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ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS | Résurgences activistes et d’autres fins possibles Programme de courts métrages sur l’activisme contemporain du milieu VIH/sida en Amérique All new 2018 videos from the iconic annual VisualAIDS project DAY WITH(OUT) ART by: ACT UP NY, Positive Women’s Network, Sero Project, The SPOT, Tacoma Action Collective, VOCAL NY Thurs.Jeudi.29.NOV.19H00 | FREE Concordia University Amphithéâtre du Pavillon EV 1e étage | 1515 rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montréal | local EV1.605 Biscuits + thé | Tea + cookies: 18H30; Film projection de films: 19H. Suivi d’une discussion animée par le | post-screening discussion hosted by: SéroSyndicat/BloodUnion.   More on Visual AIDS: http://visualaids.org/projects/detail/alternate-endings-activist-risings La traduction des descriptions des films et du projet DAY WITH(OUT) ART sera disponible le 19 novembre seulement. From VISUALAIDS: ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS is the 29th iteration of Visual AIDS’ longstanding Day With(out) Art project. Highlighting the impact of art in contemporary AIDS activism and advocacy, the program features new short videos from six inspiring community organizations and collectives—ACT UP NY, Positive Women’s Network, Sero Project, The SPOT, Tacoma Action Collective, and VOCAL NY. ALTERNTE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS seeks to reflect the persisting urgencies of today’s HIV/AIDS epidemic, including HIV criminalization, Big Pharma, homelessness, and the disproportionate effects of HIV on marginalized communities. At a moment of growing interest in the histories of AIDS activism, ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS foregrounds contemporary engagements between activists, artists, and cultural workers on the front lines. Films synopses and more on DAY WITH(OUT) ART: ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS highlights the impact of art in AIDS activism and advocacy today by commissioning compelling short videos from six inspiring community organizations and collectives—ACT UP NY, Positive Women’s Network, Sero Project, The SPOT, Tacoma Action Collective, and VOCAL NY. The program represents a wide range of organizational strategies, from direct action to grassroots service providers to nation-wide movement building, while considering the role of creative practices in activist responses to the ongoing AIDS crisis. ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS seeks to reflect the persisting urgencies of today’s HIV/AIDS epidemic by pointing to pressing and intersecting political concerns, including HIV criminalization, Big Pharma, homelessness, and the disproportionate effects of HIV on marginalized communities. At a moment of growing interest in the histories of AIDS activism, ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS foregrounds contemporary engagements between activists, artists, and cultural workers on the front lines. Commissioned Organizations AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) NY (New York, NY) is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals, united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis. ACT UP was formed in 1987 in response to social neglect, government negligence and the complacency of the medical establishment during the 1980s. Soon it found itself needing to fight corporate greed, lack of solidarity and various forms of stigma and discrimination at home and abroad. ACT UP fights for: sustained investment in research for new medicines and treatments for HIV/AIDS and related co-infections; equitable access to prevention and care for HIV/AIDS and healthcare, in general; tackling the structural drivers of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, such as stigma, discrimination and poverty. Positive Women’s Network – USA (PWN) is a national membership body of women living with HIV and allies that exists to strengthen the strategic power of all women living with HIV in the United States. Founded in 2008 by 28 diverse women leaders living with HIV, PWN-USA develops a leadership pipeline and policy agenda that applies a gender lens to the domestic HIV epidemic grounded in social justice and human rights. Every day, PWN-USA inspires, informs and mobilizes women living with HIV to advocate for changes that improve lives and uphold rights. Sero Project is a national network of people with HIV and allies fighting for freedom from stigma and injustice. Sero is particularly focused on ending inappropriate criminal prosecutions of people with HIV, including for non-disclosure of their HIV status, potential or perceived HIV exposure or HIV transmission. Sero co-produces the biennial HIV is Not a Crime conference, which provides advocates from across the country with training on strategies and best practices for repealing laws that criminalize people living with HIV. Safe Place Over Time (The SPOT) (Jackson, MS) is dedicated to providing services and opportunities for wellness, empowerment, and leadership to young men in Jackson, Mississippi. The program aims to improve health outcomes and reduce new cases of HIV among African Americans who are disproportionately affected by the epidemic. The SPOT strives to be a safe place for young men to openly discuss issues and challenges and to work to improve their quality of life and to promote the concept of self-worth. The SPOT is housed in the Jackson Medical Mall, a former shopping mall that now provides healthcare for the underserved and promotes economic and community development. Tacoma Action Collective (Tacoma, WA) is a partnership of Black community organizers working in grassroots action and education in Washington State. TAC works to to eliminate systemic oppression and structural violence while empowering the people to build autonomous communities rooted in equity and justice. In 2015, the collective staged a die-in at the Tacoma Art Museum in response to the white-washing of the exhibition Art, AIDS, America. VOCAL (Voices Of Community Activists & Leaders) (New York, NY) is a statewide grassroots membership organization that builds power among low-income people affected by HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, the drug war, homelessness, and mass incarceration in order to create healthy and just communities. VOCAL accomplishes this through community organizing, leadership development, public education, direct services, participatory research and direct action.
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The Empty, Sanitized Intimacy of “Call Me by Your Name” (The New Yorker)
By Richard Brody
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“Still Dancing” by Jonathan Labillois. It was donated to the Montreal Native Women’s Shelter to raise awareness about the 1200 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada.
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tick tock
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Averoës: Film Editorial 065 ~ FYPD Navy Hoodie
Available Online Now
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The Concordia University Community Lecture Series on HIV/AIDS presents // La sérié de conférences sur le VIH/sida de Concordia présente: (voir version française ci-dessous) “Right Time, Right Place: Black Queer Sex, Love, and Life in the Age of AIDS” Marlon M. Bailey Associate Professor | School of Social Transformation | Arizona State University 9 Feb. 2016 | 7pm SSMU Ballroom | McGill University   Drawn from his ethnographic study of Black gay sex and subjectivity, Marlon M. Bailey will deliver a lecture-performance that explores what it means for black queer men to experience sex, pleasure, and love in the age of AIDS. Through a combination of enactment and analysis, Bailey will share narratives from his research and explore the complexities of his community’s relationship to the pandemic. Marlon M. Bailey is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. His performance ethnography on Ballroom culture, Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, was published by the University of Michigan Press in 2013. Butch Queens Up in Pumps won the Alan Bray Memorial Book Prize from the GL/Q Caucus at the Modern Language Association (MLA) and was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Book Award in LGBT studies. Bailey has published essays in Feminist Studies, Souls, The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, AIDS Patient Care & STDs, LGBT Health, and in several book collections. He is also an accomplished actor, director, and performance artist, performing at professional theatres in San Francisco, Washington DC, Louisville, Minneapolis, and Detroit. Bailey holds a PhD in African American Studies with a designated emphasis in Gender, Women, and Sexuality from the University of California- Berkeley. He also sits on the Board of Directors of Brothers United, a Black gay HIV/AIDS prevention agency in Indianapolis. The lecture will take place in English. - - - - - - - - - - - - « Au bon moment, au bon endroit : le sexe, l’amour et la vie dans la communauté noire allosexuelle à l’ère du sida » Marlon M. Bailey Professeur agrégé | École de transformation sociale Université d’État de l’Arizona 9 février 2017 | 19 h | SSMU Ballroom | Université McGill Misant sur ses études ethnographiques sur la sexualité et la subjectivité chez les gais de race noire, Marlon M. Bailey livre une prestation-conférence qui explore ce que signifie être un allosexuel de race noire et d’expérimenter la sexualité, le plaisir et l’amour à l’ère du sida. En combinant action et analyse, M. Bailey partage le récit de ses recherches et nous fait découvrir la complexité de la relation qu’a entretenue cette communauté avec la pandémie. Marlon M. Bailey est professeur agrégé à l’École de transformation sociale de l’Université d’État de l’Arizona. Son œuvre ethnographique de performance sur la culture « ballroom », Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, a été publiée par les Presses de l’Université du Michigan en 2013. Butch Queens Up in Pumps a remporté le prix littéraire commémoratif Alan-Bray du comité GL/Q de l’Association des langues modernes et comptait parmi les finalistes du prix littéraire Lambda pour études LGBT. Marlon Bailey a publié des essais dans les revues Feminist Studies, Souls, The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, AIDS Patient Care & STDs et LGBT Health, ainsi que des communications dans plusieurs collections d’ouvrages. Acteur, directeur et artiste de performance accompli, il a joué dans des théâtres professionnels à San Francisco, à Washington D.C., à Louisville, à Minneapolis et à Detroit. M. Bailey est titulaire d’un doctorat (Ph. D.) en études afro-américaines de l’Université de la Californie à Berkeley. Ses travaux sont principalement axés sur le genre, le vécu des femmes et la sexualité. Il siège au conseil d’administration de Brothers United, un organisme de prévention du VIH-sida destiné aux gais de race noire, à Indianapolis. La présentation aura lieu en anglais.
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Be quiet.
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“Got the morbs” should be a thing.
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“I hope they are intimidated by me, yes. Sometimes, it depends on if they’re smart or not.” (x)
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“hey, can i use your phone for a moment?”
“sure, just wait a second”
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Let’s help those in need in Aleppo right now.
On December 12th, over 100,000 people in East Aleppo were trapped in a 5 square kilometer range as they were being bombarded by airstrikes from Russia and the Syrian government to attempt to overtake the rebel-held area. “The Russia-backed ground offensive, which began on November 26, followed an intensive aerial bombing campaign that knocked out most of the medical facilities, targeted civil defence and municipal vehicles and blocked roads with rubble.” The world is sitting and watching a genocide happen before their eyes as civilians are being massacred. Families posted on various social media platforms to say their final goodbyes. 
A huge thing we can do is spread the word as quick as possible to raise awareness! Below are a list of charities, I have researched these and listed how much of your donation gets to use. Please add to the conversation and research on your own so we can find the best charities.
Donate to:
Syria Relief: They work to provide many life-saving essentials including food, medicine and medical care, winter provisions including warm blankets and bedding, as well as an orphan support programme. 88.8% of your donation goes into relief, the remaining go into raising money, and a small portion into admin.
Save The Children: Provides food and water, helps repair water systems, supports hospitals, helps schools, and provides emotional help for children. They have helped over 500 000 children in besieged areas so far. 88% of your donation goes into relief, the remaining goes into fundraising efforts. 
Islamic Relief Worldwide: They distribute food packs, clothes and medical supplies to communities under siege within Syria and displaced people along the Turkish border. They are also running or supporting camps and providing livelihood programmes, education and psychosocial support for refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. 90% of your donation goes into relief and development, the remaining goes into delivery of relief, campaigning, and generating future income.
https://donations.islamic-relief.com/?   (Click Current Appeals and donate to Syria Crisis Appeal)
Karam Foundation: An NPO that develop Innovative Education programs for Syrian refugee youth, distribute Smart Aid to Syrian families, and fund Sustainable Development projects initiated by Syrians for Syrians. They distribute clothes, food, water, flour, blankets, infant formula and other basic necessities. 100% of profit goes into building programs, providing relief, and sustaining development.
Doctors Without Borders/Medecins sans Frontieres: “Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. MSF offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of neutrality and impartiality.” 80% of your donation goes into relief/ supplies.
The White Helmets: Syrian Civil Defense rescue volunteers who literally go unarmed into the most dangerous situations. Since there are not very many functioning public services left, they respond to the more than 50 bombings a day in some neighborhoods, and pull out whoever they can. They’re at a huge risk because repeat bombings are common. These people are the literal last defense some Syrians have. At last count, they’ve saved 73, 350 lives. The situation is dire and desperate and this is immediate, front lines relief. Please consider donating.
Donate here https://peoplesmillion.whitehelmets.org/act/peoples-million/?source=whweb
I also sell items on www.arabstreet.co and will be donating $10(CDN) of each sale until the end of 2016.
#saveAleppo #PrayForAleppo
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Since April of this year, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota has been protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) an oil pipeline that would directly threaten their water supply. Two of the leaders of these protests Chase Iron Eyes and Cody Two Bears will be joining us at Tumblr HQ for an Answer Time  on Wednesday, December 14 at 3pm EST/12pm PST. Submit your questions here. 
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Let me have this one thing
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