whatdyacre · 5 years
Do I even expect anything else? 😂 thing is, I know it’s NOT me. I could be skinny, pretty, whatever, it’s not me he wants. It’s not me whose the issue. It’s him. He hasn’t really ever wanted me. He liked the idea of me. But never thought about it. I know I don’t love him. I know he doesn’t love me. Fuck, he doesn’t even care about me, he couldn’t give one fuck 😂. But that’s fine. It’s easier to move on. I already have zero interest. He just can’t be nice to me, I dunno why. No matter what I do, it’s wrong, or worthy of being name called. Just meh. He doesn’t want me. So that’s the top and bottom and I’m sick it wasting my life with someone who treats me with zero respect
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whatdyacre · 5 years
I just look at him and think eurgh.. But honestly, it’s clearly the way he thinks towards me, that’s why he continually treats me like shite, cuz I’m no body to him. I’m a no one. I’m irrelevant. That’s how he can cheat on me. Like the way he interrupts me whilst speaking, cuz what I’ve got to say is nowt that he cares about. I just don’t even get what I’ve done tho. What suddenly changed. Meh. I’ll never know. It’s been going on 2+ years. But I wanted my kids, and I got them.. so look on the bright side. My guts always right - I knew he was up to summit when I found out about G.. and I’ve had that same feelings since.. But what do I care?? Like move on, stop being so pathetic cuz he clearly has.. He says nowt cuz of doesn’t bother him.. well his family are in for a shock cuz they can fuck off. I’m not doing anything anymore. I ain’t going over. Why should I. My kids won’t know who they are, and that’s down to them. He’s no different tk his dad. He didn’t wanna know his own kids, but fought for one. So what does that say 😂 showed your true colours there pal 🙃
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Can’t believe I’ve wasted 4 years of me life, but I’ve got my babies and that’s alll I care about.
No one else would have given me them. Let’s face it. So I’ve won. I’ve got a house, my kids and that’s all I need.
He’s got what he wants aswell, so guess we can both be happy 😄. Onwards and upwards as they say :)
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Just shows
Nowt I already didn’t know.. lol..
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whatdyacre · 5 years
This just shows how othetic he really is. Imagine me going on like this, ??!
Can you imagine him having. To wait for his lunch, to then me not help out one bit.. like how many meals have I missed feeding the kids? Lawl. He’s so pathetic . I cba anymore. Why waste my energy on somehow who doesn’t want to make it work 😂 when he was in the wrong, I snapped which is nowt to him . Like he hates being talked to like that, but he constbslty does it to me. Just whatever man. I cba. He’s the hippocorite. I hate him and everything about his being 😄😄
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Move on,
He already has, I’m not sure why I keep putting myself thru this. It’s a waste of my life. It’s better happening before I’m back to work. Everyone knows how he treats me and they think it’s shocking so? It’s not just me!
He speaks to me like that constantly and I don’t react like that. Imagine if I did. He’s just so used to getting his own way. Clearly. He thinks he’s so perfect and he’s anything but.
Move on and be happy. You’ll look back on this time and think why did it take me so long? He can’t be trusted, talks shite and already has said what he thinks. Lol.
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whatdyacre · 5 years
And there’s the truth right there !! Finally admitted it ain’t ya .
You don’t want it to work 😂 finally . It’s just taken you now many months???
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Expect nowt
Then you’re never disappointed.. you know by now that all life throws at you is shit, on top of more shit..
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whatdyacre · 5 years
There’s literally nothing I can think of you know. Notbkng that even makes me feel like it? So that just proves it all. It usss to be the se but now I look at him and just think eww.
Like honestly, he just doesn’t feel the same way and he never has. That’s why it’s super easy for him to treat me like absolute dirt! It’s just pointless.
I’ll see if they can have C Cuz the lakes will be amazing just with B and I’ll be able to take photos.. but Mam is our drinking that night.. hmmm
Anyways. He’s cheated on me whilst having a misscarriage, whilst being pregnant so Yano anything goes wjrh him.
Let’s face it, I’ll never hear from him again. And that’s fine. He can go and sit at his mothers but doesn’t wanna bother wjrh me.
All I need is a fridge , freezer, microwave and kettle lol.
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whatdyacre · 5 years
I can’t even say it’s a shock. I knew he would cheat on me whilst away, and I just had a feeling about the car so whatever. It’s been a blessing work ringing me about the day! They must have known.. it’s weird the way things work out..
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Dunno why I’m even surprised. My entire life is a shit fest and I never get anything
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Realllly bored of this now. So I nearly die having you, give up sleeping cuz ya won’t take a bottle and now you just cry for no resin.. like why?? What have I done that’s so ducking bad
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Couldn’t make this shit up, whatever I’ve done in the last is ducking bad intel ya.. seriously I’ll and a screaming baby.. wow thanks universe
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whatdyacre · 5 years
Lawl. Thought you’d want a cuddle?! Nope.. I want nothing off you.. because all you’ve said for weeks is how you want rid of me.. well it’s finally happening and tbh, I’m looking forward to it. I know you’re going to cheat on me, again. So it’s the final straw and I know I won’t hear from you again soooo
I’m over you and it didn’t take mich to be fair , not that special are ya
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whatdyacre · 5 years
You hate me treating you like you treat me🤣 just goes to show if I was always the same how he’d be.
I know fine we’ll he’s gonna cheat., like he can’t even get a hard on 🤣 past caring, got my boys
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whatdyacre · 5 years
You beat start the tea, you beat do this.. like????
You ALWAYS whinge about my cooking but refuse to cook yourself or even pick what you want.. how can you whine if you won’t pick????
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whatdyacre · 5 years
“Controllers, abusers and manipulative people don’t question themselves. They don’t ask themselves if the question is them. They always say the problem is someone else.”
— Darlene Ouimet
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