wet-nurse · 9 years
you ladies are adorable! hoping to make it to a show soon :)
Tour this fall! US and Canada! 😊
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wet-nurse · 9 years
I love that bass guitar. Can you give the details of its design and the price that you got it for? I am hoping to get one just like it.
The one in question was probably the knockoff Hofner - the Jay Turser "Beatle bass." Sus had that one for years and just recently upgraded, but I think that ones around $200 online!
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wet-nurse · 9 years
i love you guys so much :) awesome music
Thank you! Sorry we suck and missed this, maybe we'll see you on tour this fall! 😊
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wet-nurse · 9 years
i just listened to daily whatever for the first time and loved it soo much. You're rad. That record is gonna be part of my summer soundtrack for sure.
Again, we suck at Tumblr and I don't know when you sent this haha, but thanks so much, we'll have a new record out this fall! 😊
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wet-nurse · 9 years
Hey! i really enjoy your music it inspired me to get into being in a punk band with a friend we will be starting soon. I was wondering if i could get mentored by one of you . I plan on learning how to play the bass and from their on being the bass player. I thought about voals but my stage presence is horrible and i dont have a good voice. ALSO i was wondering if i could do a album cover for you guys.??
Wow we suck at Tumblr so sorry for missing this! It doesn't give me a date - when did you send us this note? I hope you're still working on your band, that's rad we inspired you 😊 We are super busy getting ready for the new album and tour but if you ever have any questions message our page on Facebook for sure. Let us know where you are! We're gonna be hitting pretty much all the major cities in September and October of this year and would be cool to meet you. Take care friend! Xo
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wet-nurse · 11 years
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TOUUUUURRRRR So I can't remember which Crutchfield drew us that note and left it on the iLL house fridge years ago, but it's so fitting this year! We get to see and play with Katie and the Waxahatchee crew for two dates in April and then Allison and the Swearin' bb's head to town in June! Waxahatchee is touring with Radiator Hospital and that is super sweet for two reasons. 1) I freakin' LOVE that record (Something Wild) and know every word, and 2) Boltie will be rolling through playing drums! Philly really is our spirit animal with all of our buds and bands having moved there permanently or lived there all their lives. 2014 is shaping up to be an amazing year already with tours and releases of our own and then getting to see great friends tour down to Florida. Can't wait to see what else is in store. xo
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wet-nurse · 11 years
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Whiskey, Beer and the Pursuit of Structure & Lyrics Usually it takes a few whacks of the snooze before I can drag myself out of bed. Gotta get up whenever Neen gets outta work, usually around 11ish PM, go grab everybody 'n their guitars, stop for snacks, set everything up and practice until 3:30am... Then get up for work at 6am every day! Sounds terrible but it ain't so bad. Our unit is cheaper because there's no power, so we have to set up 200 plus feet of power cords from an outlet up in the ceiling far away. As you can see, we have a little stool and it's still hard for me to reach! The first couple nights were freezing cold, now it's getting a little warmer... Sometimes we see our glass blowing friends in the unit down the way, sometimes we're drowned out by power metal jams from the other end. It's an interesting spot for sure. I do feel like I'm getting more solid musically, practicing this much. Quite honestly it's the most we've ever practiced in our entire existence as a band and I don't know what took us so long to figure out we're way better when we do this haha. Getting away from distractions and just jamming and writing is the best ever. Knocking new songs out left and right, figuring out lyrics no problem, arguing over structure... It's working out. Can't wait to see you guys out on the road, it's gonna be tight! Orlando friends, come hang with us at the tour kickoff March 5th: https://www.facebook.com/events/1504558809770597 Everyone else, check our shows page for tour dates.
That's all for now! xo V
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wet-nurse · 11 years
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Wet Nurse: The Storage Unit Years Sorry to have neglected you, fair Tumblr friends! FB and Insta are just easy and quick ways to let you guys know about cool stuff going on so we blurt stuff out over there. With all of the stuff happening around us lately though I felt it was good enough time as any for a longer form message, so here ya go! The pic above is from our first night in our new storage unit practice space a few nights ago. It's rad! Nina works mad late and it's hard to coordinate practice any other time but midnight... Which usually means it's too late to jam, thanks to cranky neighbors and noise ordinances. Not so here! The nights we've gone it's just been us and these kids a couple doors down blowing glass and we can play as late and as loud as we want. It's pretty amazing. It's also great because it gets us out of our comfort zone and into a more neutral spot that's more conducive to being productive! Before this record that we're writing for now, everything was written on the porch or in the living room of iLL house, the girls' place. It worked for us but their spot is happening and there's always people coming and going, distractions, stuff within walking distance and neighbors calling the cops in the afternoon for noise... Yeah haha. This storage unit is down an industrial road like 15 minutes from us so it's quiet (other than us) and we have nothing to do but just be there together and write. It usually takes us forever to finish words and music for new songs, but we've completed two new songs, top to bottom, in just our first two days. It's fantastic! We've got a whiteboard in there to throw out lyric ideas and this is the first time that we've really sat together and banged out words. Not to say that the words were ever an afterthought, but it was hard to find time to finish a complete song. Now that we've actually made the time it's working out just like we'd hoped. We've got the unit until we leave on tour to SXSW in March, so we're hoping to write the rest of our new record and put together a killer set for our two weeks on the road. Here's to a bunch more nights of productive ridiculousness. I'll post the tour dates once our last date is locked! And if there's any questions you guys have for us, ask away. I'll try to write more leading up to tour and also while we're out on the road. It's always fun to keep up with bands we love so I'll try to do the same! XO!
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wet-nurse · 11 years
HAY GUYS! Sorry we've been MIA on the blog for a hot minute. Here's a video of us from Fest 12 in Gainesville to hold you over for now! Rest assured there have been several conversations in regards to new music and a new record in the new year! Another tour, new merch, the works. Keep in touch, let us know where we should play in 2014! Also, like us on Facebook - that's where we usually hang out. xo, the Nurses
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wet-nurse · 12 years
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It's so hard to articulate a gratitude that runs deeper than a mere "thanks."
You were probably there so you know, but we had a release party last night for our new record. What's a stronger word than party?! The twins and I had to sit for a few minutes together after it all died down just in complete awe of what just happened. In awe of all of you guys! How did we get here, you know? We were expecting to have an awesome night with friends, but what we got was so much more than I can even wrap my head around. I always wondered why anyone would want an autograph from us, we're just three nerds, your friends. But a simple signature on Susana's knees or a picture made so many of you so happy, which in turn had us grinning from ear to ear all night. I think we even signed some body parts?! And so many new faces! Whoa! And our boys! In Thee Wilt Chamberlain and Woolly Bushmen! Right?! Russell's got the new speaker setup sounding unbelievable and their sets blew me away. I can't wait to hear what Tantrum Dan was able to squeeze out of his new recording setup! It seems like everyone in town is stepping up their game, and it shows. Thank you gentlemen, thank you Russell for making my bass drum sound like an 808, thank you Phil for letting us have the show at Peacock, thank you DJ for always letting us use your truck and helping load and unload and carry and... thank you Lisa for running the merch table like a BOSS, thank you ML and Val at Astro Girl for putting together a piece of art for us that everyone can enjoy, thank you Bao and Jason and the Weekly for promoting the shit out of the show, thank you Holly for having a birthday and thank YOU, EVERYONE, for being there. Seriously. For coming out and showing us love like no one else can. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your records and the love we put into them. Play them loud, play them with friends, learn all the words, start to listen to it so much that once one song ends you know how the next song starts and you've already got it going in your mind! (That's the new Big Eyes record for me right now!)
We are going on tour many miles from home starting next Wednesday, but we will always be Orlando's girls. I hope I never forget how this feels.
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wet-nurse · 12 years
A perfect snap to sum up our release party evening. Laughter, drinks and friends. So awesome! :)
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Nobfest recap at Stephany and Aaron’s place.
St. Augustine, FL
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wet-nurse · 12 years
New tracks from the record streaming on Punknews until the release this Saturday, August 18th!
Streams: Wet Nurse: 'Daily Whatever'
Today’s stream comes from Orlando, FL-based Wet Nurse. We’ve got four songs from their new album Daily Whatever, due out August 28, 2012. You can find it on their Punknews.org Profile. via Punknews.org (http://pnkn.ws/MsinZU)
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wet-nurse · 12 years
It's true! A new song! From our new record! It's part of SoFla monthly PureHoney's July mixtape for their Antiwarpt issue. Give us a little bit longer and we'll share the album art and tracklisting with you. For now, enjoy "Peace Treaty" and let us know what you think! Jordan at Beached Miami had some kind words for us: "Orlando-based punk trio Wet Nurse premiered the first track off of their upcoming debut album, due out in mid-August, in a new compilation by PureHoney, and it’s two minutes of guitar-driven F-U-N for frustrated lovers whose winning melodies bode well for the full record." #DASWASSAP
Share share share, y'all! We've got some more cool news to share once we release the details of the record, but I guess since you've read this far I can leak a couple little tidbits to keep you satisfied for now... We're doing a run of 400 12" LPs with Astro Girl - 100 on delicious white vinyl and 300 on black... And there will be a special secret bonus track! Cassettes on Protagonist will be just as awesome - they'll have a different bonus track and super sweet art. GET STOKED. Hee hee heeeee.
Wet Nurse ‘Peace Treaty’
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wet-nurse · 12 years
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Check out the rest of the pics of the house show last weekend on Kick Bright Zine! Phyew. In other news, we have been crazy busy. Record masters are cooking and should be done this weekend... We had to finish up all the pictures and layout for the record art... Had to make a bunch of decisions about everything to do with all the final products (that was fun though)... Gotta get everything over to the pressing plant ASAP to have all the records in time for tour... Gotta make a cassette-exclusive layout and send that over to the Protagonist boys... Gotta pick a single and get it ready for all of your patient little ears... Etc etc etc... Ya know. The usual. :)
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wet-nurse · 12 years
This show was amazing! We were raising money for this summer's first annual Rock 'n Roll Camp for Girls and everyone involved had a blast. We covered: Bikini Kill "Suck My Left One" Tacocat "Baby Tooth" Joan Jett "Bad Reputation" Le Tigre "Deceptacon" The Go-Go's "We Got The Beat" The Breeders "Saints" Splendora "Daria Theme Song" AND IT WAS GLORIOUS. Vanessa's gonna be volunteering at the camp this summer organizing the girls into bands, helping with songwriting, structuring practice and a bunch more. It's gonna be so fun, so if you know of any little ladies (no experience / instruments necessary!) send 'em our way. <3
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sometimes i’ll really miss Orlando.
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wet-nurse · 12 years
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wet-nurse · 12 years
Are any of you lovely ladies lesbians? Dosen't matter, it is refreshing to see a girl band nonetheless
"And if I could have chosen, I would have been born a woman / My mother once told me she would have named me Laura"
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