Magic is women’s work, while fighting is men’s – those are the ideals that govern eighteen-year old Salo’s life. But he’s never been very good at conforming to his tribe’s ideals, and despite the tribe not having a fully developed mystic of its own which often leads to difficulties, the jabbed words and hostile glances make…
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westfallingforchaol · 4 years
Review: The Empire of Gold (The Daevabad Trilogy #3) by S. A. Chakraborty
Review: The Empire of Gold (The Daevabad Trilogy #3) by S. A. Chakraborty
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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Please be warned that as this is the final book in a trilogy, the review will contain SPOILERS for the first two books: The City of Brass and The Kingdom of Copper.
The Empire of Gold begins immediately after the second book ends: Daevabad has fallen, with Manizheh at its head and Darayavahoush standing squarely by her…
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westfallingforchaol · 4 years
#DiscoverDaevabad: a Daevabad Trilogy readalong
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Hello, hello, hello! As we’re all stuck at homes, trying to keep away from friends and families, what better way to pass the time than through some readalongs?! You pass the time by immersing yourself in a great book, one that you might have wanted to get to soon anyway, all while participating in an online community. It’s a win-win, tbh. So today, I am here to talk to you about a readalong in May…
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westfallingforchaol · 4 years
What I Read in March '20
What I Read in March ’20
Hello, hello! I sincerely, truly hope that you’re reading this post with you, your family and your friends in good health. March has been an exhausting, never-ending month. It’s been taxing, being constantly made aware of the frailty of human existence, of the failures of our governing bodies to put in place the systems that will protect us. I, like many others, have made the conscious decision…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
3 Characters I Love
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I’ve loved a lot of characters in all my many, many years of being a reader. As a character-driven reader, I find myself getting attached to characters very easily, staying up until the early hours of the morning, crying over their plights and pains. But it’s not until recently that I cracked the code to which characters always end up staying with me the most. When I sat down and really thoughtab…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
What I Read in February '20
What I Read in February ’20
Hello, hello! I hope you’re all doing well! Today, I’m bringing to you a slightly late February wrap-up. It was an exciting month for me because I got into law school! Two of them! I’m still waiting on one school to get back to me before I can make a decision on where I want to go, but it’s such a relief knowing that I was admitted and that the first part of my future has been largely sorted out.
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
Review: Foul Is Fair by Hannah Capin
Review: Foul Is Fair by Hannah Capin
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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Please be warned that the book revolves around sexual assault and its aftermath, so my review will be discussing these aspects too.
Elle and her friends Mads, Jenny and Summer rule their glittering Los Angeles circle; they are the girls who have an untouchable sort of power, a vicious allure that has bound them together as…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
Book Recommendations: 5 Books Written by Desi Authors, Part 1
Book Recommendations: 5 Books Written by Desi Authors, Part 1
Hello! Hope you’re all doing well! Today, I’m doing something different on the blog, and that is a post full of recommendations of books written by South Asian authors, specifically books written by desi authors. If you don’t know what the term “desi” means, it means people belonging to the Indian subcontinent which includes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
I’ve often noticed that book rec…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
What I Read in January '20
What I Read in January ’20
Hello, hello! I hope you’re all doing good, and that the start of the year has gone well for you. January was a busy month for me, because I had to get my law school applications in order. I’m still applying to universities, but hopefully, I’ll get all my applications in the next couple of days. Applications cost so much money, so I’m spreading them out haha. I also finally gave my permit test,…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
Goodreads TBR Fight to the Death: Round 4
Goodreads TBR Fight to the Death: Round 4
Welcome to another round of the Goodreads TBR Fight to the Death. This is the series where I re-evaluate 15 books on my TBR by reading the synopsis, and if that doesn’t convince me, I check out some of my friends’ reviews. Then, I decide if I want to keep it on my TBR or boot it. I started this challenge off with 254 books on my TBR, and I would ideally like to get it down to 150. You can check…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
20 Releases I'm Anticipating in 2020
20 Releases I’m Anticipating in 2020
Hello! It’s the time of the new year where everyone is making similar posts that are year-themed, and I am obviously no exception. One of my favorite posts to make every year is my most-anticipated releases of the year; I love sitting down and reflecting on which books are coming out, and which ones I’m most looking forward to reading. There are a ton of fantastic releases in 2020, and I…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
My Favorite Reads of 2019
My Favorite Reads of 2019
Hello, hello! I hope you’re all well, and that you had a wonderful December! Even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, I love how New York City comes alive during the month. People decorate their houses so beautifully, and I make it a point to visit Fifth Ave and look at all the Christmas-themed windows. Honestly, after the holiday season, January just feels so boring. But time keeps moving, and…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
What I Read in November '19
What I Read in November ’19
Hello, hello! It’s honestly hard to believe that we’re less than a month away from the end of the year… harder to believe that we’re less than a month away from the end of the decade, lol. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful November, and have read some great books throughout the month. For those of you celebrating Christmas next month, happy early Christmas from me! 🎄 In November, I was in a little…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
Goodreads TBR Fight to the Death: Round 3
Goodreads TBR Fight to the Death: Round 3
Welcome to another round of the Goodreads TBR Fight to the Death. This is the series where I re-evaluate 15 books on my TBR by reading the synopsis, and if that doesn’t convince me, I check out some of my friends’ reviews. Then, I decide if I want to keep it on my TBR or boot it. I started off with 255 books on my TBR, and I would ideally like to get the number down to 150. You can check out Roun…
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westfallingforchaol · 5 years
What I Read in October '19
What I Read in October ’19
Hello, hello! I hope you’re all well and that October was a great month for you! I love October, because my favorite season is in full swing and I’m automatically drawn to dark, spooky stuff – which is always my favorite mood to be in, tbh. I had a lot of plans to read all the horror books on my shelf on October, but unfortunately, I stumbled upon a bit of a slump and I was struggling to want to…
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