whatdoeseverybodywant · 13 hours
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 13 hours
What if Jey don't show up for the next couple weeks??! Like that man off in the deep end somewhere???!
Or he don't show up again until The Bloodline have to defend their tag titles..
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 15 hours
I need someone to make a compilation of all the times Jey Uso has crashed out. 🫣🙂‍↕️
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 15 hours
The Boy is Mine - Chapter Two
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Authors: @whatdoeseverybodywant & @paigereeder
Summary: Josh was at the tail-end of his marriage and has told himself he doesn’t want anything serious. He just isn’t a casual type of guy, and all his actions have consequences.
Pairing: Jey Uso x Female OC
Warnings: Smut (18+), Explicit Language, Alcohol Consumption, Violence,  (Warnings Subject to Change).
****We do NOT give ANYONE permission to repost or copy our work and post it as their own, that goes for on here and any other site (this does not include reblogs on Tumblr)****
****We do NOT own any distinguishable public figures, celebrities, lyrics, places, institutions, or businesses. Only thing we own are our OCs and made up locations****
❤Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
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Wednesday- February 15th, 2022
-Atlanta, Georgia-
“Maaaan, I hate it when you start ANY conversation wit’ that….” Jon whined.
The waitress brought the check over to Josh and a couple containers to take his food to-go as well. He quickly placed his eggs and hashbrowns in the smaller container and the two waffles in the larger one. He placed both containers in the takeout bag she gave him and stood up grabbing the check and leaving a twenty-dollar bill on the table.
“I’m bein’ serious right now, Uce!” Josh groaned.
“So was I…hell my ass clenches every time you say it. Cause YOU fuckin’ up always tends to get ME in trouble eventually too…”
He went to the register to pay for his and Chantelle’s food, once he got his receipt, he left a tip in the cup and made his way out to his car. Placing his food on the passenger seat, he drug his hands up and down his face. He turned on the car and waited for his hands-free to connect. Putting on his seat belt and maneuvering out of his parking spot he started to tell Jon everything from the fight with Amina and her ending things up until the conversation he had with Chantelle at Waffle House. The silence on the other end when he finished was making his heart beat faster.
“Now why… so… but like…... ok wait...” Jon tried to make sense of what his brother just told him.
“What?! You just told me this series of dumb decisions. Why you even go to the damn strip club in the first place??”
“Half price wings, Uce. Oh…titties and ass are a bonus...” Josh said matter-of-factly.
“See that’s what—…they got a lot of wing sauces? Wait don’t answer that… focus…bet you wished you would have stayed yo’ ass home now…” Jon stated.
“I mean… the wings were good as fuck. And so was Chantelle. I just feel like… I dunno want her to think I’m playin’ her, cause that’s how she left Waffle House feelin’ cause I can’t give her nothin’ serious. I ain’t ready for no relationship and feelins’…”
“I like how you left Amina outta that response…”
“She ended things wit’ me…she’s a non-factor…” Josh responded bitterly.
Jon busted out laughing. His twin’s laughter started to piss him off because none of anything he told him just now was funny.
“Yo’ ass so stupid and stubborn sometimes man. You need to stop lyin’ to yoself. You care about Amina…you’ve fallen for her, which is why yo’ sulkin’ ass went to the strip club.”
“Half off wings is why I went...” he mumbled in response to Jon.
“Yeah….ok. You just not cut out to be single and just be out here givin’ hard dick and bubblegum to random women. I don’t care if we talkin’ bout Amina or even Chantelle…you like relationships and affection. But hell…gon’ head and continue lyin’ to yoself. I bet not see you mad and gettin’ suspended when Amina let Austin swoop in…”
“How you gon’ say I—… wait what’chu’ mean let Austin swoop in?! Austin be talkin’ to Amina?! As in AUSTIN THEORY?! Why I ain’t know this?? He like her or somethin’?! Why you randomly say his name?!…” Josh started to spiral, rapidly asking questions.
“If you wasn’t busy daydreamin’ when you seen her…. you was gon’ blow y’all spot up before she did. I don’t know about Austin Theory and Gina Lopez…. but Austin White sureeeee want him some Amina. Sike naw let me stop playin’…for real tho’…. it’s real obvious he like her. You ain’t notice how he be in the gorilla, staring at the monitors for all her matches?! Babygirl don’t have no flaws in the ring you let him tell it…. BUT that don’t matter, she ended things and she’s a non-factor.”
“Uce…don’t play wit’ me…”
“Im not playin’ I just repeated what you said….. Oh shit…Trin callin’. Fuckin’ around wit’ you got me scared of my own wife. I hate keepin’ secrets and I always feel like she knows I’m keepin’ secrets. First it was Amina and now…Chantelle. If this shit goes left, I’m throwin’ you under all of the buses, I’m talkin’ Greyhound garage full of buses.” Jon stated seriously.
“That ain’t helpin’ Uce!”
“Uce, I dunno what to tell you dawg. If you and Amina done done…. Then you ain’t got shit to worry bout. Just don’t make the same mistakes wit’ Chantelle. Fall for her, pretend not to, then ultimately do something stupid. You gon’ head and figure that out. I’m gon’ call my wife back and talk to her before she gotta get ready for her match. Bye” Jon stated and hung up before Josh could even respond.
Josh jumped a little when the music in the car started to play, signaling the abrupt end of the conversation he was trying to have with his twin. Rolling his eyes he accepted that the conversation was over for now, deciding he’d just forgo it until Friday when Jon would have no where to go, probably talk to Joe too, since he was the most levelheaded and logical.
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-San Juan, Puerto Rico-
Amina sighed as looked around the extremely small bedroom that was familiar yet so foreign. Every room in the quaint home was spotless as ever; the smell of the home filled her nostrils giving her a small amount of comfort. She wheeled her suitcase near the dresser before heading over to the full-sized bed and plopping down on it.
“Just like ya ‘member it, sí Mina?”
She looked up at the door and seen Tonio, he was gracious enough to offer them a ride to the house so she could get a shower and a couple hours of sleep in a real bed before heading back up to the hospital.
“Sí Tonio…” Amina answered, giving him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
No matter what was going on in her life, what she had, where she was, she could never forget this place. The memories while not always the most lavish or even the happiest, they were filled with lots of love as well as pain and heartache.
“Wish you could be here under…better circ..circ—..”
“Circumstances?” Amina offered to the man who was struggling with the word in English.
Tonio nodded, his grateful smile spread across his face.
“Sí! But everythin’ will be fine, I just know it. I’ll send Marco by in like four hours to take you’s guys back up to the hospital?”
Amina nodded in approval. She could at least shower and rest. She had just got home from the road Monday, and then spent part of Tuesday at home and then she was off again with no real time to recharge herself. She was stressed, she was overwhelmed, and she was starting to notice it was affecting her overall demeanor. If she didn’t always feel the pressure from someone or something, she would have been more levelheaded and her argument and ultimately the ending of whatever her and Josh had, wouldn’t have happened either. She groaned thinking back on her behavior before quickly pushing it from her mind before she started to feel worse than she already did.
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Friday- February 17th,2022
-Greenville, South Carolina-
Josh walked into the locker room that they had assigned for the Bloodline to do their segment. He was in a shitty mood. His couple days off were filled with a lot of confusion and beating himself up. Had this been last weekend he would have had more excitement, but he didn’t have it in him. His head had been a mess since Wednesday, the only good part about his off days this week was spending time with his sons. That of course is always a highlight for him, but this week definitely had a couple of lows. From the argument with Amina, and her ending whatever it was that they had going on to taking Chantelle in the back of his BMW. He had never done anything like that before…well not since he became thirty, what he and his soon-to-be ex-wife did in their teens and early twenties didn’t count in his mind. The first time he slept with someone the same day he met them was on New Year’s Eve with Amina though, he was never really the type, plus he had been married for a few years.
He had slept with both Amina and Chantelle without a condom on Tuesday. Even he knew how trifling that was, but that wasn’t what had his head fucked up the most. He had an honest connection with Chantelle, sexual relations aside. That just made things worse, because Jon made sure to point out that what him and Amina once had, ultimately caused Josh to have feelings that he refused to admit to even to himself. And how did he and Amina start out? Just like him and Chantelle, they were vibing and next thing he knew he had fell into they pussies.
Speaking of Amina, last weekend he would have been thrilled that she was being added to the Bloodline storyline, today he would rather do anything else. He didn’t know how he would feel seeing her. Hoping that their previous situation wouldn’t affect them being able to work with each other and that they could keep it professional. His thoughts were interrupted when Jon and Joe walked in. They had the backstage segment with Amina then they were supposed to have an in-ring promo with Kevin Owens. After they were done with that, they would done for the evening, actually done until next Friday with none of them having dark matches this weekend.
“Why you look like that?” Joe asked him.
“Don’t ask him that!!! ‘Cause he gon’ tell you….” Jon interjected.
“I asked, ‘cause I wanna know…” Joe made a confused face, sometimes the thought processes of the twins not only confused him, but he just could never fathom how half the stuff they chose to do was even a thought, let alone a thought they followed through on with action.
“Don’t say I ain’t warn you Big Uce…” Jon said ripping his shirt off over his head and going through his bag for his ‘We The Ones’ shirt.
“Mannnn… Shut the fuck up Uce…” Josh glared at his twin before tossing his shirt at him that he took off and balled up so he could throw it.
Josh proceeded to tell Joe about the argument with Amina that led him to wanting to go to the strip club, which led to him laying eyes on Chantelle. She had mesmerized him when she was on stage with the way she moved her body and then when he got the private dance and then conversation that they got to have; she captivated him.
“I should have listened…” Joe said looking at Jon then back at Josh when Jon nodded.
“Told you…he in some shit man…. wanna be Hugh Hefner so bad….”
Once again Josh glared at his brother. This was not the time to be joking. He honestly didn’t know what to do. He had told Chantelle he wanted to be friends, and he did. Josh just didn’t know what was going to happen when Amina showed up tonight, but how they were right now didn’t sit well with him. Thinking about going to the hotel and having to either get his own room or share with his brothers, caused him to frown. He had already become accustomed to sleeping in a room with her. She would typically get to the hotel first and get them a room and once he and the fam got there, he would just part ways with them and spend his nights and mornings with her. They didn’t travel together yet, but with ‘Roman’ scouting ‘Gina’ to be in the Bloodline, they would be traveling together at least for the duration of her storyline with them.
“Of all places to go you chose the strip club?…should have just gone to the damn gym Uce...” Joe finally offered.
“…half off wings”
“What kind of flavors they got?” Joe tilted his head slightly, generally curious.
“You know what I’m sayin’ Big Uce? That’s what I asked. He actin’ like they servin’ the wings from Pegasus and his homies… could have gone anywhere for some wings…”
Josh was about to say something when the locker room door opened, revealing Paul and Joseph walking in with Jill from creative. He quickly shut his mouth, this conversation not being something he was willing to discuss with any and everyone, he didn’t even share all that much with Joseph on the matter. He knew Joseph was cool with Amina from NXT so he wouldn’t put him in the middle if he could help it.
“Change of plans gentlemen…. We’re going to have to allude to Gina joining the bloodline tonight and then have her actually on screen with y’all next week.” Jill explained to them when everyone turned to see why it was she was there.
All five men in the room furrowed their eyebrows. It was not often that creative changed the game plan for something as big as altering factions, especially the Bloodline. Their segment was supposed to be the first of the night, so it wasn’t because something ran over either.
“Why the last-minute change?” Joe inquired.
“Well, we’re still going to have it show in the background of Sami walking with Paul….and I actually want to get a shot of Roman grinning when Sasha seems upset that Gina stood her up for their match. Then we can have Paul say something along the lines that everything is going according to the Tribal Chief’s plans…”
Josh sat down on the bench as he tied his shoes, Jon doing the same. Joe scratched at his beard, becoming increasingly annoyed that Jill was rambling on and on about everything but what he asked her. Noticing that all of the men, except Joseph, who didn’t seem to care as he was engrossed in his cell phone; he really didn’t care what they were doing, just tell him where to go and what to do; Paul cleared his throat.
“Yes, thank you for the updated plan…Jillian, but Joe asked WHY the last-minute change.”
“Oh! Yes yes! Sorry! Amina won’t be here tonight, well all weekend, she won’t be at the house shows either that she was supposed to work. Some bad accident something or other. I honestly stopped paying attention when we had to get our asses in gear to come up with an alternative…” Jill rushed, looking at her tablet and tapping away at it a few times. “Well! Now that I’ve informed you guys of that, I gotta go. Make sure everything else is going to go according to plan!” She finished, glancing up and offering a small smile before opening the door, scurrying out the locker room, closing the behind herself.
Josh’s heart sank just as he finished tying his left shoe. His eyes darted to Joe’s then Jon’s, both already eyeing him. He gulped, quickly reaching in his bag for his cell phone before realizing what he was doing. He quickly went to his contacts and clicked on ‘Ahmi��. The phone didn’t even ring before going straight to voicemail. His hand started to shake a little, Jon handed him his own phone wordlessly as Joe struck up a conversation with Paul and Joseph.
When Jon’s phone number, who’s number Amina didn’t have, went straight to voicemail as well he was partially relieved. Being somewhat relieved to find out he wasn’t blocked, but now his worry doubled on the fact that it still remained that Jill said there was a bad accident of some kind.
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-Orlando, Florida-
Amina sighed as she walked into the house. She was physically and emotionally exhausted. The last time she was in a somewhat decent state was Tuesday morning. It was now three in the morning, Saturday. She hadn’t been home since Tuesday and a steady tension headache had been nagging her since the moment she and Josh had their disagreement, and she left him in this very living room and stormed out of her own house. Josh…she groaned at the thought. She had been beating herself up over that exact situation on top of what she was having to deal with that sparked them arguing in the first place. To say she didn’t feel the absence of him over the last four days would be a lie. They had very quickly fallen into a routine in the last month and a half. When they were on the road the four days out the week they spent their nights together. They liked and disliked a lot of the same things, so it was just easy for them to be around each other.
Josh had been a bit more sensitive than she had expected. Not in the sense that he was a pushover and so many things bothered him, but in a way of how he was with her. Amina would have not been shocked if he turned out to be an asshole, but he was surprisingly the opposite. She knew she was someone who thrived off of physical contact and quality time and he wasn’t turned off by it; he welcomed it even. Learning quickly that physical touch was definitely his love language. Whenever they were together, she had to be in contact with him in some way and he couldn’t be happier that she liked to be up under him.
After their car ride, they had several long talks. She learned a little bit more about his marriage and what was ultimately its demise. He kept his word and actually called a divorce lawyer the Monday after they met, and he was pretty much almost done at this point. By far the fastest divorce she had ever heard of. Amina hadn’t talked to anyone they worked with about her and Josh, other than Bianca. From what Bianca told her, the time that she had known the Usos they were nothing but nice and respectful. She mentioned that Josh’s twin Jon’s wife, Trinity, was her friend. His marital status was something she didn’t know anything about, but she said as far as she could judge, Josh wasn’t the type of guy to step out on his marriage.
Amina had done some storyline work where she was in a sort of allegiance with his brother Joseph when they were both in NXT, so they already got along really well, but Josh had introduced her to his twin Jon and cousin Joe the following weekend they were on the road. When they weren’t on the road and he wasn’t spending time with his sons he would come to her house in Orlando, and they would spend time together. And the sex? It was just too good for her to keep her word of not letting him back in between her legs.
The only thing that concerned her that she had not known when she tumbled into bed with him on New Year's Eve was that he was currently thirty-five and she was twenty-two. She had always considered herself more mature for her age, and she attributed that to her upbringing. His brother and cousin didn’t make a big deal out of it, and he said it didn’t bother him either, but deep down she always wondered if one day he would rather settle down with someone closer to him in age. Someone who matched his caliber of sexual skill. They weren’t in a relationship, but they were vibing and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t falling for him. Thinking about that fact caused her to groan.
“And you went and fucked it up…” she mumbled to herself.
Dragging her feet she made her way to the back of the house where her bedroom was. It was times like these she was glad her home was a single floor; she wasn’t all that sure that her body could safely carry her up a flight of stairs right now. Stripping out of her clothes, leaving them where they fell from her body in a pile on the floor, she left a trail of discarded clothing on the path to her master’s en-suite.
Standing in front of her his and her styled sinks, she took in her naked appearance. She was bloated and she still had traces of hives adorning her skin. Whenever she was anxious or overwhelmed, she would have panic attacks that always left her looking like a spotted pufferfish. Her phone dinging brought her out of her self-exam. Using her foot, she kicked the individual piles of clothes to see which one had the buried treasure of her phone. Once she had located it, she pulled it out, her shoulders slumping when she seen it was from her best friend Dionne. She was someone she didn’t have the spoons for at the moment. Dionne got engaged last year and had been planning her wedding and with every going on with her right now, her mood swings and bridezilla attitude was something she just couldn’t handle; she tossed her phone on her bed.
Making her way back into her bathroom she turned the shower on to a comfortable temperature. She threw on a shower cap because she didn’t feel like having to detangle it tonight and for sure didn’t want to have to deal with a matted mess when she woke up, before sliding in the shower to cleanse herself from the draining last few days she had. Giving her body a good scrub, she instantly felt somewhat better. Sometimes when all else fails taking a shower and a fresh nightgown could do wonders.
Shutting the shower off after she rinsed, she stepped out and wrapped her towel around her. She stood at her sink and did her face routine, glancing to her side slightly to see where Josh had left his cologne and a few of his products around the left sink in the set. Her heart ached as her brain flooded with Josh again.
“Ahmi, you know I got plans for us today...” Josh sighed sounding annoyed as he watched Amina scurry around her bedroom throwing on clothes and throwing random things in a small suitcase.
Josh laid in her bed naked, with his back against her plush cream headboard, the sheet haphazardly lain across his torso to his upper thighs. Amina who had almost tripped, was naked as the day she was born just like him, Josh had stated that they had to bring in Valentine's Day by him being inside her; that was a fact apparently, according to him.
“This is an emergency, Josh!”
“Baby…slow down and tell me what’s goin’ on…” he reached his arm out to her, dropping it after a moment once he realized she was paying him no mind.
Amina had thrown on some underwear, leggings, a bra, socks, an oversized t-shirt, and some crocs. He didn’t even see her put on all of that on, she was moving so fast; absolutely no clue what was in her suitcase since she tossed things in it in the closet, didn’t even know how long she was planning to be gone. Josh glanced around the floor for his briefs, spotting them he reached off the side of the bed and grabbed them, standing up to put them on.
“AMINA!” Josh raised his voice and called out, tired of being ignored.
“I said multiple things to you…”
“I don’t have time for this” She rolled her eyes, wheeling her small carry-on-sized suitcase behind her.
Josh followed her, gently grabbing her arm to stop her so she could fill him in. She looked down at his hand and then up to his eyes. He slowly released her arm, crossing his.
“Where you goin’…?”
“I’m not sure. I’m callin’ on the way to the airport…”
“Airport?! Amina, what’s this ‘bout? Talk to me…”
“Josh I’ll… I’ll talk to you when I can or at work Friday….” She responded tapping away on her phone that she pulled from her hoodie pocket.
Amina resumed walking with Josh following close behind her.
“What’chu keepin’ secrets for? It’s that serious you can’t explain to me?!”
“It’s long and complicated and I … I don’t have the time for this right now…”
“Will you stop rushin’ around like a chicken wit’ her head cut off and explain to me where you goin’…” Josh grit out, his temper was rising every time she brushed him off. He couldn’t fathom that wherever she was going couldn’t wait twenty or so more minutes unless she was going to see someone she ain’t want him to know about.
That thought alone stopped Josh in his tracks; his jaw ticked as the possibility crossed his mind. He didn’t want to think about her talking to someone else. Yeah, they weren’t in a relationship because he didn’t feel he could provide her everything that being a good boyfriend entailed, but that in no way meant he wanted to imagine her with someone else.
“You goin’ to see another dude?…sleep wit’ another dude?”
Amina stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at him, not believing he was serious. When did she even have time to entertain another man? They were on the road four days out the week if not more depending on the time of year. When she was home all she did was rest and catch up on errands before having to go back onto the road. On top of those facts, that were enough by themselves, on top of that….Josh had a healthy sexual appetite. The only time that they hadn’t had sex with each other was when she had her short three-day period and when they weren’t on the road. Josh ended up at her room door every night that they were. They had talked about sexual experience and the number of partners, as well as getting tested together, so why did he think she was going through those things with someone else when she was shy about having the conversation with him? He was only the second person she had ever slept with, and him asking this knowing how out of character it was for her to even sleep with him the first night they met, made her feel that he may not know her like she thought he did and his thoughts of her were far lower than she thought as well.
“You’re jokin’….right?” Amina asked, a light chuckle slipping out after.
“I actually don’t think shit like that is funny…why else would you be so secretive?!”
“The fuck you yellin’ at?! I just think if you was messin’ wit’ other people or somethin’ you would give me a heads up. You usin’ condoms wit’ him? You got me fuckin’ you raw and you fuckin’ somebody else?”
“How fuckin’ dare you. I thought we have gotten to know each other really damn well. And you think I would do some foul shit like that to you? You know what? Fuck you! That nut you just got? That you begged to bust in me, like every time since the first time… That’s gonna be the last nut yo dick will ever get from me, you son of a bitch. Leave my key and lock up my fuckin’ house.” Amina hissed, walking away from him, walking to the front door, opening it, and slamming it behind her. Josh wasn’t oblivious to the look of pure hurt when he said what he did.
“You’re so fuckin’ stupid Amina…flip out on the one person that makes you happy these days,” she said to herself looking at her blackhead mask-covered face. Shaking her head as she tried to forget the details of her and Josh’s argument on Valentine’s Day.
Amina used her mouth rinse before she went ahead and brushed her teeth, followed by water flossing. After she finished her teeth, she rinsed the mask off her face then grabbed her phone, and drug her feet back out into her bedroom. Picking up the clothes she stepped out of on her way to her closet. She tossed her dirty clothes in her closet hamper and pulled out one of her nightgowns. Walking to the vanity she had in her closet she grabbed her deodorant and did a couple swipes of it under each arm, swapping out the deodorant she picked up her baby oil gel and applied a nice layer of it on her damp body. She slid on her Bubbles PowerPuff Girl nightgown. Picking up her towel she turned her light off in her closet and made her way back across her room to hang up her towel. When she finished, she turned off the light and made her way out into her bedroom.
“I was worried ‘bout you…”
The only thing that Amina could formulate in her brain to do was scream, and that’s what she did as she raised her eyes to her bedroom door. Mid scream her brain started processing; she knew that voice. Her eyes met Josh’s as he stood in front of her. There in her doorway stood the six-foot-two Samoan man clad in a pair of black cargos, a black ‘We the One’s’ Hoodie, and some black, red, and white low-top forces. He had to of made his way to her straight from Smackdown last night. He looked tired and cautious, yet she could have sworn she had seen his shoulders sag in relief. Amina’s mouth opened, but she shut it just as quickly for she didn’t know what to say to him.
“They told us at work there was a bad accident. I…since you was ‘posed to do the Bloodline segment. And they came to us wit’ the re-write for Smackdown. I DM’d Dionne on IG…. she said she ain’t talked to you since last weekend. I…I had to know you was good.” Josh said to her as he made his way slowly over to her, looking down into her eyes when he stood toe to toe with her.
Josh licked his lips as he took in her appearance. She had watched him intently as he walked to her. He could tell she just got out of the shower from the remaining few little droplets of water on her skin. Her expression and body language were encompassing exhaustion. Without her saying anything he didn’t know if she was upset he was there, but there was no way he could make it to next Friday without knowing she was good.
When he was booking flights, it sunk in that Jon was right. Yeah, he would care if he heard something happened to any of his friends, but this feeling was different. He almost couldn’t think, wasn’t even all that sure how he even got to her house without any issues since his mind was racing so bad. His heart fell to his feet at the prospect of something serious happening to her, it was then he knew he had to stop denying the hold she had on him. Josh placed his hands on either side of her face. He ran his thumb gently across her bottom lip, neither of them saying anything. Amina stared into his eyes.
“I’m sorry JBug…” Amina whispered.
The remaining tension that Josh carried in his shoulders released, his heart fluttering when she used her little nickname that she always referred to him as. The guilt still nagging him, he had to tell her about Chantelle. His own insecurities about her messing with another man had added the kerosene to a simple fire that caused a mass explosion of tempers, his and hers. He was still slightly shocked that they had even argued, typically she was quiet, shy, and almost submissive to him. So not only were his own inner demons instigating his response, but his shock also played a part too.
“I’m sorry too Ahmi… I just…we didn’t have to let it get that far…” Josh offered.
Amina nodded her head in agreement, not breaking the eye contact that they held. Josh knew they should talk before, but he couldn’t help himself. Dipping his head to press his lips to hers in a quick sweet kiss; he sighed in contentment when she didn’t push him away. Pulling away she had a small smile gracing her lips as she stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Bending his knees he placed his hands just under her ass and lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around him instinctively. Leaning down now because she was up in his arms, she kissed him.
His tongue glided across her bottom lip before being granted access to spar with hers as he walked them to the bed. Sitting once the back of his legs hit the mattress. Amina’s hands fumbled with the tie on his cargo pants before tugging them down, Josh lifted up as she tugged on them and his briefs, his hardening dick freed from its confines. Pulling away from the kiss Josh grabbed the bottom of her shirt nightgown and ripped it up over her head and threw it to the floor behind her. He groaned as her perky breasts bounced in his face as the were freed. Amina yanked his shirt over his head as well, moaning when Josh attached himself to her neck.
“F-fuck baby…. I missed you so m-much” Amina moaned out as she began to rock, grinding on his bare dick, feeling the back of her right thigh get a little wet from his pre-cum.
Josh groaned as he palmed her ass, squeezing it as he lifted her so he could position himself to slide inside her warmth.
“Mm four days is too long…” Amina panted out.
Just then something clicked inside him. It was probably her mentioning the time frame, but Chantelle flashed across his mind. He couldn’t fuck Amina right now without her knowing about Chantelle, first. He sighed.
“Baby wait. I uh…gotta be real wit’chu. After our argument…. I’ll admit it. I was salty… and I felt some typa way. I ended up goin’ to the strip club. My intention was to get some wings and a dance or two. You need to understand it wasn’t my intention...” Josh panted out, pausing when he seen her face drop. He took a deep breath. He had to be honest. “I met someone…the girl…me and her was vibin’ and one thin—…”
“Stop…” Amina interrupted him. She gulped as she swung her left leg over him, climbing off his lap, grabbing her nightgown off the floor, and scurrying into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.
Josh groaned as he rubbed his hands up and down his face a couple of times. He glanced at the bathroom door a frown gracing his face. He knew Amina, she was clingy in a cute way, in a sense of wanting to have that physical contact when they were alone together. He loved that fact about her, that she loved to be up under him. Her moving and rushing off was her shutting down and trying to detach. It was a defense mechanism of hers. They had talks about likes and dislikes, what they felt their strengths were as well as their flaws, and she mentioned how her feelings could cause her to shut down and detach to protect herself.
Standing up he pulled his briefs up and kicked off his cargos. He picked them and his shirt up off the floor, folded them, and placed them in one of her lounge chairs off to the side of the room before making his way over to the bathroom door.
“Ahmi, Baby…. open the door….”
“…j-just a second! I…. I gotta take my contacts out!”
Josh made a face before backing away from the door. He had never seen her take contacts out, ever. Never seen a single pair of glasses on her face, but he was in no position to call her out on that now. They needed to have a talk, see how she was feeling. The only way they could move forward is if they were honest and they communicated way better than the argument that put them in this very situation.
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Sunday February 19th, 2022
-Orlando, Florida-
Amina was exhausted and confused. She and Josh had woke up and worked out in her home gym before he made them breakfast. She had then planned to take a much-needed nap after she showered, so her little mini-forced vacation could be productive. But they showered and headed out for a surprise he said he had for her. She was currently sitting in the passenger side of her all white, black interior Audi R8 convertible with her head laid against the tinted window as Josh drove her to some undisclosed location. He had put her sleep mask on her so she couldn’t see exactly where they were going, the lack of her sense of sight added to her growing frustration. The music was doing nothing for her wandering mind and festering feelings bubbling under her surface. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out why Josh was still in Florida with her. He told her he met and slept with someone, that was on Friday…. well early Saturday morning and he was still here, it was Sunday.
She couldn’t for the life of her figure out why Josh was still in Florida with her. When they woke up Saturday they worked out, showered, did some shopping (at Josh’s insistence), went to a movie, and he cooked her dinner. All this proximity to each other was doing nothing to help her kill her feelings for him, and his behavior as if nothing changed between them made her feel even worse. It made her feel that he never seen her as more than a friend that he was getting pussy from. As soon as he found that from a better source, he was fine doing everything else as normal with her. Nothing had changed except their lack of intimacy. She had caught herself this morning curled up to him like she would normally be, with her leg over his waist and her face buried in his chest, his arms holding her comfortably around her waist. Quickly and cautiously, she untangled herself from him before he woke up and caught her. She didn’t know if she could be just his friend if she was being truthful with herself.
Amina jumped slightly when she felt his large, warm, slightly calloused hands gently grip her bare thigh. She licked her lips and angled her hips so she could cross her legs comfortably in the car seat; his hand stayed firm in its position on her thigh. His touch sent electricity through the nerves in her body, now wishing she had of wore long pants.
“We almost there?” She asked quietly.
“Mm hmm…I was gon’ bring you here Tuesday but….”
She bit her lip as his voice trailed off, shifting a little.
“What was that all about Ahmi? And the accident Jill mentioned…?” he pressed.
Clearing her throat, she sat up a little straighter, she might as well tell him what happened.
“T-Tuesday I um got a text. From my cousin….my Abuel…well…my grandma was in a bad accident and had to have emergency surgery. I didn’t have all the facts….and just in general the situation is complicated. I was … I was frazzled and couldn’t even think straight.” Amina softly explained, it being much easier since she couldn’t actually see him because of the sleep mask. “I didn’t mean to seem like I was keepin’ secrets… I just needed to get there and find out things to calm myself down, before I could even think about explainin’ anything to anyone.” She finished.
The car was quiet other than the radio softly playing in the background. Josh had turned it down right before he asked her about Tuesday. He now wished he didn’t ask because it made him feel like an even bigger sack of shit than he already did. They needed to talk about it, and they hadn’t since he showed up. If they were going to move forward, he wanted everything to be on the table, and that meant telling her about what he did after they went their separate ways, and ultimately finding out what caused that in the first place.
Chantelle crossed his mind at that moment. And while him and Amina seemed to be getting back on track despite her seeming cautious, which he couldn’t blame her for; he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t feeling equally as guilty for putting Chantelle in this situation. She didn’t ask to be brought into his fucked-up world right now either. Somehow in almost two months, he brought in not one but two gorgeous women into his life when he barely knew what he was doing with said life himself, now he was seemingly dragging them through his process of trying to figure out if he could even love again; when he didn’t even mean to bring one other person into his shit show.
“I’m so sorry I added to your stress Ahmi…”
“I shouldn’t have been so…feisty. You were just tryna understand…”
He squeezed her thigh and didn’t say anything else as he finished the drive to their destination. When Amina felt the car stop, she took off her seat belt. Josh put the car in park and killed the ignition before taking off his own seatbelt. Amina’s hand went to the handle to open the passenger door so she could climb out.
“You know better….” He scolded her; she immediately snatched her hand away from the handle like it burned her when his deep voice caused a chill to go down her spine.
He climbed out the driver's side and shut the door before jogging over to the passenger side to open the door for Amina. Josh grabbed her hand, helping her out and shutting the door once she was out fully. Amina straightened out the blue romper she was wearing. It was a blue shorts romper that had a halter style top that tied around her neck with a pair of white Chanel slides. He told her to dress comfy because it was a chill vibe for today. When she saw him throw on a pair of his usual black cargos with a red tank that he had cut deep arm holes on like he normally did for his shirts he wore on Smackdown and a pair of his Oreo dunks, she knew it was something she could wear something comfy yet cute to.
Amina felt Josh’s presence in front of her before she felt his hands grasping the sleep mask that was serving as her blindfold. She had closed her eyes as he lifted off her face, when she felt him move from in front of her she slowly opened them. When her vision cleared, she read the words ‘Orange County Animal Shelter’ on the building. Her eyes darted to Josh who was looking at her warily trying to see if she liked the surprise.
“Wha…What are we doin’ here?”
“Well… last week the breeder I got my dogs from called me and told me that they had rescued a bunch of dogs from a puppy mill around Thanksgiving, a pregnant French Bulldog being one of the dogs. The dog had healthy puppies, and they surrendered them to this no-kill shelter. I’m not sayin’ you have’ta get one of them, but when you said you never had a pet and how you sometimes be lonely so I figured you might like this…” Josh told her skeptically.
Her eyes darted from him to the entrance a couple times, wordlessly. Josh was getting so nervous that she didn’t like it, it would have been bad if she hated it on Tuesday, but her hating it now would really crush him. He needed her to have some genuine happiness. With all she just told him she was going through, plus how she felt when he told her about him and Chantelle. He needed to see her smile. After what felt like an eternity, he saw the right corner of her mouth twitch before her whole mouth broke into a grin before she squealed and launched herself into his arms where he gladly caught her and wrapped his arms around her tightly in a hug. He closed his eyes as he inhaled her signature scent. The genuine excitement on her face was definitely worth it.
Amina pulled away and grabbed his hand as she all but skipped towards the entrance of the animal shelter, pulling him behind her as he chuckled. Josh opened the door, and she walked through, still pulling him. One of the staff members greeted them and checked to see what they were looking for today. Not surprised when she told the woman everything, he just shook his head with a grin glued to his face. Amina’s child like enthusiasm was making him happy for the first time since Wednesday afternoon. He followed them as the lady led them to the cats first. Josh could tell by the way she was eyeing them; a cat wasn’t in Amina’s future. When they crossed the lobby and entered the dog area, their ears were filled with lots of barks and whimpers. The dogs were climbing on the cages waiting for their opportunity for human interaction and to unleash chaos,
The worker put them in a room and Josh sat down on the bench, Amina followed him and sat as well but he could literally feel the anticipation radiating off her. She was physically bouncing as they waited for the dogs and puppies to be unleashed into the room. The door opened and Josh watched her eyes twinkle as they heard the clacking of nails scrambling on the linoleum flooring, dog and puppies of all ages and sizes filled the room. There was a total of about seven that came in and they were all hyper as they gave the pair the juiciest of greetings. While she cooed and coddled each of the dogs none of them felt like the one to her. That process happened two more times and Josh was starting to think that they may be leaving the shelter sad today. When the door opened for a fourth time five puppies toppled into the room falling all over and on top of each other.
This set were all Frenchie’s, making Josh feel like this might be the litter his friend and breeder told him about. Josh had told Amina he didn’t care which animal she picked, but deep down he kind of wanted her to see what it was like having the breed that he did. The puppies were so excited and scratching at her legs that Amina for the first time slid onto the floor so they could all use her as their personal jungle gym. Four of the five puppies were crawling and climbing all over the front of Amina, making sure to mark her up with their little puppy tongues. Amina furrowed her eyebrows, she knew she had seen five puppies enter the room, but she was only counting four right now. She felt something cold lightly tap her on her right forearm not a second later, almost as if it was trying to move the limb. Twisting a little and lifting said arm, she found the last puppy. There looking up at her was the smallest of the five puppies, the sweetest blue eyes looking at her, trying to vie for her attention from its siblings that were noticeably bigger and bodying their way through the pack.
With all it had in it, the littlest puppy let out a bark that knocked itself over. Amina couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping her lips as the puppy rolled around on its back so it could get itself back upright. Once it did it ran back up to her side, not deterred from its mission in stealing the show. Josh knew that moment that he was wrong, she would find her match, and his heart was warm knowing he could help train the dog because he had a pretty good understanding of the breed since he had raised his own three from puppies.
They stayed in the room playing with all five for a good twenty minutes before Amina decided on the runt of the litter with the pretty blue eyes and the gray merle coat. They filled out the paperwork, Josh insisting that they list her as the adopter even though he was going to pay the adoption fees. The puppy was his gift to her. The staff member, whose name was Marilyn suggested that they both just be listed. Amina cut her eyes at Josh; he clearly didn’t want that since he was insisting that it be her.
“That’s perfect!…” he answered Marilyn with a genuine smile.
“And what is going to be this little girl’s name?…”
Josh looked at Amina wanting her to take full rein on that, surprised when she looked at him as well.
“You have any ideas or suggestions?” Amina asked him.
“Nah… ya now ya boy do like a good name starting with a J…. but that’s all you mama” He laughed under his breath, nodding his head toward the curious four-legged little girl becoming familiar with its new mommy.
Amina looked to be in thought, the puppy placed its two front paws on Amina’s chest as it tried to climb to lick on her face.
“Baby…it’s a little girl…” Josh raised his eyebrow.
“So! I like masculine names on females!” Amina defended.
Josh reached over and rubbed the puppy’s head, she licked his hand and rubbed her head right back against his palm, almost like she was a cat.
“Jamison it is….”
Amina squealed and leant over the arm over her chair and wrapped her left arm around his neck since she was holding Jamison in her right arm.
“Thank you JBug!!!” She thanked him enthusiastically before pressing her lips to his.
“Mm” Josh groaned quietly a small smile danced on his lips as they pressed to hers.
She pulled away quickly when Jamison squeaked. A look Josh couldn’t read was on her Amina’s face.
“I’m sorry…” her voice came out in a whisper as she averted her gaze to Marilyn so she could finish explaining the vaccinations that Jamison already had and that she came spayed and microchipped.
Gathering all the documents and putting them in a folder, Marilyn handed that and a large adoption duffle bag full of treats and the food they were feeding Jamison so Amina could ween her off of it if she chose to give her a different brand moving forward. Once they were set they made their way out of the building after taking a couple of adoption photos that they emailed copies to both Josh and Amina upon their request.
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Josh sat on Amina’s plush gray couch in the entertainment room in her basement, shirtless, in a pair of shorts, manspread as he watched her roll around and play on the floor with Jamison. They had gone to the pet store and picked up the essentials that he had advised her she would need, then he made the mistake of taking them to Target and Amina loaded up on absolutely nothing he mentioned, plus he had seen her on several online dog boutiques and Amazon making orders. The two were now on the floor in an intense game of tug of war that neither was trying to let the other win. Amina would let the curious puppy win, and the little one would take a triumphant lap around the space before getting distracted in doing something mischievous.
“Jamison come here!!!” Amina called as the puppy glanced at her as if she understood and still chose to take off around a corner in defiance.
Amina hopped up off the floor and took off after the little busy body. When she came back in the room, she was carrying a squirming Jamison. She plopped down on the couch next to Josh as Jamison crawled around in a circle on her lap before plopping down and yawning. Josh put his left arm behind on the couch and she curled into his side out of habit. He noticed immediately and a small smile graced his face. He was missing her affection and overall contact, probably having to get comfortable again after the disappointment.
“Girl… why you carry her in here? Let her walk….”
“But her legs are so wittle… what if she hurt herself tryna keep up wit’ me?!” Amina asked in a baby voice, using the pointer finger to rub the belly of the puppy nodding off in her lap, not looking up at him.
“Don’t be ova here spoilin’ my daughter Ahmi…”
“Boooooy I’m gon’ spoil her rotten!!! Gotta be the flyest dog in Florida!!!!”
Josh chuckled at her antics, but he was happy to experience her excitement. Jamison woke up slightly, standing up on her wobbly legs in Amina’s lap, she stretched and walked from her lap to Josh’s before circling and curling back up and falling asleep instantly. Amina sat up and tucked her legs under her to her left, leaning into him more. Josh repositioned his arm so his left-hand rest comfortably on her hip. He pulled the blanket off the back of the couch, covering himself, Amina, and even Jamison under the cover curled up on his legs. Making a small hole on the side so some air could vent in for the puppy, he slumped a little getting comfortable, squeezing Amina’s hip affectionately when she snuggled into him more.
Amina had done such a good job distancing herself from him the last couple days as far as physical contact and anything other than platonic actions. She had a couple slip-ups here and there with holding his hand and pecking his lips. Those were things that she had formed into a habit, and she wasn’t over the moon in having to fall back on those things. She craved his touch and affection, of everything about Josh, she enjoyed just curling up in his arms the most and just kicking it with him on some laid-back, chill vibes. In the current moment, she was happy about Jamison, and even more happy that he had more than likely accidentally called the puppy his daughter. Regardless of everything, she wasn’t going to fight her urge to be consumed in his physical space for the night, she could go back to respecting his wishes and falling back tomorrow. Josh was obliging her actions, so she would shamelessly indulge.
She clearly didn’t know how tired she was when she chose to get comfortable. The excitement from the day probably concealed her true exhaustion; the moment her and Jamison got comfortable they both were out like a light as Josh was basking in receiving attention from her outside of platonic behavior. Josh felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out, the hour that it was it could only be one of his siblings, one of his parents, or Lauren about his sons. Until their argument Amina was one of those but being angry and petty he took her out. With everything going on and trying to be attentive to Amina, wanting to give her his undivided attention in an attempt to ease his own guilt for causing her the disappointment or pain in the first place, he had forgot to text Jon, Joe, and Joseph when he found out she was ok.
He quickly responded to his twin, giving him a brief update before closing the thread. He noticed he had a text message from an unsaved number. The notification not coming through because his phone was on do not disturb only those select few being on the approved list of favorites that could bypass the focus setting. When he opened the message and read it, that guilt that he was just now getting to ease up returned.
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Tuesday February 21st, 2022
-Orlando, Florida-
Josh laid incredibly still as Amina started to stir from the soft whimpers of Jamison coming over the baby monitor that the young woman had set on the nightstand, on her side of the bed. She was insistent that the technology meant to monitor human babies was just the device she needed to keep an eye on “Mommy’s Baby.” When Amina stopped moving and snuggled her head into his chest more, he let out a silent breath of relief. The last three days he had woken up and laid with her in his arms, just like every morning he woke up with her prior to their argument. He was basking in the feeling, but each morning when she stirred, he would pretend to be sleep to avoid seeming like a creep watching her sleep for the few moments he was up before her. And each morning; Saturday, Sunday, and Yesterday she woke and distanced herself physically immediately once she noticed their positioning.
He couldn’t deny that he noticed her distance, and he’d be lying if he said it was something that he didn’t care about. The feeling of her needing to be physically near him made him feel warm on the inside and being so close to her with the different behavior kind of upset him. He placed a kiss atop her head as her hands were settled comfortably across his bare back. Amina didn’t need much from him, they hadn’t had a financial conversation, but he could tell she was managing well. The clothes she wore, the car she drove, and even the house they were currently in were all things that one would see belonging to someone of a…higher tax bracket. She didn’t treat others as if she was better than them, but he had definitely overheard some of the women roster speaking on her as if she did.
When it came to Josh and Amina, their dynamic was natural. On the surface, you seen a thirty-five-year-old male athlete that had dedicated his life to perfecting his wrestling craft and continuing his family legacy. He had eight siblings and divorced parents. He had two sons and was soon to be divorced. His upbringing wasn’t that of a prim and proper lifestyle where he attended galas and private schools. He was very muscular, and his body was covered in tattoos representing his culture. Josh enjoyed being a provider. He loved that he was able to do things for his loved ones when they needed the help. It was new for him when Amina never not once asked him for anything, she was content with just him and that was refreshing to him. Amina was a twenty-two-year-old college graduate that played basketball all four years of high school and college. She double majored in Business and Sports Management. She was an only child that didn’t get much of any attention, so affection was something that she craved. She had a physique that wasn’t the norm for basketball players, not muscular to the eye, but strong, nonetheless. The way she grew up for most of her life, she could be described as privileged financially.
Amina and Josh became close almost instantly after their conversation in the car after they spent the morning of New Years Day tangling in the sheets with him. Both of them thought they could remain just friends, but that lasted the duration of the road trip to the hotel after their conversation in the rental after her debut. She could definitely be girly, but Josh loved that she was into sports and was into wrestling. They would play video games with each other for hours, and their conversations and joking was effortless. Amina wasn’t that sexually experienced and Josh relished in the fact that he got to teach her new things. He loved how patient and understanding she was him on everything, she was a breath of fresh air from any other woman he had gotten to know on an intimate level. She had somehow became a version of a Homie, Lover, Friend.
Josh’s thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. He turnt his head and glanced at the clock, seeing it only read nine in the morning. If they were on the road, they wouldn’t even be home yet, so whoever it was wasn’t clued in on her schedule. Amina stirred a little but didn’t wake; making him slowly untangle himself from her and climb out the bed. He threw on a pair of joggers but didn’t bother with a shirt as he made his way from the bedroom to her front door. When he reached the door he swung it open, revealing an older couple that had to be in like their fifties or sixties. The gentleman looked confused, but the woman not only looked confused, she also looked disgusted. Josh was now regretting not putting on a shirt.
“Who the hell are you?!”
The woman’s tone was anything but friendly as she crossed her arms at him.
“I’m sorry…who is you? You rang this doorbell. You got me out the bed this early with an attitude to questionin’ me? Who you is and what you want?”
“I beg your pardon?!”
“Mom, Dad?”
Josh spun around quickly upon hearing Amina’s voice. His face dropped to a frown when it registered that she just called the couple at the door Mom and Dad. He was just rude to her mother, he internally cussed because he was now starting off on the wrong foot with the woman. Confirming that fact was the woman still glaring daggers at him when he turned back around to the older two, stepping aside so they could enter the house.
“What are you guys doin’ here? I didn’t know you were in Florida….” Amina stated as she shuffled to her parents, giving them a hug before going to stand next to Josh.
“Yes well, we have to look at this property we are in negotiations to purchase so came down a couple of days early so we can visit you. We didn’t expect you to have….. company….” The gentleman answered.
“Oh! Mom.. Dad… this is Josh. We uh…met right before my debut, and we hit it off. Josh these are…..my parents. Harold and Elaine Moore.”
The woman squinted her eyes as she took in the shirtless Josh. Whatever was going on at her daughter’s home, she didn’t like it. Harold shook his hand out of politeness, but Elaine didn’t move to acknowledge the instructions. Elaine was about to say something when Jamison started to squeal out from the guest room that Amina said was now Jamison’s room.
“What on earth is that?!” Elaine asked in annoyance.
“Oh! Josh got me a puppy a couple of days ago!!!!! She’s soooo cute. Let me go get her so you can see her!!!” Amina exclaimed excitedly.
“That is quite alright…you know I don’t do…. pets….” Elaine interjected, disgust dripping from her voice.
Amina’s excitement immediately left, a frown instantly replacing her once huge grin. Josh was pissed, he couldn’t figure out how her mother would shoot down Amina’s clear joy. He was glad when her grin returned when Harold had told her to take him to see Jamison. Unfortunately, that left him in the living room, with a woman that clearly wasn’t thrilled with his existence, not knowing he was about to learn just how unimpressed Elaine was with his presence in Amina’s life, let alone shirtless in her home at nine in the morning on a Tuesday.
Elaine didn’t bother to try and hide her scrutinizing glare as she made her away to the man as they both still stood in the foyer.
“Listen to me as I make myself extremely clear. I don’t know the full extent of your relationship with my daughter, what I do know is that I refuse to allow you to ruin her life. That girl has a bright future once she gets all this playing that y’all do for ‘work’ out her system with this boxing. I know exactly what you’re up to. I see that gray peppered in your beard, which tells me all I need to know about you. If she wants to allow you to use her as a warm wet hole during your…. midlife crisis, that’s on her. but if at any point you try and make your little season in her life permanent… I will personally make sure it is taken care of because you will not get your hands on her inheritance and bring down her value by ruining her life because she is too naïve to see what you’re really about. That she is opening her legs for someone who doesn’t possess the pedigree to even be in the same rooms as her let alone you being granted her acknowledgment…” Elaine spat, her glare almost sinister.
Josh’s blood began to boil, this woman had a lot of nerve. Amina wasn’t a result of a mid-life crisis. He didn’t seek her out trying to relive things vicariously through her. They genuinely liked to be in each other's presence and had so much in common. What she just spewed to him not only angered him but deep down in the back of his mind made his fear that his age would play a negative part on him and Amina in the future.
“Mrs. Moore, respectfully…you don’t know a damn thing ‘bout me. You don’t know a damn thing about what me and Amina got goin’ on and the connection we got wit’ each other. She loves wrestling and you can’t even be bothered to know anything about somethin’ yo’ daughter enjoys as well as enjoys doin’ as her chosen career. She ain’t no mid-life crisis. Our conversations flow organically and our age difference don’t play a part in anything. So, I’m gon’ have to again respectfully tell you that yo’ assumption is off, and you don’t know shit about me so don’t say shit like its some known fact when it’s really just some shit yo’ ass made up for whatever reason you chose not to like me…”
After Josh said that neither of them spoke another to each other, just glaring until Elaine had enough and rolled her eyes calling out to her husband so they could leave since Amina was occupied and was more than likely going to pass on doing something with them while Josh was still there. Elaine would invite the man over her dead body.
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Amina pulled up to the Delta Airlines area at the airport drop-off before putting her car in park and turning on her hazard lights. Josh took off his seatbelt and hit the unlock button before turning his attention to her.
“I’ll hit you up later when I get settled wit’ the boys at the crib…”
She nodded in understanding. Josh wanted to spend more time with her so that they could get back fully to where they were, but he wanted to spend time with his sons because he didn’t last week because he had planned to be in Florida with her before ended things and he went to the strip club. He also wanted to spend more time with her because he refused to let her mom continue to think that Amina was just some weekend mid-life crisis. It actually really bothered him that her mother thought he viewed Amina that way, and it also pissed him off that if more people knew they would probably be thinking the same thing. What they had was way beyond that. Amina, regardless of her age was someone he could no longer see himself enjoying life without.
“I hope you aren’t still harpin’ on whatever my mother said to you. Believe me, what she says doesn’t sway me in any way. Her opinion doesn’t matter…” she told him again, having told him it several times since her parents left and he said that she didn’t like him.
“…she’s your mother. Anyone important to me, I want to get along with my mom…so me not getting along with your mother bothers me a lil bit.”
Amina scoffed yet couldn’t ignore the flutter in her chest when Josh insinuated that she was important to him so that’s why this was bothering him. He was being honest with her, accepting the fact that he did indeed care for her more than just a friend, it did bother him…more than a little bit. Josh didn’t exactly know the full depth of the feelings he had developed, he just couldn’t pinpoint just how deep his feelings for her were, and what exactly it meant for them moving forward. But he was just going to accept his feelings now and see where it went. He would always have the fear of her ditching him for someone younger, it wouldn’t be the first time he was replaced with a newer model. This time he almost expected it because any man younger than him, even if it was only by a year, would be closer to her age group. It was the factor that was holding him back from throwing caution to the wind and being in a relationship with her, or anyone for that matter. Even though she didn’t act her age ninety-eight percent of the time, she was still younger by a lot. He didn’t know if he would ever not be consumed with the thoughts that there was always going to be a younger, more attractive man that could swoop in and cart away anyone he allowed himself to love again.
“JBug… I promise. Her opinion of you is never gonna change any aspect of my personal opinion of you.” She offered him a smile.
Josh shook his head before chuckling under his breath. He turned his body towards her and rested his gaze on her that she held. Licking his lips he reached his left arm out and cupped the right side of her face, caressing it with his thumb.
“I hear you Ahmi…”
She licked her lips, his eyes darted down to them when she did so. Leaning in slowly, only stopping when he was a hair’s length from her lips.
“If you say we good…then we good…”
He pressed his lips to hers softly; they both groaned quietly. Amina pulled away, catching herself once again feeding into her urges instead of honoring the new boundaries he set when he said he met someone else. She was going to miss him these next couple days, but she had Jamison now, and the distance would help her adjust to this new norm that she assumed he wanted of them being strictly platonic friends now.
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Tuesday, February 21st, 2022
-Atlanta, Georgia-
“Yo! Chantelle, come here.”
“Fuck”, Chantelle cursed. “Coming!” She called out to Don, the club manager. Setting her makeup brush down she walked out of the dressing room and into the hallway where he was waiting for her.
“Wassup?” She asked innocently even though she definitely knew what he wanted to see her about. Don watched the cameras every night and she had been ducking and dodging him all weekend.
“Apparently, you a hard girl to find” Don muttered with a roll of his eyes. Chantelle bit her lip and shrugged. “You know what this is about right?”
Chantelle sucked her teeth. “Yes, but listen–”
“You know, I watch those cameras just to make sure my girls are safe.” He cut her off. “And you broke the rules. The no-touching rule is in effect to protect y'all.” Don let out a deep sigh, shaking his head before saying “That’s a fine.”
Chantelle’s eyes widened. “A fin– Don, you can’t be serious. ”
“If I let you get away with it then I gotta let the other girl too. I’m not running a brothel Chanty. Five-hundred dollars by the end of the night.”
Chantelle felt her stomach drop at the mention of the fine. “Please Don, I won’t do it again.”
“I know,” Don said softly. He gave her a pat on her shoulder before walking away, leaving her standing there in the hallway.
“Fuck!” Chantelle cried out, throwing her head back on the wall. She couldn’t afford a five-hundred dollar fine. She pulled out her phone ready to bitch and complain to Dejah but stopped as she noticed her text thread with Josh was still open. She had first texted him Sunday morning. But he never responded, she didn’t sweat it though, He had told her his job kept him busy.
She bit her lip as she contemplated sending him another text message. Fuck it. She thought before typing the next message and pressing send before she could change her mind.
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Four hours! It's been four hours since Chantelle had sent Josh that first message. She rolled her eyes and tossed her phone down onto her vanity table. “How the fuck he gon’ tell me to text him and then never text me back!” She thought angrily as She picked out her floss for the night. “Friends my ass” She muttered bitterly as she changed into her two-piece white bikini set.
She felt stupid. He said he didn’t want her to feel played, well mission un-fucking-successful. She felt played and she felt dirty. She thought there was a connection between her and Josh, but she guessed wrong.
Chantelle caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she looked too good to be upset because some nigga didn’t text her back. Her make-up was done perfectly courtesy of YouTube University and her body was tea. She was having a good hair day too, her curls looked healthy and moisturized. She felt powerful, a goddess in her own right, and the thought of letting Josh’s silence ruin her mood was fucking WILD! With one last look in the mirror, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and headed toward the stage.
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Just like last week, Josh was mesmerized by the way Chantelle moved her body on stage. His eyes followed her every movement. Josh felt his heart quicken as Chantelle twirled around the pole, almost gracefully, like a ballerina or some shit. He watched as she got into her signature pole pose position, an upside-down split. She then used all her upper body strength and flipped herself over before dropping down to the floor in another split just as the music faded.
As Chantelle was collecting all the bills that were thrown at her, Josh watched with narrowed eyes as some of the other men started stuffing bills into her g-string as well. As she made her way backstage, Josh stood from his seat and made his way over to the security or bouncer hell, Josh didn’t know who he was all he knew was that you needed to talk to this guy in order to get a private dance.
Before Josh could say anything, the guy pushed him, causing Josh to stumble. “Aye man, the fuck?!”
“Nah, I should be asking you that nigga! Why you groping up on my dancer for? You know that shit is against the rules! I should kick your perverted ass out!”
Josh was confused as fuck. “I jus’ fuckin’ got here! The hell you talkin’ about?!”
“You and Honey, room four last Tuesday.”
“..shit," Josh muttered, “That's why she text me about her fine. Listen Uce, don’t fire her or nothin’. It was my fault. She told me no touchin’ but I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. How much is her lil’ fine? I’ll pay it.” Josh said as he grabbed his wallet out of his pocket. “And I want a dance with Chant–Honey.”
Don noticed his slip-up but didn’t bring it up. “Five Hunnid.”
Josh nodded and counted out seven-hundred dollars and handed it to Don. “Honey’s lil’ fine and two dances.
Don raised an eyebrow but pocketed the cash without comment. He jerked his head towards the back. "Room two. I'll send her in. And no fuckin’ touchin’!"
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Josh sighed as he sat with his back against the chair positioned in the middle of the room. He wasn’t a bad guy. He was a lover at heart and after Lauren broke his, he thought he was gonna be single for the rest of his life. Then he met Amina. Josh would be lying if he said he felt nothing towards her. He fell hard and fast and then he went and fucked it all up by sleeping with Chantelle. BUT Amina did end things with him first. Still, he had tried to leave Chantelle alone. But, her personality pulled him in. He had never been one to just start ignoring anybody and ghosting her seemed immature. Outside of that, it just wasn’t in him to do so. The look of disappointment on his face in Waffle House was enough to never want to see it again. He didn’t know what it was, but he almost felt like disappointment was something she was used to and he didn’t want to be another thing to be disappointed about. Had he just let himself calm down from his argument with Amina he wouldn’t be in this situation. Had he just realized his feelings before meeting Chantelle, he wouldn’t be sitting in this chair trying to figure his shit out.
Josh looked up as the door to the room opened and Chantelle sauntered in. He watched as she froze as they made eye contact.
“Oh hell no.” She whispered and turned to leave the room. Josh shot to his feet and rushed over to her and gently grabbed her arm, stopping her before she could leave the room.
“Just let me explain.” He whispered, bending his knees so he could look into her eyes. “Please.” He asked when she started to shake her head.
“Explain what?” She scoffed, “How you been avoiding me for days? I thought you wanted to be friends. Why give me your number if you were just gonna ghost me?” She asked as she snatched her arm out of his grasp.
“I didn’t mean to ghost you, Telle. I- look.” Josh sighed and scrubbed his hands up and down his face, tugging on his beard before sighing again. “Look the truth is, I was seein’ someone kinda, but uh- she ended things with me last week and I-”
“You made me a fucking rebound?!” She seethed, pushing him away from her.
He stumbled but quickly found his footing. “No! Her endin’ things –”
“So why are you telling me if she ended things!? Are y’all back together or something?”
Josh opened his mouth to respond but nothing was coming out.
“Unbelievable.” Chantelle wanted to smack him. “Why are you here!”
“I don’t know” Josh whispered.
“I do.” Chanelle scoffed. “You wanted to have your cake and eat it too.”
“Nah that–”
“Just get out. Get your money back from Don and just get out.” She shook her head as she gave him one more disappointed glance before leaving the room.
“Fuck!” Josh shouted as the door shut behind her.
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Chantelle was in a foul mood for the rest of the night. Why couldn’t he just tell her what was up? This was why she swore off men, after Jason, her ex had cheated on her she vowed to leave men the hell alone.
Besides discovering Josh was a certified weirdo, she had a pretty solid night, money-wise. She had made a little over two thousand dollars. She counted out five hundred dollars, putting it to the side before cleaning up her area. She made her way up to the front where Dontaé was and handed him the five-hundred dollars in twenty-five twenty dollar bills . He looked down at the money before shaking his head.
“Your little friend already paid that for you.” Don said, emphasizing ‘friend’
Chantelle’s frustration flared up again. She scrunched her face up and asked “What do you mean, he paid it?”
Don shrugged and turned his attention back to his paperwork. Chantelle sucked her teeth and stuffed the money into her pocketbook.
“Nobody told his weird ass to do that.”
Dontaé looked up from his paperwork, he was about to ask what happened but refrained. Chantelle’s business was her business.
“Whatever, goodnight Don.”
“Night Chanty”
Chantelle sighed as she made her way out of the club. She froze though as she noticed a white BMW still in the parking lot along with Don’s red Audi. Chantelle rolled her eyes as Josh stepped out of his car and started making his way towards her.
“Go away!” She called out as she started walking in the direction of the bus stop. She was exhausted. Physically and emotionally Her feet were killing her and her heart hurt and she did not want to deal with Josh right now, or hell EVER. She was done with him.
“Chantelle! Just come talk to me bruh’”
“Not interested!” she shot back, quickening her pace. She groaned as she heard him start to follow her.
“C’mon don’t be like that! Just come talk to me…” Josh called after her. She stopped walking and caused Josh to almost bump into her.
Chantelle spun around, her irritation boiling over. “Why can’t you take a hint, Josh? I don’t want to talk to you!”
“Aight, so lemme’ talk and you jus’ listen.” Chantelle gritted her teeth. She had never wanted to punch someone in the face so badly before.
“Fine talk, but make it quick.” She said as she pulled out her phone to check the time. Her bus came in 5 minutes.
“I’m sorry” he started. “I should’ve told you what was up. But I was–”
“Scared?” She cut him off and Josh bristled
“What, Scared?! Nah I wasn’t scared!” Chantelle rolled her eyes. “ I didn’t bring it up because it wasn’t a relationship. Me and her was just havin’ some fun and shit, she said she wanted to stop fuckin’ around so...” He trailed off with a shrug of his shoulders. Josh knew he was downplaying the situation with Amina, he just didn’t feel like right now would be the best time to lay it all out, especially since he was just now accepting the fact that his feelings were deeper then he thought was even possible in that moment.
Chantelle blinked at him before she let out a bitter laugh. “Times up,” she said as she turned on her heels and started walking towards the bus stop.
Josh jogged to catch up with her, his face a mixture of confusion and frustration. “Wait, what? That's it? You're not gon’ say anything?”
Chantelle kept walking, “There’s nothing to say. You had a girl, y’all argued and you came to the strip club lookin’ for some ass and me being gullible as hell, gave it to you.”
Josh jogged to catch up with her. “Nah, it ain't like that. You got it all wrong.”
“I really don’t” She shrugged. “Oh and before I forget.” She stopped walking, and he almost bumped into her again. She reached into her pocketbook and pulled out the five-hundred dollars she was going to give to Dontaé earlier. “I don’t need you to pay for anything for me. I’m not charity,” she said as she pushed the money into his chest.
Josh sucked his teeth. “Talkin’ bout some fuckin’ charity.” He spat. “Ain’t no fuckin’ charity. You text me talkin’ bout the fine and and it was my fault so I handled that shit.” He said handing her the money back.
“I don’t need you to handle shit for me!” She yelled, snatching the money out of his hand and shoving it back into her bag. “You know what,” She said closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “I’m over this conversation and whatever this,” she said motioning between them “was, it’s over. I'm not about to be your rebound or your side piece or whatever the hell you tried to make me.”
“Chantelle –” He started but she had already started walking again. His eyes narrowed as he saw the bus she was waiting for. “That’s the wrong bus ain’t it?”
“You goin’ to Sandy Springs right? This bus ain’t takin’ you there. Unless I wasn’t the only one not being completely honest.”
“The fuck you tryna say?”
Josh shrugged and placed his hands in the pocket of his black We The Ones hoodie. “I’m just sayin’ you mad at me for not bein’ truthful but why you gettin’ on a bus goin’ in the opposite direction of where you suppose to live? Huh?”
Chantelle scoffed as her heart started to race and her hands started to get clammy. “Fuck you. Josh.” Just as she said that the bus flew past her stop, and her eyes widened in panic, she thought about running after it, but she knew she wasn’t fast enough. “Great!”
“I’ll take you home,” Josh said lowly. “C’mon”
“I don’t want you to do anything for me.” She spat. Taking her phone out of her pocket and checking her bank account. Twenty-Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, she hoped that was enough for an Uber. “Like, why are you still in my face? Go back to wherever you came from.”
“I told her about you.” Chantelle froze. She lifted her eyes from her phone to look at him. “I told her the truth. I told her we vibed –”
“Josh we fucked… In the backseat of your car. There was no vibing involved.” Chantelle sighed. “Look, I thought maybe there was something there and I was wrong so, you didn’t need to tell her about me, because I’m not a factor in y’alls relationship or whatever.”
“That ain’t true. I haven’t been able to stop thinkin’ bout chu’”
“Yeah, you a fuckin’ liar” She snorted. You just told me you had a fucking GIRLFRIEND! But you keep thinkin’ about me? What is it? The sex? That’s what you couldn’t stop thinking about?” Chantelle said as she grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the block back towards his car that was still in the parking lot.
Josh stumbled after her, caught off guard by her sudden move. "Chantelle, hold up. It ain't like that," he protested, but she wasn't listening. Once they made it to his car, she grabbed his keys out of his shorts pocket and unlocked the car. She threw the backseat open., climbed inside and tore her shirt over her head.
“This what you were thinking about?” She asked, pulling her shorts down her legs.
“Chantelle stop –”
“Get in the fucking car, Joshua!” She yelled at him, bottom lip trembling as she let a couple of tears slip through her eyes.
Josh hesitated, his eyes darting between Chantelle's face and her exposed body. For a moment, he was tempted – God, was he tempted – but he shook his head slowly.
“No,” he said quietly. “This ain't right, Chantelle. Not like this. Lemme take you home baby.”
Chantelle sat there, half-naked and trembling, her anger slowly dissolving into sadness and hurt. She was hurt. The tears were falling freely now, hot streaks down her cheeks.
If Josh didn’t feel like a dick before, he sure felt like one now. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't mean to make you feel like this"
Chantelle sniffed and wiped her eyes. “Can you just take me home?” She whispered as she pulled her shirt over her head and her shorts back up over her hips.
Josh nodded silently, his heart heavy as he climbed into the driver's seat. The tension in the car was noticeable as he started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.
“1414 Blufield Drive.” She said quietly as she tucked herself into the corner of his backseat, looking out the window.
Josh looked at her through the rearview mirror. That was on the whole other side of town. The car ride was silent, save for the few sniffles Chantelle let out. After what felt like an eternity, Josh cleared his throat. “Chantelle, I –”
"Don't," she cut him off, her voice barely above a whisper. “Just... don't.”
Josh sighed and respected her wishes. He remained silent for the rest of the ride, sneaking glances at her through the rearview mirror every once in a while. Josh furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled onto her block.
“This the right address?” He asked staring in confusion at the house in front of him. It was… rundown. The grass was overgrown, there was a pile of junk just sitting in the corner of the property. He looked out the front window of his car and noticed a group of men who, from the looks of it were gambling but they all now had their attention on his car. Josh was tempted to lock his doors and drive off.
“Yeah, this is it,” Chantelle muttered and tried to exit the car, but Josh had the child lock on. “Josh open the door.”
“Can we talk first? I–I feel like shit Telle”
“Yeah, well how do you think I feel?” She muttered as she climbed into the front seat.
“I wanna be completely honest withcu’. Like I told you last week I like ya’ vibe and I wanna get to know you.”
“Josh I don’t thi–” Chantelle started, but he cut her off, urgency and desperation present in his voice.
“I’m not in a relationship. I can’t be in a relationship because I don’t even know If I can love anybody again.” Josh spoke, staring directly into Chantelle’s eyes. His voice was raw, the weight of his confession hanging in the air between them. “I’m in the process of a divorce. Shit’s almost final but...I was with that woman for sixteen years and she just fuckin’…” He trailed off, not even being able to fully say out loud what Lauren had done to him.
Chantelle watched him, her heart aching at the vulnerability etched on his face. It was obvious that he was still hurting from what his almost ex-wife did. “What did she do?” Chantelle asked softly as she placed a hand on his thigh.
“She cheated on me.” He whispered. “Some young guy. Used to cut our grass. I only found out because he ran his mouth too damn much.” Josh let out a chuckle as he thought back to the day he found out his life was about to go to shit. “I didn’t like the way he cut the fuckin’ grass. Shit was sloppy. So I said somethin’. His response was, ‘at least one of y’all like my sloppy shit.” Chantelle’s mouth dropped open in shock. “I kinda blacked out after that. I remember him laid out on that same sloppy cut grass, and her just yellin’at me, tellin’ me I’m always ruinin’ something. Yellin’ how she was fuckin’ this kid in our bed. Tellin’ me to get out my house. Worse part… my fuckin’ kids were watchin’ through the damn living room window.”
“I’m so sorry.” She whispered, before biting her bottom lip. Chantelle didn’t want to ask, but he was the one who said he was going to be honest. “So how does... this other woman come into play?”
“I work with her.” He admitted “I’m not gon lie and say I don’t care about her, because I do. But I'm tellin’ you the same thing I told her. I can’t give you a relationship. It’s just not in me right now. But I wasn’t lyin’ when I said I can’t stop thinkin’ about ‘chu.”
Chantelle sighed and looked out the window. The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. Her mind was racing. She wanted to comfort Josh, to tell him that not all women were like Lauren, that he deserved better. But she also felt a twinge of jealousy towards this "other woman" who had somehow managed to carve out a place in his wounded heart. “I understand” She finally said. “Thank you for telling me.” She smiled softly and went to open the car door but Josh gently grabbing her wrist stopped her.
“I was honest with you, now it’s your turn.” When Chantelle gave Josh a confused look, he continued. “Wassup with the two addresses on opposite sides of town?”
Chantelle sighed. “Honestly? Have you seen yourself?” Josh narrowed his eyes at her. “No, I mean… ice around your neck, ice around your wrist. The fuckin’ BMW.. nah I was embarrassed. I didn’t want you to see where I live. Where I come from. Shit is kinda embarrassing”
Josh's grip on her wrist loosened, his expression softening. “Embarrassed of what? Telle, all this material shit could be gone in a heartbeat. Whatchu’ thought I was gonna stop talkin’ to you or something?”
“I mean, I didn’t really give a good first impression. We met at a strip club.. Then fucked outside of said club.”
“I don’t give a damn about any of that. I promise. So uh.. Whose house was that? I know you just ain’t walk into some strangers house and wait until I pulled off.”
Chantelle rolled her eyes. “No.” She laughed. “That’s my best friend’s house. I stay there sometimes when i get off super late.”
“Phew, I was about to say.” He laughed as his thumb started gently caressing her wrist. Chantelle felt her heart flutter at Josh's gentle touch. She watched as his eyes flicked down to her lips. She needed to get outta this car ASAP.
“Josh, I can’t –”
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered.
“That’s not a good idea.” She said as she shook her head. “You obviously have feelings for this other woman like you said and I’m not willing to put myself through that type of heartbreak.”
Josh's hand moved from her wrist to cup her cheek, his thumb gently brushing her skin. “ I can't stop thinkin’ about you. I'm not askin’ for nothin’ moe than the kiss.” Chantelle's resolve wavered as she leaned into his touch, her eyes closing briefly. When she opened them again, Josh's face was inches from hers, his warm breath mingling with her own. She bit her lip as she looking into his eyes. "Just one kiss," he murmured, his lips ghosting over hers.
"One kiss," she breathed, barely audible.
Their lips met softly at first, then with increasing urgency. Chantelle's hands found their way to Josh's chest, gripping his shirt as he deepened the kiss. His fingers grip her chin as he angled her face, his tongue seeking entrance. Chantelle's lips parted with a soft gasp, allowing him to explore her mouth. The kiss was intoxicating, filled with a hunger that left her dizzy.
Chantelle pulled away from the kiss, breathless and flushed. She pressed her forehead against Josh's, her eyes still closed as she tried to calm her racing heart. “I should go.” She whispered but she made no attempts to get out the car.
“I don’t think I can leave you alone.”
At that Chantelle opened her eyes. “Josh -”
“I’m not about to let you walk out my life. We can be friends.” He offered again.
Chantelle snorted and shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. “You really think that's gonna work?”
Josh leaned back in his seat, running a hand through his hair. “I don't know.” He shrugged. “Can’t hurt to try tho’” Chantelle sighed. Did she really want to be his friend? Not really but what other choice did she have? Before she could agree there was three sharp knocks to his passenger side window causing the both of them to jump.
“Mom?” She asked as she rolled down the window.
Aneka Dixon leanded down so she could get a closer look into the car. She eyed the man in the driver seat, before turning her attention to her only child. “You were suppose to be home fifteen minutes ago. I was coming to make sure nothing happened to you.”
“Sorry ma’” Chantelle winced as she looked at the time. It was going on five in the morning and her mother needed to be at her work in twenty minutes. “I’ll see you later or something.” Chantelle said to Josh as she opened the door and climbed out.
“Aight. You got my number, just text me.” Chantelle nodded and grabbed her mother’s hand, leading her away from the car. Josh waited until they both were inside the house before pulling off.
“Fuck..” he whispered. As he pulled up to a red light, he pulled out his phone ready to call Jon again but two missed messages from Amina stopped him. His heart beat almost painfully in his chest as he looked at the pictures she sent of her and Jamison. Then seen an Instagram post she made. He left a quick simple comment before locking his phone and tossing it into the center console. He already knew this wasn’t gonna end well for him, either he was gonna get hurt or he was going to wind up hurting Chantelle or Amina… and he didn’t want that at all.
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A’s/N: Sorry it took over a week for the second chapter!!! We sat here and daydreamed and bounced ideas off each other about what was going to happen instead of actually typing it out! LOL! Don’t jump us….jump Josh 😭😭🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ We hope y’all enjoy ! Let us hear your thoughts 💜💙
P.S.- Always look at then cast and bio page when new OCs are named 😉
🏷️: @trentybenty @nbanenefrmdao @mzv11 @southerngirl41 @yana3sworld
@uceyliyahh @harmshake @wooahmiri @xbriexx @misslackey
@biancasreign @ashykneee @sayyestoheav3nn @geekinstilettos @claymoresofinfamy23
@bebesobrielo @amandairene88 @summersoldierxx @christinabae @cyberdejos2
@pinkwithhearts @partypoison00 @msbigredmachine @alika-4466 @bossbitch-22
@jeyusos-girl @fearlesschimera @privateeyed95 @rose-bliss @kill-the-artiste
@jstarr86 @reci1996 @shantinextdoor @queeny23 @li-da-savage
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 17 hours
NXT AT 2300 is sold out!!!
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 17 hours
Credit: @Haroontwins on IG
Here y’all go. My dash real angry today. Here’s a lil giggle?
-chile IMAGINE you walking up to your first day and see this 🤣
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 20 hours
black girls,
write the content you want.
i’m serious.
idc if you think it’s gonna flop.
idc if you think you’re a terrible writer or artist.
idc if you believe that character/celebrity/athlete/whoever likes black girls or not. (who cares what the fandom says anyway!)
idc if you’re the first and only one to start that _____ x black reader tag.
make the content you want to see!
do it for you most importantly! (you will inspire others ofc)
in conclusion, you won’t get it if you won’t make it.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 20 hours
hey just wanted to say that you had every right to crash out yesterday. i’m still not over jey losing and i don’t think i’ll ever be tbh
Thank you nonny.
I don't think i'll ever be over it too. I hate getting so invested into characters.
I just hope Jey doesn't automatically team with Roman and Jimmy. Like.. idk It would be a shame to rush that story.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 21 hours
Genuine question, how does one know if they have been blocked?
Looking at comment on another post and it says….
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Ohhh and then I was tryna read a fic and when I clicked on the authors page it said “this isn’t no one”
And I’ve never talked to them before…
That’s how I know
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 22 hours
I was in a zen ass mood.. not anymore 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 22 hours
Ooo I got another one @cutie88
How many time do I have to tell yall this is MY BLOG
So once again in the most disrespectful way. Suck my dick and you grow up.
You taking time out your pathetic ass day to comment on my shit is really… sad 😢
Get off tumblr and go touch grass.
I keep telling yall im unhinged as fuck. Go find someone else to harass. Cause this shit excites me❤️
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 22 hours
It’s funny as hell to see that you been blocked by people you never had a interaction with 😭😭🤣
I have calmed down a bit from night and I have a new agenda.
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Still thinking about how I crashed out last night LMAO!! 🤣
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I like how my TL is just me crashing out 😭😭🤣
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