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Valentine’s Day with Ashton
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So idk if you've seen twilight but there was a scene when Bella said something along the lines of not wanting to be "stuck here like mom" and I was thinking how sad Ashton would be if Kadia said something like that to him 😭😭
               Ashton hatedthe news. There were so many depressing and worrisome events going on withhardly any good ones to balance it out. The world was a dark, dark place. He’dalways known that but something about having a little girl made him far moreaware than usual.
               He washanging out with the guys one day when Michael said something that raised thehair on Ashton’s neck. He’d joined them later than they had planned, lookinglike a stressed out mess.
               “Sorry,I’ve been on parole all night.” He muttered, hugging his cup of coffee close tohis face.
               “Parole?”Calum murmured. “I thought you were on desk duty after your last fiasco?”
               Michaelshot him a glare. “Well they need everyone they can get right now. We’ve gotsome idiot on the loose, targeting teenagers and mugging them.”
               Ashton almostdropped his cup. “Around here?” Michael nodded. “Here? Where we live?”
               Michaelnodded again. “We’re recommending parents set a curfew before dark until wecatch this guy. You have no idea how many hysterical parents I’ve had to dealwith this week alone. I mean, I get it. The guy carries a knife around andthreatens these kids until they drop everything they’ve got on them. Talk abouttrauma—“
               Luke hissed,nodding in the direction of Ashton, who had gone pale and silent. “You’remaking things worse.”
               Michaelquickly tried to backtrack. “But we’ll catch him. Don’t worry too much.”
               It wasa little too late for that.
               Ashton laiddown the law that night. At first, Kadia was understandably upset. Ashton triedhis best to reassure her that it would most likely be for a few days. But whenthose few days turned into a few weeks, Kadia began to lose her patience.
               It wouldn’thave been so bad if Ashton had recognized her attempts to abide by the new setof rules. He had no idea how many plans she was cancelling and what her friendswere complaining about. She tried her best to just put up with it for the time being.It was just that ‘the time being’ seemed to stretch out more and more.
               If thecops hadn’t caught him yet, there was a good chance they never would.
               And Ashtonwas more and more on edge with each passing day.
               Kadia waspassed annoyed now.
               There wasa bonfire happening to celebrate the beginning of winter. It was a bigtradition at the school and Kadia had been counting down the days. She hadeverything from her outfit to what music she would suggest to the DJ plannedout.
               What shedidn’t plan for was her obnoxiously protective father.
               “It’snot safe.” Ashton insisted.
               Kadia letout a long, exasperated groan. “Get real, Dad! It’s never safe!”
               Ashton shookhis head. “I can’t let you go.”
               Kadia couldscream. “You’re impossible. I’ll only go for an hour or so. I’ll have my phoneon me the whole time. It’s not even that far away. Besides, other parentsalready got a few cops to keep an eye out for us! Uncle Mike might even bethere. I’ll be fine!”
               “I saidno!”
               Kadia couldn’ttake it anymore. “This is unbelievable.” She rummaged through her bag, lookingfor her keys. “Look, there’s absolutely no reason for you to be freaking out. It’llbe as safe as a bonfire on the beach can be. Probably safer than any otherbonfire has ever been in the history of bonfires. So…” Kadia looked her dad inthe eyes. “I’m going. You can try to stop me, but I’m still going.”
               Ashton crossedhis arms. “I don’t think so.”
               Kadia waspretty close to pulling her hair out. “If I don’t get out of this house in thenext ten minutes, I’ll lose my mind.”
               He shruggedin response. “I guess that’s just the way it’ll be, then.”
               Kadia reallydidn’t get him. “Do you even realize what you’re doing?”
               “Smotheringme!” Kadia exclaimed. “You can’t just ruin my life like that, it’s not fair!”
               “Life’snot fair.” Ashton said, his calm tone not changing for a second.
               Kadia staredat him in disbelief. “Wow. No wonder Mom left.”
               In the secondof stunned silence she’d created, Kadia stormed past Ashton and to the door.
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show me what love’s all about…
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ashtonirwin: Took my son for a milkshake 😂
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ashtonirwin: Night rider.
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Ashton Irwin: Night Rider.
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Hate doesn’t stand a chance, nothing is unachievable, those who say you can’t… Simply just never will
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I only blinked once, I swear!
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holy cow he is literally glowing
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What a model 😍
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Who does he think he his
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