whatsuphouston · 4 years
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1993 Christmas illustration from Electronic Games magazine. Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Store | Small Findings | Source: Electronic Games (US), Issue 15, 1993
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whatsuphouston · 4 years
John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch, but with the original All That Jazz music
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
So I decided to end my YouTube channel after exactly 9 years. Thank you YouTube, it was fun.
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
Oscars 2019 - Best Picture
Finally watched the 8 Best Picture nominees. This is how I’d rank them:
1. Roma  2. Vice  3. The Favourite  4. Green Book  5. Bohemian Rhapsody  6. BlacKkKlansman  7. A Star Is Born  8. Black Panther 
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
Movie related ask meme
Rank the major franchises (marvel, DC, Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc.)
What is your favorite movie in your least favorite genre?
Favorite monologue, rant, or long speech in a movie?
What movie quote would you get tattooed on your body (if you already have one, pick something you don’t have yet)?
What’s a good movie to fall asleep to?
If you were on a bus or airplane and in charge of picking the movie for everybody to watch, what would you pick?
What’s a new academy award category you’d like to see? Pick 4 movies that would have been nominated in previous years for it.
What is your favorite movie about an academic topic that you study or are interested in?
Real person or event that you’d like to see adapted into a movie?
Book, graphic novel, or play you’d like to see adapted into a movie?
Something that should never be attempted to be adapted into a movie?
What job would you want to have on a film set?
What do you like to eat when you see movies in the theater?
What do you eat when you watch movies at home?
Favorite movie trope?
Least favorite movie trope?
What genre would you like to see your favorite actor in?
What’s a movie that you think is flawed but you know just how to fix it?
How many movies does it take for you to fall in love with an actor or director?
What streaming services do you use? Which is your favorite?
If you could outlaw one movie theater bad behavior, which would it be?
What are your most rewatched movies?
Spell out your name or url in movie titles
What’s the most surprised you’ve ever been by a movie?
What is your favorite combination of film genres?
Have you ever walked out of a film before?
What three events of your life would comprise a triptych movie about you?
Do you multitask while watching movies? What else do you do?
Have you ever fallen asleep during a movie?
What’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a movie?
What are your least favorite things about your favorite movies?
If you could only direct or write a movie but not both, which would you want to do? Who would you hire for the other job?
What do you think is the most effective way to market a movie to you specifically?
Worst movie you watched for a favorite actor or director?
What’s the oldest movie you’ve ever seen?
What movies/kinds of movies have you tried but just don’t think they’re for you?
What’s a movie that you haven’t seen yet that you really want to?
What’s the next movie to be released that you’re dying to see?
What’s the quickest you’ve ever rewatched a movie?
Prettiest movies you’ve ever seen?
Worst looking movies you’ve ever seen?
What’s a movie that’s overall pretty bad but has a few redeeming qualities that make it tolerable enough?
What’s the most blind you’ve ever gone into a movie?
Do you like to gamble and try movies you don’t know about, or learn about them before picking?
Most valuable lesson that you’ve learned from movies?
Did you have any embarrassing movie phases?
If you could be anointed the #1 fan for a person, film, or series, what you want that title for?
What movies exemplify your taste the best?
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
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today is the only day you can reblog this ever
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whatsuphouston · 5 years
there should be a tax that youtubers pay where 1.5% of all of their revenue goes back to Kevin Macleod for basically supplying YouTube with it’s own soundtrack.
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
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So Máxima, Queen of the Netherlands, is from Argentina, and while visiting Buenos Aires for the G20 summit she went to have ice cream as any local would.
We are the best.
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
To All The Books I’ve Bought Before And Still Haven’t Read
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
Dunno if bobbing the teabag actually helps the tea steep faster but it sure is fun to feel a part of something
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
The best line in Lilo and Stitch is, “No! Don’t touch that! It’s from my blue period!”
Like not only is Lilo familiar with goddamn Picasso despite being maybe 8, but she’s made enough serious art of her own that she can divide it into similar periods.
Lilo is a goddamn prodigy. She is an eccentric genius on par with Tesla or Van Gogh.
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
Sharks live in salt water because pepper water would make them sneeze
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
If this ain’t the cutest shit 😍😍😂💔
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
are you an “arrr” pirate or a “yo ho ho” pirate
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whatsuphouston · 6 years
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‘The Florida Project’, Sean Baker (2017) I can always tell when adults are about to cry.
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