whatcamenext · 8 years
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He says that KKK members have many misconceptions about black people, which stem mostly from intense brainwashing in the home. When the Klansmen get to know him, he says, it becomes impossible for them to hold on to their prejudices. He explains:
This Klansman and I were riding around in my car and the topic of crime came up. He made the remark that all black people had a gene that makes us violent. I said ‘Gary, what are you talking about?’ He said ‘Who’s doing all the shootings?’ I said ‘let me tell you something, I am as black as anyone you’ve ever seen and I’ve never done a drive by or a shooting.’ After a time I said ‘you know, it’s a fact that all white people have within them a gene that makes them serial killers. Name me three black serial killers.’ He could not do it. I said ‘you have the gene. It’s just latent.’ He said ‘well that’s stupid’ I said ‘it’s just as stupid as what you said to me.’ He was very quiet after that and I know it was sinking in.
(Full Article)
(Fact Source) Follow **Ultrafacts **for more facts
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whatcamenext · 8 years
Has gotten people killed
Has gotten people abused
Has gotten people kicked out of their house
Has gotten people raped
Has hurt a feeling or two on the internet
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whatcamenext · 8 years
Using your Presidential transition website to promote your own business properties is not normal.
Calling for millions of federal employees to sign nondisclosure agreements apart from standard government forms is not normal.
Blasting journalists with product placements for the labels your child, who is on your transition team, is wearing is not normal.
Having a wide range of senior figures in your own political party distance themselves from your transition team, citing the profound irregularity of it and worrying about future ugliness, is not normal.
Placing your children in charge of your business empire, then placing them on your transition team, then seeking top secret security clearances for them, is not normal. The conflicts of interest that this represents are almost too many to count, but at a basic level: you do not give someone with a financial interest to work against U.S. policy access to sensitive information — at all, ever.
Putting one’s children into senior positions of a government is the behavior of a banana republic, not a constitutional democracy with strong institutions. This is not normal.
For a president who ran on his business acumen to refuse to disclose his taxes to the public, which in turn denies anyone the ability to see if financial conflicts of interest are driving his policy decisions, is not normal.
Asking if he can decline the President’s salary, so as to avoid paying taxes, is not normal.
Owing hundreds of millions of dollars in business debt to a foreign bank and refusing to fully divest yourself from those finances is not normal.
Ascending to the White House while your eldest son, who is also on your transition team, and for whom you also seek a top-secret clearance, seeks out seven-digit business deals in Russia, is not normal. When Russia then names the President elect an “honorary Cossack,” it is not normal.
Asking a hostile foreign intelligence agency to hack into the emails of your opponent in the campaign is not normal. Refusing to comment while they expand those hacks into other institutions is not normal. Watching that same government’s propaganda network dramatically change its tone in order to benefit the incoming president is not normal. That this foreign government is also the subject of numerous investigations into the President elect’s improper business conduct is not normal.
Threatening to cut off Europe from NATO if payment is not received, like a gangster demanding protection money, in a way that benefits said foreign government, is not normal.
Chanting for the summary imprisonment of your political opponent despite repeated conclusions that she has committed no crime is not normal. Refusing to back down from that call to summarily imprison her is not normal. Essentially suggesting a show trial before you’ve even assumed office is not normal.
Hiring an avowed white supremacist and proud antisemite to be the chief of strategy at the White House is not normal. That the new White House chief strategist has bragged, openly, of his desire to destroy the United States is not normal. That the cofounder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center raised money for this is not normal.
Staff participating in authoritarian victim-blaming and antisemitic conspiracism is not normal. Collaborating with cable news channels in that antisemitic conspiracy about protests is not normal.
When one of the new administration’s most senior proxies and spokesmen calmly discusses committing war crimes in the Middle East, it is not normal. When he is shortlisted for the Department of State — despite lobbying for terrorists who killed Americans, despotic regimes in the Middle East, and the tyrannical government of Venezuela — it is not normal.
When that proxy is simply following in the footsteps of the new President-elect, who has called for reinstating torture and summarily executing the families of alleged terrorists, it is not normal.
The leading candidate for the department of education (who himself has no background as an educator or in education policy) openly suggesting to censor speech on universities is not normal. Nominating an oil executive as the Secretary of the Interior is not normal. Nominating a climate change denialist funded by the oil industry to run the EPA is not normal. When the leading candidate for Defense Secretary having a long history of openly racist comments toward his own staff it is not normal.
The FBI intervening decisively in the last week of the election to alter its outcome for one candidate is not normal. But the FBI refusing to address the president elect’s violation of sanctions against a communist country is also not normal.
When a woman accuses a presidential candidate of having raped her as a child, but then refuses to go forward with her allegations because of a barrage of death threats yet still receives almost no media coverage, it is not normal.
It is not normal for a president-elect to have 75 pending lawsuits against him, ranging from business fraud to illegal hiring practices. It is not normal for his lawyers to demand those lawsuits be delayed until after his inauguration for not discernable reason other than to retreat behind the immunity of the office.
Relentlessly attacking the legitimacy of the media (to be distinguished from criticizing media conduct) is not normal. Threatening to sue the media because you don’t like being criticized is not normal.
Being so steeped in the language of fascism that you and and your staff mirror Hitler (“make the trains run on time“), appeasing Hitler (“America First“), or Mussolini (“drain the swamp“) is not normal.
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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@ people deploring the lack of “civility” and “politeness” from the left after the election
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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https://twitter.com/Rrrrnessa  <<< source
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whatcamenext · 8 years
There are three things to remember tonight
1) There are 70 days until Donald Trump’s Inauguration. 70 days left of Obama as our President. There’s time. You can breathe.
2) There are Checks and Balances in the way our Government is run specifically to prevent a Dictatorship. While Donald Trump will soon be given a lot of power, it may not be as much as you think. He can’t change anything he wants at the drop of a hat, and he definitely can’t overturn any legislation previously deemed Unconstitutional. This includes Same Sex Marriage and other things. 
Unless he can come up with a new, strong case against it (and the man can barely read, so, doubtful), that won’t stop being a thing. Many other things won’t stop being things the minute he sits in that chair. There’s time. You can breathe.
3) You are worth 100 of Donald Trump. He is a weak, pathetic little man who can only get what he wants by bullying or throwing money at it. Don’t let him take away the freedoms and rights that your predecessors fought tooth and nail for. You can still fight against him by voting in every upcoming local, state, or senate election you can over the next 4 years. By rallying and spreading the word and growing your own politics. 
Don’t give up because the Boogeyman is President. You still have a big, glorious life to live full of new and fantastic experiences and feelings ahead of you. It doesn’t end here. You’re stronger than him. You can outlast this.
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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Wise words from a wise man
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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whatcamenext · 8 years
who else has completely detached from reality and is sitting in numbness and white noise
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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And there it is
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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Longview Morning Herald, Texas, December 2, 1952
“My wife and I racked our brains after we found out about this, trying to figure out if he - I mean she - had violated any of God’s laws or any of the laws of our country.
She hasn’t. She has just straightened out something that hundreds of others ought to.”
“I think it is quite natural that persons to whom nature has been unjust should be treated in this way. Many more persons should overcome their shyness and do the same.”
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whatcamenext · 8 years
Everybody is talented because everybody who is human has something to express.
Brenda Ueland (via misswallflower)
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whatcamenext · 8 years
Effort is the unconstrained willingness to persevere through difficulty. It is not a harsh, straining, desperate effort but, rather, an ardent and wholehearted remembrance of our capacity for freedom. Right Effort is willingness to open where we have been closed, to come close to what we have avoided, to be patient with ourselves, and to let go of our preconceptions.
Sharon Salzberg (via purplebuddhaproject)
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whatcamenext · 8 years
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“So when you talk about Standing Rock, please begin by acknowledging that this pipeline was redirected from an area where it was most likely to impact white people. And please remind people that our people are struggling to survive the violence of colonization on many fronts, and that people shouldn’t simply engage with or retweet such stories when they see a concrete connection to their own issues — or a jumping off point to discuss their own issues. Our friends, allies and accomplices should be fighting alongside us because they value our humanity and right to live, in addition to whatever else they believe in.”
– How To Talk About #NoDAPL: A Native Perspective | Transformative Spaces
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whatcamenext · 8 years
Since Vine is going to be closed and I’ve seen a few people do this, I’m posting my own compilation of favorite vines. c: Hope you enjoy!!
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whatcamenext · 8 years
Transitioning from October 31st to November 1st like
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