wework · 3 months
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Tbf @beautifulterriblequeen, he's still a better rider than Rayla who got vaulted off her mount within two seconds lol
I need to know how Callum and Rayla came to the decision to only take the shadowpaw.
Did all the horses freak out when they saw Prince Callum the Mount Killer coming? Did they discuss it and decide it just make sense to bring one mount? Did they both just assume it made sense to only take the shadowpaw, and it never even came up?
I need to know.
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wework · 3 months
His horse license was suspended after the last one, so his gf has to drive him around for the time being.
I need to know how Callum and Rayla came to the decision to only take the shadowpaw.
Did all the horses freak out when they saw Prince Callum the Mount Killer coming? Did they discuss it and decide it just make sense to bring one mount? Did they both just assume it made sense to only take the shadowpaw, and it never even came up?
I need to know.
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wework · 3 months
The TDP fandom can be a real wild place sometimes.
In s1-3, Callum was struggling with things like identity and destiny, whether using dark magic can be justified if it's his only way of contributing positively to the world. Rayla, meanwhile, was unwraveling the weighty moral question of "are humans actually people?"
In s4-5, Callum struggled with the realization that he can't always know himself, that there are darker sides to all of us, and that consistently applying one's morals to the real world is a very difficult mess that he'll always have to struggle with. Rayla, meanwhile, made great headway in realizing whether lying to and manipulating Callum was actually a good thing to do.
...and yet from all of this some fans' takeaway is that it is Callum and not Rayla who is morally dubious?
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