TXT one shot: Late night
(genre: fluff \ small crack) ft. Beomjun
Yeonjun wasn’t sure why, but he just couldn’t fall asleep.
Yeah, he was tired, but his mind was full of thoughts so sleep was literally impossible.
He was lying in his bed, soft snores coming from his bandmates.
Yeonjun sat up on his bed quietly, and set one foot on the floor, praying that the floorboards wouldn’t creak. They didn’t and he let out a small breath he didn’t even know he had held.
He slowly set his other foot on the ground and stood to his feet, and made his way into the kitchen where he opened the refrigerator, in hopes of finding a small snack of some kind to busy himself with.
A strawberry milk carton caught his eye, and he grabbed it, closing the refrigerator door and opening the cupboards to take out some cookies he noticed Kai stuff in earlier.
He head into the living room area, and sat on the only couch they had, setting his snacks on the small side table.
Opening the carton, he stuck the straw in and took a small sip, looking around him.
He opened the cookie package and grabbed a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth and taking sips of the milk as he quickly emptied about half the package.
“Hyung?” Yeonjun looked up as he swallowed his 10th (?) cookie.
Beomgyu was standing a few feet away from the couch, rubbing his eyes with his palms and shook his head, hair fanning out.
“Beomgyu, what are you doing up?” Yeonjun asked softly as the younger sat down beside him.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Beomgyu grabbed the milk carton from Yeonjun’s hand and took a sip, not bothering to clean the straw before putting it to his lips.
The older boy laughed quietly at his action, taking a cookie from the package and handing it to him.
Beomgyu took the cookie and bit it, slightly grimacing at the sweetness.
He swallowed. “It’s too sweet,” He took another sip of the milk.
Yeonjun sighed. “It’s the only snack I found.”
“You should have stolen some of Soobin’s coconut bread.”
A quiet but not awkward silence followed, with only the sounds of Beomgyu sipping and Yeonjun munching, until Beomgyu cleared his throat and looked expectantly at the older.
“So... are you really going to tell me what you were doing up, hyung?” he asked, setting the empty carton aside, crossing his legs and placing his hands on his knee.
“I just couldn’t sleep.” Yeonjun rubbed his face.
“Why?” The younger boy asked, worry now showing on his face.
Yeonjun sighed again, smiling sadly at the boy. “Too many thoughts...”
Beomgyu shuffled closer to Yeonjun and placed his hand on his back. “Yeonjun hyung, what kind of thoughts?” he said, rubbing the older’s back in small circles as if to comfort him.
“I dont know... I just think that I’m not good enough... not handsome enough... not working hard enough-”
He was cut off by Beomgyu suddenly pulling him into a hug. 
“Hyung, please don’t think that.. you ARE enough, stop it.”
Yeonjun teared up slightly, and buried his face into Beomgyu’s  neck.
The younger blushed a bit, grateful that Yeonjun couldn’t see his red face or ears.
A small sob from Yeonjun brought him back to attention and he hugged his hyung even tighter.
“Yeonjun hyung.. don’t cry! I’m here! Me, Kai, Soobin and Taehyun! We’re all here for you so please don’t cry-” Beomgyu panicked, patting Yeonjun’s back frantically in an attempt to calm him down.
Beomgyu didn’t realize he was hitting Yeonjun a bit too hard until he let out a small yelp and he pulled away, laughing a little, wiping his tears and snotty nose.
“Damn, Beomgyu. You didn’t have to hit me that hard,”
Beomgyu paled and blushed all at the same time when he realized his hyung was just making fun of him. “I was trying to calm you down,” he pouted, crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch.
“I know. And thanks.”
This time, there really was an awkward silence until Yeonjun started to speak, at the same time Beomgyu opened his mouth.
“I-” they looked at each other and burst into quiet laughter, bending over and almost bumping heads.
“We should really go to sleep,” Beomgyu whispered, giggling.
“Yeah, we should.”
They stood up, gathering the empty package and carton, throwing it into the garbage in the kitchen and softly stepping into their room.
“Goodnight, I guess..” Yeonjun drifted off, and Beomgyu nodded.
But neither of them really wanted to go to sleep.
Beomgyu suddenly felt the urge to do something, say something, but Yeonjun had started to walk to his bed.
“Hyung, wait.” he said, tapping Yeonjun’s shoulder.
He got his courage up and kissed Yeonjun, very lightly, on his cheek.
“Sweet dreams, Yeonjun hyung,” He whispered in his ear and then quickly pulled back, walking quickly to his bed and getting in it, throwing the covers way over his head, leaving Yeonjun standing, shocked and blushing furiously. 
Yeonjun sat on his bed, processing what just happened.
Coming to a conclusion ten minutes later, he stood up and walked to Beomgyu, which he was apparently asleep.
His face was half covered with the duvet, and Yeonjun pulled it down, just a little, and pressed his lips to Beomgyu’s cheek, perhaps lingering just a few more seconds than necessary.
“Sweet dreams, Beom Beom,” he whispered, so quiet that only Beomgyu could hear.
Beomgyu hear Yeonjun walk back and lie down on his bed.
He heard every word.
They two boys internally screamed with what happened, pressed their faces to their pillows and fell asleep, dreaming about what else might have happened that night.
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